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Kevin Barrett academic and 9-11/Dissident.
Robert Bartleyhttp://Robert Bartley.jpgManaged the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal for over 30 years. 15 Bilderberg visits
Leonard Beaton a mng rwt scns shareDied aged 41, three years after attending the 1968 Bilderberg. His book, The Reform of Power, was posthumously published in 1972.
Glenn Beck
Ernest Becker
Zanny Minton Beddoes journalist, Bilderberger, IMF economist under Jeffrey Sachs
Arnold Beichman
Cedric Belfrage of British Security Coordination, then press control officer in Germany after the WW2. Suspected Soviet agent, or British double-agent.
Daniel Bell co-founder of neoconservatism.
Geoffrey Bell economist who founded the Group of Thirty
J. Bowyer Bell "terrorism expert", painter and and art critic
Hilaire Belloc
Max Beloff"Think-tanks can be important in bringing about a change in broad public perceptions..." British historian who founded the University College of Buckingham, now the University of Buckingham.
Jean de Belot editor of Le Figaro who attended 2005 Bilderberg. Later turned communications guru.
Asher Ben-Natan"A central figure in Israel’s defense and diplomacy establishment" who spoke at the 1979 JCIT
Richard M. Bennett
Scott Bennett 2 years in jail as a result of speaking his mind and attempting to blow the whistle on fraud and corruption inside the US war machine.
William J. Bennett
Theodor Benzinger
Walter Berchtold businessman and double Bilderberger
Jeff Bergner,p 27:Jeff+BergnerCercle attendee. Project for the New American Century. German Marshall Fund. Hudson Institute
C. Fred Bergsten Institution, CFR, 5 Bilderbergs ...
Hans Bergströmhttp://Swedish-American journalist, businessman and political scientist.Swedish-American journalist and editor
Chip Berlet"Spends 99 percent of his time attacking the people who have actually exposed U.S. Government crimes and cover-ups, and one percent of his time exposing them".
Brian Berletic sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Tony+CartalucciResearcher, Writer, Commentator, banned from Twitter in 2022.
Claire Berlinski academic who attended The Collapse of Europe Conference
Morris Berman critic who has criticised the de facto legalisation of torture in USA.
Christoph Bertram journalist with a heavy Bilderberg habit
Hans-Georg Betz academic who attended the 2000 Bilderberg possibly as a speaker on The European Far Right - Is there a Threat?
Seweryn Bialer defector to the US working the anti-communist circuit. Single Bilderberger academic.
Kurt Biedenkopf German politician "parachuted" into the former East Germany to lead the state of Saxony.
Kurt Birrenbach Bilderbergs, West German politician
Claude Bissell historian who attended the 1969 Bilderberg as President of the University of Toronto
Hans-Heinrich Herwarth von Bittenfeld diplomat who spied for Britain during WW2. Went on to high positions in the West German foreign service, and attended the 1963 Bilderberg meeting.
Erling Bjøl byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Erling+Bjøl&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Erling+Bjøl&sort=relevancerankDanish Bilderberg historian
Cofer Black byline sr book 2?ie=UTF8&field-author=Ambassador+Cofer+Black&text=Ambassador+Cofer+Black&sort=relevancerank&search-alias=booksUS deep state operative with a leading role in the CIA's kidnapping and torture
Conrad Black Bilderberg steering committee member
Edwin Black
Heidi Blake who took part in the II linked Tackling Tools of Malign Influence conference
Olivier Blanchard economist, Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow at Peterson Institute
Jean-Michel Blanquer academic and politician
Russell Blaylock
William Blum prominent critic of US empire
Max Blumenthal journalist, blogger, film maker whom the Times Of Israel tagged an "anti-zionist"
Sidney Blumenthal
Anthony Blunt art historian and Soviet spy. Member of the Cambridge Five
Randall Bock
Charles Bohlen diplomat member of The Georgetown Set, advisor to all US Presidents from 1943 to 1968
Christopher Bollyn sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Christopher+Bollyn
Neville Bolt "terror expert" mentioned in the 7th Integrity Initiative leak.
Murray Bookchin who founded the social ecology movement
Max Boot Bilderberg historian and editor eager for wars.
Nick Bostrom philosopher who first attended the Bilderberg in 2019.
Robert Bourassa the 1971 Bilderberg as Premier of Quebec
Randolph Bourne sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Randolph+BourneUS writer best known for the phrase "war is the health of the state", that laments the success of governments in arrogating authority and resources during conflicts.
Walter Boveri byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Walter+Boveri&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Walter+Boveri&sort=relevancerankAttended the Bilderbergs from 1959 to 1962
Russell Bowen
Bill Bradley Senator from New Jersey
Anne-Marie Brady Cold Warrior New Zealand academic. Member of Australian Strategic Policy Institute and Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China
Conor Brady the 1993 Bilderberg as editor of The Irish Times
Peter Breggin Breggin ended psychosurgery in the United States.
Albert Bressand academic
Albert Breton economist and advisor to Pierre Trudeau who attended Bilderberg/1984 while sitting on commission preparing recommendation of a free trade agreement with the United States.
Pete Brewton investigative journalist who exposed the Savings and loan fraud.
Jean Bricmont physicist and essayist. Author of the book Humanitarian Imperialism, describing how United States and its Western allies are pursuing imperialist goals under the pretext of defending human rights.
Elco Brinkman politician
Manlio Brosio last Secretary General of NATO who was appointed before he attended the Bilderberg.
Bill Browder businessman. At one point the largest foreign investor in Russia, barred from entering Russia in 2005, he has actively worked for regime change since then.
Ellen Brown
Walt Brown
Mae Brussell renowned researcher and investigative journalist in the field of deep politics.
Nick Bryant who wrote the second substantial book on the Franklin child prostitution ring.
James Bryce byline sr ebooks 1?ie=UTF8&text=Viscount+James+Bryce&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Viscount+James+BrycePresident of the Pilgrims Society 1915 - 1917
Christopher Bryson of the Fluoride Deception
Zbigniew Brzezinski central US Deep politician, Cercle, Bilderberg, ...
William F. Buckley Bilderberg TV speaker, friend of Alistair Horne
Vladimir Bukovsky dissident who spoke at the 1979 JCIT.
Victor Bulmer-Thomas rdr&store ref=ap rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=trueUK academic and Latin America specialist. Director at Chatham House from 2001 until 2006.
Pierre-Henri Bunel ntt srch lnk 1?qid=1491354901&sr=8-1
M. Elaine Bunn byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&field-author=M.+Elaine+Bunn&text=M.+Elaine+Bunn&sort=relevancerank&search-alias=booksRUSI, RAND, Brookings, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Carl Burckhardt of the International Committee of the Red Cross (1945–48), where he assisted Germans wanted for war crimes escape to South America. September 1955 and 1956 Bilderberg meetings.
Peter van Buren Service official who exposed the extremely wasteful and ineffective spending during the reconstruction effort after the 2003 Iraq War.
Jason Burke journalist who described the 2003 Iraq War as "entirely justifiable from a humanitarian perspective".
Nina Burleigh writer and investigative journalist.
James Burnham"The first neoconservative", spooky propagandist philosopher
Margie Burns
Chris Busby independent scientist whose work demonstrates that inadequate risk models are used by the establishment in its estimation of the health impact of low dose exposure to radiation. A concerted campaign has tried to undermine his credibility because his message challenges the status quo.
Erhard Busek the 1981 Bilderberg as chairman of the Vienna’s People’s Party. Later Vice-Chancellor of Austria for 4 years. Chairman of European Forum Alpbach.
Jacques de Bourbon Busset diplomat and author, attended the 1957 October Bilderberg as former Deputy Head of Robert Schuman’s Private Office, where he aided in the development of the Schuman Plan. Later Vice President at CERN
Claude Bébéarébéar/e/B001K7K0JIFrench insurance executive and organizer of the business lobby.
Carole Cadwalladr who took part in an IfS presentation about "Russian Propaganda". Rose to international prominence in 2018 when she exposed the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal.
Regina Calcaterra attorney who wrote of her childhood in foster homes and homelessness.
Luigi Caligaris Bilderberger Italian officer, later politician
Alastair Campbell
Miriam Camps State Department official and historian who attended the 1972 and the 1974 Bilderbergs
David Cannadine
Lucio Caracciolo Bilderberg Italian journalist economist
Jack Caravelli US Deep state operative, CIA, Georgetown, University
Raymond Carr member of the Bullingdon Club
Waggoner Carr to the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald was on the FBI payroll
William Guy Carr
Maria Carrilho pro-EU and pro-NATO politician and academic. Attended Bilderberg/1995.
John le Carréé/e/B000APC3LO/
Karl Carstens politician who attended the 1971 Bilderberg and caught a Bilderberg wind; became a member of the Bundestag in 1972. German President 1979-1984
Jimmy Carter US President posed problems for the US Deep state but was unsuccessful in his efforts to rein it in
Raymond Cartier journalist, editor of Paris Match during the 1960s. Bilderberg/1971.
Felice Casson
İsmail Cem byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Ismail+Cem&search-alias=books&field-author=Ismail+Cem&sort=relevancerankTurkish politician and Robert College alumnus. Attended 1 Bilderberg as mooted presidential candidate, a second as Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Hasan Cemal byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Hasan+Cemal&search-alias=books&field-author=Hasan+Cemal&sort=relevancerankTurkish writer who published on the Armenian Genocide. Opponent of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Attended the 2004 Bilderberg conference.
James Chace the phrase "the indispensable nation" with Sidney Blumenthal.
Anton Chaitkin
Iris Chang journalist, author of historical books and political activist. Suspicious "suicide".
Noam Chomsky acclaimed critic of US foreign policy with an encyclopedic knowledge of history, Chomsky has become a gatekeeper by his refusal to contemplate false flag attacks. By 2021 turned proponent of starving dissidents to death in concentration camps.
Michel Chossudovsky author, academic and editor of the Global Research website.
Raymond Chretienétien/dp/2896060367Attended the 1998 Bilderberg as Canadian Ambassador to the US.
Jean Chrétienétien/e/B001JS3GNUPrime minister of Canada 1993-2003, Bilderbergs in 1982 and 1996
Evelyn Le Chêne byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Evelyn+Le+Chene&search-alias=books&field-author=Evelyn+Le+Chene&sort=relevancerankSuspected spymistress who infiltrated the Campaign Against Arms Trade
Innocenzo Cipolletta Bilderberg businessman financier
Tom Clancy
Harold Cleveland vice president, double Bilderberger
Leslie Cockburn
Patrick Cockburn
Angelo Codevilla in Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Professor of international relations. Proponent of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Defender of the Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.
Avner Cohen
T. J. Coles
Peter Collier
Chuck Colson for conspiring to cover up the Watergate burglaries
Alex Constantine
George Contogeorgis politician. Played an important role in the negotiations for Greek accession to the European Economic Community in 1981.
Jonathan Cook journalist based in Nazareth, Israel, since 2001.
William Cooper around 10 weeks before 9/11 that "Whatever they're going to blame on Usama bin Laden - don't you believe it...They will soon do something outlandish to gain the support of the Sheeple".<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> He was killed by the [[US Marshals Service]] less than two months after the event.
Daniel Cornu journalist and academic. Editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper Tribune de Genève 1982-92.
William Corson and counterinsurgency expert who became became critical of the "American intelligence empire". Unofficial adviser to Frank Church and the Senate Intelligence Activities Committee.
Richard Cottrell EU politician with an interest in Gladio
Con Coughlin editor of the Daily Telegraph best known for receiving stories directly from MI6, including that Saddam Hussein could launch weapons of mass destruction in 45 minutes.
Theodore Couloumbis academic with close ties to the United States.
Alan Cowell foreign correspondent for The New York Times.
George Creel sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=George+CreelWorld War I propagandist. Headed the "Creel Commission" to try to get the US public to support involvement in WWI.
Liz Crokin
Alistair Crooke UK spook who has gone on the record stating that "The West does not actually hand the weapons to al-Qaida, let alone to ISIS... , but the system they’ve constructed leads precisely to that end."
Seth Cropsey
Brian Crozier espionage insider who founded his own intelligence agency
Bruce Cumings who has gone deeper than any other writing in English with respect to the circumstances surrounding many aspects of the Korean War.
John Cummings with several books on the confluence of intelligence gathering, money laundering and drug trafficking.
Ernest Cuneo sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Ernest+Cuneo
Mark Curtis
Roald Dahl
Ralf Dahrendorf born philosopher. Regular contributor to Bilderberg meetings.
John Dalberg-Acton sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=John+Dalberg-ActonEnglish Catholic historian, politician, and writer.
Edmund Dalpe sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Edmund+Dalpe
Stephen Dalziel byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Stephen+Dalziel&search-alias=books&field-author=Stephen+Dalziel&sort=relevancerankSpokesman for the Institute for Statecraft and "Research and Staff Coordinator" of the Integrity Initiative with "Forty years of dealing with Russia"... “Definitely not secret service, I promise you.” Russo-British Chamber of Commerce director
Kenneth Dam who was US Deputy Secretary of State, with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Ole Dammegård sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Ole+Dammegård
Elma Dangerfield journalist and Liberal Party politician. She also was an intelligence operative during and after World War 2, working especially with Eastern European exiles.
Frank Darvall byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Frank+O.+Darvall&search-alias=books&field-author=Frank+O.+Darvall&sort=relevancerankUK labour leader who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1950s
Tom Daschle byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Tom+Daschle&search-alias=books&field-author=Tom+Daschle&sort=relevancerankTargeted by Amerithrax after expressing opposition to the Patriot Act. Attended Bilderberg 2008 and Clade X.
David Dautresme Bilderberger French Lazard banker
Michel David-Weill financier and heir to the Lazard banking dynasty who attended the 1972 and 2002 Bilderbergs.
Iain Davis writer and researcher with a background in journalism and health care. Published Pseudopandemic in June 2021
John DeCamp
Arthur Dean and senior partner of Sullivan & Cromwell, where he worked closely with John Foster Dulles
Guy Debord
Midge Decter "polemical powerhouse"
Gaston Defferre the 1964 Bilderberg as Mayor of Marseille
Guillermo de la Dehesa, then Goldman Sachs/International Advisors, Group of Thirty, Double Bilderberg
Rudi Dekkers of the 9/11-linked Huffman Aviation flight school, also with strong links to drug trafficking.
Sefton Delmer UK propagandist, single Bilderberger
Charlotte Denett
Jean-François Deniau sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Jean-François+DeniauA diplomat who wrote the foreword of the Treaty of Rome. Le Cercle
Charlotte Dennett 27:Charlott+Dennett&s=relevancerank&text=Charlott+Dennett&ref=dp byline sr book 3investigative journalist
Mattias Desmet
Thomas Dewey of New York, US lawyer, attended the 1957 February Bilderberg
James DiEugenio byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=James+DiEugenio&search-alias=books&field-author=James+DiEugenio&sort=relevancerankA JFK assassination researcher
P. Nikiforos Diamandouros byline sr book 2?ie=UTF8&text=P.+Nikiforos+Diamandouros&search-alias=books&field-author=P.+Nikiforos+Diamandouros&sort=relevancerankGreek academic, Ombudsman of the European Union 2003-2013
Mark Dice YouTuber.
Philip K. Dick science fiction writer concerned with the nature of reality, perception, human nature, and identity.
Robbert Dijkgraaf 27:Robbert+Dijkgraaf&s=relevancerank&text=Robbert+Dijkgraaf&ref=dp byline sr book 2One time Bilderberger. String theorist
Linh Dinh ntt srch lnk 1&qid=1639191116&sr=8-1Linh Dinh writes for The Unz Review.
Hrant Dink byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Hrant+Dink&search-alias=books&field-author=Hrant+Dink&sort=relevancerank
Pierson Dixon UN Ambassador during the Suez invasion.
Gerry Docherty
Cory Doctorow in favor of liberalizing copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons organization
Eric Donaldson byline cont ebooks 1US bioscientist and co-author of the Ralph Baric & Zhengli Shi paper:"A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses. Also author of fiction book on a virus causing the first mass human extinction.
Kingsley Donaldson"Senior Associate Fellow" of the Institute for Statecraft. His specialism was listed as "Security Sector Reform, Conflict Resolution".
Richard Donkin author on the future of work and other workplace issues
Ken Dornstein
Stephen Dorril\British independent intelligence services expert
Arnaud Dotézacézac/e/B004N1FIZE/Swiss academic who attended counterjihad conferences
Gregory Douglas Douglas' appears to be a pen name of Peter Stahl
James Douglass of a number of books on the assassinations of the 1960s, including JFK and The Unspeakable
Robert Dover academic with a special interest in UK/Western intelligence agencies. Institute for Statecraft, as is at least one of his graduate students. His name had been removed from the IfS website by 10 January 2019.
Arthur Conan Doyle of Sherlock Holmes
Elizabeth Drew corporate journalist tending towards the Democratic Party.
Wilhelm Drexelius byline sr book 2?ie=UTF8&text=Wilhelm+Drexelius&search-alias=books&field-author=Wilhelm+Drexelius&sort=relevancerankHamburg politician and Vice Mayor.
Robert Dreyfuss investigative journalist, worked for the Executive Intelligence Review
Amalric de Droevig 27:Amalric+de+Droevig&s=relevancerank&text=Amalric+de+Droevig&ref=dp byline sr ebooks 1
François Duchene key adviser to Jean Monnet
John Duffy how a CIA officer successfully obstructed investigation of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden in the run up to the 9/11 attacks
Aleksandr Dugin
James Duncan 27:James+S.+(preface+by+Floyd+S.+Chalmers)+Duncan&ref=dp byline sr book 1Little known member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
William Dunkerley
Jay Dyer of 'Esoteric Hollywood'
Aaron Dykes dp pd star?phrase=Aaron Dykes&ie=UTF8Left Infowars to pursue his own project, Truthstream Media, with his wife Melissa Dykes.
Bogdan Dzakovic 14-year veteran of the Security Division of the Federal Aviation Administration who warned his superior that the air security system was next to useless, but was not heeded.
Brigitte Ederer Austria's accession to the European Union in 1994. Board of Siemens AG.
Martin Edmonds Associate Fellow of the Institute for Statecraft whose name was removed after the Integrity Initiative Leak
Sibel Edmonds Edmonds was recruited by the FBI as a translator in the wake of 9/11. She quickly turned whistleblower when she discovered security breaches, cover-ups and malpractice at numerous levels. The US government has made her "the most gagged person in the history of the United States".
Lee Edwards advisor for Nixon and others. Cercle attendee.
Lucy Morgan Edwards citizen who has written a few articles for commercially-controlled media. Her experience in Afghanistan led her to doubt the claims that the War on Afghanistan was an act of altruism, and she pulls no punches about The Cabal which has taken over the US government.
Wolfgang Eggert
Matthew Ehret 27:Matthew+Ehret&s=relevancerank&text=Matthew+Ehret&ref=dp byline sr book 1Canadian political analyst and editor-in-chief of the Canadian Patriot Review. He has written extensively on the Canadian deep state and how the British deep state still dominates the world.
Michael Elkins connections to Israeli intelligence operations. Worked for the BBC,CBS and Newsweek. The first journalist to report at the beginning of the Six-Day War, and a speaker at the 1979 JCIT.
Osborn Elliott the 1971 Bilderberg as editor of Newsweek
Daniel Ellsberg feted whistleblower who exposed some details of how the US government was waging the Vietnam War. The fact that he was not persecuted has lead several commentators to suggest that he may not in fact have been all he appears to be. Specifically, the Pentagon Papers may have been a limited hangout.
Steve Emerson ntt srch lnk 1?qid=1491366003&sr=8-1American journalist, author, and pundit on national security, "terrorism", and Islamic extremism.
Bill Emmott of The Economist 1993-2006, in 2020 co-founder of the Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy, who wrote in 2022 that the "snail-like progress of vaccinations in sub-Saharan Africa [making it] virtually certain that more Covid-19 variants will emerge, keeping this pandemic going"
William Engdahl
Richard English
Edward Jay Epstein
Robert Epstein ntt srch lnk 2?qid=1491366057&sr=8-2
Robert Eringer who helped expose the Bilderberg group in the early 1980s.
Melih Esenbel Bilderberger, Three time Turkish ambassador to the United States
Daniel Estulin Estulin is a leading researcher on the Bilderberg Group.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard who wrote The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories
Bill Fairclough Fairclough's biography
Marla Fairweather rdr&store ref=ap rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=trueBritish socialite and ambassadors wife; in Jeffrey Epstein/Black book
Amir Abbas Fakhravar sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Amir+Abbas+Fakhravar
Richard Falk Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and former UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories
James Fallows journalist, ACG Young Leaders 1977, CFR, First Bilderberg in 2018 aged 69
Joseph Farah founder, editor and CEO of WorldNetDaily
Martha Farah neuroscientist who attended the 2008 Bilderberg.
Celia Farber and author who exposed the false "HIV leading to AIDS" connection, and how iatrogenic treatment with the highly toxic drug AZT caused mass death.
Edgar Faure Bilderberger French PM
Robert Faurisson byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Robert+Faurisson&search-alias=books&field-author=Robert+FaurissonEurope's foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar
Andrew Feinstein South African politician who authored Shadowworld, an expose of the global arms trade.
Alvin Felzenberg spokesman for the 9-11 Commission.
Kevin Fenton byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Kevin+Fenton&search-alias=books&field-author=Kevin+Fenton&sort=relevancerankHighly respected author and 9/11 researcher
Harry Ferguson spook who admits that the UK tortured IRA members in Northern Ireland.
Mary Ferrell byline sr ebooks 2?ie=UTF8&text=Mary+Ferrell&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Mary+Ferrell&sort=relevancerankIndependent researcher who created a large database on the John F. Kennedy assassination
James Fetzer
Norman Finkelstein
Paul Finney byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Paul+B.+Finney&search-alias=books&field-author=Paul+B.+Finney&sort=relevancerank"Honorary Bilderberg Secretary General for the United States" as of 1981, US editor and author
Joschka Fischer Bilderberg politician who was the main driver in transforming the Green Party from pacifism to hyper-militarism.
Thomas Fleiner byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Thomas+Fleiner&search-alias=books&field-author=Thomas+Fleiner&sort=relevancerankSwiss Professor of Law "contributing to countless Swiss laws". Attended the 1972 Bilderberg
Ian Fleming
Peter Fleming adventurer, spook,journalist, soldier and travel writer.
Ken Follett thriller writer.
Gaeton Fonzi for the Church Committee and the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
Frank Gregory Ford 1 1?keywords=Frank+Gregory+Ford&qid=1704010147&sr=8-1US spook. Claimed foreknowledge of 911 and having discovered caches of Iraqi WMDs after 2003 invasion. Then whistleblower on torture in Iraq who was right away put in mental institution.
E. M. Forster
Peter Forstmoser corporate lawyer, academic, money man. IISS. Club of Rome.
Samuel T. Francis
Donald Freed playwright, novelist, screenwriter, historian, teacher and activist.
Louise Fresco byline sr ebooks 1?ie=UTF8&text=Louise+O.+Fresco&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Louise+O.+Fresco&sort=relevancerankDutch food scientist who sat on the board of Unilever when she attended the 2015 Bilderberg meeting. In 2020, appointed to World Health Organization Commission that called for a Pandemic Treaty and a One Health strategy to take control over human, animal and environmental health.
Mike Frost 1 1?crid=4O8H2QGINRK&keywords=mike+frost+Spyworld&qid=1655792404&sprefix=mike+frost+spyworld,aps,4733&sr=8-1Canadian SIGINT spook for 34 years who became a whistleblower
David Frum deep state operative who coined the phrase "axis of evil"
Francis Fukuyama author of The End of History
J. William Fulbright longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Graham E. Fuller daughter married the uncle of a Boston Bombing suspect. The Turkish government has charged Fuller in connection with the failed Turkish coup.
Brigitte Gabriel ntt srch lnk 1?qid=1491367139&sr=1-1
Frank Gaffney byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Frank+J+Gaffney+Jr&search-alias=books&field-author=Frank+J+Gaffney+Jr&sort=relevancerankDescribed as "one of America’s most notorious Islamophobes"
Mark Gaffney
Lysiane Gagnon journalist from Quebec. A prominent defender of Israel.
Mark Galeotti byline cont ebooks 1Institute for Statecraft propagandist
Mahatma Gandhi sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Mahatma+GandhiIndian non-violent revolutionary sage
Babak Ganji"Strategic analysis education, with the job description as "Russia-MENA influence and infowar strategy and tactics" at the Institute for Statecraft
Daniele Ganser historian who has focused on Operation Gladio
Roger Garaudy
Brian Garfield novelist
Bill Gates computer businessman, was "very close" to Epstein, Pushing a mass vaccination agenda in 2021. Called a Napoleon and drug trafficker repeatedly caught by the court of Washington D.C in the early 2000s.
Jeff Gates
John Taylor Gatto the most famous teacher in USA, who became an unschooling activist, having turned up irrefutable proof that the forced schooling system was never intended to benefit children, but quite the reverse.
Emanuele Gazzo byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Emanuele+Gazzo&search-alias=books&field-author=Emanuele+Gazzo&sort=relevancerankItalian journalist who was involved involved the European Federalist movement. His national affiliation is written as "international" in the 1971 Bilderberg report.
C. J. Geddes byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=C.+J+Geddes&search-alias=books&field-author=C.+J+Geddes&sort=relevancerankBritish trade union leader who later was knighted
David Gee byline cont book 1Campaigner on the ethics of military recruitment. Co-founder of ForcesWatch.
Reinhard Gehlen of the Gehlen Organisation under Adolf Hitler, smoothly transitioned post war to head of the BND
Pamela Geller
Reuel Marc Gerecht
W. Stephen Gilbert
Keir Giles UK deep state operative, member of Integrity Initiative.
Michael Gillard sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Michael+GillardA UK journalist focused on exposing corruption
Françoise Giroudçoise-Giroud/e/B001HPCC8KFrench politician of the non-Gaullist right.
Svein Gjedrem the 2003 Bilderberg as Central Bank Governor of Norway
Peter Glotz politician
Emma Goldman revolutionary deported from the US during the Palmer Raids
Edward Goldsmith environmentalist with a hint of misanthropy.
Rebecca Goldstein philosopher and author who attended her first Bilderberg in 2018.
Melvin Goodman
Richard Goodwin and speechwriter to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, and to Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Helped plan 1964 Brazil coup.
Neve Gordon
Rebecca Gordon of Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States
Robert Gore, journalist interested in the Deep State
Allan Gotlieb Bilderberger Canadian diplomat
Stephen Gowans byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Stephen+Gowans&search-alias=books&field-author=Stephen+Gowans&sort=relevancerankA Canadian-based writer and foreign policy analyst.
Robbie Graham with an interest in the UFO phenomenon.
Adam Grant of organizational psychology who got tenure aged 28. Selected a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader in 2015. First Bilderberg 2019. In 2023 proposed eliminating elections in a New York Times op-ed.
Karl-Friedrich Grau byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&field-author=Karl+Friedrich+Grau&text=Karl+Friedrich+Grau
Ashton Gray byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Ashton+Gray&search-alias=books&field-author=Ashton+Gray&sort=relevancerank
Johannes Green banker who attended the 1969 Bilderberg
Graham Greene
Alan Greenspan DSO who was Chairman of the Federal Reserve 1987-2006
Glenn Greenwald
Russell Grenfell
G. Edward Griffin banking cartels and "The Rothschild formula"
Aline Griffith born Spanish spook who was a regular attender at Le Cercle in the 1980s.
Franklyn Griffiths academic
Ian Griggs byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Ian+Griggs&search-alias=books&field-author=Ian+Griggs&sort=relevancerank
Robert J. Groden
Alfred Grosserhttp://1 February 1925German-French writer known for his contributions towards the Franco-German cooperation. Attended Bilderberg/1980. Later known for criticizing Israel and the cynical use of antisemitism accusations.
Johannes Großmann byline sr ebooks 1?ie=UTF8&text=Johannes+Großmann&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Johannes+Großmann&sort=relevancerankA historian interested in deep politics.
Colin Gubbins byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=MG+Colin+Gubbins&search-alias=books&field-author=MG+Colin+Gubbins&sort=relevancerankBilderberg invitee and spook
Bernard Guetta journalist and editor, and MEP. Supported the official narrative from a "leftist" angle during the Cold War, the Arab Spring, the deep state drive for European supranational integration; and the New Cold War. French-American Foundation/Young Leader. Bilderberg/1998.
Guillaume Guindey Bilderberg BIS General Manager. Marshall Plan. Advised General de Gaulle to repatriate the French gold reserve from the United States.
Ted Gunderson policeman supposedly turned dissident who gave confusing revelations
Felix Gutzwiller byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Felix+Gutzwiller&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Felix+Gutzwiller&sort=relevancerankSwiss Bilderberger public health leader. In March 2020 was on TV answering public questions about COVID-19
David Guyatt byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=David+Guyatt&search-alias=books&field-author=David+Guyatt&sort=relevancerank
Laurent Guyénoténot/e/B004N4JIUWFrench deep politics researcher who has published about Israel's role in 9-11.
Erich Gysling byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Erich+Gysling&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Erich+Gysling&sort=relevancerankRenowned Swiss journalist
Nilüfer Göleüfer-Göle/e/B001HPVKS8Turkish sociologist living in France
Niels Haagerupørgen-Haagerup/e/B00287TCXEJournalist and close collaborator of Erik Seidenfaden, NATO press secretary, Daily leader of the Danish Foreign Policy Institute. Strong champion of "the need to limit national sovereignty in favor of supranational schemes that can ensure international freedom and stability".
Richard Haass, CFR President
Nicky Hager Zealand-based investigative journalist
Walter Hallstein prisoner by the Americans in June 1944, where he was selected for special training as part of "Project Sunflower", a reeducation plan for possible future decision-makers. Became one of the founding fathers of the European Union. Multi-Bilderberg
Morton Halperin Halperin&index=blended
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger on Gender and Diversity in management
Lori Handrahan with twenty years experience in humanitarian and human rights work in [[Central Asia]], [[Africa]] and the [[Balkans]].<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a>
Jean-Pierre Hansen far to become Vice President of French multinational corporation Suez.
Robert J. Hanyok
Robert Hare
Keith Harmon-Snow
Alan Hart byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Alan+Hart&search-alias=books&field-author=Alan+Hart&sort=relevancerankUK journalist supporter of the 9-11/Truth movement.
Gary Hart presidential candidate exposed in extramarital scandal after calling for reopening of JFK assassination investigation. "And I think that I signed my death warrant when I did that. I didn't realize at the time...but I think what happened to me in 1987 was a pure setup."
Thom Hartmann businessman, author and liberal pundit.
Edward T. Haslam Dr. Mary Sherman and a "web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the JFK assassination and continued apace, sweeping doctors into cover-ups of cancer outbreaks, contaminated polio vaccine, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and biological weapon research using infected monkeys."
Gabriel Hauge byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Gabriel+Hauge&search-alias=books&field-author=Gabriel+Hauge&sort=relevancerankEarly member of the Bilderberg Steering committee, CFR
Tom Hayden New Left activist and politician. Aligned with US foreign policy from a "human rights" angle.
Gunnar Heckscher of the Preparedness Committee for Psychological Defense. Attended the 1962 Bilderberg as Leader of the (later) Swedish Moderate Party.
Lars Hedegaard sb noss?url=search-alias=stripbooks&field-keywords=Lars+HedegaardDanish historian, author and journalist
Chris Hedges fearless speaker of truth to power, Chris Hedges was a war correspondent for almost 20 years, when he quit and began a blistering series of books which challenge different aspects of corporate capitalism. In 2012 he filed suit contending that the NDAA's provision for indefinite detention without trial was unconstitutional. Unbowed, he remains a thorn in the side of the establishment.
Per Egil Hegge byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Per+Egil+Hegge&search-alias=books&field-author=Per+Egil+Hegge&sort=relevancerankSpooky Norwegian journalist and editor
Richard Heinberg tc 2 0?qid=1491369286&sr=1-2-entWarns of Peak Oil.
François Heisbourgçois-Heisbourg/e/B001JOODHC/Promoter of the "war on terror". He wrote a working paper for the 1989 Bilderberg. Heavy MSC habit.
Jimi Hendrix guitarist and singer who died of a drug overdose.
Paul Henze cold war propagandist who got into "anti-terrorism" after the fall of the USSR.
James Herbert best selling horror writer who died suddenly, 6 months after remarking that "I wanted to have another knock at the Establishment".
Edward S. Herman
Theodore Herzl
Mils Hills"Academic Evangelist, MBA pathway for UK armed forces & veterans, UK Government's First Anthropologist"
Stanley Hilton Lawyer who brought a class action lawsuit against the 9/11 perpetrators in 2002. The case was dismissed in 2004 after the US Justice system ruled that the US government had "Sovereign immunity".
Gertrude Himmelfarb neocon historian and cultural critic. Marries neocon godfather Irving Kristol, mother of William Kristol
Gerald Hinteregger byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Gerald+Hinteregger&search-alias=books&field-author=Gerald+Hinteregger&sort=relevancerankSingle Bilderberg Austrian diplomat.
Christopher Hitchens polemicist
Peter Hitchens
Eric Hobsbawm byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&field-author=Eric+Hobsbawm&search-alias=books&text=Eric+Hobsbawm&sort=relevancerank
David Hoffman
Erik Hoffmeyer academic and central bank governor for 29 years who attended the 1982 Bilderberg
Barbara Honegger
C. J. Hopkins rdr&store ref=ap rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=trueAmerican political satirist based in Berlin. A prominent Covid dissident, he was persecuted by the German judicial system on trumped-up charges.
Daniel Hopsicker producer, director and investigative journalist whose primary focus was the illegal drug trade by the US deep state.
Arnold Horelick byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Arnold+Lawrence+Johnson,+A.+Ross,+;+Steinbruner,+John+D.,+HorelickSpooky RAND analyst. In 1986 he wrote a paper Soviet Foreign Policy Under Gorbachev, which was also a theme of the 1986 Bilderberg meeting he attended.
John Horgan
Alistair Horne historian with deep intelligence ties
David Horowitz
Shelby Hosana
Jim Hougan of the first investigative work to question the orthodox narrative of the Watergate scandal
Karen House Corporate Media controller who attended the 1982, 1988, and 1992 Bilderbergs.
Michael Howard (Occultist) prolific author on folklore, paganism, and esoteric topics
Mark Huband former journalist who has moved into the work of corporate intelligence gathering.
Glenn Hubbard Bilderberger
John Hughes-Wilson and broadcaster specialising in military-historical and intelligence matters
Arthur S. Hulnick
E. Howard Hunt CIA officer and USDSO. Heavily involved in both the Watergate Coup and the assassination of JFK.
Ed Husain
Kay Bailey Hutchison ambassador to NATO said US prepared to consider a military strike to destroy Russian missiles.
Will Hutton the 1997 Bilderberg as Editor of The Observer
Saad Eddin Ibrahim neoconservative sociologist
IceAgeFarmer based researcher with an interest in the manipulation of the global food supply, the coming global solar minimum, to the globalist plan to "reset the table" and transform global food systems.
Ivan Illich particularly celebrated during his lifetime, Illich was one of the most original thinkers of the 20th century, perhaps of all time.
Claude Imbert deep state connected columnist and editor. Bilderberg/1991. After his death exposed as France/VIPaedophile.
'Martin Ingram' pap swatch 0? encoding=UTF8&qid=1658916810&sr=1-1The pseudonym of ex-British Army soldier/spook who has made a number of allegations about the conduct of the British Army in its operations in Northern Ireland. May well be an agent provocateur engaged in black propaganda aimed at damaging Sinn Féin and the wider republican movement.
Richard Ingrams
James Inhofe byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Senator+James+Inhofe&search-alias=books&field-author=Senator+James+Inhofe&sort=relevancerankUS politician who "sold large amounts of stock shortly before the public was largely aware of the severity of the coronavirus situation". Attended the MSC 2019
David Irving personally interviewed most of the senior NAZI Party members who survived the victor's justice of Nuremberg, plus many of the secretaries, wives, children etc of those that did not, David Irving is probably the most distinguished and knowledgeable English-speaking historian of World War II
Walter Isaacson and CEO of the Aspen Institute. US deep state biographer, energetic CRISPR advocate
Lee Israel
Otmar Issing Bilderberger European central banker who became "international advisor" for Goldman Sachs.
Michael Ivens
Annie Jacobsen a mng rwt scns shareCIA apologist
Philippe Jaffréé/e/B001JOSBSYFrench Deep state connected businessman who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the early 1990s.
Gerald James byline cont book 1"The most important and high-level whistleblower in the defence industry"
Greville Janner Labour politician who was widely alleged to have abused children, but whose "trial of the facts" was dropped after his death. Former president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews; former vice president of the World Jewish Congress; relentless promoter of the official narrative of "The Holocaust"
Jennifer Jaynes author whose plotlines included "corruption inside the vaccine industry".
Graham Jeal byline sr book 2?ie=UTF8&field-author=Graham+Jeal&text=Graham+Jeal&sort=relevancerank&search-alias=booksUK born businessman banker (JPMorgan) with a focus on China. Senior fellow of the Institute for Statecraft
Donald Jeffries writer and radio host who has published several books on history and conspiracies.
Robert Jekerhttp://Robert Jeker.jpgSwiss financier who attended several Bilderberg meetings as CEO of Credit Suisse.
Brian Michael Jenkins of the RAND/Terrorism Chronology Database, a "terror expert" whom Mark Gorton considers "an absolutely key figure for understanding the core of the 9/11 operation",
Simon Jenkins journalist who attended the 1986 Bilderberg
Derrick Jensen you haven't come across him, Derrick Jensen is a highly recommended and thought provoking thinker and writer.
Cristina Martín Jiménezín-Jiménez/e/B00J70J3IY
Pierre Joannon invited to the 1984 meeting of Le Cercle in Bonn
Chalmers Johnson byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Chalmers+Johnson&search-alias=books&field-author=Chalmers+Johnson&sort=relevancerank
Paul Johnson author in US and British right-wing politics
Alex Jones very vocal and popular radio show host who occasionally has predicted deep events. Although having a very loyal fan base, several researchers have called him a spook.
Alun Gwynne Jones byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Alun+Arthur+Gwynne+Jones+Chalfont&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Alun+Arthur+Gwynne+Jones+Chalfont&sort=relevancerankUK politician, Cercle visitor, the only person who spoke more than once at the JCIT
Charles Jones
Lars Jonung economist who attended the 1991 Bilderberg
Lionel Jospin 1996. French PM 1997-2002
Pierre Jovanovic critic of the system of fiat currency and central banks. His page was removed from French Wikipedia.
P. J. Kapteyn Jr Court of Justice judge, Dutch Council of State member, policymaker for Dutch Foreign Ministers and overseas departments.
H.P. Albarelli Jr.
John Judge
John Judis socialist journalist identifying this with the Democratic Party
Basil Kafiris byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=V.+Basil+Kafiris&search-alias=books&field-author=V.+Basil+Kafiris&sort=relevancerankGreek economist with significant US ties. One of the founders of later governing party PASOK with PM Andreas Papandreou, who became his close friend. Bilderberg/1985.
Franz Kafka“Someone must have slandered Josef K., for one morning, without having done anything truly wrong, he was arrested.” ― Franz Kafka, The Trial
David Kaiser historian. In his book on the JFK assassination, he accepts the Warren Commission's finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, but posits that he was an opponent of Castro used by mafia leaders who wanted Kennedy and Castro dead.
Mujahid Kamran academic who wrote book on 911
Dietrich Karner byline sr book 2?ie=UTF8&text=Dietrich+Karner&search-alias=books&field-author=Dietrich+Karner&sort=relevancerankAustrian insurance executive who attended the 1996 Bilderberg meeting.
Anousheh Karvar byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Anousheh+Karvar&search-alias=books&field-author=Anousheh+Karvar&sort=relevancerankIranian-born French labor union leader. Chair of Alliance 8.7
Dan Kaszeta US/UK propagandist with a focus on biological weapons, uninvited from a UK MoD conference after his social media posts were deemed to be ill advised. Member of the Integrity Initiative.
Milton Katz,k:milton katzA professor at Harvard University who attended the 1962 Bilderberg
Jeffrey Kaye
Carl Kaysen National Security Advisor 1961-63
Elie Kedourie to the Washington Conference on International Terrorism who wrote a paper for the 1982 Bilderberg
Richard Keeble
John Keegan
Jakob Kellenberger diplomat, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Bilderberg 1993
William E. Kelly
Claude de Kemoularia byline sr dvd 2?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Claude+de+Kemoularia&search-alias=movies-tvFrench Permanent Representative to the UN, double Bilderberg banker
Donald Kendall,k:Donald M. KendallLong term Pepsi CEO and Bilderberger
Malcolm Kendrick a mng rwt scns shareScottish doctor and author. He is particularly known for his belief that belief that cholesterol does not cause cardiovascular disease, but also has written extensively, and with humor, on a number of medical dogmas.
Kenneth Keniston academic who spoke on "youth" at the 1969 Bilderberg
George Kennan US deep politician, member of the Georgetown Set
Gilles Kepel"Terror expert" with a focus on "Islamic terrorism" who attended the 2015 Bilderberg
Gilles de Kerchove"EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator" since 2007
Morag Kerr
Ken Kesey hippy spook
Ronald Kessler
Fuat Keyman Bilderberger academic
Dimitri Khalezov
Zafrulla Khan of Pakistan, Bilderberger
Walter Kielholz Swiss insurance and bank manager with extensive networks
Ayo Kimathi nationalist who argues for racial segregation.
Alexander King the Club of Rome. 1970 Bilderberg
Rudyard Kipling
Norman Kipping byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Norman+Kipping&search-alias=books&field-author=Norman+Kipping&sort=relevancerankDirector-General of the Federation of British Industries from 1946 to 1965. Attended Bilderberg/1959.
Jeane Kirkpatrick "terror expert", US Ambassador to the UN, Washington Conference on International Terrorism...
Frank Kitson leading theorist and practitioner of counterinsurgency to have emerged from the British military. His tactics included the use of 'counter-gangs' involved in false flag operations, torture, extrajudicial assassinations, and setting up pedophile blackmail operations. Aide-de-Camp General to the Queen from 1983 to 1985.
Paul Klebnikov journalist who was shot dead for his reporting in Russia.
Naomi Klein activist who exposed disaster capitalism with The Shock Doctrine. Notably silent on false flag attacks, highly critical of Covid resistance activist Naomi Wolf.
Robert Klitgaard expert with ties to the deep state RAND Corporation.
Brian Klug academic. Klug wrote in 2003 in The Guardian that "No, anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism
Fletcher Knebel of Seven Days in May (1962), about an attempted military coup in the United States.
Maxwell Knight deep politician
Peter Koenig economist and geopolitical analyst. He writes regularly for Global Research and other internet sites.
Jim Koethe murdered in September 1964 in his Dallas apartment, before he could finish his book on the JFK Assassination.
Max Kohnstamm of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee, visited the Bilderberg 28 times. European chair of the CFR
Rosa Koire estate appraiser who during her work learned about Agenda 21 and became an activist.
Adam Kokesh byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Adam+Kokesh&search-alias=books&field-author=Adam+Kokesh&sort=relevancerankAmerican libertarian political activist, radio host, and author.
Nicholas Kollerstrom writer and historian of science who has written extensively on false flag attacks
Sixten Korkman Bilderberger Finnish economist with high profile in corporate media.
Stefan Kornelius editor. Süddeutsche Zeitung
Stephen Kotkin fellow, Hoover Institution
Ivan Krastev Soros protegé
Andrew Krieg
James Howard Kunstler author, social critic, public speaker, and blogger. Covid-dissident.
Ernst Kux byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Ernst+Kux&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Ernst+Kux&sort=relevancerankSpooky academic, "a leading Swiss Sovietologist"
Jeremy Kuzmarov
Kwasi Kwarteng Chancellor and suspected deep state operative who reportedly chaired Le Cercle from 2017.
Anton LaVey figure of modern satanism.
Fatima Lahnait for Statecraft "terror expert"
Norman Lamont time Chairman of Le Cercle, financier, politician and deep politician, involved in arms and financial deals.
Mark Lane researcher into the JFK Assassination whose worked helped to prompt the CIA's coining of the phrase "Conspiracy theorist".
Jacques de Larosièreère/e/B004N2QUU0French former central banker and public official. Managing Director of the IMF and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Group of Thirty. Attended the 1982 Bilderberg meeting.
Stephen Larrabee political scientist, MSC
Doreen Lawrence of Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered in a racist attack in 1993. Ennobled in 2013 as a Life Peer in the House of Lords, where she supports the Labour Party
Guy Lawson American journalist and true crime writer
Marnia Lazreg with interest in the systemic function of torture
Adam LeBor author with an interest in history and the BIS
Oswald LeWinter byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Oswald+Lewinter&search-alias=books&field-author=Oswald+Lewinter&sort=relevancerankA shady character who issued a lot of conflicting statements and claimed to be ex-CIA. The official narrative about him - "it's all lies, he's a complete fraud" - scores for simplicity, but does not explain how he could have been so well informed on such a wide range of deep state operations.
Michael Ledeen"Washington's neoconservative guru", Bilderberg, Le Cercle...
Martin A Lee Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
John Lenczowski founder of the IWP
Paul Lendvai Triple Bilderberger journalist
Vladimir Lenin communist revolutionary, a big contributor to later communist ideologies, founded the Soviet Union. Started the "red terror" - a mass campaign of political repression and executing 100.000 to 200.000 political dissidents in 1918.
Terry Lenzner byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Terry+Lenzner&search-alias=books&field-author=Terry+Lenzner&sort=relevancerankAssistant counsel (and chief investigator) on the United States Senate Watergate Committee.
Wolfgang Leonhard historian who wrote a working paper on The Soviet Union and East Europe: Their Problems, Contradictions and Perspective for the 1981 Bilderberg
Louis Leprince-Ringuet srch drd B00JOMHKJ4French nuclear physicist and European Movement leader
Henri Lesguillons byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Professor+Henry+Lesguillons&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Professor+Henry+LesguillonsFrench legal scholar on EU and International trade law connected to Jean Monnet. Attended the 1970 Bilderberg meeting at age 32.
Fred Leuchter byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Fred+A.+Leuchter&search-alias=books&field-author=Fred+A.+Leuchter&sort=relevancerank
Herbert Levine
Michael Levine Drug Enforcement Administration veteran who noticed that investigations were never allowed to go all the way to the top. Helped expose the CIa'S role in overruling of DEA operations.
Yasha Levine with suspicions about Tor
Ariel Levite nuclear expert and war hawk who attended Bilderberg/2012, where one of the subjects was "What Can the West Do about Iran?". Works for Carnegie Endowment.
Leonard Lewin =ast author dpBest known as the (ostensible?) author of Report from Iron Mountain
G. Gordon Liddy
Bernard Lietaer byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Bernard+Lietaer&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Bernard+Lietaer&sort=relevancerankproponent of local or complementary currency, which circulate parallel with national currencies.
David Lifton
Eduard LimonovĖduard-Limonov/e/B001H6WOO6/Russian writer, poet, publicist, and political dissident.
Abraham Lincoln US president who stood up to the US deep state
Susan Lindauer back channel to Saddam Hussein who had more integrity than her CIA handlers bargained for. Charged under the Patriot Act.