Test:Main Page/Classic/On this day

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An encyclopedia of deep politics.
The source of this tweet by the co-founder of The Intercept was the The New York Times themselves. This tweet was deleted on May 22, raising questions who big tech needs Americans to root for; Nazis and mass shooters or (at least not only against) Putin?

May 2022 in the news: The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is this month. Click on this link to learn what happened in their 2020 meeting

Did you know, 2 years ago, during the George Floyd protests, the police assaulted 100 journalists, blinded 8 people on one day and followed and then slashed the parked cars of multiple journalists?

Did you know, 12 years ago the IDF killed 10 activists sailing at sea to the Gaza Strip?

Did you know, 20 years ago the extrajudicial killings of The Troubles were researched and then covered up?
May 2020: Ass. Prof. Bing Liu at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine was reportedly close to making "significant findings" on his studies on Covid-19, before dying in "a murder-suicide".
Did you know, 2 years ago two Chinese COVID-19 researchers suffered a premature death?

Did you know, in this month 7 years ago, a JFK assassination researcher past away?
Did you know, in this month 14 years ago, the owner of a Washington D.C escort agency was found "hanged" after she was linked to 9/11 & Jeffrey Epstein?
Did you know, in this month 5 years ago, one US deep state researcher passed away?

= Latest Latest =

R W Routh.webp Ryan Routh 18 September 2024 06:42 (5.1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png New.png
WDB.png  18 September 2024 12:42 (4.4 K) New.png
Pamela Fitzpatrick.jpg Pamela Fitzpatrick 17 September 2024 12:15 (2.2 K) New.png
Collective Party.jpeg Collective Party 17 September 2024 11:20 (3.9 K) New.png
Do not resuscitate bracelet.png COVID-19/Medical killings 17 September 2024 09:32 (15 K)
RT.png Russia Today 17 September 2024 09:04 (6.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Main.png Links Club 17 September 2024 05:59 (8.1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png New.png
Pacific-Eclipse.jpg Exercise Mataika 17 September 2024 05:08 (7 K) New.png
Bohemian Grove.jpg Bohemian Grove 17 September 2024 05:05 (29 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Main.png Eli Broad 17 September 2024 04:06 (1.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png New.png
George Barry Bingham.gif Barry Bingham 16 September 2024 22:35 (5.4 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Michael Harrington.webp Michael Harrington 16 September 2024 17:20 (15 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Tom Lantos.jpg Tom Lantos 16 September 2024 17:06 (6.8 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Cathy McMorris Rodgers.jpg Cathy McMorris Rodgers 16 September 2024 17:05 (1.4 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Richard Alderman.jpg Richard Alderman 16 September 2024 16:59 (3.4 K)
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GladioEmblem.png Operation Gladio
Rating 5/5
14 July 2024 19:50 (44 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Lockheed L-749A Constellation, Western Airlines JP6994448.jpg Kashmir Princess
Rating 5/5
19 March 2022 15:12 (10 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Dallas occupy plot.jpg Dallas occupy plot
Rating 5/5
5 April 2024 18:35 (7.7 K)
File Paypal Mafia 2014.jpg The Paypal Mafia
Rating 5/5
9 July 2024 00:45 (15 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
VladimirPutin.jpg Vladimir Putin
Rating 5/5
4 April 2024 19:30 (34 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
George Carlin.jpg George Carlin
Rating 5/5
17 February 2024 11:57 (38 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Russian-oligarch-suicides-3.jpg 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Premature death
Rating 5/5
17 December 2023 18:35 (10 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
link=Shinz%C5%8D_Abe Shinzō Abe
Rating 5/5
16 September 2024 08:34 (27 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
COVID-19 Perpetrators Bilderberg.png COVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg
Rating 5/5
19 August 2024 15:54 (86 K)
COVID-19 Perpetrators WEF.png COVID-19/Perpetrators/WEF
Rating 5/5
4 May 2024 17:01 (51 K)
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Rating 5/5
17 February 2024 11:56 (23 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Biden mask.png Joe Biden
Rating 5/5
21 July 2024 20:16 (44 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Wikiscanner.jpg Wikiscanner
Rating 5/5
17 February 2024 11:56 (15 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Elon Musk Twitter.webp Elon Musk
Rating 5/5
7 August 2024 14:09 (25 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
MH370.jpg Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Rating 5/5
31 October 2023 02:42 (28 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Corbyn Denyer.jpg Document:Jeremy Corbyn leads cross-party push in Parliament for immediate recognition of Palestine 9 September 2024 15:53 (4.7 K)
link=Document:You_can%E2%80%99t_arm_a_genocidal_state_into_moderation._So_why_does_the_West_keep_trying%3F Document:You can’t arm a genocidal state into moderation. So why does the West keep trying? 7 September 2024 14:46 (31 K)
link=Document:ICC_prosecutor_says_world_leaders_%27threatened%27_him_over_Israel_arrest_warrants Document:ICC prosecutor says world leaders 'threatened' him over Israel arrest warrants 6 September 2024 11:35 (6.4 K)
Richi Medhurst.jpg Document:The arrest of journalist Richard Medhurst and the fight to defend democratic rights 31 August 2024 20:41 (12 K)
link=Document:Starmer%E2%80%99s_purges_of_Labour_have_mutated_into_the_arrest_of_Palestine_supporters Document:Starmer’s purges of Labour have mutated into the arrest of Palestine supporters 31 August 2024 11:55 (14 K)
Fifty Years of the Deep State.jpg Document:Fifty Years of the Deep State
Rating 5/5
30 August 2024 18:21 (139 K)
link=Document:Tracker_was_added_to_Palestine_Action_co-founder%27s_phone Document:Tracker was added to Palestine Action co-founder's phone 30 August 2024 08:52 (1.1 K)
JD Vance.jpeg Document:JD Vance has some weird influences 27 August 2024 11:49 (9.2 K)
Freedland Vrba.webp Document:Jonathan Freedland rewrites history to hide an ugly truth about Israel 26 August 2024 12:51 (8.1 K)
link=Document:Guardian%E2%80%99s_Zionist_gatekeeper_rewrites_Holocaust_history Document:Guardian’s Zionist gatekeeper rewrites Holocaust history 24 August 2024 18:11 (27 K)
The Diamond Smugglers.JPG Document:De Beers to abandon cartel 18 August 2024 14:15 (7.7 K)
Jill Stein 2024.jpeg Document:Jill Stein considering Palestinian American as running mate 15 August 2024 11:35 (5.9 K)
Sirte destroyed.png Document:We Are The Bad Guys 12 August 2024 16:57 (7.2 K)
link=Document:Silicon_Valley%E2%80%99s_Trump_supporters_are_dicing_with_the_death_of_democracy Document:Silicon Valley’s Trump supporters are dicing with the death of democracy 9 August 2024 14:11 (7.4 K)
link=Document:Britain_didn%E2%80%99t_vote_Labour_just_to_get_a_new_iron_chancellor Document:Britain didn’t vote Labour just to get a new iron chancellor 4 August 2024 12:45 (7.5 K)
Do not resuscitate bracelet.png COVID-19/Medical killings 17 September 2024 09:32 (15 K)
Concept.png Private finance initiative 15 September 2024 15:39 (1.6 K) Wikipedia-26px.png New.png
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Spycops.jpg Spycops scandal 13 September 2024 21:08 (7.8 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Mass compulsion schooling.jpg School
Rating 4/5
13 September 2024 13:29 (20 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
If you need violence to enforce your ideas.jpg Violence 13 September 2024 13:24 (1.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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Rating 5/5
13 September 2024 13:06 (19 K)
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Concept.png Robert Lambert/Police career 12 September 2024 03:00 (38 K)
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WDB.png  18 September 2024 12:42 (4.4 K) New.png
Collective Party.jpeg Collective Party 17 September 2024 11:20 (3.9 K) New.png
RT.png Russia Today 17 September 2024 09:04 (6.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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Bohemian Grove.jpg Bohemian Grove 17 September 2024 05:05 (29 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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US CDC logo.svg  14 September 2024 02:58 (6.1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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Nugan Hand Bank.jpg Nugan Hand Bank 13 September 2024 13:13 (4.7 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Queen Margaret University logo.jpg Queen Margaret University 13 September 2024 12:55 (4 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
R W Routh.webp Ryan Routh 18 September 2024 06:42 (5.1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png New.png
Pamela Fitzpatrick.jpg Pamela Fitzpatrick 17 September 2024 12:15 (2.2 K) New.png
George Barry Bingham.gif Barry Bingham 16 September 2024 22:35 (5.4 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Michael Harrington.webp Michael Harrington 16 September 2024 17:20 (15 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Tom Lantos.jpg Tom Lantos 16 September 2024 17:06 (6.8 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Cathy McMorris Rodgers.jpg Cathy McMorris Rodgers 16 September 2024 17:05 (1.4 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Richard Alderman.jpg Richard Alderman 16 September 2024 16:59 (3.4 K)
link=Shinz%C5%8D_Abe Shinzō Abe
Rating 5/5
16 September 2024 08:34 (27 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Person.png Ara Darzi 15 September 2024 19:58 (3.9 K) Wikipedia-26px.png New.png
Clarence Mitchell.jpg Clarence Mitchell 15 September 2024 15:40 (5.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Person.png Bernie Houghton 15 September 2024 15:34 (3.1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
White Tie Cameron.jpg David Cameron 15 September 2024 13:21 (52 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Angela Rayner2.jpg Angela Rayner 15 September 2024 08:01 (7 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Imane-Fadil-2.webp Imane Fadil
Rating 5/5
13 September 2024 20:41 (10 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Karima El Mahroug.webp Karima El Mahroug 13 September 2024 20:37 (2.8 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Pacific-Eclipse.jpg Exercise Mataika 17 September 2024 05:08 (7 K) New.png
Pacific-Eclipse.jpg Pacific Eclipse 15 September 2024 01:09 (8.3 K) New.png
Iran-Contra lego.jpg "Iran-Contra" 18 September 2024 17:00 (12 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Jeffrey Epstein Affair mossad.jpg Jeffrey Epstein/Affair 13 September 2024 21:17 (13 K)
Franklin-nyt.gif Franklin child prostitution ring 13 September 2024 21:16 (10 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Haubits 77 Field Howitzer.jpg Bofors Affair 13 September 2024 21:15 (5.7 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Susurluk car crash.jpg Susurluk car crash 13 September 2024 21:13 (5.4 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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Pavillon du Butard vue générale.jpg Ballets roses 13 September 2024 21:12 (11 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Event.png Operation Fast and Furious 13 September 2024 21:11 (880 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png
Event.png Muldergate 13 September 2024 21:08 (1.8 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Watergate coup.jpg Watergate coup 13 September 2024 21:05 (4.9 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Event.png 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Legacy 13 September 2024 19:55 (24 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Sunak soaked.webp UK/General election/2024 13 September 2024 13:17 (7.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Economic crisis.jpg "Economic crisis" 13 September 2024 13:04 (1.9 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Main.png 1738 12 August 2024 18:13 (279 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
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Year.png 2024 20 May 2024 17:33 (3.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Starting to think.jpg 2023 3 April 2024 17:26 (49 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Message-for-the-2020s.jpg 2020s 29 March 2024 03:14 (16 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Sir John Mason (1503–1566).jpg 1566 5 March 2024 11:53 (13 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Vax 2021.jpg 2021 14 December 2023 18:59 (35 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Gulf War jets.jpg 1990 4 November 2023 14:37 (3.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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Ismail Haniyeh.jpg Ismail Haniyeh 31 July 2024 08:23 (6.1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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Russel Bentley.jpg Russel Bentley 20 April 2024 13:54 (2.6 K)
Wassili Prosorow.webp Vasily Prozorov 13 April 2024 02:30 (3.9 K)
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Jacob Rothschild.jpg Jacob Rothschild 26 February 2024 11:19 (6.8 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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Sunak soaked.webp UK/General election/2024 13 September 2024 13:17 (7.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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Brussels 2024.png Brussels Forum/2024 24 May 2024 08:55 (6.9 K)
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Crocus City Hall 220324.jpeg 2024 Crocus City Hall attack 27 March 2024 07:50 (7.2 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
GG4Rochdale.jpeg 2024 Rochdale by-election 1 March 2024 14:31 (4.7 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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Event.png Munich Security Conference/2024 9 April 2024 16:22 (18 K) Stub.png
Event.png 2024 Wellingborough by-election 17 February 2024 15:48 (1.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Own nothing be happy.png 2030 1 April 2022 19:32 (1.6 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Year.png 2025 5 June 2024 01:38 (1.6 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Year.png 2024 20 May 2024 17:33 (3.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Starting to think.jpg 2023 3 April 2024 17:26 (49 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
ORWELL+SURPRISE+300.jpg 2022 14 June 2024 22:25 (47 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Vax 2021.jpg 2021 14 December 2023 18:59 (35 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Masked Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a WHO meeting in Geneva.jpg 2020 12 April 2022 16:02 (8.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Integrity Initiative Moncloa campaign.jpg 2019 12 September 2021 02:09 (9.9 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
2918 trump tax cuts.jpg 2018 21 January 2021 18:14 (5.4 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Chartoftheday 11551 americans top fears of 2017 n.jpg 2017 13 February 2023 19:57 (7.1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
CIA MD11 cash and body plane.png 2016 27 August 2019 01:36 (6.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Charlie-hebdo-covers.jpg 2015 26 January 2018 23:28 (3.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
The burnt out Euromaidan in Kiev.jpg 2014 9 January 2023 16:13 (2.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Boston Marathon bombing2.jpg 2013 8 July 2021 15:26 (3.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
NDAA 2012.jpg 2012 4 December 2018 13:45 (1.4 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Main.png Explore Talent 13 September 2024 20:25 (1.3 K) Stub.png New.png
DuckDuckGo logo and wordmark (2014-present).svg  9 September 2024 23:02 (8.8 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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GB news logo.png GB News 30 June 2024 12:39 (3.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
New Statesman.png  28 June 2024 17:33 (4.9 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
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WL Hour Glass.png Wikileaks 25 June 2024 22:22 (8.4 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Intel Slava.jpg  20 June 2024 07:16 (548 bytes) Stub.png
The Unz Review.png The Unz Review 2 June 2024 08:51 (1.2 K)
Newsbud-blue-logo.png  2 June 2024 08:50 (3.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Executive Intelligence Review.jpg  19 May 2024 00:49 (4.2 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Website.png American Free Press 7 May 2024 12:35 (1.7 K) Wikipedia-26px.png
Wikispooks projects.png Projects 8 June 2024 23:36 (8.8 K)
Write.png Style Guide 8 June 2024 02:53 (26 K)
News.png News 26 May 2024 19:00 (7 K)
Donate.png Donate 5 April 2024 17:17 (2.2 K)
SMW.png SMWObject 4 November 2023 20:54 (1.2 K)
Ws write.png Editorial Policy 22 August 2023 01:44 (10 K)
New.png Proposed pages 8 August 2023 19:55 (691 bytes)
!small.png Priority Pages 8 August 2023 19:05 (736 bytes)
Wikispooks to do.png To Do 8 August 2023 18:36 (11 K)
Wikispooks to do.png Wikispooks To Do 8 August 2023 18:32 (213 bytes)
Wikispooks logo pump.png Community portal 8 August 2023 18:00 (5.1 K)
Wikispooks logo.png Project 8 August 2023 17:46 (219 bytes)
Wikispooks logo FAQ.png FAQ 8 June 2023 12:21 (13 K)
Ws Policy.png Policy 1 June 2023 03:19 (5.8 K)
Ws warning.png Read This First 1 June 2023 02:42 (7.2 K)
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Employment.png Netherlands/Ambassador/Germany 9 September 2024 15:23 (132 bytes) Stub.png
Main.png Spain/Ambassador/Ireland 8 September 2024 01:21 (59 bytes)
Main.png Citigroup/CEO 8 September 2024 01:08 (44 bytes)
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Employment.png Ukraine/Minister of Defence 26 August 2024 05:55 (69 bytes) Stub.png
Main.png Burkina Faso/Prime Minister 26 August 2024 05:53 (64 bytes) Stub.png
Employment.png De Beers/CEO 25 August 2024 16:05 (35 bytes) Stub.png
Employment.png Italy/Ambassador/Soviet Union 11 August 2024 20:09 (136 bytes) Stub.png
Main.png Canada/Conservative Party/Leader 10 August 2024 15:48 (214 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Main.png Eire/Ambassador/Sweden 6 August 2024 17:36 (67 bytes) Stub.png
Employment.png Florida/Attorney General 8 July 2024 10:42 (66 bytes) Stub.png
link=Jos%C3%A9_Andr%C3%A9s José Andrés 18 September 2024 06:40 (978 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Person.png Frazar Wilde 17 September 2024 12:31 (1.3 K) Stub.png
Group.png California Club 17 September 2024 11:14 (4.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png New.png
Group.png Pacific-Union Club 17 September 2024 07:53 (6.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png New.png
Main.png Links Club 17 September 2024 05:59 (8.1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png New.png
Main.png Eli Broad 17 September 2024 04:06 (1.5 K) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png New.png
Person.png Jorge Moreira da Silva 17 September 2024 03:22 (1 K) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Person.png William Simon 17 September 2024 03:17 (967 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Person.png John Sparkman 17 September 2024 03:16 (1.3 K) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Person.png Joseph Spang 17 September 2024 03:14 (1.5 K) Stub.png
link=Philippe_S%C3%A9guin Philippe Séguin 17 September 2024 02:17 (1.2 K) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Person.png Mario Schimberni 17 September 2024 00:58 (519 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Person.png Karl Schiller 17 September 2024 00:56 (707 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Anousheh Karvar.jpg Anousheh Karvar 16 September 2024 23:54 (1 K) Stub.png
Person.png Joseph Kraft 16 September 2024 23:47 (597 bytes) Wikipedia-26px.png Stub.png
Wikispooks Twitter feed

Talk.png Arms deal 15 September 2024 14:12 New.png
Talk.png 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine 12 September 2024 21:50
Talk.png 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Legacy 10 September 2024 16:23
Talk.png J. D. Vance 28 August 2024 14:53
Talk.png Office for Budget Responsibilty 4 August 2024 12:50
Talk.png Car 27 June 2024 19:04
Talk.png Maria Zakharova 27 June 2024 07:58
Talk.png Halifax International Security Forum/Guests 25 June 2024 20:20
Talk.png Adrian Ramsay 14 June 2024 13:27
Talk.png Reform UK 4 June 2024 17:04
Talk.png Hans van de Ven 28 May 2024 16:49
Talk.png Safe and effective 20 May 2024 17:35
Talk.png Brian Michael Jenkins 18 May 2024 19:01
Talk.png Charles Leiber 13 May 2024 12:43
Talk.png Charles Lieber 13 May 2024 12:33
Talk.png Main-banner 14 July 2024 18:39
Talk.png Doubtful 30 June 2024 12:37
Talk.png WSThermometer 14 June 2024 03:26
Talk.png Too Shallow 13 June 2024 00:04
SMW.png Has white rose 24 May 2024 16:34 (189 bytes)
Template.png Publication 16 May 2024 11:38 (9.6 K)
Template.png External icons 18 September 2024 16:19 (14 K)

22 April 2024 16:25 (185 bytes)
Talk.png SMWDefaultMarkup 22 April 2024 16:23
Talk.png Work 22 April 2024 10:08
Template.png Employment 8 March 2024 23:59 (6.7 K)
Talk.png Spooky 14 February 2024 11:34
Talk.png Main-content 30 December 2023 06:46
Template.png Rate 18 December 2023 13:17 (2.9 K)
SMW.png Has averageRating 18 December 2023 07:39 (229 bytes)
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