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TitleDescriptionDiedDeath causeDeath location
Kurt CobainHighly influential frontman of the rock band Nirvana5 April 1994Gunshot
William ColbyCIA boss who maybe became too loose-mouthed, died in suspicious circumstances27 April 1996DrowningMaryland
Rock Point
Pierre ComminFrench strongly anti-communist and pro NATO and European unity socialist politician who attended his first and last two Bilderberg meetings in 1957. Informant for US "diplomats".25 June 1958Heart attack
Michael ConnellA US political consultant who died in a small plane crash19 December 2008Air disaster
Robin CookA UK politician who on the day after 7/7 described Al-Qaida as a product of Western intelligence and insisted that the "war on terror" could not be won by military means.6 August 2005Scotland
Michael CorbinUS researcher who hosted the radio shows 4acloserlook and the ParaNet Continuum, interviewing guests such as Gary Webb and Indira Singh etc. Died in 2008, aged 53.18 March 2008
Lionel CrabbA spook whose illadvised fatal dive lead to the early retirement of MI6 Director general, John Sinclair.19 April 1956DrowningPortsmouth Harbour.
Bronson CuttingA US senator whose efforts to reform the banking system appeared to be gaining traction in 1934. He died in a plane crash in 1935.6 May 1935Near
Emil CzeczkoYoung Polish soldier who defected to Belarus and said he and his comrades were forced to shoot migrants.17 March 2022HangingMinsk
Alfred DallingerAustrian politician, Bilderberg 1979, died in a small plane crash in 198923 February 1989Air disasterSwitzerland
Jerry DanielsA CIA spook from the heroin/covert war operation in Laos and contact to general Vang Pao. Was reportedly poisoned by carbon monoxide.29 April 1982Thailand
Olivier DassaultFrench politician and billionaire. Killed in a freak helicopter crash.7 March 2021Air disasterFrance
Monnett Bain DavisAmerican diplomat in the early and mid 20th century. Ambassador to Denmark and Israel.26 December 1953Israel
Tel Aviv
Gary DeVoreA Hollywood screenwriter who disappeared and was later discovered almost a year later submerged below a bridge in his car.28 June 1997
Richard DescoingSingle Bilderberger who died in unexplained circumstances.3 April 2012New York
Geoffrey DickensA UK politician who worked to expose the UK VIPaedophile phenomenon. Died prematurely.17 May 1995
Ahmed DlimiA Moroccan spook who died in suspicious circumstances22 January 1983Morocco
James DolanA hacker who was connected to [[Aaron Swartz]] and who like Swartz, died by suicide. Some question the circumstances.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a>27 December 2017
Michael H. DoranA lawyer who was working for free to help the relatives of 9-11 victims who refused the US government's 9-11/Compensation fund.28 April 2009Air disaster
Charles Douglas-Home29 October 1985Cancer
Maurice DuplessisPremier of Quebec. Died of heart attack, just like his two party successors.7 September 1959Canada
John EarmanA CIA Inspector General for 6 years who opposed Operation Midnight Climax. Very little information is available about him as of 2019.10 April 1974
Klaus EberweinA Haitian government official and businessman who was found dead with gunshot in head, a week before he was due to testify before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.12 July 2017GunshotUS
Beverly EckertThe outspoken wife of a 9/11 victim who refused to accept the 9-11/Compensation fund and forcefully stating "My silence cannot be bought".12 February 2009Air disasterNew York
United States
Clarence Center
Zeta EmilianidouDeceased Cypriot government minister6 June 2022Brain aneurysmGreece
Hans EngenPermanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations for 5 years, reportedly died in a skiing accident6 April 1966Norway
Fritz ErlerSPD Deputy chair. Attended all Bilderberg meetings from 1955 September to his death in 1967, aged 5322 February 1967Germany
Paul FarmerFounder of Partners In Health21 February 2022Acute cardiac eventRwanda
Kathy FergusonCo-defendant in the Paula Jones law suit against Bill Clinton. Died violently.10 May 1993Gunshot
Mohammed FerratMohammed Samir Ferrat was reportedly killed aboard Flight TWA 800. He was a colleague of Ron Brown who had died 3 months earlier in another suspicious plane crash. Prior to the flight his business was in financial difficulties and he had taken more that one multiple life insurance policies and borrowed heavily from would be investors in Ivory Coast and Switzerland.
Hassan FirouzabadiIranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff (1989 to 2016), died of COVID-193 September 2021COVID-19Iran
Desmond FitzGeraldA US Spook and Georgetown Set member who died of a "heart attack"23 July 1967US
Boris FloricicGerman hacker/phreaker with strong interest in cryptography found dead in a park. Ruled a suicide.17 October 1998HangingBerlin
James ForrestalThe first US Secretary of Defense, died in mysterious circumstances in Bethesda Naval Hospital, Maryland22 May 1949United States
Third story canopy of the Bethesda Naval Hospital
Vince FosterA deputy White House Counsel and Clinton confidante who died unexpectedly.20 July 1993Virginia
Fairfax County
Allan FrancovichFrancovich was a talented and courageous filmmaker who produced unparalleled exposés of various misdeeds by the powerful. Termed a 'charlatan' by some, a "conspiracy theorist" by others (though not by Wikipedia).24 April 1997US
Going through customs in the Intercontinental Airport
Helric FredouA French policeman who reportedly shot himself just after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.8 January 2015Gunshot
Knut FrydenlundNorwegian foreign minister who attended 2 Bilderbergs in the early 1980s. Handpicked by spook Trond Johansen for the job.26 February 1987Cerebral hemorrhage?Oslo's Fornebu Airport
Loretta FuddyThe Hawaii official who released Obama's birth certificate. She reportedly died due to a cardiac arrhythmia after a plane crash in which no one else was seriously hurt.11 December 2013Pacific Ocean
(Off the coast of Molokai)
Boris FyodorovRussian WEF YGL 1994 and Deputy Prime Minister who died of a stroke, aged 5020 November 2008London
Hugh GaitskellA UK Labour politician who reportedly died of a rare illness in hospital.18 January 1963London
Middlesex Hospital
Anastasio Somoza GarcíaWith the help of the US Marine Corps started a family dictatorship that maintained absolute control over Nicaragua for 42 years.29 September 1956Gunshot
Raul GardiniERTI scandal ridden Italian businessman who "died by a dubious suicide"23 July 1993Milan
Judi Gibbs3 January 1986US
David Goldberg8 June 2019
Harold GouldingMaster mariner, spook and commander of the Special Boat Unit Headquarters who carried out "very secret work". Interest centers on the final month of the war, when Goulding was purportedly posted to Cardiff. Died of meningitis in an Edinburgh hospital 3 months later after another unexpected posting to Scotland.4 August 1945Subdural haematomaEdinburgh
David GraeberAnarchist anthropologist who played a leading role in the Occupy movement. Died suddenly in 2020.2 September 2020Italy
Steven Dale GreenA US soldier convicted of raping and murdering an Iraqi girl.18 February 2014Kentucky
François de GrossouvreThe spook in charge of Operation Gladio in France.7 April 1994GunshotParis
Philip HabibUS diplomat who died aged 72 of a cardiac arrhythmia the day after the 1992 Bilderberg where he was a panelist on Whither The United States?25 May 1992Heart attackFrance
Juvenal HabyarimanaPresident of Rwanda whose assassination reportedly helped spark the Rwandan genocide.6 April 1994Rwanda
Jörg Haider11 October 2008
Thomas HamiltonA "lone nut" who shot a class of primary children and their teacher before turning the gun on himself.13 March 1996Dunblane school massacre
Dag HammarskjöldThe 2nd Secretary-General of the United Nations who died in highly suspicious circumstances while trying to make peace in the Congo.18 September 1961Ndola
Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Warren HardingDied under suspicious circumstances, as did a number of people around him.2 August 1923United States
San Francisco
Philip HartUS Senator who was strong supporter of civil rights, anti-trust legislation and consumer and environmental protection. Member of Church Committee. Died of cancer soon after.26 December 1976CancerWashington DC
Hiroshi HasegawaAn "exceptionally erudite" TV commentator who publicly urged caution about the claim that 9/11 was a Muslim led operation. His sudden death the next month was little reported by corporate media.15 October 2001FallingJapan
NHK broadcasting center
Faraj HassanA supporter of Aafia Siddiqui16 August 2010Car crash
Jan HeckerDies suddenly just 2 weeks after taking up Beijing ambassador post.6 September 2021China
Frederick HeinzeA copper baron bankrupted by the money trust4 November 1914New York
Jon HellevigFinnish lawyer and businessman who worked in Russia since the early 1990s.26 May 2020Heart attack
Ernest HemingwayAmerican author hounded by the FBI2 July 1961GunshotUnited States
Jimi HendrixA guitarist and singer who died of a drug overdose.18 September 1970Drug overdoseLondon
Ashley HenleyFormer state legislator15 June 2021MurderMississippi
Bill HicksA charismatic comedian and social critic with a pronounced interest in third rail topics such as the JFK Assassination.26 February 1994CancerUnited States
Little Rock
Hans von HofstenSwedish naval officer who instigated the 1985 "Officers' Revolt" against Prime Minister Olof Palme19 July 1992
Johan Jørgen HolstBilderberger who reportedly "worked himself to death with the peace process" as Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs13 January 1994
Harold HoltAustralian Prime Minister who disappeared in 1967. He was presumed drowned.Disappearance
Armoni HowardAmerican conservative activist who died from the COVID-19/Vaccine.July 2021"COVID-19/Vaccine"US
San Jose
Dorothy HuntSpook, wife of Watergate/JFK assassination conspirator, E. Howard Hunt. Killed in a plane suspicious crash.8 December 1972Air disasterUS
H. John Heinz IIIA US politician and Bilderberger who died in a small plane crash the day before a friend of his, John Tower also died in a plane crash.4 April 1991Air disasterPennsylvania
Lower Merion Township
Thomas Anthony Dooley IIIDoctor who was CIA operative. Collected intelligence under medical cover. After his death, it was discovered numerous descriptions of atrocities by the Viet Minh in his hugely influential book Deliver Us From Evil had been fabricated.18 January 1961Cancer
Bruce IvinsA biodefense researcher at Fort Detrick, Maryland who, the FBI concluded, sent anthrax letters with crude anti-Zionist messages to the US politicians who were holding up the rollback of civil liberties in the wake of 9/11. After an investigation costing around $100,000,000 Ivins was declared to be a "lone nut" responsible for the crime shortly after he was found dead.29 July 2008Drug overdoseUnited States
Frederick Memorial Hospital
Nestor IzquierdoBay of Pigs, may have been spotter for JFK assassination in Dallas10 June 1979Air disaster
Erik IzraelewiczEditor-in-chief in many newspapers27 November 2012Heart attackFrance
Barnaby JackHacker who died before he could give a presentation on how to hack pacemakers.25 July 2013
Robin Jackson30 May 1998
Jennifer JaynesUS author whose plotlines included "corruption inside the vaccine industry".25 November 2019Suicide
Thomas JendgesHead of a hospital in Chemnitz who died from a fall of his roof.November 2021Falling
Barry JenningsA key 9/11 witness whose testimony contradicted the 9/11 report. He was reported dead without further explanation, aged 53. No death certificate is available on the internet, the cause of death is unknown & his entire family went missing without explanation at the same time.19 August 2008Unknown
Tina Joemat-PetterssonScandal ridden ex-minister form South Africa who died suddenly5 June 2023UnknownSouth Africa
Kenneth JohannemannA janitor at the World Trade Centre who saw explosions and rescued someone from the base of the buliding who had been burned by one.31 August 2008Gunshot
Josefa JohnsonSister of Lyndon B. Johnson, premature death.25 December 1961Cerebral hemorrhage
John Jones (lawyer)Assange lawyer who jumped in front of train18 April 2016Struck by trainLondon
John F. Kennedy Jr.Another promising Kennedy with a tragic end16 July 1999Air disaster
Lech KaczyńskiPresident of Poland who was killed in the catastrophic Smolensk air disaster10 April 2010Air disaster
Kari KairamoA Finnish businessman who reportedly hung himself, something his company, Nokia initially lied about.11 December 1988Finland
Prasanna KalahasthiA 9/11 widow reported to have hung herself out of grief.19 October 2001Hanging
Steve KangasA spook turned whistleblower who was one of the first political campaigners on the internet. Probably murdered by the US Deep state.8 February 1999GunshotUS
Isaac KappyAn actor who died aged 42 after accusing former Hollywood friends of paedophilia.13 May 2019Car crash
Saak Karapetyan"Russian deputy attorney general" who reportedly died in a helicopter crash3 October 2018
Drąsius KedysStated in 2010 that he would "fight to the end" to expose paedophile activity that had affected his daughter.20 April 2010Lithuania
Jim KeithUS deep political researcher7 September 1999
Petr KellnerCzech businessman who made large fortune on privatization. Died in helicopter accident.27 March 2021Air disasterAlaska
Petra KellyOctober 1992
Néstor Kirchner27 October 2010Heart attackArgentina
Santa Cruz
El Calafate
Norman KirkThe 29th Prime Minister of New Zealand. An outspoken critic of US foreign policy, he died suddenly while in office, reportedly due to overwork.31 August 1974
Lori KlausutisAn intern for Joe Scarborough who in July 2001 was found dead at her desk aged 28, reportedly due to undiagnosed heart problems.19 July 2001US
Franz KleinGerman business leader and vocal lock-down critic21 November 2020
Mary Jo KopechneThe victim of the Chappaquiddick incident which stymied Edward Kennedy's presidential ambitions18 July 1969Drowning
Traffic accident
United States
Chappaquiddick Island
David KoreshA cult leader shot dead in the Waco siege.Gunshot
Igor KorobovRussian military officer21 November 2018
Giannos KranidiotisA greek diplomat and politician who was killed together with his son in a "freak accident" 3 months after attending a Bilderberg meeting.14 September 1999Air disasterRomania
Ivar KreugerSwedish match tycoon who was shot dead in a Paris hotel in 19321932GunshotFrance
Walter KrivitskyA spook and defector10 February 1941GunshotUS
Washington DC
Alan KruegerAlan Krueger reportedly killed himself in March 2019, in spite of having a new book due out in June.16 March 2019
George KrutilekWorked for Billie Sol Estes. Died in suspicious circumstances. It was ruled a suicide.4 April 1962
Stanley KubrickFilm director who touched on deep state subjects such as MKULTRA and the institutionalised power of secret VIPaedophile societies.7 March 1999United Kingdom
Perry Kucinich"Fell down dead six months after his brother Dennis Kucinich called for new 9/11 investigation and introduced a resolution to impeach Dick Cheney." His sister died a year later.19 December 2007Ohio
Tiantian Kullander
Otto LacisA member of the ill-fated Kovalev Commission who died in a car crash.3 November 2005Car crash
Osama bin LadenA CIA operative, heavily involved in CIA covert operations such as Operation Cyclone and Gladio plan B.December 2001Pakistan
Henri LafondFrench banker assassinated in 19636 March 1963Shooting
Léon LambertBanking heir and Bilderberg Steering Committee member and financier who suddenly died aged 5826 May 1987Brussels
Erasmus Hospital
Adrian LamoAmerican hacker who committed "suicide" in 2018.14 March 2018Drug overdose
Paul LatinusStarted the spooky Operation Gladio associated group, the Westland New Post. "Suicide"April 1984
Alexander LebedA military man who ran for Russian President in 1996. Died in 2002 in a helicopter crash.28 April 2002Air disaster
Ray Lemme2003
Luke LetlowLetlow died with COVID within two months of being elected to Congress.29 December 2020Heart attack
Daniel LewinBillionaire Sayeret Matkal agent fatally involved in 9-11.11 September 2001American Airlines Flight 11
Bing LiuAn assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead in his home in an apparent murder-suicideMay 2020GunshotUS
Gudrun LoftusVictim of an unusual death, reportedly dead after falling down a "steep spiral staircase".5 October 2010
Gordon LonsdaleA spook who organised the Portland Spy Ring. Died in suspicious circumstances in Moscow.14 October 1970
Dean LorichA US doctor who expressed dissatisfaction about the Clinton Foundation, found dead in with a knife in his chest, declared a suicide10 December 2017StabbingNew York
Albino LucianiPope John Paul I28 September 1978Heart attack
Vatican City
Apostolic Palace
Jeff LumpkinRaytheon director who was killed in a plane crash5 April 2023Air disasterFlorida
Venice Fishing Pier
Patty LumpkinWife of a Raytheon director who was killed in a plane crash5 April 2023Air disasterFlorida
Venice Fishing Pier
Chokwe LumumbaBlack nationalist mayor of Jackson, Mississippi. Premature death in office "following complaints of a cold"25 February 2014
Björn LundvallAs CEO of LM Ericsson, a part of the Wallenberg Sphere, Lundvall also represented the Wallenberg family as a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.14 September 1980Car crash
Gerald MacGuireThe front man for the Business Plot, reportedly died of pneumonia due to exhaustion the next year.March 1935
Darrell MacIntyreA US Lawyer found dead in suspicious circumstances after he had been working on the "Iran-Contra" case.27 December 1986GunshotUS
Los Angeles
Cameron MackenzieThe 14th South African MP to die from COVID.7 July 2021COVID-19South Africa
Maurice MacmillanUK MP, Son of UK PM Harold Macmillan, who attended the 1979 Bilderberg. Died suddenly in 1984 after an operation10 March 1984Heart operation
Sergei MagnitskyDied in a Moscow prison 8 days before he would have had to be released if he were not brought to trial.16 November 2009Russia
Matrosskaya Tishina Prison
John MagufuliPresident of Tanzania who refused to institute a Covid lockdown and rejected WHO advice. Died aged 61 after harsh criticism by western controlled media. A close friend of Pierre Nkurunziza, President of Burundi who took a similar policy and died suddenly in 2020.March 2021
Joyce MalulekeThe 15th South African MP to die from COVID.16 July 2021COVID-19South Africa
Christophe de MargerieA Total CEO who died in a plane crash in Moscow in 2014. WEF AGM regular20 October 2014Air disasterRussia
Bob MarleyA musician who died of cancer aged 36.11 May 1981CancerUS
Ashraf MarwanSpooky son-in-law of the late Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Fell to his death from the balcony of his London home.2 October 2007FallingLondon
Robert MaxwellBillionaire media mogul and deep state operative who reportedly fell overboard5 November 1991DrowningCanary Islands
Aubrey McClendonA US businessman who died in suspicious circumstances.2 March 2016Car crashOklahoma
Larry McDonaldA US congressman who placed legislative pressure on the CFR. Died in Korean Air Lines Flight 007.1 September 1983Soviet Union
Jim McDougalA witness to the Whitewater affair who reportedly died of a heart attack while in prison in Texas.8 March 1998United States
Fort Worth
Louis McFaddenU.S. politician who at the end of his career opposed the US Federal Reserve. Died unexpectedly of "intestinal flu" in 1936, after two previous attacks against his life.1 October 1936New York
David McGowanA dogged researcher into the vast deceptions of power since well before 9-ll. McGowan has solid claim to being The First 9-11 Sceptic23 November 2015Cancer
María Teresa Marú MejíaMexican Member of Parliament who reportedly died from COVID.3 August 2021Mexico
Mexico City
Alois MertesSpooky German who attended the Bilderberg and Le Cercle. Aide to German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher16 June 1985StrokeGermany
James Le MesurierA UK spook involved in various NATO interventions, including sin Syria where he started the White Helmets and the Mayday Rescue Foundation. He was found dead in Istanbul in November 2019, which was labelled a suicide, in spite of the evidence.11 November 2019FallingTurkey
Milagro de MierAn anti-GMO activist who reportedly drowned in 2018.April 2018DrowningWashington DC
Ron MillerOklahoma businessman who died under suspicious circumstances, possibly with anthrax, after getting tangled with the Clinton family.12 October 1997Anthrax?Oklahoma
Stephen MilliganA Tory MP and Parliamentary Private Secretary to Jonathan Aitken. Died a bizarre death, purportedly by suffocation.7 February 1994London
C. Wright MillsA sociologist who helped expose the US Ruling class20 March 1962Heart attackNew York
West Nyack
Slobodan MiloševićFormer President of Serbia who died in custody, preempting his trial11 March 2006Netherlands
The Hague
Mark MinnieA paedophile investigator shot dead nine days after publishing a book about a 1980s VIPaedophile network involving members of the South African government14 August 2018Gunshot
David MirandaPlayed a key role in Edward Snowden's global surveillance leaks. Died of a gastrointestinal infection aged 379 May 2023
Philipp MißfelderSuper-transatlantic German politician, YGL/2014, who died of a pulmonary embolism in 201513 July 2015Pulmonary embolismGermany
North Rhine-Westphalia
Simon MonjackFilm director husband of Brittany Murphy who died under odd circumstances within months of his wife's mysterious death.23 May 2010MurderUS
Los Angeles
Roh Moo-hyunFormer South Korean President. Officially committed suicide after a corruption scandal, which was promptly closed.23 May 2009FallingSouth Korea
Jackson MthembuLong running politician from South Africa, dies of Covid. His doctor has a fatal Helicopter crash the same day.21 January 2021COVID-19South Africa
Brittany MurphyA famous Hollywood actress who died in December 2009 under odd circumstances. Who killed Brittany Murphy? Was it mold or murder?20 December 2009Murder
Los Angeles
Grayson MurphyUS deep state operative who was implicated in the Business Plot and died in 193718 October 1937New York
United States
Frank NashUS Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, who went to one Bilderberg. Died 10 months later of a heart attack, aged 47.12 December 1957Heart attack
Gamal Abdel NasserEgyptian President who died of a heart attack in 1970.28 September 1970Heart attackEgypt
Alexei NavalnyRussian politician designated "leader of the opposition" by Western corporate media, despite not leading the biggest opposition party. Mystery income stream, mystery decidedly non-deadly "poisoning" incident in 2020. Died in prison of "sudden death syndrome".16 February 2024Russia
George NebolsineCFR, Russian born naturalised US lawyer who attended all Bilderberg meetings until his death the day after the 1964 Bilderberg.23 March 1964UnknownParis
Alberto NismanArgentinian lawyer and CIA/Mossad collaborator who was murdered the day before delivering report on the 1994 car bombing of the Jewish center in Buenos Aires.18 January 2015GunshotArgentina
Buenos Aires
Pierre NkurunzizaThe longest-ruling President of Burundi. Died suddenly in 2020 after expelling the WHO team and refusing to impose restrictions as a response to COVID-19.8 June 2020
Ivo NutarelliItalian Air Force pilot witnessing or participating in the events around the shoot down of flight Itavia Flight 870 in 1980. Died in deadly acrobatic show accident in 1988.28 August 1988Air disasterGermany
Ramstein Air Base
Ray ObomsawinDr. Obomsawin went from perfectly healthy to dead a few days after sending an important document to RFK Jr. related to the safety of the COVID vaccines.28 December 2021
William OdomBilderberg NSA director30 May 2008Heart attackVermont
Mario OhovenGerman business leader who has been a regular guest on German talk shows. Died in a Car crash two days after criticizing a new Covid-19 lockdown.31 October 2020Car crash
Frank OlsonA US bioweapons researcher who fell to his death after having been unwittingly given LSD under the umbrella of MKNAOMI and MKULTRA.28 November 1953New York
Thomas OppermannGerman politician who suddenly died en-route to be interviewed in a talk show after voicing criticism of the governments Covid-19 measures.25 October 2020Disease
Wayne OwensFound dead in Tel Aviv18 December 2002Israel
Tel Aviv
Stephen PaddockA "lone nut" officially responsible for the 2017 Las Vegas shooting.1 October 2017GunshotUnited States
John PaisleyA spook who died before he could testify in the HSCA.24 September 1978Gunshot
Sean Parlaman"The leading anti-pedophile activist of his generation"23 November 2002FallingThailand
Rose PatersonWife of Shropshire MP Owen Paterson who died suddenly in June 2020.24 June 2020Suicide
George PattonUS general who died in a car crash. Officially, an accident.21 December 1945PoisonGermany
Alexander PerepilichnyRussian financial whistleblower who dropped dead in London while out jogging.10 November 2012London
Graham PerkinAustralian newspaper editor, died in the warm-up to the 1975 coup d'etat.16 October 1975Melbourne
Michael Collins PiperJFK Assassination researcher who died at 54 of "natural causes".May 2015United States
Coeur d'Alene
William PitzerPossibly assassinated because he intended to expose the JFK assassination29 October 1966GunshotBethesda
Naval Medical School
Igor Ponomarev30 October 2006Heart attackLondon
Phoebe PoolBritish art historian and spy for the Soviet Union. Spooky suicide in 1971.December 1971
Mircea PopescuBitcoin billionaire found dead in Jun 202123 June 2021Drowning?Costa Rica
Francis Gary PowersDied in a helicopter crash before he could testify to the HSCA/August 1977Air disasterUS
Los Angeles
Giovanni PretoriusSouth African boxer who died from COVID.23 August 2021COVID-19South Africa
Carlos PrioEx-Cuban president "suicided" before testifying before the House Select Committee on Assassinations5 April 1977Suicide
David de PurySwiss neo-liberal economist and diplomat negotiator, Bilderberg Steering committee26 December 2000CancerZurich
Autumn RadtkeA tech-valley CEO of a bitcoin exchange who died a violent death, aged 28. It was ruled a suicide.28 February 2014FallingSingapore
Joseph RecareyA Palm Beach detective who was active in breaking open Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking/sexual blackmail activities. Died, aged 50, "after a brief illness."25 May 2018
Simon ReganUK investigative journalist who founded Scallywag. Died in August 2000, aged 588 August 2000
Aivar ReheEstonian banker connected to the Danske Banke money laundering operation23 September 2019
Ray RichardsonJanuary 1971DrowningMexico
Manfred RitterbachGerman economist, who attended the Bilderberg in his late 20s, died at age 32.15 March 1973
Rip RobertsonImportant CIA Contract Officer involved with Bay of Pigs and Congolese Operation among many other exploits.1 December 1970MalariaDallas
Paul RobesonUS artist and activist possibly poisoned by the CIA23 January 1976Poisoning
Martin John RogersA researcher into tropical diseases, particularly malaria, who suddenly disappeared without apparent explanation about 14 days before being found dead by his wrecked car.September 2014UncertainUS
Amschel RothschildA hung banker8 July 1996HangingFrance
Boris Georgiyevich RotovOrdained in 1960 at the age of 31, the youngest bishop in the Christian world. Russian Orthodox metropolitan of Leningrad until his sudden death at age 48 after drinking a cup of coffee at the Vatican.5 September 1978Italy
Jack RubyA "lone nut" who killed another lone nut to try to hide the conspiracy which killed JFK. Both were actually assets controlled by the deep state groups who ran that coup.3 January 1967Pulmonary embolismDallas
Charles RuffProminent American lawyer best known as the White House Counsel who defended President Bill Clinton during his impeachment trial in 1999.19 November 2000Heart attackUnited States
Washington DC
Michael RuppertFormer cop who famously confronted John Deutch about CIA drug dealing. Later became a dissident journalist.13 April 2014California
Tim RussertUS corporate journalist who made 2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stumble. Died same year of heart attack, age 58.13 June 2008Heart attack
Louis Rwagasore"the Burundian Lumumba", assassinated by the Belgians.13 October 1961Shooting
Edmond SafraBanker who involved in drug, gold and currency trafficking, money laundering and organised crime, including what became known as Iran Contra. Died in suspicious fire.3 December 1999FireMonaco
Peter SalamaWHO leader who died just before the Covid-19 pandemic was declared23 January 2020
Noloyiso SandileSister of King Goodwill Zwelithini, who also reportedly died of COVID-19.8 July 2020COVID-19South Africa
Francis SanziriHead of UNDOF who suddenly died19 April 2019
Rita SargsyanThe First Lady of Armenia reportedly died from COVID in November 2020.20 November 2020COVID-19Armenia
David SassoliItalian MEP; European Parliament President, presumed dead from the "vaccines" he himself promoted.11 January 2022"COVID-19/Vaccine"
Paul SauvéPremier of Quebec. Died of suspicious heart attack, like his predecessor and successor2 January 1960Canada
Gaetano ScardocchiaItalian editor of La Stampa, one Bilderberg, died aged 561993Heart attackNew York
Margie SchoedingerA woman found shot dead after filing rape charges against George W. Bush. Corporate media uninterested.22 September 2003Gunshot
Ed SchultzTelevision host for Russia Today who died prematurely, age 64, at a time of immense pressure on the channel.5 July 2018Natural causesUS
Washington DC
Thomas SchäferHesse's Finance Minister who was unexpectedly found dead on train tracks.28 March 2020Hit by train?Germany
Train tracks
Al SeckelUS writer, husband of Isabel Maxwell, who was "found at the bottom of a cliff". Attended the 2011 WEF AGM.2015France
Christopher ShaleDavid Cameron's constituency chairman, maybe died under suspicious circumstances. According to some theories he was murdered because it was feared he might reveal the dark past of Tory involvement in nuclear weapons smuggling.25 June 2011
Lisa ShawBritish radio presenter who tragically died after having the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19/Vaccine.21 May 2021AZD1222United Kingdom
Royal Victoria Infirmary
Patrick ShawAustralian Ambassador to the United States, dies of heart attack a month after the 1975 coup in Australia.27 December 1975
Barry ShermanCanadian big pharma businessman found strangled with his wife in 2017.15 December 2017StrangulationCanada
Mitsuhiro ShimadaSpooky Japanese businessman. Officially, a suicide.2 February 1979
Christopher SignJournalist who broke story of Bill Clinton meeting Loretta Lynch in June 2016; died in June 2021. Declared suicide.12 June 2021SuicideBirmingham
Manuel R. Espirito Santo SilvaDouble bilderberger who had a premature death.28 January 1973Portugal
John SmithUK labour leader who suffered a fatal heart attack12 May 1994London
United Kingdom
Merriman SmithPut the first story about the JFK Assassination on the UPI newswire. Supposedly shot himself.13 April 1970GunshotWashington DC
Craig SpenceA lobbyist who ran a call-boy ring for purposes of sexual blackmail, also implicated in the Franklin child prostitution ring. Died suddenly.10 November 1989
Milo SperiglioA researcher who died in unexplained circumstances in 2000.30 April 2000
Max SpiersUFO researcher who died suddenly in unclear circumstances.16 July 2016
Josef Stalin5 March 1953Cerebral hemorrhageRussia
Soviet Union
Kuntsevo Dacha
William SteadSuspected UK deep politician who died aboard the Titanic15 April 1912TitanicAtlantic Ocean
Paul StehlinFrench officer and politician opposed the defense policy of General de Gaulle, which called for French room for independence, and campaigned for a close alliance with the United States. Went to the 1973 Bilderberg. Died after a traffic accident on the same day in 1975 he was exposed as secret "consultant" for US arms companies.22 June 1975Car crashFrance
Rudolf Steiner30 March 1925Switzerland
Michael StengerSergeant at Arms who died suddenly27 June 2022
John M. StevensBritish banker who attended the 1962 Bilderberg meeting.1973
Grant StockdaleA friend of JFK who died shortly after the Kennedy assassination2 December 1963Florida
Dirk StoffbergSouth African spook and arms dealer who died suddenlyJuly 1994Murder-suicideSouth Africa
Kymberley SuchomelA witness to the 2017 Las Vegas shooting and described more than one shooter firing into the crowd. Died about a week later. Reason unknown.9 October 2017UnknownCalifornia
Aaron SwartzA hacker who died a suspicious death after using his talents to promote freedom of information11 January 2013New York
United States
Zachary TaylorPresident of the United States. Poisoned.9 July 1850PoisoningUnited States
Washington DC
Ola TeigenLeader of the Norwegian Labour Party's youth wing, who resigned after it was revealed the youth wing received funding from the Central Intelligence Agency.28 July 1970Trondheim
Hunter S. ThompsonA prominent writer, openly critical of the US government. While writing an expose of 9/11 when he was found dead.20 February 2005GunshotColorado
Woody Creek
Victor ThornA journalist and reporter who wrote many books on deep politics, including two on involvement of the Mossad and zionists in the events of 9-11. Died of a shot to the head in 2016.1 August 2016GunshotUS
Melanie ThorntonAn American singer who was killed in a mysterious plane crash in Switzerland in November 2001.24 November 2001Switzerland
Pat TillmanA professional NFL American football player who joined the US army. His attiude22 April 2004GunshotAfghanistan
Maarten van TraaPolitician21 October 1997
Jim TraficantBegan a grassroots campaign in July 2014 to, among other things, try to abolish the Federal Reserve. Died in September 2014.27 September 2014Ohio
Poland (Ohio)
Kenneth TrentadueArrested in connection with the Oklahoma City bombing then died in jail. His brother suspected a case of mistaken identity.21 August 1995
Ludovic TronPresident of French deep state network Le Siècle for 15 years.24 October 1968France
Richard TrumkaUS union leader who died a week after supporting mandatory vaccination as president of the AFL-CIO.5 August 2021Heart attack
Ivana TrumpFirst wife of Donald Trump, mentioned in relation to Ghislaine Maxwell, died a suspicious death in July 202214 July 2022FallingNew York
Tamerlan TsarnaevOfficial perpetrator of the Boston Bombings, possibly an FBI double agent. Died after an encounter with US police custody.19 April 2013United States
Paul Tully“Dear friend and trusted advisor” of Bill Clinton, "Top democratic strategist" unexpectedly found dead at 48.24 September 1992
Tracy TwymanAn investigator into claims of paedophilia in Hollywood. She was found dead in 2019. A posthumously released video details death threats made against her.July 2019UnknownUS
Udo UlfkotteFormer editor of a German broadsheet who exposed press corruption while also subscribing to Islamophobic views.13 January 2017
Getúlio VargasPresident of Brazil who shot himself in 1954.24 August 1954SuicideBrazil
Brandy VaughanInternationally reputed big pharma dissident who was found dead in December 20207 December 2020
Hans van de VenFormer SIGINT head of the Dutch MiVD intelligence agency in 1990s. Suspicious death ruled "natural death". House was burglarized shortly after, female found in house sought for fraud let loose. Police reopened case in 2022.2021Netherlands
Evert VermeerDutch journalist turned politician who attended the 1958 Bilderberg. Fell ill in 1959 and died in 196020 May 1960IatrogenesisNetherlands
Joe ViallsAn internet journalist who cricitised commercially controlled media, and suffered a premature death,17 July 2005
Paul VigayA British computer consultant, notable for work in developing and supporting RISC OS software. Interested in UFOs and crop circles.20 February 2009Portsmouth
Vladimir VinogradovRussian oligarch, GLT 1996, died aged 5329 June 2008Moscow
André VltchekAndre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist.22 September 2020Turkey
Malcom WallaceFound guilty of "murder with malice aforethought" for which he was given a suspended sentence. He was working as LBJ's personal assassin since that time.7 January 1971US
Marc "Boy-boy" WallenbergWallenberg family businessman who killed himself after family intrigues19 November 1971
Jackie WalorskiRepublican politician from Indiana; premature death after winning her primary election.3 August 2022Indiana
Elkhart County
Alan WattDissident podcaster who died suddenly in March 2021 after prominent criticism of the COVID-19 Official narrative4 March 2021
Gary WebbClearly exposed the CIA's complicity in drug smuggling, simultaneously demonstrating the controlled nature of the US corporate media. He died from two gunshots to the head in 2004 which was ruled a suicide10 December 2004GunshotUnited States
Du WeiChinese Ambassador to Israel found dead in his Herziliya apartment in 2020.17 May 2020Israel
Li WenliangFirst raised awareness of COVID-19 by publishing about it online. Disciplined by the Chinese government for "spreading rumours", posthumously pardoned. An early COVID-19 premature death2020COVID-19
Guido WesterwelleAtlantik-Brücke, Bilderberg 2007, ousted after a media campaign. Died aged 54 of acute myeloid leukemia.18 March 2016LeukemiaGermany
John WileyA South African politician whose death would later lead to VIPaedophile allegations.March 1987Gunshot
Arthur WilhelmSwiss economist who attended the 1960 Bilderberg and 1961 Bilderbergs. Died suddenly in February 1962.4 February 1962Switzerland
Gareth WilliamsA brilliant cryptologist who worked for GCHQ and was found dead, naked, and locked in a sports bag allegedly a "suicide" or "sex game gone wrong".16 August 2010Sex game gone wrongLondon
Gareth Williams (politician)A Leader of the House of Lords and Lord President of the Council who suffered an unexplained and sudden death at age 62, four months after attending his second Bilderberg conference.20 September 2003Gloucestershire
Barbara WiseAssociate of John Huang who was found bruised and partially nude in a locked office at Commerce. "No obvious signs of foul play". Cause of death unknown.29 November 1996
Frank WisnerUS deep politician, and an architect of Operation Mockingbird. Reportedly killed himself.29 October 1965Gunshot
Susan WojcickiBusinesswoman and Youtube CEO 2014 to 20239 August 2024CancerUS
Park Won-soonSeoul Mayor found dead after a complaint of sexual harrasment9 July 2020
Ron WrightTexas congressman who died of COVID.7 February 2021COVID-19US
Miriam Wuolou2015
Jacobus Frederick van WykSouth African politician who died from COVID.31 July 2021COVID-19South Africa
Terrance YeakeyThe first policeman on the scene of the Oklahoma City bombing. Reportedly a suicide.8 May 1996Gunshot
Gaia Young25 year old aristocrat "dies of headache" in July 202121 July 2021"COVID-19/Vaccine"London
United Kingdom
University College London Hospital
Ilya ZhitomirskiyRussian hacker who co-developed Diaspora, a distributed social network which was marketed as a Facebook killer. Officially a suicide.12 November 2011AsphyxiationSan Francisco
Yusen ZhouCOVID-19 researcher reported to have worked closely with Zhengli Shi. DiedMay 2020Unknown
Yevgeny ZinichevRussian minister of emergency situations during COVID who fell off a cliff during a training exercise and died.8 September 2021FallingRussia
Cary Haskel ZitcerCo-founded Astutus Intelligence with two others, both of whom became directors of the Institute for Statecraft.8 October 2016
Goodwill ZwelithiniZulu King who reportedly died of COVID-19 in March 2021.12 March 2021COVID-19South Africa
Zanele kaMagwaza-MsibiYet another South African politician who died from COVID. She formerly served as a government minister and was the leader of an opposition party until her sudden death.6 September 2021COVID-19South Africa
Four British Airways pilots12 June 2021UnknownUK