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Document:A Network of NGOs Technical Proposal31 August 2018project planZinc Network232,430A central II document. "Project Risk: Project interpreted as UK-sponsored disinformation or ‘troll factory’, seriously undermining UK reputation and agenda in this space"
Document:A New Islamic cult20 November 2013interviewNadezhda Kevorkova
Nacib Hoteit
Russia Today18,017Insights into the Western (especially US-Israeli) agenda for Syria and the Middle East following the effective blocking of a Libya-style military intervention in Syria by Russia in the Summer of 2013.
Document:A New Left Wing Party in the UK?18 September 2024blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog10,033Initially any new party needs to be led by Jeremy to establish itself. George should be Deputy Leader. Neither man would wish to serve for an extended period. I would like to see Andrew Feinstein eventually lead, not least because he most definitely would not want to do it.
Document:A Perfect Conspiracy22 July 2005articleTrowbridge FordCounterpunch19,267
Document:A Plague for the Proletariat15 June 2014articleTobias LangdonThe Occidental Observer11,481Scathingly accurate insights into what the UK Labour Party has become
Document:A Short History of Israeli State Terrorism25 February 2006letterIsmail ZayidCanPal website6,512
Document:A US-UK Plot to Discredit Putin and Destabilize the Russian Federation27 March 2016articleWilliam DunkerleyOpEdNews4,599Information about an interview between Swiss businessman Pascal Najadi and retired French security services officer Paul Barril, in which Barril claims that the murder of Alexander Litvinenko was commissioned by the US-UK intelligence nexus as part of "Operation Beluga" aimed at destabilising Russia and discrediting Vladimir Putin
Document:A bitter Middle East crisis at the heart of the Conservative Party6 August 2021ArticlePeter OborneMiddle East Eye13,232This crisis will not - thank goodness - claim lives as the Iraq War did. But it will damage Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has already found himself involved in a series of sleaze investigations, of which this is the most personally dangerous for him.
Document:A compilation of twenty alleged election facts that dont pass the smell testblog postAndrea WidburgAmerican Thinker7,144Americans have common sense, so they can understand when they're being played (for example, when politicians place Americans under house arrest and then ignore their own rules to party and travel). And they know there is no way on God's green earth that decrepit, demented, corrupt, and terminally stupid Joe Biden fairly won this election. This post assembles various election anomalies that don't pass the smell test.
Document:A dissenting opinion on Nelson Mandela6 December 2013articleJonathan CookJonathan Cook/Website5,124
Document:A lesson from Brussels we refuse to learn24 March 2016articleJonathan Cook4,221Commentary on the shortcomings of a Simon Jenkins article on the Mass murder in Brussels
Document:A new Cold War has begun2 April 2014article'The Saker'Vineyard of the Saker28,670A new cold war will follow the 2013-14 events in Ukraine and the secession of Crimea to Russia - This article argues that, from a Russian perspective and although not sought, this may prove positive for Russia's future.
Document:A new Sykes-Picot Agreement2 April 2011articleMadhav Das NalapatPakistan Observer9,939
Document:A new US puppet government for Ukraine7 February 2014audio transcriptGeoffrey PyattRussia Today8,328Clear, unambiguous confirmation that the US runs the Ukrainian opposition and that what is going on in Ukraine in 2013-14 is US sponsored "Regime Change". This is how the US installs its puppet governments while feigning outrage at the terrorist violence it organises and provokes to do so".
Document:A new integration project for Eurasia4 October 2011articleVladimir PutinUK Embassy of the Russian Federation17,325The Russian prime minister and prospective 3rd term president a makes the case for 'multi-polarity' as a superior form or world governance
Document:A new turf war with Strasbourg pushes Warsaw further down the road towards Polexit from the EU4 August 2021ArticlePaul NuttallRussia Today5,618Will the schism between Poland and the European Union over legal differences eventually lead to "Polexit"?
Document:A targeted and evidence-based approach to the COVID-19 policy response (an open letter)21 September 2020Open letterKarol Sikora
Sunetra Gupta
Carl Heneghan
Sam Williams
7,689An open letter to UK PM Boris Johnson from prominent scientists to hinder a new lockdown and change other failed policies
Document:A warning from Canada24 April 2015articleDawn StefanowiczPublic Discourse14,866Controversial politically incorrect opinion on the LGTB Rights movement and the effects on the adopted children of homosexual-couple parents
Document:A warring nation, united against us19 August 2021LetterCraig MurrayThe Herald1,766Craig Murray's letter to The Herald from prison in Edinburgh: "As with the previous three times when UK invasions were defeated in Afghanistan, we have united a warring nation in hatred of us."
Document:A young Russian boy28 April 2004speechBerel LazarOxford Chabad5,178Things that make you go "hmmmm?" - Surprising anecdote and information about Vladimir Putin in this extract from a speech given by Berel Lazar, then Chief Rabbi of Russia, to the Chabad Society at Oxford University.
Document:ATA and YATA UK networks development26 December 2018assessment Greg Rowett and networkingIntegrity Initiative
Greg Rowett
Anonymous2,498Greg Rowett explaining how II has developed personal connections with Atlantic Treaty Association and Young Atlantic Treaty Association leaders from other nations, and been recognised and ratified as the UK chapter for both
Document:Abolish Terrorist Agencies29 July 2019essayDavid SwansonWar Is A Crime24,828Swanson characterises Annie Jacobsen's Surprise Kill Vanish as an apology for intelligence agencies. He deconstructs their the official narratives of defending "democracy", claiming that they have "decades of engaging in and provoking terrorism". Citing blowback from their operations as major factors in the growth of the MICC and its climate paranoia and permanent war, he calls for an end to the intelligence agencies.
Document:About the Assimilation. Author’s afterword2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online145
Document:Absolute folly for Britain to get involved in Syria1 March 2018ArticleLeo McKinstryDaily Express6,334Tory MP Johnny Mercer, a former soldier, has demanded: “Britain must come to Syria’s aid” and condemned those who oppose “military intervention”.
Document:Abuses show Assange case was never about law27 May 2019blog postJonathan CookJonathan Cook/Website21,911Craig Murray says: "As a summary of the truly breathtaking series of legal abuses by states against Julian Assange, that the corporate and state media has been deliberately distorting and hiding for a decade, this excellent account by Jonathan Cook cannot be bettered."
Document:Accusing Russia2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online187
Document:Activism on trial: The Elbit Eight and Palestine solidarity16 November 2023ArticleFatimah Yasmin AhmedCounterfire4,789Eight activists are on trial this week at London’s Snaresbrook Crown Court for disrupting a lethal link in Israel’s military supply chain within the UK. Over the next six weeks, the Elbit Eight will fight in court to prove that Elbit Systems is guilty, and they are not.
Document:Address by Igor Strelkov 11 September 201411 September 2014addressIgor StrelkovSlavyangrad.org17,987Igor Strelkov breaks his silence: A brutally honest, MUSt-READ address by the former commander of the NAF, about Russia, the civil war and the influence of traitorous elements of the Russian establishment in betraying the Novorussian rebellion
Document:Address by the President of the Russian Federation-21 September 202221 September 2022speechVladimir Putin12,399
Document:Address to the Federal Asssembly of Russia 20144 December 2014speechVladimir PutinKremlin web site17,743Vladimir Putin address to 1,000 delegates of the Federal Assembly of Russia in St Georges Hall, Moscow
Document:Aerial combat18 November 1994articleDavid MillerNew Statesman and Society8,907
Document:Affidavit of William CaseyWilliam CaseyRumour Mill News8,483An admission by William Casey, DCI, that he approved smuggling of cocaine into USA, having chosen Mena, Arkansas as a shipment point, with the support of Bill Clinton and Bill Weld. Casey names a range of names, including John Poindexter, Robert McFarlane, Oliver North and William Colby, the CIA, NSA and ASA.
Document:Afghanistan is not about you19 August 2021ArticleElla WhelanSpiked Online5,139Neocon MPs are concerned about the Afghanistan/2021 withdraw. The only problem is that they only care about themselves, and thereby show us the narcissism of Western intervention.
Document:After Mossad Targeted Soleimani, Trump Pulled the Trigger3 January 2020ArticleJefferson MorleyCounterpunch7,685Donald Trump has now fulfilled the wishes of Mossad. After proclaiming his intention to end America’s “stupid endless wars,” the president has effectively declared war on the largest country in the region in solidarity with Israel, the most unpopular country in the Middle East.
Document:After Yugoslavia, Ukraine?14 February 2014articleThierry MeyssanVoltaire Network10,139Telling parallels and juxtapositions between the 2013-14 rioting in Ukraine and the dissolution of Yugoslavia
Document:After the murder of Alexander II2001book extractAlexandre Isayevich SolzhenitsynEthnopolitics Online233
Document:Afterword to "Who Really Killed Chris Hani?"29 February 2024BookChristopher NicholsonChristopher Nicholson31,160Courts have decided that freedom of expression trumps all other rights as without it nobody, including the courts, would ever hear of breaches of other rights. So those who have attempted to suppress this book have prevented the world from discovering and prosecuting the criminals, who perpetrated the foul murders. In law we would describe them as accessories after the fact of these killings.
Document:Ahmadinejad 2010 UN Speech23 September 2010speechMahmoud AhmadinejadMCW News24,522The Iranian President proposed to the UN that they "set up an independent fact-finding group for the event of September 11th so that in the future, expressing views about it is not forbidden." Obama found the idea "offensive" and "inexcusable", and the US, EU, and Israeli representatives walked out en bloc.
Document:Ahmadinijad UN Statement 201122 September 2011statementMahmoud AhmadinejadUN23,264
Document:Aircraft Parts and the Precautionary Principle2006essayGeorge NelsonPhysics 91110,324This explores the refusal of the US authorities to discuss the complete absence of serial-numbered time-change parts from any of the 9/11 crash sites. Quite remarkable considering the authorities' claims that they recovered 95% of the aircraft from the Shanksville crash site.
Document:Al Qaeda - the Database20 September 2005articlePierre-Henri BunelGlobal Research8,364
Document:Al Quds Day letter to Tony Blair3 September 2010letterLauren Booth7,974Lauren Booth writes a scathing open letter to her brother-in-law, Tony Blair...
Document:Alexander Dugin to the American people on Ukraine8 March 2014letterAleksandr DuginOpen Revolt20,006A letter to 'The American people' from senior Russian academic and advisor to President Putin, Alexander Dugin about the Spring 2014 situation in Ukraine and Russia-western relations generally.
Document:Alexei Pushkov - PACE press-conference10 April 2014Video transcriptAlexei PushkovVineyard of the Saker13,762Transcript and translation from the original Russian of Alexei Shukov's press conference following the decision of PACE to impose sanctions against Russia
Document:Alice in Wonderland1 November 2003articleTim BaberMudeford Sandbank News57,566A slightly off-beat and idiosyncratic but gentle introduction to a subject which - for most people, most of the time - is safely relegated to the realm of fictional horror, ridiculous 'conspiracy theory' or similar mental pigeon-hole, so that life can proceed 'as normal'.
Document:All Pretence is Over in Persecution of Assange14 February 2018blog postCraig MurrayCraig Murray's blog6,520“Lady” Arbuthnot has perhaps performed an unwitting public service by the brazen nature of her partiality, which exposes beyond refutation the charade of legal process behind the effort to arrest Assange, in reality over the publication of USA secrets.
Document:All Roads Lead to Dark Winter1 April 2020reportWhitney WebbTheAltWorld64,429
Document:All UK Labour leadership candidates sign up to stepped up pro-Zionist witch-hunt15 January 2020blog postRobert StevensWorld Socialist Web Site12,687A day after posting the 10 points, the BoD tweeted that pro-Corbyn deputy leadership candidates Richard Burgon and Dawn Butler were “absent from the list of those who have signed the #TenPledges to tackle antisemitism in Labour.”
Document:All You Need to Know about 9/11 to Prove it was an "Inside Job"13 September 2011webpageCommunityGlobal Research497
Document:Allan Francovich Obituary28 April 1997obituaryTam DalyellThe Independent5,573"He was, above all, a seeker after truth, wheresoever that truth might lead." - An appreciation from a friend.