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Page nameBornDiedSummaryDescription
Michael Angus5 May 193013 March 2010BusinesspersonChairman of Unilever. Attended the 1987 Bilderberg
Heribert Apfalter22 September 192526 August 1987Businessperson
Iran-Contra/Premature death
Austrian businessman who attended the 1979 Bilderberg. Sold weapons to Iran and Iraq. His sudden death in 1987 was surrounded by rumors of foul play.
Matti Apunen20 August 1960BusinesspersonHexabilderberg Finnish business lobbyist
James Arbuthnot4 August 1952Politician
British Conservative Party politician with intelligence/deep state ties.
Jennifer Arcuri1985Producer
Martin Ardbo16 October 192621 October 2004Mariner
Stelios ArgyrosBusinesspersonGreek businessman who attended the 1993 Bilderberg as Chairman of the Board and President of the Federation of Greek Industries
Tekin Ariburun3 October 190313 October 1993Soldier
Attended the 1959 Bilderberg as Commander of the Turkish Air Force. Retired in 1960 because he was against the military coup. Briefly acting President of Turkey in 1973.
Bernard Arnault5 March 1949BusinesspersonFrench billionaire businessman, the richest person in the world as of August 2021. Attended the 1992 Bilderberg
Jeff ArnoldBillionaire
Became a billionaire from aged 29. Co-founded Sharecare with a friend from the GLT/2000 class, which was highly influential on shaping (and measuring) attitudes around COVID-19.
Ross Ashcroft3 October 1977Filmmaker
Tewodros Ashenafi26 August 1969BusinesspersonEthiopian businessman on the board of Atlantic Council with a monopoly in many of the country's industries
Hank AsherDrug trafficker
Interesting character...
John AshtonFebruary 1964Author
John Aspinall11 June 192629 June 2000Bookmaker
British zoo owner and gaming club host, and part of the Clermont Set
John Jacob Astor17 July 176329 March 1848Businessperson
The first multi-millionaire in the US
Waldorf Astor19 May 187930 September 1952Politician
Deep politician
Multi-millionaire UK deep politician, Chair of Chatham House ...
William Waldorf AstorPolitician
Nadhmi Auchi11 June 1937Fraudster
Cercle-connected fraudster
Norman Augustine27 July 1935BusinesspersonSpooky businessman
Graham AveryFebruary 1945BusinesspersonUK businessman, Chief Adviser for Enlargement, European Community
Jaime Augusto Miranda Zóbel de Ayala6 March 1959Billionaire
Filipino businessman from the prominent Zóbel de Ayala family and a WEF stalwart.
Shiva Ayyadurai2 December 1963Activist
Indian-American biologist and dissident.
Farhad AzimaEngineer
Michael Babich1976Fraudster
Pled guilty in federal court in Boston to conspiracy and mail fraud charges
Andrej Babiš2 September 1954Politician
Franz Josef Bach4 February 19173 August 2001Diplomat
Deep state actor
A leading German member of the Cercle, who organised the 1982 meeting in Wildbad Kreuth.
Abe Bailey6 November 186410 August 1940Politician
South African diamond and gold tycoon, politician, financier and cricketer.
Charles F. Baird4 September 192226 December 2009BusinesspersonStandard Oil of New Jersey executive, then Under Secretary of the Navy 1967-1969.
Gordon Bajnai5 March 1968Politician
Attended the 2014 Bilderberg as ex-Prime Minister of Hungary
Douglas BakerBusinesspersonCEO of Ecolab, "the global leader in water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and services"
George Fisher Baker27 March 18402 May 1931Banker
The "Dean of American Banking", 3rd richest US citizen at his death
Mike Baker22 June 1961Spook
Worked in the CIA for 17 years as a covert field operations officer, specializing in counterterrorism, counternarcotics and counterinsurgency operations.
Peter Bakker1 August 1961Businessperson
Dutch millionaire and businessman
Jon Fredrik Baksaas21 November 1954BusinesspersonResigned as CEO of Telenor after corruption exposed. Bilderberg/2009
Joseph Ball1 September 188510 July 1961Spook
Deep state operative
British spook who forged the Zinoviev Letter to bring down the first British Labour Party government in 1924. "Ball also had a keen understanding of the dark arts of political manipulation, a readiness to use all means at his disposal and an ability to keep himself out of the limelight... he knew how to lie and how to keep a secret."
Francisco Balsemão1 September 1937Journalist
>30 Bilderbergs, Bilderberg Steering committee, Prime Minister of Portugal
Stéphane Bancel20 July 1972Billionaire
French CEO of Moderna who struck it rich with its first product allowed on the market, a COVID-19 vaccine
Shumeet BanerjiSpook
WEF AGMs, Senior Adviser of Chatham House, BBC non-executive director
Ajay Banga10 November 1959Deep state operative
Indian-US business with a lot of connections, especially to processed food. As Mastercard executive interested in a cashless society.
Sam Bankman-Fried6 March 1992Billionaire
Youngest known visitor to the MSC, a US crypto-billionaire who fairly suddenly turned out not have any wealth at all
Arron BanksMarch 1966Financier
British businessman and political donor
Steve Bannon27 November 1953BusinesspersonExecutive chairman of Breitbart News, at one time alleged Trump mastermind
Patricia Barbizet17 April 1955BusinesspersonProminent figure in the French business world
John Baring2 November 1928Deep state functionary
Central banker
Director of the Bank of England, attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1980s
Neil BarnettJune 1973Journalist
Percy Barnevik13 February 1941Deep state operative
Bilderberg Steering committee member in the Wallenberg Sphere
David Barran23 May 19122002BusinesspersonOne of the UK's "most articulate spokesmen for free enterprise"
Simon Ralph BarrettJanuary 1953Lawyer
Martin Bartenstein3 June 1953Politician
Double Bilderberg Austrian businessman and politician
Thomas Bata17 September 19141 September 2008Businessperson"Shoemaker to the World", ran the Bata Shoe Company from the 1940s until the 1980s. 3 Bilderbergs from 1985 to 1990.
James Bath18 August 1936Spook
A businessman with connections to BCCI, George H. W. Bush and the Saudi Arabian government
Ramy El Batrawi23 May 1961Spook
John Battelle4 November 1965BusinesspersonHelped launch Wired in the 1990s. Young Global Leaders. On the Advisory Board of the CIA-front NewsGuard
Makarem BatterjeeBusinesspersonSaudi YGL businessman who worked with the Saudi government on COVID-19 as president of the Saudi German Hospitals Group
Werner Baumann3 October 1962BusinesspersonAttended the 2017 Bilderberg as Bayer CEO
John Jacob BauschBusinessperson
David Bawtree1 October 1937Businessperson
J. Clifford Baxter27 September 195825 January 2002BusinesspersonEnron Corporation executive who resigned in May 2001 before allegedly "committing suicide" the following year. Prior to his death he had agreed to testify before Congress in the Enron scandal.
Uğur Bayar1 May 1957Financier
Turkish businessman and financier.
Erich Becker5 October 1941BusinesspersonAustrian Bilderberg businessman
Edward Beddington-Behrens2 February 189728 November 1968Spook
Deputy Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service for a year during WW2. Attended the 1958 Bilderberg.
Carter Beese4 June 19568 April 2007Banker
Deep state operative
A financier
Hamzah BehbehaniBusinessperson
Alfred Beit15 February 185316 July 1906Businessperson
Michel Belanger10 September 19291 December 1997Financier
Canadian businessman and banker. Trilateral, 1968 and 1989 Bilderbergs
Erik Belfrage13 April 194618 April 2020Diplomat
Swedish diplomat and banker. Wallenberg associate. Attended the 2005 Bilderberg
Monte BelgerSpook
Sir David Bell30 September 1946BusinesspersonFormer Chairman of the Financial Times
Tim Bell18 October 1941Propagandist
Chair of Bell Pottinger
Ari Ben-Menashe4 December 1951Author
Officer in Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate from 1977 to 1987 and an arms dealer. Important source for exposure of Israeli deep state activities.
Eliana BenadorBusinessperson
Samantha de BendernNovember 1965Journalist
Deep state operative
UK deep state-connected polyglot "international civil servant" with a masters degree in Wealth Management, fellow of the Institute for Statecraft, associate fellow of Chatham House
Rodolfo de Bendetti2 July 1961BusinesspersonDouble Bilderberg Italian deep state connected businessman
Carlo De Benedetti14 November 1934Media mogul
Marc Benioff25 September 1964Deep state functionary
Both a WEF GLT and a WEF YGL, US internet billionaire deep state functionary, bought Time Magazine
René Benko20 May 1977Billionaire
Austrian billionaire businessman who attended the 2015-2017 Bilderbergs
Dick Benschop5 November 1957Deep state operative
Attended the 2000 Bilderberg as Dutch State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Tafelronde/Chair, Trilateral Commission, Shell CEO, Schiphol Airport Director
Victor Cavendish Bentinck18 June 189730 July 1990Diplomat
Deep state operative
Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, diplomat, 7 Bilderbergs
Walter Berchtold1 October 190623 January 1986BusinesspersonSwiss businessman and double Bilderberger
Boris Berezovsky23 January 194623 March 2013Mathematician
Government official
A Russian billionaire oligarch who fell out with Vladimir Putin. Found dead in 2013 - the corner returned an open verdict.
Roland Berger22 November 1937Deep state actor
German entrepreneur and possible deep state actor
Finn Bergesen3 September 194511 September 2012BusinesspersonNorwegian deep state connected businessman
Nicolas Berggruen10 August 1961Billionaire
Sponsor of influential think-tanks
Maarten van den Bergh19 April 1942BusinesspersonDiscreet Dutch businessman named the most powerful businessman in Britain. Attended the 1997 Bilderberg
Jeff BergnerAcademic
Cercle attendee. Project for the New American Century. German Marshall Fund. Hudson Institute
Feyyaz Berker7 October 192522 August 2017Businesspersonspooky Turkish businessman, Turkish Industry and Business Association chair
Wayne Lee BermanDeep state functionary
US Businessman with deep political connections.
Franco Bernabè18 September 1948Banker
Italian banker and manager, Steering Committee of the Bilderberg
Anne Berner16 January 1964BusinesspersonSingle Bilderberger Finnish politician. Now works for the Wallenberg family.
John Rodney Francis BerryMarine commando
John Berry was imprisoned for "terrorism" offences. His conviction relied on the evidence of discredited 'expert witness' Alan Feraday. It was quashed following lengthy legal proceedings and after Berry had already served 4 years in prison.
Brian BesanceneyPropagandist
PR manager for President [[George W. Bush]], the [[Department of Homeland Security]], [[Walt Disney World]] and [[Walmart]].<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Ben van Beurden23 April 1958BusinesspersonPenta Bilderberger, attended the WEF/Annual Meeting/2020, Shell CEO, European Round Table of Industrialists
Selahattin Beyazit5 July 193121 January 2022BusinesspersonOne of the biggest industrialists in Turkey and member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Jeff Bezos12 January 1964Deep state functionary
World's richest man. Founded Amazon, grandson of a DARPA co-founder
Hunter Biden4 February 1970Lawyer
Second son of the deep state actor, Joe Biden.
John Bierwirth21 January 192426 May 2013Lawyer
Single Bilderberg CEO of armaments company Grumman, which in 1985 charged the Pentagon $659 for each of seven airplane ashtrays.
Steve Bing22 June 2020Billionaire
Clinton body count
Clinton connected billionaire businessman who fell to his death in 2020.
Barry Bingham10 February 190615 August 1988BusinesspersonKentucky media owner who collaborated with British Security Coordination. Attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1950s. Ran the Marshall Plan in France in 1949.
Brian Binley1 April 194225 December 2020Politician
Ex-conservative MP. Le Cercle.
Henry Birchenough7 March 185312 May 1937Deep state operative
UK deep state operative
Marco Bizzarri19 August 1962BusinesspersonCEO of Gucci
Alf Bjercke30 May 19219 December 2011Spook
Norwegian business magnate and member of the 1001 Club
Anders Björgerd8 November 192018 July 2017BusinesspersonSwedish utilities exec
Halvdan Bjørum23 July 1926BusinesspersonNorwegian businessman who attended the 1983 Bilderberg meeting.
Fred Black191322 January 1993Lobbyist
Pieter Blaisse24 April 19111 August 1990Diplomat
Attended 6 Bilderberg meetings up to 1965
Marion Blakey26 March 1948BusinesspersonChairman of the National Transportation Safety Board September 26, 2001 – September 2002 and Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration 2002-2007, then revolving door to armaments industry.
Steven Blaney8 April 1965Politician
Christoph Blocher11 October 1940Politician
Millionaire Swiss politician, businessman who attended the 2009 Bilderberg
Kathy BloomgardenBusinesspersonAmerican CEO
Louise Blouin15 October 1958BusinesspersonCanadian magazine editor. WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1993
Mandy Blumenthal1965Businessperson
W. Michael Blumenthal3 January 1926Politician
US/Secretary of the Treasury in the 1970s, Bilderberg, Le Cercle, CFR
Prodromos Bodosakis-Athanasiadis18911979Spook
Deep politician
Greek self-made businessman with top politicians in his pocket
Marc Bolland28 March 1959BusinesspersonDutch businessman who was the CEO of Marks & Spencer, after having been CEO ofMorrisons.
Vincent Bolloré1 April 1952Media mogul
French industrialist, businessman, media owner and billionaire. grandmother a spy. Started his career at the [Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild
Alexandre Bompard4 October 1972BusinesspersonSingle Bilderberg French businessman.
Michel Bon5 July 1943Politician
French enarquiste businessman. One of the first Young Leaders of the French-American Foundation. Attended two Bilderbergs in the early 2000s.
Jonas Bonnier10 December 1963Author
Attended the 2012 Bilderberg as Chief Executive Officer of Bonnier AB
Luca Del BonoBusinessperson
Anglo-Italian entrepreneur listed in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Benoît de Bonvoisin14 March 1939Politician
Deep politician
"A key Belgian figure in the Strategy of Tension", as well as the most key name in the Belgian X-Dossiers. Member of Le Cercle. His father attended the first Bilderberg.
Hans-Christian BoosBusinesspersonbusinessman and AI enthusiast
Edwin G. Booz2 September 18871 October 1951Businessperson
Daniel Borel14 February 1950BusinesspersonSwiss businessman
Anna BorgBusinesspersonPresident and CEO of Vattenfall
William BortrickApril 1973Deep state operative
Institute for Statecraft senior fellow whose name was removed from their website before 10 January 2019. Drafted a letter which claimed that Charles Windsor was "100% behind" a cash for citizenship and CBE case.
Cornelis Bossers11 March 1929BusinesspersonLe Cercle. Major businessman in the Philips group.
Albert Bourla21 October 1961Businessperson
Chairman and chief executive officer of Pfizer who termed the COVID jabs "weapons"
Victor Bout13 January 1967Spook
Arms Dealer
Russian accused of arms smuggling by the US, was jailed with help from a turned associate, allegedly, on orders of the CIA.
Jacques Bouthier10 March 1947Businessperson
Anne Bouverot21 March 1966BusinesspersonCEO of company selling facial recognition and other biometric identification products. Attended 2018 Bilderberg.
Walter Boveri6 December 189420 March 1972Banker
Attended the Bilderbergs from 1959 to 1962
Jean-François van Boxmeer12 September 1961BusinesspersonBelgian Bilderberg businessman, regular at WEF AGMs, Heineken CEO 2005-2020
Oleg Boyko28 September 1964Billionaire
WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1995. Starting his career on the Soviet black market and as a "banker" in the chaotic 1990s Russia, Boyko became one of the privileged few to operate monopoly Russian state run lotteries.
Cem Boyner23 September 1955BusinesspersonTurkish businessman. Selected a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in 1994, and attended the 1995 Bilderberg meeting, just as he was going from leader of the Turkish Industry and Business Association to an attempted political career.
Ümit Boyner28 September 1963BusinesspersonDouble Bilderberg President of the Turkish Industry and Business Association
René Boël27 October 189929 June 1990Businessperson
Belgian nobility
Married into the Big Chemical Solvay family, where he became director. Represented Belgium at the Bretton Woods Conference. After the war, he was involved with the European League of Economic Cooperation. Attended Bilderberg/1960.
Erik Braathen31 October 1955BusinesspersonManaging Director and Chief Executive Officer of Braathens.
Kjerstin Braathen1970Banker
Norwegian Bilderberg banker with a WEF AGM habit
Peter Brabeck-Letmathe13 November 1944BusinesspersonNestlé executive who attended the 2011 Bilderberg. Wants to privatize and charge for all water in the world.
Charles-Victor Bracht7 January 19157 March 1978Businessperson
Belgian nobility
Brendan BrackenPolitician
Svein Richard Brandtzæg23 December 1957Chemist
Member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Thomas Elmer Braniff6 December 188310 January 1954BusinesspersonUS businessman killed in plane crash
John Bredenkamp11 August 1940Arms Dealer
Rugby player
Founder of the arms trading Casalee Group
Ian Bremmer12 November 1969Academic
Deep state operative
President and founder of the Eurasia Group. Heavy MSC habit, CFR, TLC, YGL 2007, Bilderberg 2007
Børge Brende25 September 1965Politician
Deep state operative
Bilderberg Steering Committee, President of the World Economic Forum 2017-
Richard Brenneke5 December 194123 July 2015Spook
A CIA and Iran-Contra insider who testified to participation in drug dealing, Iran Contra and the October surprise conspiracy.
Flavio Briatore12 April 1950BusinesspersonItalian businessman mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Maurice Bridgeman26 January 190418 June 1980BusinesspersonUK Businessman who attended the 1968 Bilderberg as Chair of BP
Harvey Bright6 October 192011 December 2004Businessperson
Myron BrilliantBusinesspersonBridge between the business world and the intelligence-connected organizations. Also lobbyist for free trade agreements.
Dolf van den Brink1973BusinesspersonCEO of Heineken. Committed to Net Zero. Attended the 2023 Bilderberg meeting.
Eli Broad6 June 193330 April 2021Businessperson
Gunnar Brock1950Economist
Swedish businessman in the Wallenberg Sphere who attended the 2004 Bilderberg
Edgar Bronfman20 June 192921 December 2013Deep politician
US businessman President of the World Jewish Congress 1979-2997
Samuel Bronfman27 February 188910 July 1971Smuggling
Liquor producer who made it big during the US Prohibition. Kept mobster ties afterwards, even while going respectable as a businessman
Jan Brouwer19101983Engineer
Shell CEO. Bilderberg 1970.
Bill Browder23 April 1964Spook
Spooky businessman. At one point the largest foreign investor in Russia, barred from entering Russia in 2005, he has actively worked for regime change since then.
George Rufus Brown12 May 189822 January 1983Businessperson
Herman Brown18921962BusinesspersonThe 'Brown' in construction company "Brown and Root", a leader in the military-industrial complex.
H. John C. Browne21 December 192323 July 2015BusinesspersonBritish businessman who worked for the Swire Group. Important Taipan and leader in British Hong Kong, where he was Unofficial Member of the Executive Council.
John Browne17 October 1938Soldier
Spooky UK businessman, Morgan Stanley, Le Cercle, Chatham house ...
Fraser BruceBusinesspersonCanadian aluminum executive who attended 3 early Bilderberg meetings.
Martin Brudermüller1961BusinesspersonGerman Bilderberger businessman, WEF AGM habit, CEO of BASF since 2018. Predicted EU ban on Russian gas imports would destroy the German economy.
John Bryan5 October 19361 October 2018BusinesspersonUS businessman
Thomas Buberl24 March 1973Deep state functionary
German poly-Bilderberg money manager, WEF AGMs, WEF YGL 2008
Robin BuchananApril 1952Accountant
Triple Bilderberger US businessman
Tony Buckingham28 November 1951Businessperson
Warren Buffett30 August 1930Billionaire
One of the world's richest men and a passionate proponent of population reduction.
Antony Burgmans13 February 1947BusinesspersonDutch businessman
Ron Burkle12 November 1952BusinesspersonFriend of Jeffrey Epstein with own private jet, dubbed Air F*ck One
Ronald Burkle12 November 1952BusinesspersonNew York Post columnist Jared Paul Stern claimed Burkle and Bill Clinton carried on sexual liaisons with fashion models, some under the age of consent.
Derek Burney1939Diplomat
Attended the 1990 Bilderberg as Canadian Ambassador to the US
Christopher BurrowsSeptember 1958Spook
Richard Burt3 February 1947Diplomat
Deep state operative
US Deep state operative who took part in the discussion about "terrorism" at the 1986 Bilderberg. Founded Diligence
George H. W. Bush12 June 192430 November 2018Spook
Deep politician
Skull and bones mastermind of the bush family busine$$.
Neil Bush22 January 1955BusinesspersonSon of George H. W. Bush, involved in the Savings and loan fraud.
Prescott Bush15 May 18958 October 1972Politician
Deep politician
Bonesman father of the Bush family
Samuel Bush4 October 18638 February 1948BusinesspersonBush family patriarch, from a wealthy background, who got into railroads and then finance.
Håkan Buskhe8 November 1963BusinesspersonCEO of weapons manufacturer Saab, a part of the Wallenberg sphere.
Pierce ButlerLawyer
David Harold Byrd24 April 190014 September 1986Businessperson
Texas oilman with connection to LBJ, who made millions of dollars from the JFK assassination.
Patrick ByrneBusinessperson
Oliver Bäte1 March 1965BusinesspersonGerman businessman with supranational deep state connections
Claude Bébéar29 July 1935BusinesspersonFrench insurance executive and organizer of the business lobby.
Mathis Cabiallavetta1945Banker
Louis Cabot192129 January 2021Central banker
Quad Bilderberger Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Adrian Cadbury15 April 19293 September 2015Rower
Central banker
John Cadman7 September 187731 May 1941Deep politician
Director of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company who aimed for cartel control of world oil market
Patrice CaineBusinesspersonCEO of Thales, Bilderberg
Adolfo CaleroPolitician
Henry Campbell-Bannerman7 September 183622 April 1908Politician
Philippe Camus28 June 1948BusinesspersonFrench Bilderberger who as Executive Co-Chairman of the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company attended the 2003,4,5 Bilderbergs
Angelos Canellopoulos4 June 193121 November 2009BusinesspersonUS-educated Greek businessman who attended the 1984 Bilderberg meeting.
Edward du Cann28 May 192431 August 2017Politician
UK politician and businessman, chairman of Lonrho
Giampiero Cantoni10 February 19399 May 2012Politician
Italian entrepreneur and Senator for Silvio Berlusconi's party. Exposed as confidential informant to the US embassy.
Richard CaringJune 1948Businessperson"The Lex Luthor of Mayfair" and big donor to the Clinton Foundation
Camila CarlbomJanuary 1968BusinesspersonBritish businesswoman in Epstein's black book.
Alexander Carlile12 February 1948Lawyer
Roland Carnaby195629 April 2008Spook
Deep state operative
A senior spook who was shot by a Houston police officer following a high speed motor car chase and died of his wounds.
Andrew Carnegie25 November 183511 August 1919Businessperson
Ulrich Cartellieri21 September 1937Banker
Deep state operative
German banker and arms company executive. Attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1990s.
Stephen Carter12 February 1964Politician
Frank Cary14 December 19201 January 2006Deep state operative
Bilderberg Steering Committee, attended the 1978 Bilderberg as IBM CEO
Kaspar CassaniApril 1928Financier
Deep state functionary
Chairman and president of the IBM World Trade Corporation. Attended the 1985 Bilderberg.
William Castell10 April 1947BusinesspersonChairman of the Wellcome Trust 2006-2015
Henri de Castries15 August 1954Spook
"French President of Bilderberg"
Fredrik Castrén6 November 19289 December 1998BusinesspersonChairman of the Finnish Confederation of Industry
Frederick Catherwood30 January 192530 November 2014Politician
UK business executive and MP who attended the 1971 Bilderberg
Thomas Catto15 March 187923 August 1959Central banker
Governor of the Bank of England 1944-1949
Peter CavanaghBusinessperson
Peter CazaletFebruary 1929May 2019Businessperson
Juan Luis Cebrián30 October 1944Editor
Media mogul
Spanish media mogul with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Eugenio Cefis21 July 192128 May 2004Deep state operative
Italian Deep state deep state operative. Founder of P2. 1965 Bilderberg
Ferdinand Chafart5 February 193622 February 2010BusinesspersonBelgian manager who held senior positions in many Belgian companies
Gilbert Chagoury1946BusinesspersonA close associate of Nigerian dictator General Sani Abacha and major donor to the Clinton Foundation.
Pierre-André de Chalendar12 April 1958BusinesspersonDouble Bilderberg French businessman.
Paul Chambers19041981BusinesspersonChairman of ICI. Attended the 1963 and 1968 Bilderbergs.
François-Philippe Champagne25 June 1970Politician
Canadian Bilderberger politician, lawyer
Nicholas ChanceMarch 1946Soldier
On the advisory Board of the Institute of Statecraft, an affiliation he continued to display in January 2020
Thurmond Chatham16 August 18963 January 1957Businessperson
Dick Cheney30 January 1941Deep politician
War criminal
Neoconservative deep politician with close ties to the MICC. Vice President 2001-2009, under George W Bush.
Michael CherkaskyBusinessperson
Michael Chertoff28 November 1953Lawyer
Deep state actor
A long-standing US Republican Party apparatchik and dual US/Israeli citizen who has held senior US legal and national security positions.
Alain Chevalier19311 November 2018BusinesspersonChairman of Moet Hennessy who merged it into luxury goods giant Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH).
Trevor Chinn24 July 1935BusinesspersonUK businessman and pro-Israel activist. Has a long history of financing pro-Israel groups in both main parties of government, including Keir Starmer.
John Chisholm27 August 1946Businessperson
Hakon Christiansen23 January 189320 September 1960BusinesspersonDanish businessman. Bilderberg Steering committee.
Jeppe ChristiansenNovember 1959BusinesspersonDanish financier, businessman
Efthimios Christodoulou1932Economist
Central banker
Greek Bilderberg businessman and central banker who attended Bilderberg/1990.
Victor Chu1960Financier
Hong Kong-based businessman and deep state actor. GLT 1998, Chatham house governor, WEF Trustee, Atlantic Council..
Johnny Chung1955Fraudster
Chinese businessman involved in the financing of Bill Clinton's election bid. Sentenced to probation and 3,000 hours.
Carlo Ciampi9 December 192016 September 2016Politician
Central banker
Bilderberg central banker president of Italy
Süreyya Ciliv1958BusinesspersonTurkish businessman, Microsoft
Francesco Cingano19222003Banker
Italian businessman and financier
Innocenzo Cipolletta8 December 1941Financier
Italian Bilderberg businessman financier
Walker Cisler8 October 189718 October 1994Engineer
As well as the first Bilderberg, he attended the next four, and 3 more in the early 1960s, US businessman
Robert Sterling Clark25 June 187729 December 1956Deep state operative
US businessman implicated in the Business Plot by the testimony of Smedley Butler.
David ClaydonDecember 1970Banker
William Clayton7 February 18808 February 1966Businessperson
Erle Cocke10 May 192123 April 2000Spook
Deep state operative
A spooky deep state operative who made a death bed confession of CIA involvement.
Arthur Cockfield28 September 19168 January 2007Politician
Civil servant
Jared Cohen24 November 1981Deep state functionary
CEO of Jigsaw, CFR, Bilderberg, who "grew up watching [GHWB]'s example & I was honored to get to know him in his later years."
Marshall Cohen28 March 1935Lawyer
Corporate lawyer who did the ultra-rich, ultra-Orthodox Reichmann family a big favor while government minister; then started working for the Reichmanns. Bilderberg/1988.
Vittorio Colao3 October 1961Banker
Deep state functionary
Bilderberger Vodafone/CEO who was given charge of the Italian COVID Lockdown
John Coleman18971959BusinesspersonChairman of the Committee for a National Trade Policy out of which the American network for participation in the Bilderberg grew. "Through its leaders in Washington, big business is now in a position to perform great services for the American people".
Tony ColesDoctor
CFR pharma businessman
Emilio Collado19109 February 1995Economist
Big oil, World Bank, Bilderberg Steering committee.
Patrick Collison9 September 1988Programmer
Irish "self-made billionaire" who attended the 2017 Bilderberg
Bertrand Collomb14 August 194224 May 2019BusinesspersonConnected French businessman. 13 Bilderbergs.
Sol Daurella Comadrán1966BusinesspersonAttended the 2024 Bilderberg meeting as chair of Coca-Cola Europacific Partners.
Barber Conable2 November 192230 November 2003BusinesspersonPresident of the World Bank, Quill and Dagger
Mario Conde14 September 1948Banker
Jack Conte12 July 1984Singer
Patreon funder, World Economic Forum Young Global Leader 2020. Started evicting independent media from platform in 2020.
William Conway27 August 1949BusinesspersonFounded the Carlyle Group
Anthony Cooke24 July 1941Shipping magnate
Deep state operative
"Shipowner", member of the UK Privy Council, director of the Institute for Statecraft
Ben D. CookeBusinesspersonSingle Bilderberger UK businessman
Lammot du Pont Copeland19 May 19051 July 1983Businessperson
Du Pont family
Part of the influential DuPont chemical family, activist for population control
Piers Corbyn10 March 1947Activist
Weather forecaster
The activist brother of UK politician Jeremy Corbyn.
Herbert Cordt12 January 1947Businessperson"In attendance" at the Bilderberg as an Economic Advisor to the Federal Minister of Finance
Bob Corker24 August 1952Politician
Senator from Tennessee 2007-2019, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 2015-2019
Miguel Horta e Costa28 July 1948Economist
Portuguese banker
David Cote19 July 1952BusinesspersonUS single Bilderberger millionaire businessman
Peter Holmes à Court1968BusinesspersonAustralian businessman of the Holmes à Court family
Robert Holmes à Court27 July 19372 September 1990Billionaire
Rhodesian-Australian businessman who became the country's first billionaire, before dying suddenly of a heart attack in 1990 at the age of 53
Kenneth Courtis1947Financier
Businessman, financier and 3 times Bilderberg visitor.
Vasco Pereira Coutinho13 May 1952BusinesspersonPortuguese businessman who attended the 1998 Bilderberg
Sherard Cowper-Coles8 January 1955Diplomat
Spooky UK diplomat
Vivienne CoxMay 1959BusinesspersonBritish Petroleum and natural resources businesswoman. Trilateral Commission.
Jack Alston Crichton16 October 191610 December 2007Spook
Spook who had a close association with George H. W. Bush, involved in the arrangements of the visit that US President John F. Kennedy made to Dallas.
Gerhard Cromme25 February 1943BusinesspersonDeep state connected German businessman visitor to the Bilderberg 2000
Henry Crown13 June 189614 August 1990BusinesspersonAmerican mob-connected industrialist and strong supporter of the state of Israel.
Geoffrey Crowther13 May 19075 February 1972Journalist
Attended the Bilderberg in the 1950s twice as Editor of the Economist
John Cryan16 December 1960Financier
UK businessman who attended the 2016 Bilderberg as Deutsche Bank CEO. Proponent of abolition of cash.
Enrico Tommaso Cucchiani20 February 1950Financier
CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg/2013
John Cuckney12 July 192530 October 2008Spook
Deep state functionary
A spooky establishment figure connected to arms deals and probably more
Tony Cuesta13 June 19262 December 1992Spook
Cuban Exile. Founder of Alpha 66 and later set up the guerrilla group Comandos L. Admitted to involvement in the JFK assassination.
Hugh Roy Cullen3 July 18814 July 1957Businessperson
Geoff CygnusJournalist
Hawaii local who witnessed the 2023 fires and started to investigate.
Antonio D'Amato16 June 1957BusinesspersonItalian business leader and president of Confindustria from 2000 to 2004.
Daniel A. D'Aniello14 September 1946Billionaire
Deep state operative
Cofounder and chairman of the Carlyle Group.
Claes Dahlbäck6 June 1947BusinesspersonSwedish business manager in the Wallenberg Sphere. Attended Bilderberg/2003 as Chairman of Investor AB. Tylösand Summit.
Aliko DangoteBillionaire
Nigerian president of the Pan-African conglomerate Dangote Group, WEF/AGM habit.
Richard Darman10 May 194325 January 2008Deep state functionary
A panelist of the session on The Public Sector And Economic Growth at the 1987 Bilderberg
George David10 June 1937BusinesspersonGreek Cypriot entrepreneur, Bilderberg Steering committee.
Crispin Davis19 March 1949BusinesspersonBig Pharma executive. Brother of former McKinsey & Company managing director Ian Davis and the Appeal Court judge Sir Nigel Davis.
Ian Davis10 March 1951BusinesspersonEnglish businessman associated with McKinsey & Company. Attended Bilderberg/2013.
Ian Hay DavisonJune 1931Accountant
Single Bilderberg UK banker. Managed the rapid growth of the accounting company Arthur Andersen in the UK.
Robert Day1943BusinesspersonBilderberg billionaire businessman. Brookings Institution.President's Intelligence Advisory Board.
Everette Lee DeGolyer9 October 188614 December 1956Physicist
Guillermo de la Dehesa9 July 1941Politician
Politician, then Goldman Sachs/International Advisors, Group of Thirty, Double Bilderberg
Wisse Dekker26 April 192425 August 2012BusinesspersonPhilips CEO 1982-1986. From 1988 to 1992, he chaired the European Round Table of Industrialists.
Rudi Dekkers27 July 195613 April 2024Author
Drug trafficker
Deep state operative
Owner of the 9/11-linked Huffman Aviation flight school, also with strong links to drug trafficking.
Frederic Adrian Delano10 September 186328 March 1953Businessperson
Preston Delano2 April 188631 August 1961Banker
Investment counselor
Comptroller of the Currency 1938-53, to "charter, regulate, and supervise all national banks".
Edmund Dell15 August 19211 November 1999Politician
Attended the 1978 Bilderberg as Secretary of State for Trade. Ditched Labour in 1981 for the well-financed Social Democratic Party.
Michael Dell23 February 1965Billionaire
Computer billionaire businessman, WEF AGM regular, WEF GLT 1993
Jack Dellal2 October 192328 October 2012BusinesspersonUK property developer, Le Cercle
Oleg Deripaska2 January 1968Billionaire
Russian billionaire, WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow
Hubert Detremmerie26 March 19309 November 2008Banker
Deep politician
John Deuss8 August 1942Fraudster
Money laundering
"One of the most successful international wheeler-dealers of recent decades" who lived "a charmed life on the edge" with help from the UK and US deep states
Thomas Dewey24 March 190216 March 1971Politician
Governor of New York, US lawyer, attended the 1957 February Bilderberg
P. Diddy4 November 1969VIPaedophile
American rapper who might be involved in sexual blackmail operation.
John Diebold8 June 192626 December 2005BusinesspersonUS businessman who attended the 1967 Bilderberg
Werner Dieter23 September 19298 June 2024BusinesspersonGerman business executive who attended Bilderberg/1991.
Paul Dietrich1949Spook
Spook, Cercle visitor
Marshall Diggs7 November 1888September 1968Lawyer
William Dimma13 August 192822 December 2022BusinesspersonCanadian businessman and corporate director who attended the 1982 Bilderberg
Haluk Dinçer1962BusinesspersonTurkish business executive married into the Sabanci family. Turkish Industry and Business Association chair
Suzan Sabancı Dinçer1965Banker
Double Bilderberger Turkish businesswoman
Michelle DippScientist
Biotechnology investor.
Walt Disney5 December 190115 December 1966Producer
Voice actor
Kim Dotcom21 January 1974BusinesspersonAlleged copyright infringer in the cross hairs of Hollywood and the FBI
Lewis Douglas2 July 18947 March 1974Diplomat
US diplomat
İhsan Doğramacı3 April 191525 February 2010Academic
Turkish doctor and university administrator
Eric Drake29 November 191031 October 1996BusinesspersonUK oil executive invited to the 1973 Bilderberg
William Draper15 January 1928Businesspersonformer President of the Export–Import Bank of the United States. He also led the highly strategic United Nations Development Programme, the biggest source of multilateral development grant assistance, and the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Both institution have a huge influence on policies in countries in the global south, an influence which he also made sure was used. Skull and Bones. Atlantic Council. His father was active in population control.
Paul Drayson5 March 1960Businessperson
David DreierPolitician
Deep state operative
One of Sibel Edmonds' "Dirty Dozen"
Pierre Dreyfus18 November 190725 December 1994Civil servant
French businessman
Sean DromgooleApril 1961Politician
Martin DubbeyAugust 1963Police officer
A member of the Institute for Statecraft with years of experience involving "corruption enquiries at the highest level".
Robert Dudley14 September 1955BusinesspersonBilderberger BP CEO & MD
Regina Dugan1963BusinesspersonDARPA director, Silicon valley, Bilderberg, Covid-19,Wellcome Trust
James DuncanBusinesspersonLittle known member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
William Duncan16 December 19225 November 1984BusinesspersonScottish businessman who attended the 1980 Bilderberg
Pavel Durov10 October 1984Programmer
Billionaire businessman arrested in France as part of the 2024 crack down on free speech
Donald Duster19322013BusinesspersonChicago businessman. A non-caucasian who attended the 1971 Bilderberg
Esther Dyson14 July 1951BusinesspersonBillionaire investor
Ian Dyson26 October 1960Police officer
Commissioner of the City of London Police.
Christian Dyvig11 October 1964Lawyer
Danish Bilderberger lawyer. Son of Peter Dyvig
Umar Dzhabrailov28 June 1958BusinesspersonRussian politician and businessman associated with several murders in his "career". Mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Fredrik Eaton26 June 193820 February 2021Diplomat
Attended 3 Bilderbergs around when he was Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.
Thomas EbelingBusinesspersonSingle Bilderberg German businessman - tobacco, Pepsi, Novartis pharmaceuticals, media executive. Member of Atlantik-Brücke.
Klaus Eberwein195712 July 2017Businessperson
Clinton body count
A Haitian government official and businessman who was found dead with gunshot in head, a week before he was due to testify before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.
Bernie Eccelstone28 October 1930BusinesspersonBritish business magnate mentioned is Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Nejat Eczacıbaşı5 January 19136 October 1993Chemist
Deep state operative
Triple Bilderberger Turkish businessman who co-founded Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association
Murray Edwards10 December 1959Billionaire
Tar sands billionaire, where he has more at stake than possibly any other individual. Attended the 2008 Bilderberg meeting.
Ronald Edwards1 May 191018 January 1976Academic
UK business executive and academic.
John Egan1939BusinesspersonWent to the 1986 Bilderberg as Jaguar CEO
Henrik Ehrnrooth7 July 1954BusinesspersonBig money second generation Finnish Bilderberger
Lewis Eisenberg1942Banker
Deep state operative
Worked for Goldman Sachs and Bilderberg company Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on 9-11.
Michael Eisner7 March 1942BusinesspersonEisner was Chairman & CEO of The Walt Disney Company from 1984 until 2005.
Börje Ekholm1963Deep state functionary
Wallenberg Sphere businessman, succeeded fellow Bilderberger Marcus Wallenberg as CEO of Investor AB. Then CEO of Ericsson.
Paul Ekon1959Deep state operative
South African businessman listed in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Fuad El-HibriBusinesspersonFounded Bioport
Anders Eldrup30 October 1948Deep politician
Danish member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. With his wife, he is one half of Denmark's most powerful couple. Almost unknown to the public.
Nader ElhamessiAugust 1974Spook
Spooky businessman who "randomly" sat next to Saleyha Ahsan, co-founded World for Libya
Johan EliaschFebruary 1962BusinesspersonSwedish-British businessman with a heavy WEF/Annual Meeting habit. Named in Epstein's Black book.
Andrei Elinson1979BusinesspersonRussian businessman who co-convened an April 2020 summit of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Coordinating Council for combating the coronavirus outbreak
John Elkann1 April 1976Billionaire
Italian/US billionaire businessman with heavy Bilderberg habit. 21st Century Council, European Round Table of Industrialists
Eduardo Elsztain26 January 1960Billionaire
Businessman close to Edgar Bronfman and George Soros. The prime Argentine supporter of and fundraiser for the World Jewish Congress. Annual conferee at the World Economic Forum, which selected him a Young Global Leader in 2000.
Ari Emanuel29 March 1961BusinesspersonMogul and power player in Hollywood. Brother of Rahm Emanuel and Ezekiel Emanuel
Tom Enders21 December 1958Deep state operative
Atlantik-Brücke, American Council on Germany/Young Leaders, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Munich Security Conference/Advisory Council ...
Gordon R. England15 September 1937BusinesspersonExecutive in the military-industrial complex, then into government, where he insisted on development of futuristic weapons.
José Entrecanales1 January 1963Businessperson
Billionaire Spanish businessman
Edward Jay Epstein1935Journalist
Jeffrey Epstein20 January 195310 August 2019Paedophile
Deep state actor
Epstein Affair/Premature death
Billionaire who flew famous people on the Lolita Express to lavish parties on one a private island, which the locals dubbed "Orgy Island" or "Padeophile Island". A compulsive pedophile, he was convicted in 2008, given a cushy plea deal by use of deep state pressure. However, after this declared illegal in February 2019, after which people attempted to distance themselves from him. Re-arrested in June 2019, he was reportedly found dead of a "suicide" in prison although questions remain about this.
Øyvind Eriksen1 June 1964Lawyer
Norwegian attorney and head of industry. Crony of billionaire Kjell Inge Rokke.
Meral Gezgin Eriş1957BusinesspersonLobbyist for Turkish membership of the European Union.
William Esrey1940BusinesspersonTelecom exec who attended 3 Bilderbergs from 1989 to 1992
André Esteves12 July 1968Billionaire
Brazilian billionaire, WEF YGL 2008, WEF AGMs
Michael Evans16 August 1957Financier
Attended the 2013 Bilderberg. Goldman Sachs for 20 years. independent director of the Barrick Gold Corporation.
Richard Evans1942BusinesspersonFormer chairman of BAE.
Bill Fairclough31 August 1950Spook
Bill Fairclough's biography
Marcel Faribault8 October 190826 May 1972BusinesspersonCanadian notary, businessman and administrator.
Stephan Farrant1935BusinesspersonUnknown organizer of the 1993 Bilderberg
Perry FawcettSeptember 1962Police officer
UK businessman, ex-policeman, and member of the Institute for Statecraft
Michael Federmann9 September 1943Billionaire
Ulrik Federspiel22 April 1943Diplomat
Deep state functionary
Danish diplomat, Bilderberg Steering committee
Mykhailo Fedorov21 January 1991Politician
Ukrainian government minister; WEF/Young Global Leaders/2022
Andrew Feldman25 February 1966Lawyer
David Cameron's oldest political friend, Chairman of the Conservative Party 2010-2016. Macro Advisory Partners. Bain & Co
Anthony FellBanker
Canadian Bilderberg businessman banker
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli19 June 192614 March 1972BusinesspersonInfluential Italian publisher and businessman who died violently under mysterious circumstances in 1972.
Brian FergusonBusinesspersonCanadian businessman
Mohammed Ferrat28 October 1956Financier
Mohammed Samir Ferrat was reportedly killed aboard Flight TWA 800. He was a colleague of Ron Brown who had died 3 months earlier in another suspicious plane crash. Prior to the flight his business was in financial difficulties and he had taken more that one multiple life insurance policies and borrowed heavily from would be investors in Ivory Coast and Switzerland.
José Figueres25 September 19068 June 1990Spook
President of Costa Rica on three occasions. During his first term in office he abolished the country's army. He had an uneasy relationship with the CIA, who twice tried but failed to assassinate him, despite him working closely with the agency on many issues.
Gérard Filion18 August 190926 March 2005Journalist
Canadian businessman and journalist who attended the 1970 Bilderberg
Antony Fisher28 June 19158 July 1988Businessperson
Founded over 150 libertarian think tanks, including Institute of Economic Affairs, Manhattan Institute and Atlas Network.
Max Fisher15 July 19083 March 2005Deep state operative
Mark Fishman1947Researcher
Biotech researcher for Novartis who attended the 2013 Bilderberg.
Niall FitzGerald13 September 1945BusinesspersonCEO of Unilever 1996-2004. Trilateral Commission. Board member of the World Economic Forum.
Ralph Flanders28 September 188019 February 1970Politician
Central banker
Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston who attended two Bilderbergs in the 1950s.
Friedrich Flick10 July 188320 July 1972Businessperson
Loïk le Floch-Prigent21 September 1943Engineer
French dodgy Bilderberg businessman
Sylvain Floirat28 September 189914 March 1993Businessperson
Miguel ForbesBusinesspersonMember of the Forbes publishing family.
Harold Ford11 May 1970Politician
Deep state connected US congressman who joined FOX news in 2021 and discussed mandated COVID jabs
Henry Ford30 July 18637 April 1947Businessperson
William Ford3 May 1957BusinesspersonNephew of Henry Ford II
Andrew Forrest18 November 1961Deep state operative
Australia's richest man
Charles Forte26 November 190828 February 2007BusinesspersonUK hotelier. Single Bilderberger
Jacques de Fouchier18 June 191111 March 1997Financier
French financier
Martha Lane Fox10 February 1973Deep state functionary
On the board of Twitter. Member of the UK Joint Committee on National Security Strategy. Chaired the House of Lords COVID-19 Committee.
Vicente FoxPolitician
Deep state operative
Alistair FrameBusinesspersonBritish businessman - mining, nuclear, Big Pharma. Member of the Bilderberg Steering committee
David Frankel (WEF)1970Businessperson
Christoph Franz2 May 1960BusinesspersonLufthansa CEO, One Bilderberg, called for mandation of COVID-19 vaccines in April 2021.
Wayne Fredericks26 February 191718 August 2004Diplomat
US diplomat and Africa expert. Having worked for the CIA during the Korean War, Fredericks was also a chief member of the Ford Foundation. Attended the 1979 Bilderberg meeting
Walter Frehner18 June 1933Banker
Swiss banker
Scott Freidheim31 July 1965BusinesspersonManaging partner of Freidheim Capital. WEF/Young Global Leaders 2006. Council on Foreign Relations. Chatham House.
Paolo FrescoJuly 1933Lawyer
Italian Bilderberg businessman. Ex Fiat Chairman
Fabrice Fries10 March 1960BusinesspersonFrench CEO of Agence France-Presse.
Bill Frist22 February 1952Politician
Senate Majority Leader from 2003 to 2007
Rocky De La Fuente10 October 1954Businessperson
US/2020 Presidential election/Candidates
Minor candidate in US/2020 Presidential election
Craig Fuller16 February 1951BusinesspersonWhite House Cabinet Secretary under President Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 1985 and as Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States under George H. W. Bush from 1985 to 1989. Later Hill & Knowlton and Philip Morris.
R. Donald Fullerton7 June 193129 May 2011Banker
Canadian banker
Richard Furlaud15 April 192310 September 2018Lawyer
Big Pharma executive responsible for making his company the global leader of the problematic drug statins.
Isabel FurtadoBusinesspersonPortuguese businesswoman who attended the 2022 Bilderberg
Majid Al Futtaim1960Billionaire
Emirati billionaire. One of the many World Economic Forum/Strategic Partners.
Gabriele Galateri1947BusinesspersonItalian businessman who attended the 2004 Bilderberg
Scott Galloway3 November 1964Propagandist
WEF/YGL marketing professor who propagandized for harsh lockdowns and imprisonment for refusing the jab during Covid
Bill GammellDecember 1952Rugby player
Deep state actor
Multi-millionaire Bush family connection and connection to Tony Blair.
Lorenzo Vallarino Gancia20 June 19307 October 2017BusinesspersonItalian winemaker and businessman who went to the 1969 Bilderberg. Friend of Giovanni Agnelli
Barrie Gane19 September 1935Diplomat
Victor Ganzi14 February 1947BusinesspersonPresident and CEO of Hearst Corporation 2002-2008.
Mala GaonkarNovember 1969Businessperson
Raul Gardini7 June 193323 July 1993BusinesspersonERTI scandal ridden Italian businessman who "died by a dubious suicide"
Robert Garner189413 December 1975Central banker
Working for the World Bank, he focused on financing of development programs. He attended the 1956 Bilderberg, where several of the topics concerned the relationship between the West and the Third World.
Bill Gates28 October 1955Programmer
Big pharma/Lobbyist
Big Tech/Lobbyist
Multi-billionaire computer businessman, was "very close" to Epstein, Pushing a mass vaccination agenda in 2021. Called a Napoleon and drug trafficker repeatedly caught by the court of Washington D.C in the early 2000s.
Laura Gayler1970Deep state functionary
Suspected Clinton-connected operative arrested in Haiti attempting to take children out of the country. A string of legal issues. Her legal advisor was arrested by Interpol on suspicion of human trafficking.
Auckland Geddes21 June 18798 June 1954Diplomat
Reay Geddes7 May 191219 February 1998BusinesspersonChairman of Dunlop, Bilderberger
Conrad Gerber19412009Deep state actor
Close friend of Ted Shackley
Jean-Louis Gergorin1946Diplomat
Attended 4 Bilderbergs from 1997 to 2003. Sentenced to 3 years in prison for slanderous denunciation, forgery, concealment of breach of trust and theft
John GersonSpook
Deep state operative
UK spook turned oil executive
Louis Gerstner1 March 1942Deep state operative
Former Chairman and CEO, RJR Nabisco, Former Chairman and CEO, IBM, Former Chairman of the Carlyle Group, Bilderberg Steering Committee.
Dan Gertler1973BusinesspersonIsraeli billionaire businessman in natural resources
Gerhard P. Th. Geyer5 September 189714 February 1972BusinesspersonEsso director who attended the 1st and 4th Bilderbergs
James Giffen1941Deep state actor
Former special advisor of Kazakhstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev for the US deep state
Eival Gilady1957Soldier
Connected triple Bilderberger Israeli soldier turned businessman
Keir Giles26 January 1968Journalist
Deep state operative
Russophobic UK deep state operative, member of Integrity Initiative.
Brian GilvaryBusinesspersonBig oil Bilderberg banker
Paul Girolami25 January 1926BusinesspersonSingle Bilderberger Glaxo CEO
Raffaele Girotti13 July 191825 January 2015Politician
Italian company manager and politician who attended the 1973 Bilderberg
Olivier Giscard d'Estaing30 December 1927Deep state operative
French businessman with other connections. Brother of president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
Jean-Claude Gisling19364 November 2016BusinesspersonIn 1980 manager at the PR agency Publicitas
Ivan Glasenberg1957BusinesspersonCEO of Glencore, a mining company with close ties to Mossad.
Carter Glass4 January 185828 May 1946Politician
Dermot Gleeson12 November 1949Lawyer
Attorney General of Ireland, 8 time visitor to the Bilderberg
Dan Glickman24 November 1944Spook
Deep state operative
CIA advisor and Chair of the Motion Picture Association of America
Harold Goddijn23 April 1960BusinesspersonAttended the 2008 Bilderberg as CEO of TomTom, a company developing location tracking technology used by more than one billion people every day.
Peter Godsoe2 May 1938Financier
Attended the 1999 Bilderberg as Chairman and CEO of the Bank of Nova Scotia
Michael GoffBusinessperson
Barry Goldwater2 January 190929 May 1998Politician
Tom Golisano14 November 1941Billionaire
Billionaire businessman donor to the Clinton Foundation
Bernardino Gomes22 June 19342006BusinesspersonPortuguese businessman who attended the 1983 Bilderberg as vice chairman of the Foundation for International Relations
Alain Gomez18 October 1938BusinesspersonChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Group when he attended the 1983 Bilderberg
Rupert Andrew Woodward Goodman17 April 1963Businessperson
John Goossens25 November 19448 November 2002BusinesspersonBelgacom/CEO who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1990s. Died at 57
Walter Gordon27 January 190621 March 1987Author
Triple Bilderberger, President of the Canadian Privy Council
Mark Gorton7 November 1966Author
An active researcher into the US shadow government
Antoine Gosset-Grainville17 March 1966BusinesspersonAttended the 2023 Bilderberg meeting as Chairman of French multinational insurer and financial services firm Axa, a corporation with a heavy Bilderberg habit. Close to Emmanuel Macron.
Johan Goudswaard27 November 192126 January 2013BusinesspersonVice-chairman of the Board of Directors in the Dutch multinational Unilever when he attended the 1975 Bilderberg, and went on to invest heavily in the USA.
Jay Gould27 May 18362 December 1892Financier
Nicky GoulimisBusinesspersonCo-founder of Nova Credit, a cross-border credit rating company. Attended the 2023 Bilderberg meeting.
Felix Graf1967Editor
WEF/Young Global Leaders 2007. CEO of the NZZ Media Group since June 2018.
Donald Graham22 April 1945BusinesspersonSon of Katharine Graham, TLC, Facebook, 10 Bilderbergs
Glen GrantSoldier
37 year military career. Institute for Statecraft senior fellow. "His key work in the last twenty years has been delivering reform and change for defence and security organisations in Europe."
John Grant17 October 1954Diplomat
Michael P. Green2 December 1947BusinesspersonChairman and largest shareholder of Tangent Communications (UK)
Evan Greenberg1955Deep state operative
US businessman, GLT 1998, 2nd generation multi-Bilderberger
Ronald Grierson6 August 192123 October 2014Soldier
Deep state operative
Spooky financier/businessman
Anthony Griffin15 August 191115 September 2015Deep state operative
Worked for S.G. Warburg. A member of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee for 32 years.
Alain Griotteray15 October 192230 August 2008Politician
Deep state operative
Rijkman Groenink25 August 1949Banker
A big Dutch businessman and banker who was in the board of directors and in charge of ABN AMRO during the Global Financial Crisis. Noted to have a "bad reputation" in the UK.
Gian Maria Gros-Pietro4 February 1942BusinesspersonAttended the 2001 Bilderberg meeting as President of oil and gas company Eni.
Hans GrothBusinesspersonSenior Director for Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, at Pfizer Europe. Attended 2011 Bilderberg.
Herbert Grünewald12 September 192114 July 2002Chemist
Attended the 1980 Bilderberg as Chairman of the Board of German pharma company Bayer, expanded heavily to North America.
Walter Guinness29 March 18806 November 1944Politician
Lord Moyne. An Anglo-Irish politician and businessman. Was Minister of State in UN Mandate Palestine in 1944 when he was assassinated by members of Lehi
Peter Gummer24 August 1942Propagandist
Lobbyist who arranged a land deal where Prime Minister David Cameron made up to £250,000.
Miles Guo5 October 1968Billionaire
Andrey GuryevBusinesspersonRussian businessman
Alfred Gusenbauer8 February 1960Politician
Club de Madrid, quad Bilderberger Austrian politician
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg5 December 1971Politician
Born with silver spoon as scion of the zu Guttenberg family, but blew his political career in 2011 after academic plagiarism was discovered. Since then has stayed in spooky think-tanks.
Pehr G. V. Gyllenhammar23 April 190122 November 1988BusinesspersonSwedish insurance company executive
Pehr G. Gyllenhammar8 April 1935Deep state actor
Swedish CEO, European Round Table of Industrialists, Banque Rothschild, with deep state ties
Oliver HaarmanSeptember 1967Financier
Harald HaasMarch 1968Electrical engineer
Gregory HadjieleftheriadisOctober 1938BusinesspersonGreek shipping magnate who attended the 1993 Bilderberg
Chuck Hagel4 October 1946Politician
Deep state operative
US Secretary of Defense, Chairperson of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board
Patrick Haggerty17 March 19141 October 1980Engineer
President and chairman of Texas Instruments attended the 1978 Bilderberg.
Eric HagmanJuly 1946Banker
Greg Hajdarowicz27 October 1965Media mogul
Polish drug company founder and owner of newspaper Rzeczpospolita, since 2021 in collaboration with George Soros. Attended Bilderberg 2018.
H. R. Haldeman27 October 192612 November 1993Deep state actor
Arnold Hall23 April 19159 January 2000Engineer
English aeronautical engineer, scientist and industrialist. Triple Bilderberger
Erle Halliburton22 September 189213 October 1957Businessperson
Fritz Halm4 October 19154 January 2005BusinesspersonSwiss business leader, President of the Central Association of Swiss Employer Organizations.
Peter Hambro18 January 1945Businessperson
Ralph Hamers25 May 1966Banker
Money launderer?
Attended the 2017 Bilderberg as ING CEO'. Prosecuted for massive corruption at ING concerning at least $1,25 billion. Even after the settlement with ING, the Dutch court prosecuted Hamers personally in 2020.
Armand Hammer21 May 189810 December 1990Deep state actor
Kai Hammerich1943Journalist
Supervisor of the 1984 Bilderberg
Harvey Hancock2 January 19008 January 1996BusinesspersonCampaign manager for Richard Nixon's successful 1950 United States Senate race and then the 1952 general election won by Dwight D. Eisenhower and Nixon. Bohemian Grove.
Jean-Pierre Hansen25 April 1948BusinesspersonWent far to become Vice President of French multinational corporation Suez.
Robert Hanson19252016BusinesspersonAttended the 1982 Bilderberg as President and CEO of agricultural machinery producer John Deere.
Charles Hantho1931BusinesspersonCanadian Bilderberger chemical industry businessman
Dido Harding9 November 1967BusinesspersonEnglish businesswoman with strong ties to the UK health bureaucracy. Led several important parts of the UK government's plans in the COVID-19 deep event, including "Test and Trace" and similar programs.
Ezra Harel1 September 195024 November 20039-11/Premature death
Spooky businessman who founded ICTS International.