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Manuel Noriega“[Manuel Noriega] allied himself with the Medellin Cartel, his country serving as an important transit point for cocaine towards the United States. The Reagan administration worked with Noriega in support of the Nicaraguan contras, but by 1989 the dictator was growing out of control and had become such a liability to the United States, that George H. W. Bush ordered an invasion of Panama to capture Noriega. During his trial in the early 1990s, numerous witnesses/drug traffickers accused Noriega of drug trafficking, along with ties to George H. W. Bush, Colonel Oliver North and other CIA Contra figures.<a href="#cite_note-33">[33]</a> As the torture-murder of Hugo Spadafora in particular revealed, Noriega also was an extreme human rights violator who, similarly to the drug cartels and the CIA, had no problem torturing his enemies to death.<a href="#cite_note-34">[34]</a>
USS Liberty Incident“I am confident that Israel knew the Liberty could intercept radio messages from all parties ... to the ongoing [Arab-Israel, or Six-day] war, then in its fourth day, and that Israel was preparing to seize the Golan Heights from Syria [while pretending, as they later did, that Syria had attacked them] ... "And I believe Moshe Dayan [commander of Israeli forces] concluded that he could prevent Washington from becoming aware of what Israel was up to by destroying the primary source of acquiring that information, the USS Liberty."<a href="#cite_note-34">[34]</a>
"National security"“Human nature being what it is, the MICC comprises avaricious individuals who seek to gain private benefit at public cost. But the idea that all the players knowingly conspire to mastermind so intricate a system is difficult to prove, and unnecessary. Instead corruption among defence contractors, Representatives in Congress and the military brass is standard operating procedure camouflaged by an incestuous labyrinthine system and the primacy of 'national security'. Not only do the corrupt actors need to be held to account but, as importantly, the system needs to be untangled.<a href="#cite_note-10">[10]</a>
To further understand this entanglement. I met Chuck Spinney, a life-long Pentagon insider who experienced this labyrinth on a daily basis for over two decades. He produced a vast body of work explaining how the Pentagon really operates. His efforts culminated in the wrath of all the participants in the MICC but saw him featured on the cover of Time magazine.”
Subsistence“The great enemy of enterprising capital is a self-sustaining life.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> A family living a self-contained existence on a piece of land is profitable to no one.<a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a> Once the family is displaced, the land can be put to profit. Dispossessed adults can be ‘gainfully employed’ (whose gain?) and the whole family can be trained up—via advertising and the rest—as consumers. Lastly, in the peculiar perversity of modern economics, the illnesses, depressions, crimes and other discontents of the dependent are of immense profit to the pharmaceutical, insurance, care, security, manufacturing, entertainment and prison industries.”
Piazza della Loggia bombing“Major attacks came in 1974, a couple years after the Peteano tragedy. On May 28, a bomb exploded at an anti-fascist rally for which 3,000 had gathered in the Italian city of Brescia, killing 8 and injuring and maiming 102 people. To cover the traces of the right- wing bombers, the square was cleaned with water hoses before the investigating magistrates could reach the scene of the crime to secure the evidence. An Italian Senate commission later observed that “the investigations immediately after the massacre were characterized by such incredible mistakes that one is left speechless.”<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Jack Teixeira“The provenance of the leaks is problematical. I see everyone focusing in on this Airman First Class for God's sake. In my view, there is no way that he could have had access to some of those internal CIA documents, much less EXDIS, NODIS cables <a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a> from the State Department. That all comes to, it's kind of a pyramid, under the Joint Chiefs of Staff and under the Director of National Intelligence. It's someone in my view at that level, that has either authorized, or slipped out, or actually made this kind of leak. This is not unprecedented, exactly, exactly the same thing came when there was real fear of a widened war up to and including the border with China during Vietnam.”
"9-11/Israel did it"“There were continuing moments of alarm. A panel truck with a painting of a plane flying into the World Trade Center was stopped near the temporary command post. It proved to be rented to a group of ethnic Middle Eastern people who did not speak English. Fearing that it might be a truck bomb, the NYPD immediately evacuated the area, called out the bomb squad, and detained the occupants until a thorough search was made. The vehicle was found to be an innocent delivery truck.”<a href="#cite_note-30">[30]</a>
Palestine“Israel first encountered Islamists that would later form Hamas in Gaza in the 1970s. Back then they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel.
Israel realised that it could use the organisation to help splinter Palestinian society in the Gaza Strip and hurt the PLO which dominated Palestinian politics. So Israel helped and even gave funds to Hamas in the 1980s so it could establish itself in Gaza.
The Israeli government officially recognised the precursor to Hamas, called "Mujama Al-Islamiya" back then, registered the group as a charity and even supported it with funds to help it spread its influence in Gaza and in the occupied Palestinian territories.

At the time, Israel's main enemy was the late Yasser Arafat's Fatah party, which formed the heart of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO).
Fatah was secular and cast in the mould of other revolutionary, leftist guerrilla movements waging insurgencies elsewhere in the world during the Cold War.
Israel's military-led administration in Gaza in the 1980's looked favourably on Hamas, which set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza.
Crucially, Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank.
Documents from the 1980's show that Israel enabled Hamas to act in the first Intifada so as to enable it to strengthen, thus to cause a splitting of the Palestinian nation – in order to weaken the PLO which was responsible for the Intifada.

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.” says retired Israeli official Avner Cohen, a former Israeli official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades in an interview to the Wall Street Journal.
Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s, told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the PLO and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”).
General Segev himself even admits to funding Hamas himself with Israeli taxpayers' money that was later used to kill the same people who were funding them.<a href="#cite_note-12">[12]</a>
Alan Dershowitz“Let me put it very clearly," Dershowitz said. "You have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business....[But] If you refuse to be vaccinated [for a contagious disease], the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm....You have no right to refuse to be vaccinated against a contagious disease," Dershowitz added. "Public health, the police power of the Constitution, gives the state the power to compel that. And there are cases in the United States Supreme Court..."That's what a democracy is about...If the majority of the people agree and support that, for public health measures, you have to be vaccinated, you have to be vaccinated. They should give you an alternative. The alternative is to live in your home, don't get vaccinated, but never ever leave your home or live in a bubble."<a href="#cite_note-24">[24]</a>
Peteano bombing“Casson's investigation revealed that the right-wing organization Ordine Nuovo had collaborated very closely with the Italian Military Secret Service, SID (Servizio Informazioni Difesa). Together, they had engineered the Peteano terror and then wrongly blamed the militant extreme Italian left, the Red Brigades. Judge Casson identified Ordine Nuovo member Vincenzo Vinciguerra as the man who had planted the Peteano bomb... He confessed and testified that he had been covered by an entire network of sympathizers in Italy and abroad who had ensured that after the attack he could escape. 'A whole mechanism came into action', Vinciguerra recalled, 'that is, the Carabinieri, the Minister of the Interior, the customs services and the military and civilian intelligence services accepted the ideological reasoning behind the attack.'<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a><a href="#cite_note-Strage-2">[2]</a>
Ruby Ridge

Something to Consider

 1. Charge against Weaver is Bull ____.

 2. No one saw Weaver do any shooting.

 3. Vicki has no charges against her.

 4. Weaver's defense. He ran down the hill to see what dog was barking at. Some guys in camys [camouflage] shot his dog. Started shooting at him. Killed his son. Harris did the shooting. He is in pretty strong legal position.
Richard Olney“The Commission... is, or can be made, of great use to the railroads. It satisfies the popular clamor for a government supervision of the railroads, at the same time that that supervision is almost entirely nominal. Further, the older such a commission gets to be, the more inclined it will be found to take the business and railroad view of things... The part of wisdom is not to destroy the Commission, but to utilize it."<a href="#cite_note-5">[5]</a>
"Disinformation"“On 28 September 2023, the US Department of State released a landmark report on how the People’s Republic of China seeks to reshape the global information environment to its advantage by investing billions of dollars to construct a global information ecosystem that promotes its propaganda and facilitates censorship and the spread of "disinformation".<a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a>
:China responded: "The US Department of State report is in itself disinformation as it misrepresents facts and truth. In fact, it is the US that invented the weaponizing of the global information space. The relevant center of the US State Department which concocted the report is engaged in propaganda and infiltration in the name of “global engagement”. It is a source of disinformation and the command center of “perception warfare”.
:"From Operation Mockingbird which bribed and manipulated news media for propaganda purposes in the Cold War era, to a vial of white powder and a staged video of the 'White Helmets' cited as evidence to wage wars of aggression in Iraq and Syria earlier this century, and then to the enormous lie made up to smear China’s Xinjiang policy, facts have proven time and again that the US is an 'empire of lies' through and through.
:"Even some in the US, such as Senator Rand Paul, acknowledged that the US government is the greatest propagator of "disinformation" in the history of the world."<a href="#cite_note-5">[5]</a>
Interpen“Interpen (Intercontinental Penetration Force) was established in 1961 by Gerry P. Hemming. Other members included Loran Hall, Roy Hargraves, William Seymour, Lawrence Howard, Steve Wilson, Howard K. Davis, Edwin Collins, James Arthur Lewis, Dennis Harber, Bill Dempsey, Dick Whatley, Ramigo Arce, Ronald Augustinovich, Joe Garman, Edmund Kolby, Ralph Schlafter, Manuel Aguilar and Oscar Del Pinto.

A recently declassified document says that in 1962, Robert Emmett Johnson was a member of Interpen. Later that year Johnson invited Robert K. Brown (USAR/CounterIntelligence Corps) to a meeting in Miami. Brown was the publisher of Alberto Bayo's 100 Questions for a Guerrilla. This book included an article written by Ulius Amoss called Leaderless Resistance which "referred to the proper strategy for conducting resistance operations against Castro and inside/outside of Cuba". The document also goes onto say: "Also included were numerous fotos of the G/W instructor cadre of InterPen which were taken by Brown at the Everglades training camp."

Interpen was also involved in training members of the anti-Castro groups funded by people like Roland Masferrer, Carlos Prio and Santos Trafficante. When the government began to crack down on raids from Florida in 1962, Interpen set up a new training camp in New Orleans. The group carried out a series of raids on Cuba in an attempt to undermine the government of Fidel Castro. These stories were reported by the photo-journalist, Tom Dunkin, for Life Magazine.

Roy Hargraves working closely with Felipe Vidal Santiago, carried out a series of raids on Cuba in the 1960s (23 in 1962). This involved a plan to create a war by simulating an attack on Guantanamo Naval Base. In 1963 Hargraves led a team of exiles in a successful raid on Cuba. After capturing two Cuban fishing boats Hargraves took them to the Bahamas. Some members such as William Seymour and Edwin Collins, worked with Bernardo De Torres on non-Interpen operations in 1963.
Declassified FBI files show that the agency had an informer within Interpen. His code name was MM T-1. In one document dated 16th June, 1961, it said that MM T-1 had “been connected with Cuban revolutionary activities for the past three years”. One document dated 12th May, 1961, claims that Allen Lushane of Miami “had made a trip to Texas to recruit Americans for some future military action against the Government of Cuba”. The document adds that the “first training camp was established by Gerald Patrick Hemming with Dick Watley and Ed Colby running the camp.” In an interview that he gave to John M. Newman on 6th January, 1995, Hemming claims that the FBI informer was Steve Wilson.

Some researchers believe that a combination of Interpen members, CIA agents and anti-Castro Cubans were involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This included James Arthur Lewis, Roy Hargraves, Edwin Collins, Steve Wilson, Gerry P. Hemming, David Morales, Herminio Diaz Garcia, Tony Cuesta, Eugenio Martinez, Virgilio Gonzalez, Felipe Vidal Santiago, Robert Emmett Johnson, Carl E. Jenkins, Chi Chi Quintero and William Robertson.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
University of Leicester““Following discussions in Leicester and London, the School of History, Politics and International Relations has concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with the Institute for Statecraft, an independent body dedicated to refreshing the practice of statecraft, improving governance and enhancing national security. Head of School, Dr George Lewis, said “This development is yet another example of the skill and standing of colleagues involved in our Distance Learning programmes, and is further recognition of the School's strengths in teaching, research and research-led teaching in the field of international politics and security.” In warmly welcoming the collaboration, Chris Donnelly and Dan Lafayeedney, the founding (sic)<a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a> co-Directors of the Institute for Statecraft, stated that “it recognises the significant standing in which the Institute is held internationally by policy makers and decision takers of governments, development and security agencies, and private sector clients, and it reflects the unique blend of practice and authoritative research that the Institute’s Fellows and Associates are able to contribute”. Building upon the University’s links with UNITAR and both party’s links with NATO, this Memorandum of Understanding demonstrates the potential for the University of Leicester and the Institute for Statecraft to collaborate, share experience and develop opportunities that will have a direct impact on national and international policy-making.”
UK/Army“The British army operated rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan that at times allowed soldiers to shoot unarmed civilians who were suspected of keeping them under surveillance, a Middle East Eye investigation has established.

The casualties included a number of children and teenage boys, according to several former soldiers interviewed by MEE.

Two former infantrymen allege that they and their fellow soldiers serving in southern Iraq were at one point told that they had permission to shoot anyone seen holding a mobile telephone, carrying a shovel, or acting in any way suspiciously.

The rules were relaxed, they say, in part because of concerns that unarmed individuals were acting as spotters for militants, or were involved in planting roadside bombs.<a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a>
Pietro Quaroni“We are going through a bad stage in the cold war — all wars have their bad stages. But in all wars when one is going through a bad stage one should concentrate first and foremost on the core of the problem; and the core for us is what is left of Western Europe.

In a war which has a good chance of remaining cold, the internal front is the most important. If the internal condition of our Society is as Dr. Mueller describes it — and I think he is right — it is very difficult to hold out if we cannot manage to cure the sickness at the root.

Having got so far, have we the duty or the power, as a group, to do something to compel our governments, let us say, to get on the path to fundamental reforms, the kind of reforms which could give back to our countries their internal dynamism? For my part, I think it should be done and I would like to do it.

But we must take into account that if we set ourselves on this road, our group cannot avoid getting involved in internal politics, which up to now we have avoided doing.<a href="#cite_note-6">[6]</a><a href="#cite_note-7">[7]</a>
Francis Boyle“I have absolute proof from a Pentagon document that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was doing bio-warfare work for the Pentagon in Sierra Leone, the heart of the outbreak, as early as 1988. Why would they do that? As I suggested to try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention to which the US government is a party. So, always bio-warriors do use offensive and defensive bio-warfare work, violating the Biological Weapons Convention. So effectively they try to offshore it into West Africa where Liberia is not a party and Guinea is not a party. Sierra Leone is a party. But in Sierra Leone and Liberia there were disturbances which kept the world from really paying attention of what was going on in these labs.<a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a>
"Lone nut"“Nor, for example, is there any reason to interpret the 'lone assassin' verdict, which emerged immediately after the assassination as itself an indicator of the conspiracy at work. On the perspective I am suggesting, almost before Kennedy's heart stopped beating the one thing which everyone involved would have agreed upon, without discussion, never mind coercion, was that a 'lone nut' verdict had to emerge. The 'truth' was not an issue: in politics the 'truth' is simply a tool.<a href="#cite_note-7">[7]</a> The point about the 'lone nut' is that it was then, and remains (cf Hinckley) the only safe explanation for political assassination within America. 'Disney America'<a href="#cite_note-8">[8]</a>, the fantasy pluralist democracy described in the textbooks on the American political system, cannot accommodate planned political assassination.<a href="#cite_note-9">[9]</a>
Integrity Initiative/Leak/7“Active Measures are currently and continuously in use by Russia across what they see as a single global theatre of operations. These Measures are designed to alter population perception to create an artificial reality that benefits Russia. This includes influence at many levels through existing societal frameworks and by undermining the rules of international governance...

[Proposal of activities about purported Russian influence continues, to be staff by two experts and have a "proposed £100,00<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> budget".]

[The advice concludes:]

This project is best undertaken outside direct government control to minimise the inevitable accusation of being part of an orchestrated state-sponsored active measure. Using the IfS extensive and trusted network, including its existing Integrity Initiative, can keep the project somewhat under the radar while still accessing state and non-state actors that may not be so open with central government approaches in this area.”
Thierry Breton“[Elon Musk] is in the process of reducing a certain number of moderators, but he will have to increase them in Europe...He will have to open his algorithms. We will have control, we will have access, people will no longer be able to say rubbish.<a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a>
Coca-Cola“As part of its corporate propaganda campaign to deflect public attention away from the harmful health effects of its sugary drinks, the Coca-Cola Company has funded front organizations. The company funded creation of the front organization the Global Energy Balance Network (GEBN) to address the growing evidence that the company's products are a leading cause of the epidemic of childhood obesity in the United States and the growing number of Americans, including children, with type 2 diabetes. GEBN designed its own studies to arrive at conclusions set in advance and cherry picked data to support its corporate public relations agenda. After an August 2015 investigative report exposed the GEBN as a Coca-Cola Company front organization, GEBN was shut down.<a href="#cite_note-Clifford_D._Conner_2020_pp._14-16-3">[3]</a>

Three years after the shutdown of GEBN, the company, together with several other junk food giants, was revealed to be behind an initiative in China called "Happy 10 Minutes," funded through a group called the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). The aim of the initiative was to address decades of research on diet-related diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes and hypertension, by promoting physical exercise to the population but avoiding discussion of the link between such diseases and junk foods, including sugary drinks.<a href="#cite_note-Clifford_D._Conner_2020_pp._14-16-3">[3]</a><a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a> ILSI through the 1980s and 1990s had been promoting the tobacco industry's agenda in Europe and the United States.<a href="#cite_note-5">[5]</a>
David Baltimore“When I first saw the furin cleavage site <a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. (...) These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2.”
Max Blumenthal“The White Helmets are known around the world for rescuing civilians in Syria. But the recent death of its founder, James Le Mesurier, and an unfolding cover-up at the OPCW of an apparently staged chemical weapons incident, has shed new light on the group’s shadowy role in the Syria proxy war. We speak to The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal, whose reporting has exposed the White Helmets’ ties to jihadists groups and its use as a PR tool for Western military intervention in Syria. Blumenthal explains that the White Helmets group (originally known as ARK<a href="#cite_note-5">[5]</a>) was founded and trained in Turkey and financed by UK, US, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. In Operation Timber Sycamore, and in conjunction with Al-Qaeda and ISIS, the White Helmets were tasked with carrying out regime change ("transition") in Syria and then occupying the country ("stabilisation"). Many slick videos of the work of the White Helmets were produced and in one they are described by British journalist John Cantlie as the Islamic State Fire Brigade.”
Document:The Deep State: Germany, Immigration, and the National Socialist Underground“One has to make use of the far right, no matter how reactionary they are… Afterwards it is always possible to get rid of them elegantly… One must not be squeamish with auxiliary forces.<a href="#cite_note-20">[20]</a>
Israel“Israel first encountered Islamists that would later form Hamas in Gaza in the 1970s. Back then they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel.
Israel realized that it could use the organisation to help splinter Palestinian society in the Gaza strip and hurt the Palestinian Liberation front which dominated Palestinian politics. So Israel helped and even gave funds to Hamas in the 1980s so it could establish itself in Gaza.
The Israeli government officially recognized the precursor to Hamas, called "Mujama Al-Islamiya" back then, registered the group as a charity and even supported it with funds to help it spread its influence in Gaza and in the occupied Palestinian territories.

At the time, Israel's main enemy was the late Yasser Arafat's Fatah party, which formed the heart of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
Fatah was secular and cast in the mold of other revolutionary, leftist guerrilla movements waging insurgencies elsewhere in the world during the Cold War.
Israel's military-led administration in Gaza in the 1980's looked favorably on Hamas, who set up a wide network of schools, clinics, a library and kindergartens. Israel also endorsed the establishment of the Islamic University of Gaza.
Crucially, Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank.
Documents from the 1980's show that Israel enabled Hamas to act in the first Intifada in order to enable it to strengthen, thus to cause a splitting of the Palestinian nation – in order to weaken the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) which was responsible for the Intifada.

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation.” says retired Israeli official Avner Cohen , a former Israeli official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades in an interview to the Wall Street Journal.
Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”).
General Segev himself even admits to funding Hamas himself with Israeli taxpayers money that was later used to kill the same people who were funding them.<a href="#cite_note-15">[15]</a>
Merriman Smith“that he [Merriman Smith] was riding under the underpass when he heard the shots that killed our young president, which is interesting since he was two cars behind Kennedy and Kennedy never reached the underpass,<a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a> he was killed while ahead of it, and possibly from it.”
Paedophile“[...] back in 2007-2008, just like with the show, Perverted Justice, or Catch a Predator,<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> [...] well there's a lot of us doing stuff like that back then, [...] and people still do it, they pretend to be young girls and all that, and as a proof of concept, as a test back in 2007 I did this and tricked the perp, the pedophile, into calling my number which turned out to be the number of the local Brooklyn New York police station. And then I told them, look you've just called that number, they've got that on file, I can send this to them right now, unless you do what I tell you to do, [...] I now have this guy's life in my hands, because I can send that to the police station and he's going down. So alternatively, if I were say, someone who wanted to build up a slave army of pedophiles, in order to achieve certain ends, I could say now here's what you have to do, you have to do the same thing I just did to you to three other people. Tell each one of them to do it to three other people and then down the line when I'm ready for you to do the actual work, I'll provide instructions, [...]”
Erik van Sabben“To his family members, it is still a mystery: Dutchman Erik van Sabben leaves for ten days in late 2008 for the Iranian capital of Tehran. The 36-year-old engineer - a fearless adventurer who is not afraid to take risks and works in Dubai for a heavy transport company - is going with his Iranian wife to visit her family. It should be a festive end to the year. But after just one day, Van Sabben, used to working in stressful situations and under high pressure, wants to leave Iran. He seems panicked. Why the engineer wants to leave the country, he cannot say. His Dutch mother says of it fifteen years later, “We all thought it was very strange. His Iranian wife: “He was so upset and insisted that we leave immediately.<a href="#cite_note-8">[8]</a><a href="#cite_note-9">[9]</a>

What his immediate family and wife do not know: Van Sabben carries a secret with him. He leads a double life. Research by the Volkskrant, in which over a period of two years 43 people were spoken to, 19 of whom were from the intelligence services AIVD and MIVD, shows that Van Sabben was recruited by the Dutch secret service.”
DFID“The blind eye turned by USAID and DFID to the human rights violations and forced evictions that accompany the so-called development strategy of Ethiopia is shocking. These agencies give virtually unconditional financial, political, and moral support to the Ethiopian government and DFID currently spends a larger proportion of its overseas aid budget on Ethiopia than any other country.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>

During their investigation, the DFID and USAID representatives were given first-hand accounts of human rights abuses but the agencies have subsequently claimed, and still claim, that these accounts have not been substantiated.”
2016 Investigatory Powers ActInvestigatory Powers Act 2016

   Investigatory Powers Commissioner (Additional Directed Oversight Functions)
      (Security Service agent participation in criminality) Direction 2017

The Prime Minister, in exercise of the power conferred by section 230 of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 ("the Act), directs the Investigatory Powers Commissioner as follows:

Citation and Commencement

1. This direction may be cited as the Investigatory Powers Commissioner (Additional Directed Oversight Functions (Security Service participation in criminality) Direction 2017
2. This Direction comes into force on 1st September 2017.

Additional Review Functions

3. The Investigatory Powers Commissioner shall keep under review the application of the Security Service guidelines on the use of agents who participate in criminality and the authorisations issued in accordance with them.

      Signed:TMay signature.png

      Date:    22-8-17-handwriting.png
"Open government"

Investigatory Powers Act 2016

   Investigatory Powers Commissioner (Additional Directed Oversight Functions)
      (Security Service agent participation in criminality) Direction 2017

The Prime Minister, in exercise of the power conferred by section 230 of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 ("the Act), directs the Investigatory Powers Commissioner as follows:

Citation and Commencement

1. This direction may be cited as the Investigatory Powers Commissioner (Additional Directed Oversight Functions (Security Service participation in criminality) Direction 2017
2. This Direction comes into force on 1st September 2017.

Additional Review Functions

3. The Investigatory Powers Commissioner shall keep under review the application of the Security Service guidelines on the use of agents who participate in criminality and the authorisations issued in accordance with them.

      Signed:TMay signature.png

      Date:    22-8-17-handwriting.png
Document:CND Integrity Initiative visit to Oslo, 29-31 Aug 2016Since 2013, less detailed attention has been given to the High North and Russia’s increasing military presence. Since 2015 there has been a neglecting of the valuable information opportunity provided by The Barents Observer, the Independent Barents Council’s proven means for transmitting straight news and information to Russian audiences both within Russia (as far as Moscow) and to Russians now resident in North Norway (currently 25% of the poulation of the three northen counties).
  • There is now growing governmental concern about Russian influence (a) on the population in North Norway and (b) on international opinion concerning the High North sea route and the status of Svalbard. Moreover, Norwegians working in Northern Russia are now experiencing pressure and harassment from the FSB and finding the authorities generally much more antagonistic.
"Smart city"“"Public Buses Across Country Quietly Adding Microphones to Record Passenger Conversations

Transit authorities in cities across the country are quietly installing microphone-enabled surveillance systems on public buses that would give them the ability to record and store private conversations. The systems are raising a number of privacy and security concerns.

The systems use cables or WiFi to pair audio conversations with camera images in order to produce synchronous recordings. Audio and video can be monitored in real-time, but are also stored onboard in blackbox-like devices, generally for 30 days, for later retrieval. Four to six cameras with mics are generally installed throughout a bus, including one near the driver and one on the exterior of the bus.

Cities that have installed the systems or have taken steps to procure them include San Francisco, California; Eugene, Oregon; Traverse City, Michigan; Columbus, Ohio; Baltimore Maryland; Hartford, Connecticut; and Athens, Georgia.

San Francisco transit authorities recently approved a $5.9 million contract to install an audio surveillance system on 357 buses and vintage trolley cars, paid for in full with a grant from DHS. The contract includes the option to expand the equipment to an additional 600 vehicles.

Concord, New Hampshire also used part of a $1.2 million economic stimulus grant to install its new video/audio surveillance system on buses, according to the Daily.

Transit officials say the systems will help improve the safety of passengers and drivers and resolve complaints from riders. But privacy and security expert Ashkan Soltani told the Daily that the audio could easily be coupled with facial recognition systems or audio recognition technology to identify passengers caught on the recordings."”
"Smart city"“"A controversial bid to stop people travelling between neighbourhoods has been branded "a draconian ban on free movement" as the plan goes out to consultation. Canterbury City Council unveiled its radical vision for the district last week, with it proposing to divide the city up into five areas"”
Michael Chertoff“"As of Sept. 10th, each of us knew everything we needed to know to tell us there was a possibility of what happened on Sept. 11th . . . We knew the World Trade Center was a target . . . We knew an airplane could be used as a weapon."”
Rendon Group“"Did you ever stop to wonder," Rendon later remarked, "how the people of Kuwait City, after being held hostage for seven long and painful months, were able to get hand-held American — and, for that matter, the flags of other coalition countries?" After a pause, he added, "Well, you now know the answer. That was one of my jobs then."”
Foundation“"During the 1950s and 1960s, the CIA turned increasingly to covert action in the area of student and labor matters, cultural affairs, and community developments. ... The CIA subsidized, advised, and even helped develop "private" organizations that would compete with the communists around the world. ... [Many] were U.S.-based student, labor, cultural, or philanthropic organizations whose international activities the CIA subsidized. ...
 "The philanthropic [CIA] fronts used prior to 1967 funded a seemingly limitless range of covert action programs affecting youth groups, labor unions, universities, publishing houses, and other private institutions in the United States and abroad. ... Support [was provided to, for instance] an international organization of veterans and an international foundation for developing countries [as well as] an organization of journalists and an international women's association. ... Agency funds were used to host foreign visitors [and] provide scholarships to an international cooperative training center at a United States university... The CIA assisted in the establishment in 1951 and the funding for over a decade of a research institute at a major American university. ...
 "By 1967, when public disclosure of NSA [National Student Association]'s funding ... caused a major curtailment of these activities, interest in the major covert action efforts in these areas was already waning.
 "There appear to be two reasons for this. First, there was considerable skepticism within the CIA as to the effectiveness of this approach. ... Richard Helms [explained], "The clandestine operator ... is trained to believe that you really can't count on the honesty of your agent to do exactly what you want or to report accurately unless you own him body and soul."
 "Second, it became increasingly difficult to conceal the CIA funds that supported these activities as the scale of the operations grew. By fiscal year 1967, for example, over $3 million [$22.5 million in 2018] was budgeted for youth and student programs and $6 million [$45 million in 2018] for labor. Most of the funds were transmitted through legitimate or "devised" foundations — that is, fictitious entities established by the CIA.
 "The use of philanthropic organizations was a convenient way to pass funds, in that large amounts could be transferred rapidly, and in a form that need not alert unwitting officers of the recipient organizations to their source. In addition, foundation grants bestowed upon the recipient the apparent "blessing" of the foundation. The funding pattern involved a mixture of bona fide charitable foundations, devised foundations and funds, [CIA] "front men" drawn from a list of America's most prominent citizens, and lawyers representing undisclosed clients.
 "The CIA's intrusion into the foundation field in the 1960s can only be described as massive. Excluding grants from the "Big Three" — Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie — of the 700 grants over $10,000 given by 164 other foundations during the period 1963-1966, at least 108 involved partial or complete CIA funding. More importantly, CIA funding was involved in nearly half the grants the non-"Big Three" foundations made during this period in the field of international activities. In the same period more than one-third of the grants awarded by non-"Big Three" in the physical, life and social sciences also involved CIA funds.
"Bona fide foundations, rather than those controlled by the CIA, were considered the best and most plausible kind of funding cover for certain kinds of operations. A 1966 CIA study explained the use of legitimate foundations was the most effective way of concealing the CIA's hand as well as reassuring members of funded organizations that the organization was in fact supported by private funds."
Thomas Massie“"Everybody but me has an AIPAC person. It's like your babysitter, your AIPAC babysitter, who's always talking to you for AIPAC." He added that these "babysitters" tend to be from the representative's district, but they're firmly part of AIPAC.”
Eduardo Galeano“"Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escaping poverty: that, one magical day, good luck will suddenly rain down on them – will rain down in buckets. But good luck doesn’t rain down, yesterday, today, tomorrow or ever. Good luck doesn’t even fall in a fine drizzle, no matter how hard the nobodies summon it, even if their left hand is tickling, or if they begin the new day on their right foot, or start the new year with a change of brooms. The nobodies: nobody’s children, owners of nothing. The nobodies: the no-ones, the nobodied, running like rabbits, dying through life, screwed every which way. Who are not, but could be. Who don’t speak languages, but dialects. Who don’t have religions, but superstitions. Who don’t create art, but handicrafts. Who don’t have culture, but folklore. Who are not human beings, but human resources. Who do not have faces, but arms. Who do not have names, but numbers. Who do not appear in the history of the world, but in the crime reports of the local paper. The nobodies, who are not worth the bullet that kills them.”
Anthony Poshepny“"I used to collect ears... I had a big, green, reinforced cellophane bag as you walked up my steps. I'd tell my people to put them in, and then I'd staple them to this 5,000 kip (Lao currency) notice that this ear was paid for already, and put them in the bag and send them to Vientiane with the report.. I still collected them, until one day I went out on an inspection trip... and I saw this little Lao kid out there, he's only about 12, and he had no ears. And I asked: `'What the hell happened to this guy?' Somebody said, 'Tony, he heard you were paying for ears. His daddy cut his ears off. For the 5,000 kip' .”
Charles Schumer“"Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in response to the president-elect challenging allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

"So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this," Schumer added.

"What do you think the intelligence community will do if they were motivated to," Maddow wondered.

"I don’t know, but from what I am told intelligence officials are very upset with how [Trump] has treated them and talked about them," Schumer replied.

"Do we think he has an agenda to try to dismantle parts of the intelligence community? I mean this form of taunting hostility," she said.

"Let me tell you. Whether you’re a super liberal Democrat or a very conservative Republican, you should be against dismantling the intelligence community," Schumer noted.”
Slovakia“"My foundations contributed to democratic regime change in Slovakia in 1998, Croatia in 1999, and Yugoslavia in 2000, mobilizing civil society to get rid of Vladimir Meciar, Franjo Tudjman, and Slobodan Milosevic, respectively," Soros boasts.”
Platformization“"Platformization is when you create a marketplace/environment as your service, then charge people to use it. And to keep people around, you add value through transaction facilitation, user experience, and integration. This is easiest to understand with an example.

Imagine that there’s a village market. All the farmers come along with their turnips and peas to sell. The farmers and customers are marketplace participants. They participate in the market and make money from their products (or, get goods from the farmers).

In this case, the platform would be whoever owns the village square. Say they charge $1 for each farmer to set up their stall in the square. They own the environment that facilitates transactions between farmers and customers but they don’t actually produce any fruit and vegetables themselves."”
Political correctness“"Political correctness" affects many academic disciplines. Like all tyrannical ideologies, it masquerades as concern for the underdog but supports the rise of a new overdog. While seeming to promote multiculturalism, it denies genetic variety among human beings and forbids analysis of what kinds of human are (temporarily) favoured by the peculiar conditions of human life today. This buries the urgent need of some peoples to enjoy protection from the ravages of Western imperialism. If we are all the same, the argument goes, we all deserve to "enjoy" the benefits of Western ways of life.”
US/Army/Special Forces“"The Deltas are psychos...You have to be a certified psychopath to join the Delta Force", a US Army colonel from Fort Bragg once told me back in the 1980s.”
US/Exceptionalism“"The US can bomb who it likes, whenever it likes, and when it does it is only ever doing so in self-defence, because the entire planet is the property of Washington DC. It can seize control of entire clusters of nations, and if any of those nations resist in any way, they are invading America’s sovereignty."”
Document:The Corporate Climate Coup“"The most important thing to realize," Flannery echoes, “is that we can all make a difference and help combat climate change at almost no cost to our lifestyle." “The transition to a carbon-free economy is eminently achievable,” he exults, "because we have all the technology we need to do so.” "One great potential pitfall on the road to climate stability," he warns, however, "is the propensity for groups to hitch their ideological wagon to the push for sustainability.” "When facing a grave emergency,” he advises, “it's best to be single-minded." The book is inspiring, rallying the reader to battle against this global threat with ingenuity, enthusiasm, and hopefulness, except for one small aside, buried in the text, that gnaws at the attentive reader: “because concern about climate change is so new, and the issue is so multi-disciplinary," Flannery notes, “there are few true experts in the field and even fewer who can articulate what the problem might mean to the general public and what we should do about it.””
Wolfgang Ischinger“"The need for equipment and ammunition for the Bundeswehr and Ukraine is urgent and huge...Therefore, appropriate priorities must be set."
Ischinger also sees a political reason to speak of a "war economy": "Apparently too many have not yet understood that we are only at the beginning of a turning point and that there is actually a real war in the middle of Europe, the end of which unfortunately is not foreseeable.”
David Lange“"There is no humanity in the logic which holds that my country must be obliged to play host to nuclear weapons because others in the West are playing host to nuclear weapons. That is the logic which refuses to admit that there is any alternative to nuclear weapons, when plainly there is. It is self defeating logic, just as the weapons themselves are self defeating, to compel an ally to accept nuclear weapons against the wishes of that ally is to take the moral position of totalitarianism which allows for no self determination."”
Jimmy Carter“"Yes the incident of Jimmy Carter crying after being briefed about classified information regarding UFO's is largely believed to be true by the serious researchers on the subject. As a forewarning, the following information is very unsettling and will explain why Cater never "kept his promise" of revealing classified UFO information to the public.

According to the story that was corroborated by more than once witness, U.S. presidents are only given a cursory overview of the subject. Apparently, the CIA runs the program, only provide information to the President on a need to know basis, and do no consider presidential curiosity as sufficient need to know. This was implemented after Kennedy, and all presidents after him have been given only summary briefings (some presidents for unknown reasons were given more than others).

Okay onto your question, President Carter is a deeply religious man who had also witnessed a UFO with 6 other people. Everyone thought that he would be the one to finally release UFO info to the public but as the story goes, he was repeatedly stonewalled. Eventually, the CIA had "the talk" with him, and afterward it was reported that he sunk his head in his hands and not only began to deeply sob, but was visibly disturbed for some weeks afterward.

What was he told and shown?

He was told that major religions including Christianity were programs created by extraterrestrials to prevent us from destroying ourselves while they ran their experiments on us -- and that they made us. At this moment is became clear to Carter that such information could cause tremendous economic and social upheaval. I should add that I am not only a Christian, but a clergyman, so I am in no way attempting to promote atheism here. In fact, how God fits into this might be an interesting separate post. Nevertheless, these are the facts as I know them to be."”
"Islamophobia"“"terrorism" in the post-9/11 American vernacular has become shorthand for "Islamic terrorism."”
The Great Reset“#TheGreatReset initiative is designed to ensure businesses and communities ‘build back better’ by putting sustainable business practices at the heart of their operations as they begin to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.”
Oliver North“$14M [million] to finance came from drugs.”
Aspen Institute/New Voices FellowshipAbout the New Voices Fellowship

The Fellowship offers development experts from Africa, Asia, and Latin America a year-long program of media support, advocacy lessons, training, and writing under the guidance of experienced mentors and trainers. On average, Fellows devote 10% of their working time towards the Fellowship over the course of the year. The program helps Fellows sharpen their messages, elevate their stories, focus their media targets, and communicate their insights across a variety of media platforms – illuminating crucial perspectives for a broad worldwide audience in order to champion policy change.

Fellows come from a variety of disciplines, ranging from public health to education to poverty alleviation, agriculture, and community activism. All Fellows are experts in their field with a deep understanding of broad development challenges and a passion for communicating their views.”
StasiAnja Reich, Sabine Rennefanz: What was the Stasi so good at?

Peter-Michael Diestel: In the 1980s, for example, the Stasi intercepted, analyzed and recorded all telephone conversations of important German politicians, journalists and major industrialists. You could have made everything public, but I didn't.

Anja Reich, Sabine Rennefanz: Why not? Wouldn't that have been an opportunity to put everything on the table, from the East and the West?

Peter-Michael Diestel: The Greens and the Social Democrats saw it that way too. But that would have been blackmail and coercion. Knowing that a Federal President had worked for us as an IM Cardinal, that there were obscene pictures and information about criminally relevant sexual practices. I don't do that. I am not a traitor. In my books I have mentioned the code names, and the West German intelligence services know all about it.”
Institute for Statecraft/SecrecyBeware the friendly host who wants to book travel or accommodation on your behalf. Absolutely get their tips on where to stay but avoid getting into tricky scenarios and ensure you follow company guidelines and book everything yourself. If in doubt, ask advice from another team member.
Institute for Statecraft/SecrecyBeware the friendly host who wants to book travel or accommodation on your behalf. Absolutely get their tips on where to stay but avoid getting into tricky scenarios and ensure you follow company guidelines and book everything yourself. If in doubt, ask advice from another team member.
Bullshit job“Boss: How come you’re not working?

Worker: There’s nothing to do.

Boss: Well, you’re supposed to pretend like you’re working.

Worker: Hey, I got a better idea. Why don’t you pretend like I’m working? You get paid more than me.”
Ukraine/Death squadBret Baier: I want to have you clear something up for us. And this is these reports about the Azov battalion that is said to be a Nazi affiliated organization, operating as a militia in your country, said to be committing their own atrocities. What should Americans know about that unit, about those reports?

Volodymyr Zelensky: So Azov was one of those many battalions. They are what they are. They were defending our country. [Zelensky continues to explain that these volunteer organizations were later incorporated into the military and are not a self governing structure anymore] Back in 2014 there were situations when our volunteers were encircled and some of them did violate laws, laws of Ukraine and they were actually taken to court and got prison sentences.”
ThimerosalDan Burton: Has thimerosal ever really been tested? Has thimerosal ever been tested by our health agencies?
William Egan: Only in those early tests that you know of that were done by Lily.
Dan Burton: When was that? That was done in 1929. Let's follow-up on that. In 1929, they tested this on 27 people that were dying of meningitis. All of those people died of meningitis, so they said there was no correlation between their death and the mercury in the vaccines. That is the only test that's ever been done on thimerosal that I know of. Can you think of any other?
William Egan: No, in people, no. Except for accidental exposures over time.
Dan Burton: So we have mercury that's being put into people's bodies in the form of this preservative, and has been since the 1930's, and it's never been tested by our health agencies. And yet you folks come here and you testify that there's no conclusive evidence, and the IOM says, they favor, get this, they don't say they're sure, they say they favor rejection of a causal relationship between mercury and autism and other neurological disorders. Nobody ever gives a categorical statement, that no, mercury does not cause this, no, it doesn't. And that's because you can't do it. So why in the world are we even putting a little bit of it in vaccinations?”
Albert BourlaFrederick Kempe: There was some fake news during this period of time about the vaccines, you know, all sorts of conspiracy theories. How did you deal with that and how did you navigate that and where do you feel the primary source of this sort of fake news was? How damaging was this to us?

Albert Bourla: I’m afraid it [caused] quite a lot of damage and particularly with us, we were targeted by a lot of, let’s say, dark organizations that you don’t really know [who owns them]. You suspect that there are some countries behind. We were getting a lot of briefings from CIA, from FBI, about cyberattacks that may happen to us, but also about the spread of misinformation.

You know, there are two groups of people: There are the people that they are vaccinated. There are people that are skeptical about the vaccination, and both of them are afraid. Those that are getting the vaccine, they are afraid of the disease, and they believe that because people are not getting vaccinated, they are increasing the risk to them. They are increasing the exposure. So they are mad with them that they don’t get the vaccine. Those that don’t get the vaccine, they’re afraid of the vaccine and they are mad with the people that are pressing them to get it.

Those I understand. They are very good people. They are decent people. But they had a fear, and I understand it, and they don’t want to take chances. But there is a very small part of professionals [who] circulate, on purpose, misinformation so that they will mislead those that they have concerns [with the vaccine]. Those people are criminals. They’re not bad people. They are criminals because they literally cost millions of lives.”
"Conspiracy theorist"German Business News: You dedicate a whole chapter to the Bilderbergers. What influence do the Bilderbergers really exert?

Jürgen Roth: Compared to the "round tables" I described, their influence is rather small. What stands out among the Bilderbergers is not so much the secrecy or the strict isolation in luxury enclaves, but who the initiators are. They are US banks and US corporations, as well as the Deutsche Bank. At its core, it is a kind of neoliberal think tank, whose members sometimes have a rather obscure biography. And they try, with more or less great success, to win over politicians who are well-disposed towards them and their goals. These in turn feel flattered when they are invited. And it is particularly revealing that only representatives of neo-liberalism are invited. Critics of capitalism will not be found there.

German Business News: Where is the line between real power and conspiracy theory? You criticize the network of the "Round Tables". What is behind it?

Jürgen Roth: There is no conspiracy theory, only the conspiracy of a small, exclusive, European, economic and political elite against the social and democratic state. Their goal is clearly an ideological revolution, the widespread implementation of a free, untamed market economy. Ulisses Garrido, the former Portuguese trade union leader and current director of the Education Department of the European Trade Union Confederation, is far from any conspiracy theory. He explained it to me like this: "What is to be achieved is a complete change in society, without the population having any say in the matter. It is undoubtedly a silent coup."


Jürgen Roth: The purpose of this silent coup is also the privatization of all state enterprises, or state or municipal real estate. The Deutsche Bank demands this particularly strongly. Companies are sold off at a ridiculous price, often to the favoured of the ruling political system. Vital areas such as education, health and social services are privatized, as in Portugal or Greece. What is practiced here is the expropriation of national property. I don't even want to know how much criminally gained capital has been invested in Greece, Spain or Portugal.”
Boris JohnsonGlobal over-population is the real issue [...] The UN last year revised its forecasts upwards, predicting that there will be 9.2 billion people by 2050, and I simply cannot understand why no one discusses this impending calamity, and why no world statesmen have the guts to treat the issue with the seriousness it deserves.”
Social controlHow Do You Get Manipulated? Manipulative relationships depend on activating one (or both) of two principal human drives: gain (or reward) and loss (or avoidance). These are the two engines that drive the manipulation. Do not bother looking for anything more complicated than this: Manipulation always boils down to the promise of a net gain and/or the threat of a net loss.”
Institute for Statecraft/PurposesHow might war be deterred?

Russia is not on a wartime ‘ready to launch’ setting, but they are developing and implementing

concepts of conflict very different from those being thought about in Western countries. We cannot deter this hybrid war, it is upon us and we can only fight it.”
Stanley JohnsonInterviewer: Do you have a sense of what the carrying capacity of Britain is, or of the world as a whole?
Stanley Johnson: Britain I put it at 10 or 15 million, I think that would be absolutely fine, I mean that would do us really splendidly, at a limit 20 - 25.”
Institute for Statecraft/ProjectionIt is essential to understand their ability to lie and to have no remorse for their murderous actions, be it an individual, such as Litvinenko and possibly Skripal, or be it hundreds of their own people or thousands of innocent victims in Ukraine or Syria.
Madeleine AlbrightLesley Stahl: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price – we think the price is worth it.”
Margaret ChanLilian Franck: Important donor nations they want a weak WHO. One could even compare WHO to Titanic I would say. So isn't it your responsibility, Dr Chan, to step down before the end of your 2nd term, in order to signal to the world that your organisation, your ship, is sinking.

Margaret Chan: You ask an excellent question. If I tell you, WHO as an organisation, only 30 percent of my budget is predictable funds. Other 70 percent I have to take a hat and go around the world, to beg for money. And when they give us the money, they are highly linked to their preferences, what they like. It may not be the priority of WHO. So if we do not solve this, you know (hand gesture), we are not going to be as great as we were.”
Josef AckermannMaybrit Illner: Mr. Ackermann, you are also head of the International Banking Federation. Couldn't you just have made such a demand to all your colleagues who came out of this crisis really clean?

Josef Ackermann: I think the same would have happened to me as it did to Mr Herrhausen. [...]”
Rosa KoireMinistry of truth: If you are like me you use Wikipedia along with lots of other sources and find it helpful with many fact-based questions. It's the 'peoples encyclopedia'. That is, until you decide to update the Agenda 21, Communitarianism, Sustainable Development, or Asset Based Community Development listings. Then you'll find yourself censored and pounding at the gates. I was successful with a few of these, for a while, but then the gatekeepers found my additions and censored them. They said I was a conspiracy theorist and if I persisted in posting I'd be barred from making any changes or posts to Wikipedia in the future.”
Joop Den UylOf course he belongs in jail, but you can't jail the husband of the head of state. So I have to think of something else.”
2001 Mexican legislative assembly attackProcuraduria General de la Republica de Mexico

México, D.F., a 12 de octubre de 2001
Boletín No. 697/01


Respecto a la situación de los 2 sujetos detenidos el pasado miércoles en las inmediaciones del Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro, la Procuraduría General de la República informa que el ciudadano israelí Saer Ben-Zvi o Saar Noam Ben Zvi fue puesto a disposición del Juzgado Primero de Distrito “A” de Procesos Penales Federales en el Distrito Federal, en tanto que al mexicano Salvador Gersson Smeck se le dictó auto de libertad con las reservas de la ley, debido a que no se encontraron elementos para su consignación.

En virtud de que cuando fue detenido Gersson Smeck portaba un arma calibre 9 milímetros, quedó en libertad con reservas de la ley y se dio vista a la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional en relación al permiso de portación de arma de fuego con que cuenta.

El israelí Ben Zvi fue internado en el Reclusorio Varonil Norte, pendiente de que se le resuelva su situación jurídica, como probable responsable de la comisión de delitos de violación de la Ley General de Población, previstos y sancionados por los artículos 123 y 143 de la Ley General de Población, todos en concordancia con el 6º. Y 7º., fracción 1º, 8º. 9º y 13º, Fracción II del Código Penal Federal, con lo que se da inicio al proceso penal correspondiente.”
Horst SeehoferReporter: Does this mean that the lobby was really so strong then, the pharmaceutical lobby against politics, and you had to pull back, so to speak.

Horst Seehofer: Yes that is so, has been the case for 30 years, until the present moment, that meaningful structural changes, in the sense of a more social market economy, are not possible in the German health care system because of the resistance of the lobby associations.
Horst Seehofer: I can only describe to you that this is so and it works very effectively.
Reporter: But it can not be that the industry is stronger than politics, so at the end of the day, it has to be the politics that is in the position to say no, that's not how it works.

Horst Seehofer: I can not disagree with that.”
IPCCThe globe is warming because of increasing greenhouse gas emissions

No evidence is presented to justify this conclusion. There are “projections” of computer models but these are not predictions, they are merely the results of assumptions made in the model. No “projected” result has ever been successfully related to an actual change in the climate.

Political partyThere is only one party in the United States, the Property Party ... and it has two right wings: Republican Party and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt — until recently ... and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.”
TSAEl Reg: "Sonic Screwdriver is cleared aimed at molesting seized machines, or during black bag operations, not at interfering with factory-fresh products in transit."

Do it at airports during a customs inspection. Take the computer out of the owner's sight and install whatever you want.

Or better still, come up with some sort of bogus excuse to force everyone to put their laptops in checked baggage, and then do it in the baggage handling process. That way the subject wouldn't know they had been targeted. Not that anyone would ever dream of doing something as disruptive as arbitrarily forcing people to check their laptops of course...”
"Overpopulation"Overpopulation and the overreliance on irrigation was a major factor in making the Maya vulnerable to failure:

the trigger event of their collapse appears to have been a long drought beginning about 840 A.D. (communication of V. Scarborough, an archaelogist (sic!) from the University of Cincinnati [90]). Among many factors, such as war and plagues, that contributed to many of the collapses of ancient societies, there seem to be two main causes: too many people and too little fresh water. As a consequence, the civilization became vulnerable to environmental stress, for instance, a prolonged drought or a change in climate [90].

The societies themselves appear to have contributed to their own demise by encouraging growth of their population to levels that carried the seeds of their own decline through overexploitation of the land (communication of C. Scarre, an archaelogist (sic!) from the Cambridge University in England [90]). Similarly, the Akkadian empire in Mesopotamia, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the Indus Valley civilization in India,

and early societies in Palestine, Greece, and Crete all collapsed in a catastrophic drought and cooling of the atmosphere between 2300 and 2200 B.C.”
2022The New York Post: Any comments on the alleged allegation of your connection with Jeffrey Epstein?
Bill Clinton: I think the evidence is clear.”
IntimidationThis is where we come in: deploying a multi-pronged strategy to
  • investigate sources of disinformation, perform threat assessment, and identify opportunities to combat false narratives
  • debunk fake news and black PR operations
  • discredit and intimidate the platforms broadcasting fake news
  • promote democratic principles and criticize the Russian illiberal”
Sunday TimesThe Sunday Times was a serious, respectable newspaper until Andrew Neil became its editor in the mid-1980s and turned it into a mouth-piece for MI5 and the MOD to run their rubbish through.”
David Lloyd George“'Germany does not want war. Hitler does not want war. He is a most remarkable personality, one of the greatest I have ever met in the whole of my life, and I have met some very great men”
Seymour Hersh“'We're going to change mosques into cathedrals. And when we get hold of all the oil, nobody' s going to give a damn.' That's an attitude that pervades, I'm here to say, a large percentage of the Special Operations Command, the Joint Special Operations Command and Stanley McChrystal, the one who got in trouble because of the article in Rolling Stone, and his follow-on, a Navy admiral named McRaven, Bill McRaven — all are members or at least supporters of Knights of Malta. McRaven attended, so I understand, the recent annual convention of the Knights of Malta they had in Cyprus a few months back in November. They're all believers — many of them are members of Opus Dei. They do see what they are doing — and this is not an atypical attitude among some military — it's a crusade, literally. They see themselves as the protectors of the Christians. They're protecting them from the Muslims in the 13th century. And this is their function. They have little insignias, they have coins they pass among each other, which are crusader coins, and they have insignia that reflect that, the whole notion that this is a war, it's culture war.”
Ferdinand Grapperhaus“(...) Load the cars of activists on a trailer and take them with you. We'll write down their plates and discover who they are this instant.”
Philip Haney“(He) was ordered by the DHS to alter or modify information because it was not politically correct. The problem with Saudi Arabia in relation to terrorism, said Haney, is that the country supports Islamic schools called madrasas in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. They send Saudi males there to be educated in Koranic theology and other Islamic texts, and these schools often function as a breeding ground for terrorist organizations”
The Road To 9-11“(Headed by Frank Wisner, OPC's) first project was an arrangement for the creation and support of right wing stay behind groups in Europe... Gregor Geannatini (?), one of the Italian authors of this Strategy of Tension... came to America in 1961 to lecture at the Naval War College on techniques and possibilities of a coup d'état in Europe. In March 1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff prepared their own documents developing Geannatini's strategy. This was Operation Northwoods... The plan... called for innocent people to be shot on American streets. (00:45:05)”
Noam Chomsky“(On the question of mandating vaccines) [...] people who refuse to accept vaccines, I think the right response for them is not to force them to, but rather to insist that they be isolated. If people decide I am willing to be a danger to the community by refusing a vaccine, they should then say well I also have the decency to isolate myself. Ok, I dont want a vaccine, but I don't have the right to run around harming people. That should be a convention. Enforcing is a different question. It should be a understood, and we should try to get it to be understood. If it really reaches the point, where they are severely endangering people, then of course you have to do something about it. So if someone, if smallpox turns out to become rampant again, and some people are insisting on running around public places were they might have smallpox, well you got to so something about them [...]”
Psychopathy“(Psychopaths are) people who I think, at the core, lack a real concern and emotional connection with people. They don't seem to understand that other people have rights. I think this is partly because of a stunning incapacity - a lack of capacity - for empathy. I think if you wanted a shorthand term, it would be people who lack a conscience.”
Danielle Smith“(unvaccinated people) have been the most discriminated against group that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime.... I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a situation in my lifetime where a person was fired from their job, or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey, or are not allowed to go visit a loved one in long-term care or hospital, or not allowed to go get on a plane to either go across the country to see family or even travel across the border.”
George Carlin“(in New York) I really haven't seen this many people in one place since they took the group photographs of all the criminals and lawbreakers in the Ronald Reagan Administration. Two-hundred and twenty-five of 'em, so far! 225 different people in the Ronald Reagan administration have either quit, been fired, arrested, indicted, or convicted of either breaking the law or violating the ethics code! These are the same people who were elected with the help of the moral majority. Elected with the help of the moral majority and the Teamsters union. That's a good combination! Organized religion and organized crime working together to help build a better America.”
Noam Chomsky“(when questioned about unvaccinated people he makes a comparison to people who do not want to stop at traffic lights) [...] they should have the decency to remove themselves from the community. If they refuse to do that, then measures have to be taken to safeguard the community from them. Then comes the practical question, that you ask. How can we get food to them? Well, that's actually their problem. Of course if they really become destitute, then yes, you have to move in with some measure to secure their survival, just as you do with people in jail for example [...]”
Integrity Initiative/Leak/7“* Ability to handle sensitive information, an awareness of acting on behalf of HMG and acting accordingly, and be party to strict non-disclosure agreement;”
Euan Grant“* With the help of the UK financial sector (BBA, ABI, London Stock Exchange) establish relations with EU counterparts and European for liaison with European bourses. Activity: £1.8k Euan Grant?
  • Through links with UK law enforcement and revenue organisations, anti-corruption and development NGO's and journalistic orgs, gain access
to their European counterparts. Activity: £9k Euan Grant?
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy“* Chris Donnelly makes initial country introduction with nominated trusted 'cordinator' & relevant II team member/s (normally 2 members minimum per country)
  • II team member/s coordinate foundation workshop to connect members, formally introduce them to II aims, establish target programme for research, issemmination and events. Members to sign code of conduct & non-disclosure Greg Rowett to start code of conduct doc to include basic info on passwords and etiquette with social media etc - final ok should be sought from James Wilson. Debate and decide preferred methods of communication. Activity: £3k budget (based on 20 clusters)”
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy“* Chris Donnelly makes initial country introduction with nominated trusted 'coordinator' & relevant II team member/s (normally 2 members minimum per country)
  • II team member/s coordinate foundation workshop to connect members, formally introduce them to II aims, establish target programme for
  • research, dissemination and events. Members to sign code of conduct & non-disclosure Greg Rowett to start code of conduct doc to include basic info on passwords and etiquette with social media etc – final ok should be sought from James Wilson. Debate and decide preferred methods of communication.”
    Alex Jones“- 4 people confused about my Alex Jones tweet and thinking that I was endorsing destroying free speech, let me try to be even more clear: Alex Jones has been a deliberately amplified poison pill to discredit alt media, free speech and deep state investigations for over 20 years
    - the fact that Jones became a vehicle for not just poison pilling alt media but has actually helped spur a societal shift on 'free speech' imo is no accident. Its just like its no accident that the Bilderberg leaker decided to use a neo-nazi newspaper as its conduit for leaks
    - you really have to ask yourself if the entie legacy that even proceeded Alex Jones was by design a setup to poison pill alt media, why would a top level Bilderberg insider devote so much to Jim Tucker (a known holocaust denier who wrote for a neo nazi newspaper)? trolling?
    - i know people in the conspiracy movement are supposed to show some kind of respect towards Jim Tucker but seriously think about for a second how absolutely fucking ridiculous it is that a Bilderberg insider chose him to leak stuff out in American Free Press, its almost comical
    - I know that a lot of people especcially younger people who like to lean on the talking point that Jones is 'entertaining' and 'is right most of the time' but this is them just still mentally struggling with not being able to fully process that he is obvious controlled opposition”
    J. P. Morgan“... [credit] is an evidence of banking, but it [credit] is not the money itself. Money is gold, and nothing else.”
    Alan Dershowitz“... not only a remarkable liar and slanderer, but also an extreme opponent of elementary civil rights.”
    Psychopathy“... on the surface they don't show to be that ill. Except that they are individuals with unusual needs of extreme grandiosity , extreme aggression, extreme antisocial features and extreme paranoid orientation.

    We find such persons very often in leadership positions of organizations or political systems, particularly at times when there are natural sharp divisions in the social body between social in-group and out-group and political ideologies or parties... that reflect that in their ideological formation... and they - under such turbulence, situations - they become the leader of an extreme group that exerts its superiority, the need to fight its enemies - they lead the group taking on a function... a direction... of the group towards triumph and exploiting the paranoid nature of the ideology showing an extremely aggressive behavior and total absence of any guilt feelings regarding the attack of the enemy [sic].

    So, the search for the security of triumph, the security of the attack on the enemy, the suspicion of the danger of the enemy and the ruthlessness and total abandonment of moral constraints makes them ideal leader [sic] for such a regressed social situation.

    So they become very dangerous leaders of institutions... school systems... hospital systems... political parties... or nations.

    So... they don't become ordinary dictators - but they tend to establish totalitarian systems. They have to be loved... and feared at the same time, not just loved! They are not just narcissists who have to be admired and they are happy. They have to be loved because they are superior and the followers have to be afraid of them.

    We have evidence that the personality of Stalin and of Hitler [...] presented these four features. [...] And, of course to these days [sic] we have such leaders all over the world... Idi Amin - nice illustration in Africa... and so on... and... ehm... we don't have to look very far... to find they today... eh... examples of that. [laughter].”
    Mind control/Child Abuse“...such incestuous activity diminishes the subject's chance of psychosis and allows for a better adjustment to the external world. [...]”
    Gurcharan Singh“...the reality of food shortages, what is being set up in Europe, is the same what they done in Africa and the same what they done in Asia. The situation is that (they are) deliberately destroying food in transportation and warehouses. The situation is, the food is ready, they have (taken) from the farmers, it's rotting in the warehouses and in the trucks. And the cover story they are selling the world is, that there is shortage of drivers, and secondly for the [unintelligible]. That is complete bullshit. The idea is simple, they want to starve you to death. And I want to make this clear to everybody, if you let them lock you down again, they gonna use the same propaganda they used in Africa and the same they used in Asia, they rot and destroy all the food crops. [...] my family farms in both Italy and Spain, so this is a first hand experience, they bought the vegetables from our farm and we know it for a fact that they are rotting in the warehouse and in the trucks...”
    Ronald Lauder“...there are few countries that don’t bear some culpability for the crime of the Holocaust..... We know the perpetrators – but they were not just Germans and Austrians. There was complicity in practically every country in Europe.”
    BIS“1. The buildings or parts of buildings and surrounding land which, whoever may be the owner thereof, are used for the purposes of the Bank shall be inviolable. No agent of the Swiss public authorities may enter therein without the express consent of the Bank. Only the President, 2 the General Manager of the Bank, or their duly authorised representative shall be competent to waive such inviolability.

    2. The archives of the Bank and, in general, all documents and any data media belonging to the Bank or in its possession, shall be inviolable at all times and in all places.

    3. The Bank shall exercise supervision of and police power over its premises.”
    The Philippines“1995, Catholics for a Free Choice, 'Opus Dei: The Pope's Right Arm in Europe': "The Hanns-Seidel Foundation, based in Germany, is accredited with and receives funding from the European Union. The foundation is linked with the CSU (the Bavarian Christian Democrat) party of the late Fritz Pirkl, who was in the European Parliament and served on the boards of directors of Hanns-Seidel and the Rhine-Danube Foundation. Together with Limmat, Hanns-Seidel has funded Opus Dei’s extensive operations in the Philippines, including the Centre for Research and Communication. The centre’s "self-declared task is to form the future economic and political elite of the country," writes Opus Dei critic Peter Hertel. "Under President Corazon Aquino, Opus members have put a decisive stamp on the country’s Constitution."”
    Olaf Scholz“50 million have now been vaccinated twice. We were all guinea pigs for those who waited until now. That's why I say as one of these 50 million - it went well! Please join in.”
    Nepal“500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have died in Qatar since it won the right to host the World Cup 10 years ago, the Guardian can reveal.

    The findings, compiled from government sources, mean an average of 12 migrant workers from these five south Asian nations have died each week since the night in December 2010 when the streets of Doha were filled with ecstatic crowds celebrating Qatar’s victory.

    Data from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka revealed there were 5,927 deaths of migrant workers in the period 2011–2020. Separately, data from Pakistan’s embassy in Qatar reported a further 824 deaths of Pakistani workers, between 2010 and 2020.”
    Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy“7. Security Classification/Chatham House Rule. The morning session in Fisher Hall will be an academic seminar at official-sensitive. In the afternoon there will be a further plenary session at official-sensitive in the Wells Room led by Mr Peter Mattis from the Jamestown Foundation and an invitation only session at a higher classification in the MBS Briefing Room led by Mr Olivier Weatherston from Wilton Park. Irrespective of classification, the whole conference will operate under the Chatham House rules.”
    Vladimir Putin“95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA.”
    Encyclopedia of Domestic AssassinationsInterviewer: “Does the president of the United States have any power whatsoever to change the game plan that was put in place by the military industrial complex after World War Two?”
    Former President Jimmy Carter: “No.””
    Logic Industries
    Covert UAE-Israel Security relationship

    In 2008 Abu Dhabi authorities agreed to pay an Israeli owned company $816mn to install security systems protecting oil and gas installations in the emirate.

    Through working with two partner companies former Intelligence agent Mati Kochavi has also won contracts to implement the entire emirate-wide Falcon Eye surveillance project that monitors the movements of all those living in Abu Dhabi.”
    Institute for Statecraft/Projection

    “Information war” (informatsionnaya voyna)

    There is a clear distinction between the Russian definition: an all-encompassing, and not limited to wartime and the Western one: limited, tactical information operations carried out during hostilities.

    Russian approach is much broader than simply sowing lies and denial, for instance maintaining that Russian troops and equipment are not where they plainly are.

    Russian state and non-state actors have exploited history, culture, language, nationalism and more to carry out cyber-enhanced disinformation campaigns with much wider objectives.

    Russian aims to extract, exfiltrate, manipulate, distort, or insert information, or just isolate a target from sources of information other than Russian ones.”
    Institute for Statecraft/SecrecyCode of Conduct (Greg to commence with internet etiquette)
    Anonymity of the team remains paramount. As our activity increases we will, no doubt, attract unwanted attention.”
    Institute for Statecraft/SecrecyCode of Conduct (Greg to commence with internet etiquette)
    Anonymity of the team remains paramount. As our activity increases we will, no doubt, attract unwanted attention.”
    Technocracy“A Technocracy is a resource-based economic system that uses energy as its accounting system.

    This is in contrast to our current economic system which is price-based (i.e., supply and demand) and uses money as its accounting system. In a resource-based economic system, all resource inputs required for human subsistence would be carefully measured and meted out in the most efficient manner in order to eliminate wastage. All consumption would be automatically limited by issuing to all citizen a quota of energy certificates. These certificates could be spent on goods and services priced according to the energy that it took to make them in the first place. This, they reasoned, would create a Utopia-like society where people would only work 20 hours per week and yet still have abundance of material goods available for consumption.

    'Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order', p.19”
    "Smart city"“A smart city program aims to create “an effective urban management system, creating safe and comfortable living conditions for citizens.”

    Sobyanin’s “Smart City – 2030” project for Moscow provides an extreme example of what this initiative hopes to accomplish. The ambitious reimagining of the Russian capital is already being carried out by the city’s Department of Information Technologies.

    Among other perks, Moscow residents will be issued “genetic passports” that can be used to administer gene therapies. “Wearable and implanted medical digital devices” will collect information about an individual’s lifestyle and calculate payments to health insurance companies.

    By the end of the decade, Russia's capital will harness “digital technologies” to ensure “sustainable growth in the quality of life of Muscovites,” according to the project’s official website.”
    Europe/Deep state“A Briton agreed that "supranational consciousness" was not yet very fully developed within the E.C. countries, and thus it was important to avoid the supranational ambitions of the E.C. institutions going too far too fast.”
    Peter Hoekstra“A Dutch journalist just asked new U.S. Ambassador Pete Hoekstra why he said there are “no go” areas in the Netherlands, where radical Muslims are setting cars and politicians on fire. Hoekstra denied it, and called the claim “fake news.” The report cut to a video clip of Hoekstra at a 2015 conference hosted by the David Horowitz Freedom Center saying: “The Islamic movement has now gotten to a point where they have put Europe into chaos. Chaos in the Netherlands, there are cars being burned, there are politicians that are being burned.” “And yes, there are no-go zones in the Netherlands,” he added in the clip. Then things got extremely weird. When the reporter pressed, Hoekstra denied using the term “fake news,” which he'd uttered moments before “I didn’t call that fake news,” he said. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.””
    1959“A US Army operating manual from 1956 stated explicitly that biological and chemical warfare were an integral operating portion of US military strategy, were not restricted in any way, and that Congress had given the military “First Strike” authority on their use. In 1959, an attempt by Congress to remove this first-strike authority was defeated by the White House and bio-chemical weapons expenditures increased from $75 million to almost $350 million.”
    Joseph Goebbels“A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”
    Paranoia“A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on.”
    The Great Reset“A controlled disintegration of the world economy is a legitimate object for the 1980s.”
    Ron Unz“A cursory examination of the most recent 15 years worth of national mortality data...offers some intriguing clues to this mystery. We find the largest rise in American mortality rates occurred in 1999, the year Vioxx was introduced, while the largest drop occurred in 2004, the year it was withdrawn. Vioxx was almost entirely marketed to the elderly, and these substantial changes in national death-rate were completely concentrated within the 65-plus population. The FDA studies had proven that use of Vioxx led to deaths from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes, and these were exactly the factors driving the changes in national mortality rates. The impact of these shifts was not small. After a decade of remaining roughly constant, the overall American death rate began a substantial decline in 2004, soon falling by approximately 5 percent, despite the continued aging of the population. This drop corresponds to roughly 100,000 fewer deaths per year. The age-adjusted decline in death rates was considerably greater.”
    MLK“A doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested in the freedom of black men or brown men or yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where every man will respect the dignity and worth of personality.”
    Norbert Häring“A fact-checking scene coordinated from the United States, paid for by the EU and supported by the federal government ensures that all media are supplied with narrative-faithful agency reports on important topics, which they disseminate, and remain true to the narrative prescribed from above in their own reports and comments. From this point of view, it also explains why the fact checks are often so openly tendentious and the arguments are borderline retarded. It's not primarily about convincing someone with these fact checks. Its main function is to announce to the media landscape what are the topics on which a narrative must be respected and what this narrative is.”
    John Laughland“A feature of today’s mass media culture which many dissidents lazily and wrongly denounce as "totalitarian" is precisely that dissenting views may be expressed and published, but this is precisely because, being mere drops in the ocean, they are never a threat to the tide of propaganda.”
    Rudi Dekkers“A few months ago Rudi wanted to visit, drink some beers. But he never showed up. He said over the phone 'I've never been so poor in my life'. I saw him making beautiful trips to South America and Middle America. In light of recent developments, maybe you need to place questions at that.”
    Andrew Marr“A final lesson is that Westminster and the state are two very different things. The state includes the NHS, national science labs, networks of experts […] I now feel we should spend less time on the distracting national puppet show and more time thinking about what I might delicately call the deeper sources of authority.”
    European Parliament“A fourth Euro MP caught up in a "cash-for-laws" scandal has denied wrongdoing as the European Parliament investigates corruption allegations. Spanish MEP Pablo Zalba said he had been "deceived" by the Sunday Times undercover reporters and had not accepted their offer of cash.
    But he said he did amend draft legislation at the request of the reporters posing as lobbyists.

    Two other MEPs have resigned in the affair and a third has left his party. Mr Zalba, of Spain's centre-right Popular Party (PP), said he was the victim of a "trap", in which the pretend lobbyists had requested two amendments to draft legislation on consumer protection.

    He said he rejected the first amendment but agreed to put forward the second because he thought it would help protect small investors, Spain's El Pais news website reported. According to the UK's Sunday Times newspaper, the undercover team made it clear to Mr Zalba that he would be paid for his services”
    "War on Drugs"“A free market for drugs would unleash a drug epidemic, while a regulated one would create a parallel criminal market.”
    Bernd Hamm“A good example is Spiegel, which was turned to the right under Stefan Aust and became more and more similar to Focus Magazine. This was perhaps most evident in the journalistic treatment of the attacks of September 11, 2001: After Aust and Schnibben had more or less codified the official line in their book, any doubts about this interpretation were fought off, ridiculed and declared an unfounded conspiracy theory.”
    Operation Gladio/B“A journalist with the Sunday Times‘ investigative unit told this author he had interviewed former Special Agent in Charge, Dennis Saccher, who had moved to the FBI’s Colorado office. Saccher reportedly confirmed the veracity of Edmonds’ allegations of espionage, telling him that Edmonds’ story “should have been front page news” because it was “a scandal bigger than Watergate.””
    William Pitt the Elder“A long train of these practices has at length unwillingly convinced me that there is something behind the throne, greater than the throne itself.”
    Nord Stream/Sabotage“A lot of Germans are invested — politically and economically — in closer ties with Russia, and may be eager to restore the previous status quo as soon as it is politically palatable. Of course, if something happened to make the Nord Stream 2 pipeline unusable, it is a different story. Hey, what is Andreas Malm doing these days? Where are those eco-radicals when we really need them?”
    National Endowment for Democracy“A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA,”
    Jacques Attali“A major pandemic would raise awareness of the need for altruism, at least self-interested. History teaches us that humanity only evolves significantly when it is truly afraid: then it first sets up defense mechanisms; sometimes intolerable (scapegoats and totalitarianisms); sometimes futile (distraction); sometimes effective (therapeutic, if necessary setting aside all previous moral principles). Then, once the crisis has passed, it transforms these mechanisms to make them compatible with individual freedom and to include them in a democratic health policy. The beginning of the pandemic could trigger one of these structuring fears.”
    2023“A majority of U.S. intelligence agencies has so far concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic mostly likely started when SARS-CoV-2 jumped from an infected animal host into people; a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, has received intense attention from researchers as the potential source. But the Department of Energy and FBI so far have favored the so-called lab-leak hypothesis, even though none of the agencies has expressed high confidence in their conclusions on COVID-19’s origin. CIA, for example, had reportedly said it was “unable to determine” whether SARS-CoV-2 made a direct jump from animals to humans—or came from a lab. Now, Representative Brad Wenstrup (R–OH), who chairs the House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, says his panel and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have heard testimony from a whistleblower “who presents as a highly credible senior-level CIA officer.” According to the press release, the whistleblower testified that only the most senior analyst of a seven-member CIA team investigating the origin of COVID-19 supported the zoonotic transmission theory. The whistleblower alleged the other six team members supporting the lab origin then received “a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” wrote Wenstrup and Representative Mike Turner (R–OH), who chairs the intelligence panel.”
    COVID-19/Origins“A majority of U.S. intelligence agencies has so far concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic mostly likely started when SARS-CoV-2 jumped from an infected animal host into people; a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, has received intense attention from researchers as the potential source. But the Department of Energy and FBI so far have favored the so-called lab-leak hypothesis, even though none of the agencies has expressed high confidence in their conclusions on COVID-19’s origin. CIA, for example, had reportedly said it was “unable to determine” whether SARS-CoV-2 made a direct jump from animals to humans—or came from a lab. Now, Representative Brad Wenstrup (R–OH), who chairs the House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, says his panel and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have heard testimony from a whistleblower “who presents as a highly credible senior-level CIA officer.” According to the press release, the whistleblower testified that only the most senior analyst of a seven-member CIA team investigating the origin of COVID-19 supported the zoonotic transmission theory. The whistleblower alleged the other six team members supporting the lab origin then received “a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” wrote Wenstrup and Representative Mike Turner (R–OH), who chairs the intelligence panel.”
    CIA“A majority of U.S. intelligence agencies has so far concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic mostly likely started when SARS-CoV-2 jumped from an infected animal host into people; a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, has received intense attention from researchers as the potential source. But the Department of Energy and FBI so far have favored the so-called lab-leak hypothesis, even though none of the agencies has expressed high confidence in their conclusions on COVID-19’s origin. CIA, for example, had reportedly said it was “unable to determine” whether SARS-CoV-2 made a direct jump from animals to humans—or came from a lab. Now, Representative Brad Wenstrup (R–OH), who chairs the House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, says his panel and the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have heard testimony from a whistleblower “who presents as a highly credible senior-level CIA officer.” According to the press release, the whistleblower testified that only the most senior analyst of a seven-member CIA team investigating the origin of COVID-19 supported the zoonotic transmission theory. The whistleblower alleged the other six team members supporting the lab origin then received “a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” wrote Wenstrup and Representative Mike Turner (R–OH), who chairs the intelligence panel.”
    MLK“A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right, a man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice, a man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.”
    Document:US Feigns "Horror" Over Cooked-Up Report on Syrian War They Engineered“A man whose lies helped to make the case for invading Iraq – starting a nine-year war costing more than 100,000 lives and hundreds of billions of pounds – will come clean in his first British television interview tomorrow. "Curveball", the Iraqi defector who fabricated claims about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, smiles as he confirms how he made the whole thing up. It was a confidence trick that changed the course of history, with Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi's lies used to justify the Iraq war.”
    "Cyberterrorism"“A massive and well-coordinated cyber attack on the electric grid could devastate the economy and cause a large-scale loss of life.”
    Mobile phone“A mobile phone is a tracking device that also makes calls”
    NewsGuard“A new app claiming to serve as a bulwark against "disinformation" by adding "trust rankings" to news websites has links to a PR firm that received nearly $15 million to push pro-Saudi spin in US media, Breitbart reports. NewsGuard and its shady advisory board – consisting of truth-lovers such as Tom Ridge, the first-ever homeland security chief, and former CIA director Michael Hayden – came under scrutiny after Microsoft announced that the app would be built into its mobile browsers. A closer examination of the company's publicly listed investors, however, has revealed new reasons to be suspicious of this self-declared crusader against propaganda. As Breitbart discovered, NewsGuard's third-largest investor, Publicis Groupe, owns a PR firm that has repeatedly airbrushed Saudi Arabia.”
    Henry Vinson“A prospective client called me from the Omni Hotel on Wisconsin Avenue. He requested an 18-year old with minimum body hair and a slender swimmer's physique. I found his request to be disconcerting for a number of reasons. First, he essentially sounded like he desired an underage boy, and second, none of the escorts working that night remotely corresponded to his desires, expect me....Congressman Barney Frank opened the door - he had given me a pseudonym over the phone.”
    David Mikkelson“A recent BuzzFeed investigation discovered that between 2015 and 2019, the [Snopes] CEO wrote and published at least 54 plagiarized articles containing material from outlets such as The Guardian and the Los Angeles Times. Snopes conducted an internal review confirming the allegations and subsequently suspended Mikkelson from his editorial duties. He remains an officer and 50 percent shareholder of the company.”
    Madison Grant“A rigid system of selection through the elimination of those who are weak or unfit—in other words social failures—would solve the whole question in one hundred years, as well as enable us to get rid of the undesirables who crowd our jails, hospitals, and insane asylums. The individual himself can be nourished, educated and protected by the community during his lifetime, but the state through sterilization must see to it that his line stops with him, or else future generations will be cursed with an ever increasing load of misguided sentimentalism. This is a practical, merciful, and inevitable solution of the whole problem, and can be applied to an ever widening circle of social discards, beginning always with the criminal, the diseased, and the insane, and extending gradually to types which may be called weaklings rather than defectives, and perhaps ultimately to worthless race types.”
    Bohemian Grove“A second and third priest then recall to memory deceased friends who loved the Bohemian Grove, and the high priest makes yet another effusive speech, the gist of it being that "Great Nature" is a "refuge for the weary heart" and a "balm for breasts that have been bruised." A brief song is sung by the chorus and suddenly the high priest proclaims: "Our funeral pyre awaits the corpse of Care!" A horn is sounded at the boat landing. Anon, the Ferry of Care, with its beautifully ornamented frontispiece, begins its brief passage to the foot of the shrine. Its trip is accompanied by the music of a barcarole—a barcarole being the song of Venetian gondoliers as they pole you through the canals of Venice. As one listens to the barcarole, it becomes even clearer that many little extra touches have been added by the Bohemians who have lovingly developed this ritual over its ninety four-year history. The bier arrives at the steps of the altar. The high priest inveighs against Dull Care, the archenemy of Beauty. He shouts, "Bring fire," and the torchbearers (eighteen strong) enter. Then the acolytes quickly seize the coffin, lift it high above their heads, and carry it triumphantly to the pyre in front of the mighty Owl. It seems that Care is about to be consumed by flames.”
    Dennis Hastert“A second genuine element of Pizzagate is the case of former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, sentenced to prison in 2016 for being a "serial child molester". Lucky for him, the statue of limitations had run out on the most important charges, resulting in only 15 months in prison.

    The Wikileaks releases revealed Tony Podesta acknowledging in a June 1, 2015 email to "have stayed in touch with denny Hastert [for] almost 50 years since Camp Nose." Obviously it would be interesting to know what Podesta and and others in government exactly knew about Hastert's behavior.

    Peculiarly, when the indictment of Hastert was announced on May 28, 2015, John Podesta's old colleague from the Clinton administration, Jake Siewert (who also served in the Obama administration under superclass Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner and then became an executive at Goldman Sachs), sent him an email of only one sentence that read: "Might be time for Denny to vanish to an undisclosed Japanese island." That's a clear reference to Camp Nose, located on Osaka island, Japan, and where Tony Podesta (without John) went to in 1965 with Denny Hastert on a "People to People Student Ambassador Program". By the time they were sent over, Podesta and Hastert were in their early 20s and were involved in the oversight of some the youths.

    The fact is, it's entirely possible that John or Tony Podesta already communicated to Siewert, a frequent contact of theirs, about a May 19 email to the Podestas from Masahiko Horie, an old member of Camp Nose who went there with Tony Podesta and Hastert. If not, that would be very strange coincidence and very much indicitive of Hastert's pedophile activities going back all the way to Camp Nose. But even then, why single out Nose? So most likely it's the former - there's been communication. And that doesn't exclude the latter possibility.”
    Parallel Construction“A secretive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration unit is funneling information from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them launch criminal investigations of Americans.

    Although these cases rarely involve national security issues, documents reviewed by Reuters show that law enforcement agents have been directed to conceal how such investigations truly begin - not only from defense lawyers but also sometimes from prosecutors and judges.

    The undated documents show that federal agents are trained to "recreate" the investigative trail to effectively cover up where the information originated, a practice that some experts say violates a defendant's Constitutional right to a fair trial. If defendants don't know how an investigation began, they cannot know to ask to review potential sources of exculpatory evidence - information that could reveal entrapment, mistakes or biased witnesses.”
    Black site“A small group of people in Johnston County NC are investigating their state’s role in the CIA's torture and rendition program. Last fall, they had a series of public hearings on the subject and on May 7th they're planning to meet with their commissioners in an effort to compel their county's very conservative board of commissioners to issue a ban on the use of public resources for rendition or torture, and to publicly acknowledge what they found: that a CIA contractor called Aero operating out of the local county airport, handled some 80% of rendition flights between September 2001 and March 2004.”
    Sky“A study by Declassified, covering 203 articles written by Deborah Haynes, Alistair Bunkall and Dominic Waghorn, has found that Sky routinely amplifies the views of the UK government in its military and foreign policies and provides almost no serious attempts to independently scrutinise or criticise them... Two of the reporters, Haynes and Bunkall, offered no serious critical coverage of UK military or foreign policies or the human rights abuses committed, by offered no serious critical coverage of UK military or foreign policies or the human rights abuses committed by Britain’s close allies, such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, which all receive substantial UK military and other support. Waghorn’s articles offered only very occasional critical coverage. In Sky’s written outputs, British government officials and their claims are routinely quoted favourably, with little or no independent commentary, context, or qualifications provided by the journalists.”
    Russophobia“A superpower is a cold war term. When people today say that Russia aspires to have this status, I interpret it in the following way: they want to undermine trust in Russia, to portray Russia as frightening, and create some kind of image of an enemy. … Russia is in favor of a multipolar world, a democratic world order, strengthening the system of international law, and for developing a legal system in which any small country, even a very small country, can feel itself secure, as if behind a stone wall. … Russia is ready to become part of this multipolar world and guarantee that the international community observes these rules. And not as a superpower with special rights, but rather as an equal among equals.”
    Robert Cooper“A system in which preventative action is required will be stable only under the condition that it is dominated by a single power or a concert of powers. The doctrine of prevention therefore needs to be complemented by a doctrine of enduring strategic superiority — and this is, in fact, the main theme of the US National Security Strategy.”
    "COVID-19/Vaccine"“A vaccine is at least a year away, and success is uncertain. Treatments that hold promise need to be evaluated rigorously.”
    Neue Zürcher Zeitung“A year after the Nord Stream explosions, this question is still unanswered. Evidence points sometimes to Russia, sometimes to Ukraine. In wilder theories, the United States has already been suspected.”
    BioNTech“A year ago today, not everyone was aware that we were going to live in a pandemic. But some already knew or suspected it; and that included Mr. Şahin, the head of BioNTech, who told me that on January 24 he made the decision to overturn the entire BioNTech research program and develop an mRNA vaccine for this virus.”
    Netherlands/Deep state“A year earlier, Dutch crime bosses, Klepper and Mieremet were arrested by police. In their car machine guns and hand-grenades were found. When the EOD discovered that none of the granades had serial- or production numbers, the MiVD was alerted. The MiVD suspected that the grenades were from a depot that was hidden in the forest of Scheveningen near The Hague, containing 40 metal boxes with pistols, machine guns, revolvers, hand-grenades and explosives. It was raided in the 1980s by thiefs. They replaced the boxes with fridges, causing the theft to be only noticed years later as metal detectors found nothing during the inspection. (...) Klepper and Mieremet were sentenced to 16 months in jail. Both were assassinated years later.”
    Operatiën en Inlichtingen“A year earlier, Dutch crime bosses, Klepper and Mieremet were arrested by police. In their car machine guns and hand-grenades were found. When the EOD discovered that none of the grenades had serial- or production numbers, the MiVD was alerted. The MiVD suspected that the grenades were from a depot that was hidden in the forest of Scheveningen near The Hague, containing 40 metal boxes with pistols, machine guns, revolvers, hand-grenades and explosives. It was raided in the 1980s by thiefs. They replaced the boxes with fridges, causing the theft to be only noticed years later as metal detectors found nothing during the inspection. (...) Klepper and Mieremet were sentenced to 16 months in jail. Both were assassinated years later.”
    Australian Strategic Policy Institute“ASPI has played a leading role – some would say, the leading role – in driving Australia’s mendacious and self-destructive and often absurd China-bashing campaign. The current Coalition government, perhaps the most right-wing and incompetent in Australia’s recent history, has relied upon the ASPI to disseminate Washington’s desperate strategic policies, into which much of the Australian political class, along with its intelligence and military structures, has been integrated.””
    Yossef Bodansky“According to Yossef Bodansky, then Director of the US Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, Washington was actively involved in "yet another anti-Russian jihad, seeking to support and empower the most virulent anti-Western Islamist forces." Bodansky revealed the entire CIA Caucasus strategy in detail in his report, stating that US Government officials participated in "a formal meeting in Azerbaijan in December 1999 in which specific programs for the training and equipping of Mujahideen from the Caucasus, Central/South Asia and the Arab world were discussed and agreed upon, culminating in Washington's tacit encouragement of both Muslim allies (mainly Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia) and US "private security companies'. . . to assist the Chechens and their Islamist allies to surge in the spring of 2000 and sustain the ensuing Jihad for a long time…Islamist Jihad in the Caucasus as a way to deprive Russia of a viable pipeline route through spiraling violence and terrorism".”
    FBI“According to its analysis of the documents in this FBI office, 1 percent were devoted to organized crime, mostly gambling; 30 percent were "manuals, routine forms, and similar procedural matter"; 40 percent were devoted to political surveillance and the like, including two cases involving right-wing groups, ten concerning immigrants, and over 200 on left or liberal groups. Another 14 percent of the documents concerned draft resistance and "leaving the military without government permission." The remainder concerned bank robberies, murder, rape, and interstate theft.”
    9-11/Air Defence“According to mainstream information, QRA intercepts happened at a rate of almost 400 times per year in the early 1990s. After the reduction to 7 sites, each with two jets, in the late 1990s, they still occurred roughly twice per week right up to 9/11. What are the details of these intercepts with regard to protocol/chain of command and reaction time?

    Who exactly was responsible for the failure to redirect QRA jets, normally aimed at planes coming in from overseas, toward threats emerging from over the mainland?

    Why were no QRA jets available at Andrews Air Force Base, right next to the nation's capital, a primary target for every terrorist in the world? Terrorists of various convictions have tried to target the White House and other buildings with airliners and small airplanes since at least 1974. What message does it send to world when the world's greatest superpower leaves its capital without air cover?

    NORAD's Langley interceptors accidentally flew east over the ocean while they should have been heading to the north-west, towards Washington, D.C. This was standard operating procedure when pilots were scrambled but not provided with a target. How could this mistake happen, as any commander at any level should be aware of this basic procedure? Who is responsible?

    Why weren't the pilots of the Langley jets provided with information on their target? Who is responsible for that?”
    Bail“According to the Prison Policy Initiative, less than 25 percent of people held in local jails right now have actually been convicted of a crime. By their reporting, over 460,000 "presumed innocent" people are in jail on any given day. Like so many other aspects of the criminal justice system, cash bail punishes minorities and the poor far more harshly. In 2015, 18-year-old Allen Bullock smashed a traffic cone into a cop car at a Baltimore protest after Freddie Gray died while in Baltimore police custody. When he turned himself in afterward, a judge set his bail at $500,000, double the amount for some of the officers who were being charged for Gray's death. In San Francisco, Kenneth Humphrey spent a year in jail awaiting trial after his bail was set at $350,000 for allegedly stealing $5 and a bottle of cologne in 2017.”
    Accountability“Accountability remains something that is assumed in the United States as well as the nations of the European Union. In Japan it is not. Accountability, everyone will agree, is good and necessary for democratic transparency and related platitudes. But there is a less immediately obvious but an actual primary reason why you want structures enforcing it in a political system. Its less visible function is that it protects powerholders against madness. When officials and politicians are held to account they are not only kept on their toes, but they themselves are forcefully reminded of what precisely it is that they are doing. If they do not accustom themselves to making a convincing case for their policies to outsiders, they tend to lose the habit of explaining it all to themselves.”
    Julia Ebner“Across Europe, conspiracy theories that mix old antisemitic tropes with new ones that demonise migrants and Muslims have gained huge traction since the refugee crisis in 2015. A recent study showed that a stunning 60% of Brits believe in at least one conspiracy theory.”
    Kees van der Pijl“Across the West, indeed the world, the sort of emergency powers granted to the executive in the United States are being replicated, covered also by increasingly provocative military manoeuvres on the Russian border—partly disrupted by the Covid-19 outbreak. Even though levels of infection are not different in countries with far lighter or even no restrictions, the mainstream reading of events is that we need the state of exception because of the virus. Yet mass surveillance, invasive policing, tracking people’s movements via their mobile phones, by drones flying over public spaces filming passers-by, and other steps, are completely out of proportion to the actual impact of the virus. The discrepancy can only be explained by the hidden agenda of suppressing social unrest.”
    Pesticide“Acute pesticide poisoning occurs frequently in children worldwide, and subclinical pesticide toxicity is also widespread. Clinical data suggest that acute pesticide poisoning during childhood might lead to lasting neurobehavioural deficits. Highly toxic and bioaccumulative pesticides are now banned in high-income nations, but are still used in many low-income and middle-income countries... birth cohort studies provide new evidence that prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides can cause developmental neurotoxicity.”
    Truth“After a political event of the size of JFK’s assassination or 9/11, everybody runs for cover and prepares their exculpatory narrative. ‘The truth’ doesn’t make it onto the political agenda. This is normal bureaucratic behaviour.”
    1960s“After five decades, the mysteries behind the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X may finally get the scrutiny they deserve. A group consisting of relatives of the Kennedy and King families, as well as their confidantes and other prominent voices, is calling for a Truth and Reconciliation Committee to get to the bottom of these tragic murders.”
    2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine“After his visit to Washington, TIME followed the President and his team back to Kyiv, hoping to understand how they would react to the signals they had received, especially the insistent calls for Zelensky to fight corruption inside his own government, and the fading enthusiasm for a war with no end in sight. On my first day in Kyiv, I asked one member of his circle how the President was feeling. The response came without a second’s hesitation: “Angry.”

    The usual sparkle of his optimism, his sense of humor, his tendency to liven up a meeting in the war room with a bit of banter or a bawdy joke, none of that has survived into the second year of all-out war. “Now he walks in, gets the updates, gives the orders, and walks out,” says one longtime member of his team. Another tells me that, most of all, Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They have left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it. But his convictions haven’t changed. Despite the recent setbacks on the battlefield, he does not intend to give up fighting or to sue for any kind of peace. On the contrary, his belief in Ukraine’s ultimate victory over Russia has hardened into a form that worries some of his advisers. It is immovable, verging on the messianic. “He deludes himself,” one of his closest aides tells me in frustration. “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”

    Zelensky’s stubbornness, some of his aides say, has hurt their team’s efforts to come up with a new strategy, a new message. As they have debated the future of the war, one issue has remained taboo: the possibility of negotiating a peace deal with the Russians”
    Kees van der Pijl“After my remark on Zionist responsibility for 9/11, the "Israel lobby" is no longer an empty term for me. Yet we have to put an end to the murderous "War on Terror" (© Netanyahu 1986) that now has Iran in its sights.]”
    Jacob Dreizin“After seeing the (to this day) vakk-seen promoting, 1/6 prisoner-ignoring, Ukraine-loving, Dr. Oz-endorsing, clueless joke that Trump has become, I can tell you this: MAGA is now an illusion, forget it, it failed. It’s not coming back. It’s just a cheap ticket for opportunistic “outsiders” to nail down the pissed-off vote in GOP primaries. The “we need to keep electing MAGA people, and after ten or twenty elections, we’ll finally save the country” track is RIDICULOUS. By the time of the second election, the first crop would be busy fundraising with Big Pharm and the military-industrial complex, LOL.”
    1994 Scotland RAF Chinook crash“After seventeen years of blaming the two pilots of the RAF Chinook which crashed in 1994, killing all 29 people (senior police and secret police), the MOD changed its mind and announced that it wasn’t their fault at all: it was the helicopter. Even to a casual reader like me this was obvious almost immediately after the official lies were issued. But the RAF as an institution went along with the lie. Why? Because they did not want to blame the helicopter. Criticising Sikorsky, its maker, is criticising America.”
    The Twitter Files“After the 2016 upsets of Brexit and the election of Trump, however, the establishment soured on free speech. Both events were seen as undermining NATO, and both were blamed on foreign influence on social media—specifically Russia. The U.S. and UK governments in particular saw the need to identify and purge Russian influence operations online and set up a government–private apparatus to do so.”
    Chappaquiddick incident“After the CIA had assassinated John F. Kennedy and framed Oswald for the assassination and after the CIA had assassinated Robert Kennedy and framed Sirhan Sirhan for the assassination, they needed a way of stopping the last Kennedy brother from ever running for the presidency of the United States. They believed that if they killed him it would look like the CIA had assassinated all the brothers so the CIA decided to allow him to live and to discredit him to stop him from being reelected by framing him at Chappaquiddick for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne.”
    Anthony Fauci“After the 9/11 attacks, and the mysterious anthrax mailings that began a week later (which said, “TAKE PENACILIN [sic] NOW / DEATH TO AMERICA / DEATH TO ISRAEL / ALLAH IS GREAT”), the desire for biopreparedness became all consuming. Now there were emerging biothreats from humans as well as from the evolving natural world. Fauci’s anti-terror budget went from $53 million in 2001 to $1.7 billion in 2003.”
    Leo Tolstoy“Again war. Again sufferings, necessary to nobody, utterly uncalled for; again fraud; again the universal stupefaction and brutalization of men.

    Men who are separated from each other by thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of such men (on the one hand–Buddhists, whose law forbids the killing, not only of men, but of animals; on the other hand–Christians, professing the law of brotherhood and love) like wild beasts on land and on sea are seeking out each other, in order to kill, torture, and mutilate each other in the most cruel way. What can this be? Is it a dream or a reality? Something is taking place which should not, cannot be; one longs to believe that it is a dream and to awake from it. But no, it is not a dream, it is a dreadful reality![...]

    Every one knows the weakness of the arguments in favor of war, such as were brought forward by De Maistre, Moltke, and others, for they are all founded on the sophism that in every human calamity it is possible to find an advantageous element, or else upon the utterly arbitrary assertion that wars have always existed and therefore always must exist, as if the bad actions of men could be justified by the advantages or the usefulness which they realize, or by the consideration that they have been committed during a long period of time. All so-called enlightened men know all this. Then suddenly war begins, and all this is instantly forgotten, and the same men who but yesterday were proving the cruelty, futility, the senselessness of wars now think, speak, and write only about killing as many men as possible, about ruining and destroying the greatest possible amount of the productions of human labor, and about exciting as much as possible the passion of hatred in those peaceful, harmless, industrious men who by their labor feed, clothe, maintain these same pseudo-enlightened men, who compel them to commit those dreadful deeds contrary to their conscience, welfare, or faith.”
    Aktis Strategy“Aktis Strategy, a major contractor for the United Kingdom's Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom (FCO) went into bankruptcy on March 14 leaving behind a trail of unfinished projects in Somaliland and around the world.

    British media’s extensive coverage of Aktis Strategy’s spectacular implosion included gross financial mismanagement and £100,000 lavish parties complete with ladies swinging from poles.

    Aktis Strategy has been established by two former British Diplomats, Dr Andrew Rathmell and Alex Martin, who knew their way around the Foreign Office and how and where it spent the money.”
    Albert E. Jenner“Albert Jenner was truly a curious choice for the [Warren] commission staff. He was fundamentally a creature of the anti-Kennedy milieu - a corporate lawyer whose principal work was defending large companies against government trust-busting... Jenner's most important client was Chicago financier Henry Crown, who was the principal shareholder in General Dynamics, then the nation's largest defense contractor and a major employer in the Fort Worth area.”
    Leader of the Conservative Party“All Tory leaders have surrounded themselves with an inner circle, which has given them ballast and in certain important respects defined their leadership. John Major had a winning fondness for palpable fakes, like Jeffrey Archer and David Mellor; Margaret Thatcher liked hirsute North London entrepreneurs with a ‘can-do’ attitude and heavy jewellery. Michael Howard’s chosen milieu is constructed of dapper, well-spoken men and women, many of whom live within walking distance of one another in west London. Cameron is unmistakably the leader of these Notting Hill Tories, but others include Michael Howard’s political secretary Rachel Whetstone, his speechwriter Ed Vaizey, marketing expert Steve Hilton, policy man Nick Boles, along with the newspaper columnists Edward Heathcoat Amory and his wife Alice Thomson.”
    Richard Branson“All big entrepreneurs have the stink of unpopularity around them. Whether it is through envy or sincere distaste, Donald Trump, James Goldsmith, Rupert Murdoch, Robert Maxwell and Richard Branson have all become popular figures of hate.”
    COVID-19/Timeline“All city residents aged six years or older were eligible and 9,899,828 (92.9%) participated... There were no positive tests amongst 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases... there was no evidence that the identified asymptomatic positive cases were infectious.”
    "9-11/Israel did it"“All democratic circles in America and of Europe, especially those of the Italian centre-left, now know that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world, to place the blame on Arab countries and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
    Deep state/2017 Popularisation“All of a sudden, everybody is talking about the Deep State [in connection to USA].”
    David Attenborough“All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people and harder - and ultimately impossible to solve - with ever more people.”
    Stef Blok“All parties involved in the conflict are committing crimes. The Netherlands knows that the opposition is committing war crimes. We already wrote that starting in 2013. In fact Karel van Oostrom knew precisely what was written in the reports. He even knew all the details. The Dutch have enough people and info from intelligence agencies. And especially the Dutch and all the other EU countries, because they share all that info. They knew exactly what was happening. (...) Throughout investigation is needed. Not only the Dutch but other nation states supported the Syrian war. Therefore they could be complicit in committing war crimes.”
    Sigrid Kaag“All parties involved in the conflict are committing crimes. The Netherlands knows that the opposition is committing war crimes. We already wrote that starting in 2013. In fact Karel van Oostrom knew precisely what was written in the reports. He even knew all the details. The Dutch have enough people and info from intelligence agencies. And especially the Dutch and all the other EU countries, because they share all that info. They knew exactly what was happening. (...) Throughout investigation is needed. Not only the Dutch but other nation states supported the Syrian war. Therefore they could be complicit in committing war crimes.”
    Ronald Plasterk“All the more exasperating that in the reactions to Hamas's horrific pogrom, in which more Jews were murdered in one day than at any time since the Holocaust, first, it is pretended that it is indeed symmetrical, and the major media such as the NOS news even ostentatiously takes sides with Hamas and against Israel (see, for example, holding Israel directly responsible for that bomb on the hospital, without any check, and then no neat response).

    You can have all sorts of objections to the Netanyahu government, and because Israel is a democracy (the only one in the Middle East) there are many people even within Israel who voice those objections. You can insist on observing borders when counterattacking. If you recognise Israel's full right to defend itself, there are always limits anyway; remember, for example, that Israel is a nuclear power. But even if you keep the balance right, it is important to have in mind why the situation between Israel and Hamas is anything but symmetrical.

    There are civilian casualties on both sides. A first fundamental difference is that Hamas, as a terror organisation, is out to inflict as many civilian casualties as possible, while the Israeli army is trying to hit Hamas while inflicting as few civilian casualties as possible. You might perhaps think that they should take even more of a margin on that point, but in any case the intention is a completely different one from Hamas’.

    A further difference is that Israeli soldiers may be willing to die in war, but still prefer to come home to their families in one piece. Hamas has a death culture, with the highest good being to blow yourself up, for which you are rewarded with sex with 72 young virgins (not wondering if those 72 young women feel like it).

    Then taking civilians hostage as human shields, including very young children. That is a serious war crime, and one would expect that all responses would constantly insist that Hamas must first release those hostages. On top of that, Hamas is also preventing its own civilians from leaving locations where Hamas posts are located, precisely with the intention of those civilians being killed in attacks from Israel. Another criminal tactic that Israel does not use.”
    Jane Goodall“All these [environmental] things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of population that there was 500 years ago.”
    WEF/Annual Meeting/2020“All these [environmental] things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of population that there was 500 years ago.”
    André Steur“All victims of Dutch air strikes were IS-fighters”
    DEA/Infiltration“Allegations surrounding a U.S. investigation that may have involved laundering money for Mexican drug cartels are causing concern on both sides of the border.

    In Mexico, lawmakers say they are furious and are demanding an investigation. In the United States, a congressman is broadening the oversight of a previous inquiry to include the most recent allegations.

    Felipe Gonzalez, a federal senator with Mexico’s ruling PAN party, says they will demand an investigation to determine whether the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration allowed its agents to launder money, possibly even on Mexican soil, as part of an investigation into the inner workings of Mexican drug cartel”
    Will Hutton“Along with the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Conference, this (the World Economic Forum) is one of the key meetings of the year. No policy is made here; it is all talk, some of it banal and platitudinous. But the consensus established is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide”
    Bilderberg/2020“Already some employers are demanding that their employees have vaccines. Leading a normal working life as part of society will become impossible without proof you’ve had a vaccine. Government shouldn’t stand in the way of that — it should facilitate it. As our real passports already say on the first page, Covid passports will “allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance”. Bring them on.”
    Bilderberg/2021“Already some employers are demanding that their employees have vaccines. Leading a normal working life as part of society will become impossible without proof you’ve had a vaccine. Government shouldn’t stand in the way of that — it should facilitate it. As our real passports already say on the first page, Covid passports will “allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance”. Bring them on.”
    COVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg“Already some employers are demanding that their employees have vaccines. Leading a normal working life as part of society will become impossible without proof you’ve had a vaccine. Government shouldn’t stand in the way of that — it should facilitate it. As our real passports already say on the first page, Covid passports will “allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance”. Bring them on.”
    Document:The Occult Technology of Power“Also at the (SDS) convention, men from Business International Roundtables… tried to buy up some radicals. These are the world's leading industrialists and they convene to decide how our lives are going to go… We were also offered Esso (Rockefeller) money. They want us to make a lot of radical commotion so they can look more in the center as they move to the left.”
    John Mearsheimer“Although WINEP plays down its links to Israel and claims that it provides a ‘balanced and realistic’ perspective on Middle East issues, this is not the case. In fact, WINEP is funded and run by individuals who are deeply committed to advancing Israel’s agenda … Many of its personnel are genuine scholars or experienced former officials, but they are hardly neutral observers on most Middle East issues and there is little diversity of views within WINEP’s ranks”
    Deep state“Although elected representatives are supposed to be the ruling power we see them coming and going while the true powers in our lives — political parties, bureaucracies, business corporations, the media, institutions of law and justice, quangos, international treaty agreements, financial systems, regulators etcetera — get on with business.”
    Mass surveillance“Always keen to get the latest smartphone? Soon it won’t matter, said Mike Bechtel, Chief Futurist at Deloitte. “Over the next 10 years its going to be about moving beyond the device,” he said. “We can’t realistically have 15 smart speakers everywhere we go....We are going to be moving to ambient experiences, which is shorthand for a sort of digital Downton Abbey where we don’t ask Echo or Google ‘What’s the weather?’, we just say ‘What’s the weather?’ and the right agent jumps up at the right time to give the right answer.”
    Johnny Depp“America is dumb, it's like a dumb puppy that has big teeth that can bite and hurt you,”
    "9-11/Israel did it"“American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George Washington Bridge. The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported.”
    Peter McCullough“Americans are going to bear the brunt of what invariably is going to be a failed mass vaccination program that will go down as one of the most deadly, one of the most injurious and costly in human history.”
    Bilderberg/1954“Americans saw that firm Western action in Persia, Berlin, and Korea had produced successful results and they therefore believed in continuing a firm policy.”
    Bellingcat“Among [Bellingcat]'s current personnel we have a former British Army officer, a former employee of GCHQ, former members of the US Department of Defense, the US Secret Service, the US Army and the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office .”
    GCHQ“Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics:

    (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and

    (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.”
    David Foreman“An Ice Age is coming and I welcome it as much-needed changing. I see no solution to our ruination of earth except for a drastic reduction of the human population.”
    Integrity Initiative/Cluster“An effective network is best achieved by forming in each European country a cluster of well-informed people from the political, military, academic, journalistic and think-tank spheres, who will track and analyse examples of disinformation in their country and inform decision-makers and other interested parties about what is happening.”
    Juan Guaidó“An energy-balance bracelet wearing model doing soft-erotic photo shootings for GQ will hardly be taken seriously when it calls for a general strike.”
    Algiers putsch of 1961“An insurrectionary power has established itself in Algeria by a military pronunciamento... This power has an appearance: a quartet of retired generals. It has a reality: a group of officers, partisan, ambitious and fanatical. This group and this quartet possess an expedient and limited knowledge of things. But they only see and understand the Nation and the world distorted by their delirium. Their enterprise leads directly towards a national disaster ... I forbid any Frenchman, and first of all any soldier, to execute a single one of their orders ... In the face of the misfortune which hangs over the country and the threat to the Republic, having taken advice from the Constitutional Council, the Prime Minister, the president of the Senate, the president of the National Assembly, I have decided to invoke article 16 of the Constitution [on the state of emergency and full special powers given to the head of state in case of a crisis]. Starting from this day, I will take, directly if the need arises, the measures which seem to me demanded by circumstances ... Frenchwomen, Frenchmen! Assist me!”
    George Carlin“An interesting kind of, you know a real rat, it would be nice to see him run over by a truck. but he makes life interesting. These people make my life interesting. (...) I can’t help but marvel at the Leona Helmsleys and the Oliver North and the Donald Trumps and the Zsa Zsa Gabors and the Bess Myerson’s and all these people who managed to get themselves in these ridiculous situations. I am very entertained by the world.”
    Philip Zack“An internal Army inquiry in 1992 would reveal that one employee, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, had been caught on camera secretly entering the lab to conduct “unauthorized research, apparently involving anthrax,” the Hartford Courant would later report. Despite this, Zack would continue to do infectious disease research for pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and would collaborate with the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) throughout the 1990s. The Courant had also noted that: “A numerical counter on a piece of lab equipment had been rolled back to hide work done by the mystery researcher [later revealed to be Zack], who left the misspelled label ‘antrax’ in the machine’s electronic memory.” The Courant’s report further detailed the extremely lax security controls and chaotic disorganization that then characterized the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) lab in Fort Detrick.”
    John Deuss“An international warrant had been issued for Mr Deuss's arrest after a bank he owns on Curaçao, in the Dutch Antilles, was closed last month during an Anglo-Dutch investigation into carousel fraud. British Customs officials had discovered that every individual arrested and charged with the fraud in the UK in the previous two years had an account at the First Curaçao International Bank (FCIB). Since raiding its headquarters and freezing its assets, investigators have discovered that about 2,500 British citizens suspected of carousel fraud hold accounts there.”
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez“An unspoken secret in Congress is that much of the reflexive, blind, unconditional vote support for nearly any Israeli gov action isn’t from actual agreement. It’s from fear. Reps are terrified of this. Of AIPAC. So they don’t vote their conscience. They vote their fear”
    Journalist“And I think, in the end, that is the best definition of journalism I have heard; to challenge authority - all authority - especially so when governments and politicians take us to war, when they have decided that they will kill and others will die.”
    Genetic Extinction Technology“And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
    Germany/VIPaedophile“And children from the GDR. From political prisoners. This was the year 1977. Again and again survivors with similar experiences like Angela Lenz tell that the borders of the GDR were open for these children. The GDR borders were only open when the STASI knew about it.”
    WEF“And if you lease, why shouldn’t you lease your refrigerator, or your washing machine, or our dishwasher. Why do you want to own it? I mean it’s not like the plastic and the metal is like, “You! I own it.” A broken dishwasher. I mean wow. No, why don’t you want to go into a business model where the company owns it? You know what happens when the company owns it? Actually, they can bring down the prices because they don’t have to buy new metal and new plastic.”
    Kori Schake“And in addition, even in shrewdly strategic terms, for 5 percent of U.S. Defense spending last year and zero American military casualties, the Ukrainians are destroying the Russian army and that is absolutely in America's interests.”
    Jon Rappoport“And that is preventing a hard look at...African nations where poverty and illness are staples of everyday life for the overwhelming number of people.

    The command structure in those areas has a single dictum: don’t solve the human problem.

    Don’t clean up the contaminated water supplies, don’t return stolen land to the people so they can thrive and grow food and finally achieve nutritional health, don’t solve overcrowding, don’t install basic sanitation, don’t strengthen immune systems, don’t let the people have power—because then they would throw off the local and global corporate juggernauts that are sucking the land of all its resources.

    In order not to solve the problems of the people, a cover story is necessary. A cover story that exonerates the power structure.

    A cover story like a virus.

    It’s all about the virus. The demon. The strange attacker. Forget everything else. The virus is the single enemy.”
    Germany“And we in Germany have not been fully sovereign at any time since May 8, 1945.”
    Wesley Clark“And what happened in 9/11 is we didn’t have a strategy, we didn’t have bipartisan agreement, we didn’t have American understanding of it and we had instead a policy coup in this country, a coup, a policy coup. Some hard nosed people took over the direction of American policy and they never bothered to inform the rest of us.”
    John Kerry“And yes, it [the Great Reset] will happen...and I think it will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine”
    Marjorie Thompson“Another Labour figure who has had an experience with the BAP is Emma Dent Coad who was the party’s first ever MP for Kensington, serving from 2017-19, and is now leader of the Labour Group on the borough’s council. 

    She told Declassified that a friend who was a senior official in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) tried to recruit her to the BAP in the 1980s. Coad later found out this person “worked with the CIA”.  At the time, the US government had, according to an official memo leaked to the Washington Post, initiated a "propaganda exercise in Britain, aimed at neutralising the efforts of CND".

    “In the late 80s, I was a journalist working in design and architecture and very busy at the time, travelling around a lot and writing for various magazines,” Coad told us. “At the time, a local friend who was senior in CND started talking to me about this project that she was involved in." "She basically said that if I was able to go to Washington and give a talk about the work I was doing, I’d have a lovely dinner, it would all be paid for, and then I’d be part of this international group who were just trying to improve life," Coad added. “Then I would be part of that group forever and I’d be invited to things periodically, and it would give me a really good profile."

    Coad thought about it and discussed it with her then husband. "But I just felt there was something a bit smelly about it frankly,” she says. “It didn’t ring true, something so generous just for me being there, so I politely declined." 

    “Later I found out what the British-American Project was all about," she adds. “Then I found out a couple of years later that this friend – who had by then moved out of the area and I’d lost contact with her – worked with the CIA, and I was absolutely appalled."

    Coad says she was good friends with the husband of the alleged CIA operative, and that he told her she was working for the agency as soon as he found out. 

    "There was something not quite right. I was just a jobbing journalist really, in a faintly glamorous environment, why would I be of interest to this international group?"

    But Coad can understand why she was a target. "I’ve always been a socialist, I always had those values from school,” she says. “I was political at college, at university, I had roles in the unions, I’d always been political. So clearly she knew that."

    She adds: “I started writing a book on Spanish design architecture, so I was busy, and I think my stock was rising at the time. The recruiter was very prominent in CND, which I supported.”

    After Coad was told about the CIA connection "it began to drop into place," she says. Coad then looked up the recruiter who had moved on from CND to PR firm Saatchi & Saatchi, which has funded the BAP. 

    “I thought, ‘that’s interesting, a bit of a leap from what they were doing before’. I thought it was very strange that they would go from CND to working for a right-wing advertising agency, so it rang true, and I believed it.””
    "Countering disinformation"“Another barrier to combating disinformation is the fact that certain Kremlin-backed narratives are factually true. For example, the Serbian organisation European Western Balkans noted that one of the country's most prominent pro-Kremlin narratives relates to Russia's ongoing support for Belgrade in the Kosovo dispute which is true. Responding to inconvenient truths, as opposed to pure propaganda, is naturally more problematic.”
    University of California/Berkeley“Anthony Fauci’s uninterrupted flow of millions of dollars to its labs and med school had by the 1980s transformed Berkeley — a mecca for free speech in the 1960s — into an omphalos of reaction and medical heterodoxy. In a pioneering template for “cancel culture,” the university unceremoniously stripped Duesberg — then at the very top of his field — of everything: government funding, grad students, a proper lab, and invitations to conferences. Only his tenured position prevented Berkeley from ridding itself of the iconoclastic researcher altogether.”
    Scientism“Antiscience has emerged as a dominant and highly lethal force, and one that threatens global security, as much as do terrorism and nuclear proliferation. We must mount a counteroffensive and build new infrastructure to combat antiscience, just as we have for these other more widely recognized and established threats... Antiscience is the rejection of mainstream scientific views and methods or their replacement with unproven or deliberately misleading theories, often for nefarious and political gains. It targets prominent scientists and attempts to discredit them.”
    US/Foreign policy“Anybody who believes that a country's internal democracy is the determining factor in whether the West decides to move for violent regime change in that country, is a complete idiot. Any journalist or politician who makes that claim is more likely to be a complete charlatan than a complete idiot. In recent years, possession of hydrocarbon reserves is very obviously a major factor in western regime change actions.”
    People's Party for Freedom and Democracy“Anyone that can't efface themselves for support of the liberal vision, can bugger off. There have been hassles ever since Bolkestein left. Look what happened with Van Aarsten and Zalm. This is the line. I'll not hesitate to throw anyone out of the party if needed.”
    Dale Vince“Anyone who says the climate crisis is not happening or it's not man-made, honestly, I think they're a dangerous fool, because it's like denying the Holocaust happened”
    Dolores Cahill“Anyone who’s over 70 who gets one of these mRNA vaccines will probably sadly die within about two to three years.    And I would say anyone who gets the mRNA injection, no matter what age you are, your life expectancy will be reduced to, you know, die if you’re in your thirties within five to ten years, and you probably will have allergy, neuro-cognitive issues, inflammation, and of course infertility is the major one”
    9-11/Official narrative“Anywhere from about $500,000 to $550,000.”
    Patrick Henningsen“Anywhere you see the phrase, "the New Normal" – you should reject it. It's based on fraudulent premise that #COVID19 is somehow fundamentally much greater threat than other infectious diseases, when it's not. Anyone pushing this should be confronted and publicly admonished.”
    COVID-19/Lockdown“Anywhere you see the phrase, "the New Normal" – you should reject it. It's based on fraudulent premise that #COVID19 is somehow fundamentally much greater threat than other infectious diseases, when it's not. Anyone pushing this should be confronted and publicly admonished.”
    Antoine Pinay“Apart from his distinguished career in public office, Antoine Pinay had other less obvious attributes. Convinced of the need for Franco-German reconciliation, Pinay would create a network of contacts that would finally take form as the Cercle Pinay; via the select club of Bilderbergers, Pinay had easy access to the top figures in international politics and finance.”
    Fred C. Iklé“Approximate military parity between the superpowers enhances the importance of PSYOP and POLWAR [Political Warfare]. Major adversaries equally armed and equally capable of destroying each other must turn away from shooting wars to settle their genuine conflicts. POLWAR and PSYOP pose a lower risk of escalation. Our era has become the age of terrorism, insurgency, and limited war because each of these is an essentially political method of struggle. In this era of superpower confrontation, it is no longer facetious to set Clausewitz' dictum, "War is the continuation of politics by other means," on its head. In our modern world, international politics is the continuation of war by other means.”
    Ursula von der Leyen“As Federal Defense Minister, Von der Leyen behaved as the US President wanted when he called for increase in military spending: higher military budgets, increased armaments instead of disarmament. And although this minister got into trouble because of her high spending on consulting firms and various personnel decisions and was anything but a role model, she became President of the European Commission. That is a key function and it is important for the US.

    The decision for von der Leyen happened quietly backstage. No sensible person can explain why she was given this important office. A partial explanation is that she had the support of important countries from Eastern Europe. The United States has a great influence on these states.

    In the first major critical case, Von der Leyen immediately and unequivocally represented the US position, where she said Iran itself is to be blamed for the confrontation in the Middle East and for the execution of the Iranian general. With her, the United States can probably also stake a claim on other occasions and play a key role in shaping the internal structure of the European Union. Ursula von der Leyen is the perfect example of an "agent of influence".”
    William Barr“As I sat down, Spence seated himself on the chocolate sofa next to a man in his late fifties, who had balding black hair and brown, round-framed glasses. He wore a blue, pinstripe suit, white shirt and a red tie. A miniature U.S. flag was pinned on his lapel. Spence introduced the man to me by name and also disclosed his title. He was in the administration of George H.W. Bush. I feel that the Bush administration had decided to pull out a big gun to eradicate any traces of Gregg's affinity for gay escorts, because Gregg had been so instrumental in Iran Contra and because he was en route to becoming the United States Ambassador to South Korea.
    Spence had dropped the name name of the cabinet member months earlier, when he revealed that he routinely provided him with adolescent boys.”
    Annalena Baerbock“As European democracies and part of a transatlantic democratic alliance, we are also in systemic competition with an authoritarian regime like China
    Neocolonialism“As colonies won their freedom, old colonial powers were keen to maintain their profitable access to markets and raw materials. Newly elected governments in the colonies were tempted by lucrative contracts into granting licenses. This developed into a simple formula: a supply of money and guns to governments (most of which then abolished elections) in exchange for access to raw materials. As a further corruption, money received ‘in the name of the people’ often went straight into the bank account of a government minister, the account invariably being with a Western bank. For many countries, from colonialism to post-colonialism was a case of ‘out the frying pan, into the fire’. After voting once, people were held in check by machine-guns while their gangster governments, sponsored by outside powers, robbed, terrorized and murdered them. This kind of business proceeded, and proceeds still in many countries today, with the full knowledge of Western powers. Little was done for many decades by the West to restrain their part in it.”
    2020“As the Establishment feels its grip slipping, as people wake up to the appalling economic exploitation by the few that underlies the very foundations of modern western society, expect the methods used by the security services to become even dirtier. You can bank on continued ramping up of Russophobia to supply “the enemy”. As both Scottish Independence and Jeremy Corbyn are viewed as real threats by the British Establishment, you can anticipate every possible kind of dirty trick in the next couple of years, with increasing frequency and audacity.”
    Philip Marshall“As a former operative in this group’s notorious covert missions, including Iran-Contra and the sting of Pablo Escobar, I recognized that this smoke rising over Manhattan might add a major piece to my large jigsaw puzzle of evidence.”
    Zach Vorhies“As a trained scientist I have a multifaceted view of the world based on evidence and fact. Therefore any claim that someone has fringe beliefs or theories should be checked against and see what the views of the rest of america are and what they search for. They may find that many beliefs that are slandered as fringe are actually mainstream beliefs of we-the-people.”
    John Taylor Gatto“As a vampire fears garlic, the marketplace fears wisdom. Well schooled populations are usually trained to pay lip service to democracy. At the same time, they are being conditioned to avoid the attitudes and behaviors democracy requires. It's a dilemma without an easy answer, because though our national consciousness honors the idea of a democratic society, our national economy and our government would wither and die under anything less than a command-and-control reality. Would you teach critical judgment and moral behavior to everybody? Tell me something, if you would. How could an economy like ours, grounded in the global sale of war machinery, industrially produced meat, fruit and vegetables which has a nutritional value about half of what farm products did in 1940, that relies on financial trickery and the mass sale of magical programs of schooling (not all of them inside school). How could an economy like this endure in a climate of critical intelligence?”
    Russia“As commentators such as Mark Galotti and Edward Lucas have long pointed out, the Putin state has long co-opted Russian criminality to act as an information source, purveyor of corruption and in supporting Russia/Foreign policy aims including murders outside Russia. However, due to difficulties to say the least in obtaining convictions or even meeting criminal standards of evidence against persons outside the jurisdiction, much information which would demonstrate these links are often limited in numbers and quality. This is especially so due to the lack of understanding of the semi militarized ethos of Russian society.”
    Max Cleland“As each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before September 11 than it has ever admitted.”
    Elizabeth Windsor“As far as I could make out it was quite harmless. It was very quick, and I've had lots of letters from people who have been very surprised by how easy it was to get the vaccine. And the jab - it didn't hurt at all. I think the other thing is, that it is obviously difficult for people if they've never had a vaccine, but they ought to think about other people rather than themselves.”
    Boris Johnson“As for motherhood – the fertility of the human race – we are getting to the point where you simply can’t discuss it, and we are thereby refusing to say anything sensible about the biggest single challenge facing the Earth”
    Yuval Harari“As human soldiers and workers give way to algorithms, at least some elites may conclude that there is no point in providing improved or even standard levels of health for masses of useless poor people, and it is far more sensible to focus on upgrading a handful of superhumans beyond the norm.”
    Maarten van Traa“As just stated, back in the early 1990s Langendoen and Van Vondel played a key role in the IRT affair. However, the more one tries to understand the affair, the vaguer it gets. Langendoen and Van Vondel allowed drug shipments to pass through customs in order to be able to find and arrest the major mafia bosses behind the trafficking, a typical American strategy that before and since the IRT affair has largely been illegal in the Netherlands. A June 1999 article explains the affair in the following manner: "Criminals didn't import 100 kilos [of cocaine] with help from the Dutch police, as the 1996 Van Traa Commission concluded, but 15,000 kilos of cocaine has been brought to market. But for the rest everything is a-okay.

    "Various justice officers, an independent Wierenga Commission (1994), the parliamentary enquete [Van Traa] commission (1995) and the rijksrecherche [FBI] (1996) never managed to fully clarify the IRT affair. What is certain is that under the leadership of two Haarlem detectives, Langendoen and Van Vondel, who worked for the IRT team, about 100,000 kilos of soft drugs was brought onto the market during infiltration attempts [i.e., authorized pass-throughs]. But many questions remained unanswered. It is unclear, for example, how the police financed the drug imports and there was evidence that cocaine was imported royally. "Teeven and his chief officer H. Vrakking - who in 1993 decided to dissolve the IRT team... - have always been anxious to demonstrate that especially the Haarlem branch of the IRT team [i.e., Langendoen and Van Vondel] was out of line. ... Teeven recently opened negotiations with the for arms trafficking sentenced Mink K., who earlier had been a target of the IRT."

    The primary target of the IRT team was mafia boss Klaas Bruinsma. After he was murdered in 1991 his successors as John Engelsma, porn boss Charles Geerts, and especially Etienne Urka became the target of the IRT. No one was caught, however, and reportedly the IRT was so "fixated" on the Bruinsma/Urka network that they forgot to pay attention to the network of Mink Kok, who, together with his allies, managed to smuggle 15 tons of cocaine through the backdoor. Certainly Kok's partner, Jan Femer, referred to the IRT years of 1991-1993 as the "golden years": "We could bring in almost anything: hash, coke, heroin, semtex, whatever we wanted." Kok was arrested in August 1994 in relation to an assassination a year earlier.”
    National Institute of Drug Abuse“As the National Institute of Drug Abuse, our focus is primarily on the negative consequence of marijuana use. We generally do not fund research focused on the potential beneficial effects of marijuana.”
    Ebola“As the epidemic gets more and more formidable and in some cases out of control it is quite conceivable, if not likely, that we may need to deploy the vaccine to the entire country to be able to shut the epidemic down. That is clearly a possibility.”
    Document:Slaughter in Indonesia 1965-66“As to the provision of small arms I would be leery about telling army we are in position to provide same, although we should act, not close our minds to this possibility… We could explore availability of small arms stocks, preferable of non-US origin, which could be obtained without any overt US government involvement. We might also examine channels through which we could, if necessary, provide covert assistance to army for purchase of weapons.”
    The Great Reset“As we move from rescue to recovery, therefore, we have a unique, but rapidly shrinking, window of opportunity to learn lessons and reset ourselves on a more sustainable path. It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again. We must use all the levers we have at our disposal, knowing that each and every one of us has a vital role to play.”
    Jörg Haider“Asked about the impression that Saddam is better for him than Bush, Haider said: "The choice is really hard for me. Both have been at war with international law and committed human rights violations. The one is lucky enough to command a world power, hence the power to write the laws, while the other has been a weak dictator"”
    NHS“At first look II is neither surprising nor sinister... The striking thing is the listing of an II subgroup on NHS reform, which has nothing to do with Russian disinformation operations. Given the orientation of the group, we may safety presume that the subgroup’s purpose wasn’t to oppose NHS ‘reform’ – i.e. its privatisation. And this suggests a wider, neo-liberal agenda.”
    "US/National security"“At long last, the government has conceded that plaintiff poses no threat to air safety or national security and should never have been placed on the no-fly list. She got there by human error within the FBI. This too is conceded. This was no minor human error but an error with palpable impact, leading to the humiliation, cuffing, and incarceration of an innocent and incapacitated air traveler. That it was human error may seem hard to accept — the FBI agent filled out the nomination form in a way exactly opposite from the instructions on the form, a bureaucratic analogy to a surgeon amputating the wrong digit — human error, yes, but of considerable consequence.”
    Astroturfing“At some point, I realised something that I at first found to be a coincidence, then amusing, then slightly uncomfortable, and later on worrying. No matter where I worked, whether NGO, consultant, or international organisation, I was paid by one global health donor...I'm not saying that there is no independence in the global health sector...What I’m saying is that my own experience was that I realised at some point (naively, and very late) that I was not one of these people. If there’s one thing I’d like to tell my 20-year old self, it’s this: ask who pays for your job. And then keep your eye on this throughout your career. At least be aware of this. Twenty years later, I’m tired of being an astroturfer. I’m tired of calling myself an independent consultant or claim that I’m working for an independent NGO or organisation when I now know that’s neither true, and increasingly also not the direction I think global health should take.”
    9-11/Pentagon“At some time between 10:10 and 10:15, a military aide told the Vice President and others that the aircraft was 80 miles out. Vice President Cheney was asked for authority to engage the aircraft. His reaction was described by Scooter Libby as quick and decisive, “in about the time it takes a batter to decide to swing.” The Vice President authorized fighter aircraft to engage the inbound plane. He told us he based this authorization on his earlier conversation with the President. The military aide returned a few minutes later, probably between 10:12 and 10:18, and said the aircraft was 60 miles out. He again asked for authorization to engage. The Vice President again said yes.”
    ID2020“At the ID2020 Alliance summit last September [2019] in New York, it was decided that the “Rising to the Good ID Challenge” program would be launched in 2020.”
    Identity politics“At the end of the 1960s, when I was getting my own political education, the universalizing dimensions of the left, which was growing in the ’60s, fell apart. The women began to feel their issues were not being addressed. They were treated badly by white males, student leaders. Blacks, Panthers, began to feel the whites could not speak for race issues. They developed separate organizations. The upshot was the left lost its universalizing character. It no longer dealt with the intersection of all these issues within the context of a militarized, capitalist, hegemonic American empire. It treated politics as siloed group identity problems. Women had glass ceilings. Same with blacks. Same with gays.”
    Ruud Lubbers“At the foot away, this trouble-field needs to be down-tunneled in a motion, so that appointments along this road with the cabinet can be out-concluded quickest and as best.”
    Hypocricy“At the same time that the US is equipping nearly half the world with deadly weapons, profiting to the tune of $36.2 billion, its leaders have also been lecturing American citizens on the dangers of gun violence and working to enact measures that would make it more difficult for Americans to acquire certain weapons.”
    Józef Retinger“At the time his Bilderberg project took form the Korean War was ending and US Marshall Plan aid to Europe as well. Józef Hieronim Retinger had spent the war years in London as adviser to the exile government of Prime Minister General Wladyslaw Sikorski. While Retinger’s name was virtually unknown to the world at large, he was one of the most influential string-pullers of the postwar period in Europe and the United States. He was able to get private audiences with the Pope as well as the American President at will. It was he who selected Prince Bernhard to act as figurehead host and who selected which Americans and which Europeans would be invited to Bilderberg.”
    Scientism“Attacks on me are really also 'attacks on science'.”
    Anthony Fauci“Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.”
    Andrei Fursov“Attali analyzes history and present-day events in the light of the change of Merchant orders. The contemporary one — the ninth — is going through an extremely acute crisis, which will end with the demise of Pax Americana. Then a furcation will occur. In Attali’s view, either world government will be established at once or it will emerge as a result of a three-move process of the 2020-2060s: hyperempire (market without democracy), hyperconflict and hyperdemocracy with a supranational government at its head.

    The analysis of Attali’s works shows that he expresses the interests of the top of the world capitalist class that adheres to ultra-globalist positions and works for the subversion of the sovereignty of nation-states. The terminology used by Attali, particularly “sustainable development” / “sustainable growth” (in reality, it is the combination of deindustrialization, depopulation and ecologism), indicates his neo-Malthusian and neo-colonialist preferences. “Sustainable development” is a metaphor of the new world order (à la Orwell’s Newspeak), which is nothing more than control over resources (including information ones) and human behaviour (psychosphere). The main thing in this order is the preservation of power, property and privileges of the world’s elite whose ideological representative Attali is.

    Skripal Affair“Austria officially confirmed this week that the British Government’s allegation that Novichok, a Russian chemical warfare agent, was used in England by GRU, the Russian military intelligence service, in March 2018, was a British invention. Investigations in Vienna by four Austrian government ministries, the BVT intelligence agency, and by Austrian prosecutors have revealed that secret OPCW reports on the blood testing of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, copies of which were transferred to the Austrian government, did not reveal a Russian-made nerve agent.”
    Autism“Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) rates around the world are skyrocketing for unknown reasons. Parents have fingered vaccines but studies have failed to confirm a link. Concurrently, aluminum, from vaccine adjuvants, has been found actively transported to the brains of animals inciting inflammation. Fluoride has been implicated in children’s brain dysfunction, and, fluoride has been shown to potentiate aluminum toxicity. No vaccine study to date has controlled for a practice widespread around the world – water fluoridation. Autism is more prevalent in United States cities that fluoridate their water supplies, and less prevalent in rural non-fluoridated areas even with high vaccination rates.”
    Brussels Forum/2018“BRUSSELS – The 13th German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum took place on 8-10 March. As in the previous years, it gathered leaders from government, business, journalism, and academia for discussions of pressing global issues.

    One of the key panels of the first day was with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who addressed policymakers from across Europe and the United States. Despite recent controversies between Brussels and the EU, the prime minister struck a conciliatory tone.

    “We try to find a common language with our Western European partners, because I truly believe in Europe,” Prime Minister Morawiecki told the BBC’s Katya Adler in a conversation that addressed the controversies between Poland and Brussels.

    The conversation came at a time when the trust in the transatlantic relationship has increasingly come into question, with the Trump administration’s recent announcement of tariffs on steel and aluminum calling trading relationships within the United States and Europe.

    “We believe in trade with the United States. We believe in reciprocity and this is why I say, in case needed, we will protect our interests, but this is not our attitude. Our attitude is to invest in free and fair trade and we see this as beneficial for the European economy and for the US economy,” said Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission.

    The theme of GMF’s 2018 Brussels Forum, Revise, Reboot, Rebuild: Strategies for a Time of Distrust, reflects a time where common ground often feels increasingly difficult to find. The conference, which started on International Women’s Day, featured four all woman panels and 38 percent female participation.

    “GMF has always been committed to issues of diversity and gender balance,” said Karen Donfried, GMF President. “Women have been making big impact on policy for a long time. If you look at just our agenda today, we have Federica Mogherini, Rose Gottemoeller, Manisha Singh, Ana Gomes, Susan Ness, Michèle Flournoy, just to name some of those headliners. Women are leading today. I don’t know if she’s in the room now, but a trailblazer has been Madeleine Albright, and she will be with us over these next couple of days.”

    NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller addressed NATO’s transatlantic partnership.

    The Deputy Secretary General stressed the importance of the transatlantic bond, noting that troops from North America and Europe currently serve together in NATO’s four battlegroups in the eastern part of the Alliance, helping to deter aggression. “In the field, on the ground, we see the essence of transatlantic trust,” she said.

    She underscored that NATO is focused on transatlantic burden-sharing, and many European Allies have stopped cutting their defence spending, and are stepping up their contributions to Alliance security. On European defence, she stressed the need for complementarity between NATO and EU efforts.

    Conversations throughout the day emphasized that despite tensions, there is a need to build trust.

    Trade was at the top of the agenda on the second day of GMF’s Brussels Forum. Against the backdrop of a rapidly developing story of potential U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, the day’s first conversation featured Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade, and Robert Zoellick, chairman of West Alliance and former World Bank president.

    Despite concerns that potential tariffs on steel and aluminum could drive a wedge between Europe and the United States, Malmström highlighted common ground on the issue of overproduction in the steel sector. Tying trade to the conference theme of trust, Malmström said:

    “We want to increase the possibilities for us to trade, for our people to meet to harness and shape globalization. To make sure that we get proper jobs, that we get fair trade, sustainable trade, and also because of the title of this meeting is today, how can we regain trust?”

    Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright also spoke on an entirely different force shaping the world: the refugee crisis. Secretary Albright pointed out the connections between the refugee crisis and other global challenges, saying “Most people don’t want to leave the home where they were born, where they speak the language and have their family. The people who are leaving Africa are being pushed out because of desertification,” said Albright. “We need to recognize the earth is not flat and there is a scientific basis to climate change. I think we need to have short-, medium-, and long-term action plans, because this is the new normal.”

    The day’s most spirited conversation came in the form of an Oxford Style debate on the motion “Humanitarian Intervention Does More Harm than Good.”

    Arguing for the motion were Frank Ledwidge, senior fellow at the Royal Air Force College and Dr. Rajan Menon, senior research scholar at Columbia University. Arguing against the motion were Dr. Kori Schake, deputy director general of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and Bernard Kouchner, co-founder of Doctors Without Borders and former French foreign minister. The debate, hosted in partnership with Intelligence Squared U.S., explored many facets of humanitarian and military intervention. While both sides won audience members to their position, as recorded through the conference voting app BFconnect, the team arguing against the motion won a greater proportion of the audience to their side and prevailed.

    Other notable speakers on Friday included members of the U.S. Congress and the European Parliament, CEO of The World Bank Kristalina Georgieva, and U.S. Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison. Laura Rosenberger and Jamie Fly, of GMF’s Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), presented Hamilton 68’s methodology, the dashboard that tracks Russian disinformation. The conference will conclude Saturday with sessions featuring Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili, a discussion on resolving the North Korean threat, and a conversation with U.S. Senator Chris Murphy.

    Senator Chris Murphy and Norbert Röttgen, head of the German Bundestag’s Foreign Affairs Committee, kicked off the final day of GMF’s Brussels Forum. In a conversation that touched on hot button issues from gun control in the United States to the threat posed by North Korea to rapid social change on both sides of the Atlantic, both Murphy and Röttgen expressed commitment to partnership between the United States and Europe. “We have to broaden the conversation. We have to build a kind of political approach among parliamentarians and businesspeople for this rational, liberal approach to foreign policy,” said Röttgen.

    Murphy expressed a hope that that collaboration between Europe and the United States will continue, even on difficult issues such as trade and climate change.

    “I think we can do some work, behind the scenes, in an inter-parliamentary manner,” said Murphy. “There are solutions that can still be there.””
    LSV Minerva“Back in the day, both Frits Salomonson and Oscar Hammerstein were members of the elite Minerva fraternity, together with much of the royal family, not to mention Joris Demmink and Pieter Bakker Schut. Both also served as "praeses" (basically a squad or platoon commander) in the Minerva-linked Pro Patria ("Pro-Homeland") , a patriotic militia for drunk students that serves as a ceremonial guard during events associated with the royal family. Once a year Prince Bernhard came to talk to its leadership. Reportedly Demmink also served in Pro Patria. Holland's most famous comedian, Youp van 't Hek, actually wrote a few words about Pro Patria in a 1990s fax to Frits Bolkestein, a right-wing Bilderberg participant who has played a central role in the rise of Holland's "populist" candidates Geert Wilders and Thierry Baudet. In his 1998 book Fax, we read: "As you know I come from the circle of preppy frat boys and I inquired a little with some guys who in that period were stomping around at Leiden's Minerva. ... Don't let them tell you anything Frits [Bolkestein, a Bilderberg visitor], that Pro Patria is a very creepy little club about which the most disgusting stories are making the rounds. Stories I don't even dare to write down and which are so terrible that they couldn't have been made up by the most treacherous mind. Even if 10 percent is true, then you become uncontrollably nauseous for a long time."”
    Mind control“Basically, what we as therapists across the country are finding are a group of clients that formally were considered untreatable, that based on recent information we're finding are reporting having been subjects in mind control experimentation performed by the government, the CIA and the military establishment ... probably from about the late 1940's until middle 80's and may even be going on today.”
    Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy“Be absolutely sure you have good references for people so we know we can trust them before we talk to them about our programme”
    Integrity Initiative/Cluster“Be absolutely sure you have good references for people so we know we can trust them before we talk to them about our programme ...
    • Chris Donnelly makes initial country introduction with nominated trusted 'coordinator' & relevant II team member/s (normally 2 members minimum per country)
    • II team member/s coordinate foundation workshop to connect members, formally introduce them to II aims, establish target programme for research, dissemination and events. Members to sign code of conduct & non-disclosure Greg Rowett to start code of conduct doc to include basic info on passwords and etiquette with social media etc - final ok should be sought from James Wilson. Debate and decide preferred methods of communication. Activity: £3k budget (based on 20 clusters)”
    James Mattis“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
    US/Nuclear weapons“Before the invention of this new fuzing mechanism, even the most accurate ballistic missile warheads might not detonate close enough to targets hardened against nuclear attack to destroy them. But the new super-fuze is designed to destroy fixed targets by detonating above and around a target in a much more effective way. Warheads that would otherwise overfly a target and land too far away will now, because of the new fuzing system, detonate above the target.”
    Money laundering“Beginning in the very earliest days of the war in Iraq, the New York Federal Reserve shipped billions of dollars in physical cash to Baghdad to pay for the reopening of the government and restoration of basic services.

    The money was packed onto pallets inside a heavily guarded New York Federal Reserve compound in East Rutherford, New Jersey, trucked to Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington, and flown by military aircraft to Baghdad International Airport.

    By one account, the New York Fed shipped about $40 billion in cash between 2003 and 2008. In just the first two years, the shipments included more than 281 million individual bills weighing a total of 363 tons. But soon after the money arrived in the chaos of war-torn Baghdad, the paper trail documenting who controlled it all began to go cold.”
    Theodore Roosevelt“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”
    Freedom of speech“Being right doesn’t entitle you to censor everyone who is wrong. That’s the central safeguard against tyranny, because even truth would be a tyranny if it didn’t allow opposition. Free speech – real free speech – has to include the right to be wrong, rude, stupid, offensive and a lying jerk. Because once you outlaw any of that – you’ve effectively ended free speech for all of us forever.”
    Bellingcat“Bellingcat was somewhat discredited, both by spreading disinformation itself, and by being willing to produce reports for anyone willing to pay”
    Ben Nimmo“Ben Nimmo works for the Atlantic Council, funded inter alia by NATO. He is also on a retainer of £2,500 per month from the Integrity Initiative, in addition to payments for individual pieces of work. For his attack on Scottish Nationalists Nimmo was therefore paid by the Atlantic Council (your taxes through NATO), by the Integrity Initiative (your taxes) and by the Herald (thankfully shortly going bankrupt)... Nimmo’s role as witchfinder-general for Russian Bots appears very remunerative. His August 2016 invoice to The Institute for Statecraft, apparently the 71st invoice he had issued to various neo-con bodies that year, was for £5,000.”
    Benjamin Netanyahu“Benjamin Netanyahu is "elegant and charming", according to a cable apparently penned by an official at the U.S. embassy in Egypt, "but never keeps his promises".”
    James Critchfield“Besides the Deuss connection to Oman, Shackley's other link is James Critchfield, the former head of the CIA's Middle East desk, and later chief of intelligence for energy. Critchfield is president of Tetra Tech International, a subsidiary of Honeywell, Inc. Tetra Tech has a contract with Oman to develop the economic infrastructure of the Masandam Peninsula, which is at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz.”
    ID2020“Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.”
    Joe Biden“Biden gives zero indications he has the ability to guide our country through this right now, that's a Full Stop moment. Listen in case anyone doubts me remember when his cue cards got caught on camera? That gave the exact instructions where to go and where to sit. Let me just say before I go on, that's not unusual, I'm not knocking him. I work these details as a secret service agent, they tell the president exactly what to do. This cue card thing is the problem, they tell him what to do and he still doesn't know what to do. That's the problem. His incompetence inspires no confidence at all the world can see this. I'm not sure America can withstand two more years of this leadership or whatever you want to call what he's doing right now.”
    Charlie Skelton“Bilderberg is concerned about fake news? The world’s most secretive conference, which is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars keeping the press away from its sacred discussions, which has spent decades lying and obfuscating about itself, wants to ensure the spread of truth.”
    Bilderberg/2017“Bilderberg is concerned about fake news? The world’s most secretive conference, which is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars keeping the press away from its sacred discussions, which has spent decades lying and obfuscating about itself, wants to ensure the spread of truth?”
    Anthony Bourdain“Bill Clinton, look, the bimbo eruptions—it was fucking monstrous. That would not have flown today. A piece of shit. Entitled, rapey, gropey, grabby, disgusting, and the way that he—and she—destroyed these women and the way that everyone went along, and, and are blind to this! Screamingly apparent hypocrisy and venality. How you can on the one hand howl at the moon about all these other predators. And not at least look back. OK, let's say, well, it was all consensual: powerful men, starstruck women, okay fine, let's accept it at its most charitable interpretation. Fine. He is a very charming man, I met him, he's fucking magnetic. As is (Hillary). When you're in the room, you think wow, she's really warm and nice and funny. But the way they efficiently dismantled, destroyed, and shamelessly discredited these women for speaking their truth.”
    Bill Gates“Bill Gates: Founder and current chairman of Microsoft. Depending on who you talk to, he's either one of the greatest businessmen who has ever lived or a double-dealing blackguard who epitomizes the worst evils of capitalism. Or both.”
    Robert Kadlec“Biological warfare offers an adversary unique and significant advantages because of its ease of production, potential impact of use, and the ability to exploit US vulnerabilities. It is the only weapon of mass destruction which has utility across the spectrum of conflict. Using biological weapons under the cover of an endemic or natural disease occurrence provides an attacker the potential for plausible denial. In this context, biological weapons offers greater possibilities for use than do nuclear weapons.
    Whitney Webb“Bitcoiners should pay close attention to these developments as the DOJ in particular has attempted to paint bitcoin as the payment of choice for well-known terror groups like ISIS and al-Qaida, signaling that the working group proposed by this bill will likely seek to specifically target bitcoin. Adding to this concern is the fact that a slew of recent mainstream media reports — which cite Treasury and FinCEN officials, DOJ officials and CIA analysts — have claimed specifically that “terrorists are turning to bitcoin, and they’re learning fast”, that bitcoin is the “new frontier in terror financing”, and that “bitcoin is helping terrorists secretly fund their deadly attacks”. Even the prominent military think tank RAND Corporation has argued that “bitcoin and the dark web” are the newest terrorist threat.”
    Alan Sabrosky“Bonnie,

    KPFA will cease broadcasting “Guns and Butter” effective immediately.

    We’ve received an avalanche of negative calls and emails from listeners about your uncritically airing of views by a holocaust denier, climate denial and casting the Parkland mass shooting survivors as crisis actors. As steward [sic.] of our airways, we can’t defend this content to our listeners.


    Quincy McCoy Kevin Cartwright

    General Manager Program Director”
    Martin Bormann“Bormann as the secretary was the most powerful man, more powerful, I think, than Hitler. Because when the power was divided all those men who were in power had to go via him to Hitler. Except me, I had the direct access to Hitler.”
    Mind control/Child Abuse“Both Haidee Faimberg (1988) and Ilony Kogan (1989) have shown us how direct and coercive these forms of inherited distress are and how they come to be acted out 'unto the seventh generation' - or at least in the generations to which we have so far had analytic access.”
    Sam Altman“Both publicly and internally, leaders at Microsoft are cheering OpenAI's apparent return to normalcy following days of chaos.

    The ChatGPT creator, in which Microsoft has reportedly invested some $13 billion, has been on a roller-coaster ride that began Friday when its board abruptly fired Sam Altman as CEO and ended with his return and the appointment of a new board early Wednesday.

    Following Altman's ouster, Microsoft swooped in to hire him along with OpenAI co-founder and president Greg Brockman — who quit OpenAI in protest over Altman's termination — to lead a new advanced AI research team at Microsoft, and also offered to hire any other OpenAI employees who wanted to leave. Sam Altman is returning to OpenAI as CEO after his ousting last week, and three board members that participated in his termination have been removed. At that point, Microsoft, already majority owner in OpenAI, was positioned to essentially "acquire" OpenAI by absorbing its talent, after nearly all the startup's 770 or so workers signed a letter saying they would take Microsoft up on the offer unless Altman was reinstated.

    However, a deal was ultimately reached for Altman to return to OpenAI rather than allowing the $90 billion company to collapse, in what Fortune tech reporter David Meyer wrote is an outcome that "is pretty ideal for Microsoft."”
    Klaas Bruinsma“Boys Club de Amstel ... ran by a certain Mr. Kroner [Kreuner]. A business partner of him was liquidated in the 90's, an acquaintance of de Dominee [Klaas Bruinsma], who regularly visited there. ... Getting back to Piet van Haut: This fantasy-filled caricature also brought along a certain Marc [Dutroux], later known as the Monster of Belgium. This Marc had contacts with Duscedo, of the imperium of the gentlemen Tukkers and consorts. [Incorrect, unclear sentence follows, so loosely translated:] With Charles Geerts pulling the strings.”
    Donald Trump“Break with tradition, or so it seems. Vilified by the entire Rockefeller and liberal media establishment, but strong evidence he himself is "conservative CIA". Brought to power by "conservative CIA" CNP financiers/members as the Mercers, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway. Trump himself has many long-standing, curious security state and establishment ties, among them: in December 2000 Trump was part of a 94-guest dinner organized by Bilderberg steering committee-, Pilgrims Society-, and 1001 Club-member Conrad Black, where Trump was seen chatting with Henry Kissinger at a table. Happy Rockefeller, the widow of Nelson Rockefeller; Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Richard Perle, Vernon Jordan and later exposed serial pedophiles Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell all were part of this dinner.”
    Theresa May“Brexit means Brexit, and we're going to make a success of it.”
    Zinc Network“Bringing together organisations including Zinc Network, the Institute for Statecraft, Aktis Strategy, Bellingcat, DFR Lab, the Media Diversity Institute, Toro Risk Solutions and Ecorys, our Consortium combines recognised market leaders in understanding, monitoring, and countering Kremlin-backed disinformation... This ecosystem of credible voices will continue to grow, exposing the actors and networks behind Kremlin-backed disinformation, reducing unwitting multipliers of disinformation, and building resilience amongst key target audiences across Europe.

    We will mobilise a Network Hub based in London, led by an experienced Project Director, consisting of an agile team with core competencies augmented by a wider pool of vetted experts. Our approach is highly localised, based around regional clusters of actors who can collaborate to effectively undermine the disinformation

    ecosystem in their respective areas and engage audiences most vulnerable to disinformation... It is a highly complex project involving coordination of many independent actors, and thus risk must be carefully managed and risk profiles constantly adapted, serving as the basis for all activity. The approach we propose is based on the identification, monitoring and management of risks as they materialise, allowing members to continue taking smart risks as they increase the scale and impact of their activities.”
    Cheonan sinking“But around the time of this incident another sinking occurred that has hardly been reported in Japan. Near the site of the sinking of the Cheonan, a colossal object, which appears to be a US submarine, was found to have sunk. An ROK underwater team searched for, and on April 7 South Korea’s KBS TV showed, a US helicopter carrying what seems to be the body of a US soldier. KBS is a public broadcasting station with the highest credibility in South Korea."

    "ROK and US authorities did their best to hide the fact that a US submarine sank at about the same time as the Cheonan.... On the day of the incident, the exercise was underway. After the incident, the US-ROK authorities made no mention of the fact that the joint military exercise was in progress. But the day after the incident, various ROK media and newspapers reported that the Cheonan might have been sunk by friendly fire during the military exercise.”
    UFO“But at the same time these reports were filed, the government was telling the general public that they had no interest in UFOs and weren’t investigating them anymore. So the documents sort of run counter to the public stance of the government since the close of its own agency back in 1970. So that’s sort of an interesting thing.”
    Permanent war/Mentality“But because this is not a shooting war like 1939-45, we in “Western” countries have not adopted the “wartime mentality” essential if we are to cope with the instability which drastic change inevitably brings. We are now trying to cope in a wartime situation but with a peacetime mentality, peacetime institutions and peacetime procedures shaped by the last 70 years of living in a stable, secure, rules-based environment.


    The qualities we now need in our public servants

    So, if we consider what qualities and characteristics we need in those whom we select for leadership today, in a period of rapid and profound change, in all sorts of institutions – government departments, big companies, the NHS - the conclusion is that we need to look for people who have abilities that suit a wartime environment rather than a peacetime one.”
    George Carlin“But let’s say it’s true; let’s say God gave us these rights. Why would he give us a certain number of rights? The Bill of Rights of this country has ten stipulations, okay? Ten rights. And apparently, God was doing sloppy work that week because we've had to amend the Bill of Rights an additional 17 times. So God forgot a couple of things. Like...SLAVERY! Just fuckin' slipped his mind.”
    Robert Habeck“But of course we will harm ourselves. That is absolutely clear. The point of sanctions is that a society, in this case the European society, bears a burden. The economy, the consumers. Everyone will have to make a contribution.

    It is inconceivable that sanctions are without consequences for one's own economy or one's own prices. We will have higher inflation, higher energy prices and stress on the economy. And we are ready as Europeans to bear this to help Ukraine.

    It's not possible to get this done for free. There will be hardships, and the hardships will have to be borne.”
    Seymour Hersh“But one of the things we did, ostensibly to improve the conditions of prisoners, we demanded that the American soldiers operating in Afghanistan could only hold a suspected Taliban for four days, 96 hours. If not... after four days they could not be sure that this person was not a Taliban, he must be freed. Instead of just holding them and making them Taliban, you have to actually do some, some work to make the determination in the field. Tactically, in the field. So what happens of course, is after three or four days, "bang, bang" — I'm just telling you — they turn them over to the Afghans and by the time they take three steps away the shots are fired. And that's going on. It hasn't stopped. It's not just me that's complaining about it. But the stuff that goes on in the field, is still going on in the field — the secret prisons, absolutely, oh you bet they're still running secret prisons. Most of them are in North Africa, the guys running them are mostly out of Djibouto [sic]. We have stuff in Kenya (doesn't mean they're in Kenya, but they're in that area).”
    Joe Biden“But there's a big difference between mistakes and malevolence. The record of the Waco incident documents mistakes, mistakes in gathering intelligence; mistakes in planning and executing operational plans. And law enforcement should and must be held accountable for such mistakes. What the record from Waco does not evidence, however, is any improper motive or intent on the part of law enforcement. I believe this is a very important point to make to the American public, because there are a growing number of people across the country who are seizing on the incident at Waco, as well as Ruby Ridge, to suggest that law enforcement is our enemy...[...]..David Koresh and the Davidians set fire to themselves and committed suicide.”
    Byram Bridle“But this is because these COVID-19 vaccines have reached the public rollout phase by, and I’ll say it in quotes, “cutting corners”. And by cutting corners, I’m not implying that people were skipping key steps, although honestly, there could be some potential questions around that.”
    Bill Browder“But we are sitting here in an audience of international investors. Everyone sitting here watching all of this and wondering, is Russia a good place or a bad place to invest? And Mr Ryzhkov, I believe you when you say there's freedom of the press. Because I used the press in all sorts of corporate governance fights, attacking all sorts of people, including government officials and there's never been any recourse coming back to me. And I also believe that Russia has a democratic process that is not going to go away.”
    Golan Heights“But what we also have discovered was that Israel not only has nuclear weapons, but sophisticated tactical nuclear weapons just like we do. Remember the American Army used to have nuclear land mines, for example, all over Germany. Well, the Israelis, we've discovered, have nuclear land mines seated on the Golan Heights and at one point Ariel Sharon, who is, of course, famous for the invasion of Lebanon and whatnot, went to [Menachem] Begin and said, "Look, you're busy," and had a terrible relationship at the time with the chief of Mossad. He wanted to take over sole control of the nuclear button, and Begin, fortunately, said no.”
    William Odom“By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In ‘78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation.”
    Friedrich Engels“By dissolving nationalities, the liberal economic system had done its best to universalise enmity, to transform mankind into a horde of ravenous beasts (for what else are competitors?) who devour one another just because each has identical interests with all the others – after this preparatory work there remained but one step to take before the goal was reached, the dissolution of the family. To accomplish this, economy’s own beautiful invention, the factory system, came to its aid.”
    Robert McChesney“By three months old, 40 percent of infants watch screen media regularly; by two years, 90 percent do. By her third birthday, the average American child recognizes one hundred brand logos. The typical child is exposed to forty thousand screen ads per year. Children know the names of more branded characters than of real animals. By her tenth birthday, the average American child knows three hundred to four hundred brands. Research shows over and over that preschoolers will overwhelmingly think advertised products, branded products, are superior even when the actual contents are identical.”
    CBDC“CBDC can allow government agencies and private sector players to program, to create smart contracts, to allow targeted policy functions, e.g. welfare payments, e.g. consumption coupons, e.g. food stamps. By programming CBDC, those monies can be precisely targeted, for what kind of people can own and for what uses these monies can be utilized, e.g. for food. So this potential programmability can help government agencies to precisely target their support to those people who need support.”
    Center for Countering Digital Hate“CCDH purports to be a non-profit organization without political affiliation or funding, protecting the public from dangerous misinformation. As they face increasing scrutiny and pressure, a thorough examination of their origins and tactics reveals the mechanics of an organization whose mission is to censor enemies of the state and the pharmaceutical industry.”
    Taiwan“CIA reports from 1952, and published in 2007, give additional confirmation that Kodama and some of his associates had been recruited by Army G-2 in order to help the United States fight communism. Kodama's group sent spies to surrounding communist countries and delivered mercenaries to Chiang Kai-shek's regime in Taiwan. In the documents the CIA also claims that the group was primarily working for themselves and were a great danger to the democratic process in Japan. [47] Unsurprisingly, MacArthur was a great supporter of Chiang Kai-shek on Taiwan, in contrast to President Truman and the State Department. Reportedly, MacArthur, as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan, was asked to help put together a plan to remove Kai-shek - but he refused”
    Barcelona Centre for International Affairs“CIDOB currently works with the Institute for Statecraft, but they are not comfortable outlining the details of this relationship until they know more about this project.”
    "Fake News"“CNN is the ultimate "fake news" network. There isn't a day that goes by where CNN doesn't deliberately fake a news story, distort a significant event for political purposes, or censor an important piece of news they don't want their viewers to discover.”
    Bilderberg/2020“COVID-19 does not respect borders. No country will be safe until the people of every country have access to the vaccine.”
    Bilderberg/2021“COVID-19 does not respect borders. No country will be safe until the people of every country have access to the vaccine.”
    COVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg“COVID-19 does not respect borders. No country will be safe until the people of every country have access to the vaccine.”
    Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure“CPNI is the government authority for protective security advice to the UK national infrastructure. Our role is to protect national security by helping to reduce the vulnerability of the national infrastructure to terrorism and other threats. We are accountable to the Director General of MI5. There are also other nationally important assets or events, including high-profile iconic targets, where impact of damage would be equally serious even though these do not deliver an essential service. Our advice delivery extends to help the protection of such assets and events.”
    Craig Murray“Can I just say how pleasant it is to be vindicated ten years after being sacked by Jack Straw for opposing the torture and extraordinary rendition programme – which Blair and Straw claimed I was inventing.”
    Sierra Club“Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license... All potential parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.”
    Dick Schoof“Children are spoon fed extremist values and do not have to be converted. Minors in the 'caliphate' are taught from a young age that anyone who does not adhere to the correct interpretation of Islam must be slain. Children are portrayed as fighters, as happy and free. The propaganda says a lot about the role ISIS gives kids. Therefore upon their return we look at what care, safety measures and interventions are appropriate.”
    2021“Children report having online sexual interactions at high rates — both with their peers and people they believe to adults: 25 percent of kids 9-17 reported having had a sexually explicit interaction with someone they thought was 18 or older, compared to 23 percent of participants that had a similar experience with someone they believed to be a minor. (...) The majority of children who block or report other users say those same users quickly find them again online: More than half of children who blocked someone said they were contacted again by the same person again, either through a new account or a different platform. This was true both for people children knew in real life (54 percent) and people they had only met online (51 percent).”
    COVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg“China has taken the strongest measures to contain the spread of the virus compared to the rest of the world, with a mixture of distinctive solutions, from the world’s most severe lockdown in Wuhan to the generalized use of digital tools. It has paid off.”
    Bilderberg/2021“China has taken the strongest measures to contain the spread of the virus compared to the rest of the world, with a mixture of distinctive solutions, from the world’s most severe lockdown in Wuhan to the generalized use of digital tools. It has paid off.”
    Bilderberg/2020“China has taken the strongest measures to contain the spread of the virus compared to the rest of the world, with a mixture of distinctive solutions, from the world’s most severe lockdown in Wuhan to the generalized use of digital tools. It has paid off.”
    Xinjiang“Chinese authorities continue to make wildly inaccurate claims that their “sophisticated” systems are keeping Xinjiang safe by “targeting” terrorists “with precision.””
    "Racism"“Chinese authorities, bolstered by technology, arbitrarily and indefinitely detaining Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang en masse for actions and behavior that are not crimes under Chinese law. And yet Chinese authorities continue to make wildly inaccurate claims that their “sophisticated” systems are keeping Xinjiang safe by “targeting” terrorists “with precision.””
    George Carlin“Cigarette companies market heavily to young people. They need young customers because their product kills the older ones. It is the only product that, if used as intended, kills the consumer.”
    Hollywood/Predictive programming“Cinema has an essential mystical ability to completely detach us from our physical environment and transport us to another, more vivid, realm of perception; a realm where everything is at once illusory, yet strangely real.

    In film studies, anything that exists within the world of the film is known as diegesis. The cinema screen separates their fictional world from our ‘real’ world. But, actually, the diegesis seeps through the screen into our world, into our subconsciousness. It becomes part of our reality.

    Key to cinemas’s power is that movies, in their slick, neatly packaged, self-contained way, serve to narrativize and contextualize the events, debates, and processes that constitute our frustratingly non-narrative world. Life rarely makes sense, but movies usually do, and in that we take comfort and, therein lies the problem – movies, no matter how realistic they are in the events they depict, are not real life. They are, at best, reflections of our reality, snapshots of it, simulations of it, skewed and distorted through the ideological framework of those who have made them.

    Movies masquerade as the final word on a given topic. No matter what the subject, and regardless of how much that subject has already been written about and debated, once it is committed to film – once it has received the full Hollywood treatment – it is embedded firmly and forever into the popular consciousness. Imprinted on our psyche. Plunged into the deep wells of memory and imagination.”
    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370“Clearly Boeing and certain agencies have the capacity to take over ‘uninterruptible control’ of commercial airliners of which MH370 B777 is one. Someone is hiding something, it is not fair that… Malaysia should take the blame. For some reason, the media will not print anything that involves Boeing or the CIA"”
    Boeing“Clearly Boeing and certain agencies have the capacity to take over ‘uninterruptible control’ of commercial airliners of which MH370 B777 is one. Someone is hiding something, it is not fair that… Malaysia should take the blame. For some reason, the media will not print anything that involves Boeing or the CIA"”
    Mind control/Child Abuse“Clearly our field would like to ignore social realities.”
    Institute for Statecraft/Control“Comment [VM2]: Most of these aren’t even Cluster countries – can II justify spending ££ on strengthening media there? Don’t get me wrong: any help we can provide these and other colleagues is a win in my books but I’m trying to anticipate how the Sponsor may see the relevance of speakers from some of these countries.”
    Ancient Rome/Deep state“Commodus, like a number of other late Roman emperors and like Donald Trump was incompetent and consumed by his own vanity. He commissioned innumerable statues of himself as Hercules and had little interest in governance. He used his position as head of state to make himself the star of his own ongoing public show. He fought, victoriously, as a gladiator in the arena in fixed bouts. Power for Commodus, as it is for Trump, was primarily about catering to his bottomless narcissism, hedonism and lust for wealth. He sold public offices to the ancient equivalents of Betsy DeVos and Steve Mnuchin. He orchestrated a vast kleptocracy.”
    US/Congress“Congress became, and has remained, a forum for the interests and advancement of business. The dominant ethic and the creed of power in America is that the interests of business are the interests of the nation.”
    Henk Vredeling“Congresses don't buy jet-fighters”
    Institute for Statecraft/Purposes“Connects media with academia with policy makers with practitioners in a country to impact on policy and society: (Jelena Milic silencing pro-kremlin voices on Serbian TV)”
    Fourth Industrial Revolution“Consider the unlimited possibilities of having billions of people connected by mobile devices, giving rise to unprecedented processing power, storage capabilities and knowledge access. Or think about the staggering confluence of emerging technology breakthroughs, covering wide-ranging fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the internet of things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage and quantum computing, to name a few. Many of these innovations are in their infancy, but they are already reaching an inflection point in their development as they build on and amplify each other in a fusion of technologies across the physical, digital and biological worlds.”
    "Conspiracy mindset"“Conspiracy theories offer simple answers to complex problems by providing explanations for uncertain situations. Thus, they should be attractive to individuals who are intolerant of uncertainty and seek cognitive closure.”
    Georgia“Conspiracy theories are also widespread. For example, a prominent narrative has been that the Lugar Center, a biological research laboratory in Tbilisi built with US assistance, is developing viruses to destroy Georgian genes.”
    GM/Food“Conspiracy theorists — some of them scientifically trained — have claimed that... that vaccines and genetically modified foods are unsafe.”
    The Pedophocracy“Contracts between the business milieu and the political world, contracts between businessmen amongst each other, fraud with subsidies or licenses, setting up fake firms, criminal contracts like arms trade... everything was possible. And it always ended with sex and children... Pictures were taken, in jest, to keep both parties to their contracts...


    Step by step customers, who first went to bed with me cautiously, were stimulated to rougher sex. I was forced to help them with that... They became complicit and at the same time their mutual connections became tighter. Not one of these people was still inclined to sign contracts with individuals outside the network. If that happened one could make them pay dearly for that...”
    Jacob G. Hornberger“Contrary to everything our rulers tell us, and everything that our schoolteachers are teaching the children of this nation, the biggest threat to the lives and well-being of the American people lies not with some foreign government. The biggest threat to the American people today lies with the United States government.”
    Institute for Statecraft/Purposes“Core aim of Russian propaganda is to get people to say the BBC is the same as RT/Sputnik. Satisfaction with BBC public is low among ordinary Scottish people.”
    COVID-19/Purposes“Coronavirus has its own beneficiaries, billionaires all over the world—this is already a fact—they have significantly increased their fortunes, the gap between the very rich and the rest of the population has noticeably increased. The rich have become even richer, and the poor have become even poorer.
    Is this mafia going to give up trillions of its profits? Therefore, they continue to whip up panic, and vaccines become elements of big politics. Real vaccine wars have unfolded in the West. They do not recognize Sputnik V, they treat Sinopharm with caution, at the same time imposing their own product like Pfizer. But in fact, they divide the markets and sort people.”
    Alliance for Securing Democracy“Create a real-time feed into the Sponsor with daily analysis on Russian disinformation, providing a constantly-updated narrative that could then be shared with Embassies, either via email or in another ready-made format they could then disseminate locally. [Note: it would be essential to ensure that this work did not duplicate that already done by e.g. Alliance for Securing Democracy).”
    "Strike Hard Campaign"“Credible estimates indicate that under this heightened repression, up to one million people are being held in “political education” camps. The government’s “Strike Hard Campaign against Violent Terrorism” (Strike Hard Campaign, 严厉打击暴力恐怖活动专项行动) has turned Xinjiang into one of China’s major centers for using innovative technologies for social control.”
    Deep state actor“Crozier himself makes the point that many of the prominent politicians invited to sit in on Cercle strategic sessions had no knowledge of their hosts' more clandestine operational activities – if only because of the "need to know" principle. Nonetheless, a stalwart multi-functionary on the Boards of several groups linked to the Cercle can be presumed to have some deeper involvement beyond just lending his name to the cause.”
    Simon Bracey-Lane“Currently runs the IfSIntegrity Initiative” network communications and network development process; deep experience in democratic election campaign processes in UK and especially in USA, viz: Regional Campaign Organiser: John Wisniewski for Governor of New Jersey, USA. January - May 2017; Statewide Campaign Organiser: Bernie Sanders for President 2016, USA. Sept 2015 – May 2016; special study of Russian interference in the US electoral process.”
    Adam Curtis“Curtis is an extremely talented filmmaker with an immense repository of archival footage at his disposal (some of which I utilized in Psywar), and he puts out a great product. But I also find that he tends to exaggerate the importance of particular individuals, groups and fanciful ideas in lieu of basic class analysis; he also appears to self-censor, often at critical junctures. I don’t recall seeing the slightest hint of skepticism about the official story of September 11th in The Power of Nightmares.”
    German Council on Foreign Relations“DGAP is an insupportable lobbying organization, especially insupportable because we co-finance it as taxpayers. Recently, one of these experts appeared in a television news program again, who are presented in order to (allegedly) disseminate a well-founded opinion. It was about more money for the military, and the quoted expert was Christian Mölling from the German Council on Foreign Relations. This is a lobbying organization that is funded to a considerable extent by us taxpayers and gives the impression that it represents the public interest and thus also the interest of all of us. Mölling is the head of the Center for Security and Defense at the DGAP. Typical for his publications is a DGAP memo with the title: "Defense Budget 2024: The budget is increasing – and not enough yet". The text speaks of a "gaping gap in defense spending". Propaganda for more armaments by publicly paid so-called experts.”
    Harry S. Truman“Dear Bess... We want no Gestapo or secret police. FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail... Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him. I'm not and he knows it. If I can prevent [it] there'll be no NKVD or Gestapo in this country. Edgar Hoover's orgnization would make a good start toward a citizen spy system. Not for me.”
    Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse“Debating about it, ummm ... Some of the worst things that happened you don't know about, okay? Videos, um, there are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at Abu Ghraib ... The women were passing messages out saying 'Please come and kill me, because of what's happened' and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It's going to come out.”
    International Maritime Organization“Despite being responsible for close to 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the shipping sector remains outside of the UN Paris Agreement on climate. It has achieved this through corporate capture of the International Maritime Organization”
    HSCA“Despite fairly effective efforts within Congress to sabotage the HSCA, the HSCA posed large problems for the Cabal. Honest investigators within the HSCA were more or less on the trail of the conspirators in JFK's killing. Many individuals involved in the Coup of ’63 were scheduled to testify before the HSCA. In order to prevent these actors from testifying, the death squads operated by the Cabal worked overtime. 21 people involved in the Coup who were subpoenaed to testify before the committee died under mysterious circumstances. Many died just before their scheduled testimony. For example, in 1977 seven senior FBI officials called to testify at the HSCA died within a six month period.”
    Elon Musk“Despite having perhaps the greatest entrepreneurial streak of all the PayPal Mafia, Musk was purged from PayPal like some kind of toxin. Soon after the merger, Thiel resigned.

    Musk became CEO of the combined company and decided it was time for a technological overhaul. Specifically, he wanted to toss out Unix and put everything on a Microsoft (MSFT) platform.

    That may sound innocent enough to laypeople but not to Unix zealots like Levchin and his team. A holy war ensued. Musk lost. The board fired him and brought back Thiel while Musk was on a flight to Australia for his first vacation in years. “That’s the problem with vacations,” Musk deadpans.

    Musk still contends he didn’t deserve his fate, that his biggest flaw was being cut from different cloth. “Peter, Max, and I are not directly aligned philosophically,” he says. “Peter’s philosophy is pretty odd. It’s not normal. He’s a contrarian from an investing standpoint and thinks a lot about the singularity. I’m much less excited about that. I’m pro-human.””
    Money laundering“Despite the UK’s rhetoric about wanting a “world leading reputation for integrity” as a financial center, it has never prosecuted a single company or bank for money laundering.”
    "Extremism"“Despite widespread evidence to the contrary, including a PREVENT training presentation from the police describing anti-fracking protesters as extremists, the police argued in court that anti-fracking protesters were not viewed in this way.”
    Bruce Cumings“Destruction was particularly acute in the North, which was subjected to years of American bombing, including with napalm. Roughly 25 percent of its prewar population was killed, Professor Cumings said, and many of the survivors lived underground by the war’s end. “North Korea was flattened,” he said. “The North Koreans see the American bombing as a Holocaust, and every child is taught about it.”
    UFO“Did Laurence Rockefeller or those on his payroll or those in the CIA actually care about the right of the people to know hidden truths, or is the plan just designed to mis-direct the minds of credulous and jaded citizens into an invisible cage? Might such a mis-direction prevent people from dealing with issues of America’s lurch to fascism and accelerating disintegration? Is it possible that these pedophiles, globalists, and Malthusian billionaires care less about the truth and more about inducing Americans to fixate on aliens while the republic is destroyed under economic collapse and war?”
    Bertrand Russell“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”
    Vladimir Putin“Digital giants have been playing an increasingly significant role in wider society, in certain areas they are competing with states … Here is the question, how well does this monopolism correlate with the public interest? Where is the distinction between successful global businesses, sought-after services and big data consolidation on the one hand, and the efforts to rule society[…] by substituting legitimate democratic institutions, by restricting the natural right for people to decide how to live and what view to express freely on the other hand?”
    Fabrizio Luciolli“Director of the Institute's Italian chapter. As an Italian academic and President of the Atlantic Treaty Association, Fabrizio has an unrivalled network of trusted contacts in the Western Balkans as well as strong links to NATO and EU networks to ensure that the programme is alerted to any emerging local or institutional risks and opportunities.”
    Josep Borrell“Disinformation in times of the coronavirus can kill. We have a duty to protect our citizens by making them aware of false information, and expose the actors responsible for engaging in such practices. In today's technology-driven world, where warriors wield keyboards rather than swords and targeted influence operations and disinformation campaigns are a recognised weapon of state and non-state actors, the European Union is increasing its activities and capacities in this fight.”
    Civil disobedience“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty.”
    Sol Wachtler“District attorneys now have so much influence on grand juries that by and large they could get them to indict a ham sandwich.”
    John Hnatio“Do not believe for one minute the FBI’s pretty little webpage declaring what a good job they are doing in fighting government corruption. In my job, I have been reporting U.S. government criminal conduct against small businesses to the FBI for many years. In every case, the FBI has simply turned a blind eye to the corruption whenever it involves another federal agency. The harsh political reality of the matter is that investigating corruption in the government has fallen to last place on the list of the FBI’s priorities.”
    Afrikaner Broederbond“Do you realize what a powerful force is gathered here between these four walls?..Show me a greater power in Africa. Show me a greater power anywhere, even in your so-called civilized world."”
    Donald Trump“Don’t kid yourself, you do have a military-industrial complex. They do like war… I said I wanted to bring our troops back home, the place went crazy. You have people here in Washington, they never want to leave. … Some day someone will explain it, but you do have a military industrial complex. They never want to leave. They always want to fight. No, I don’t want to fight.”
    Joe Biden“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
    Mark Sedwill“Don’t underestimate how vindictive I can be.”
    JFK and The Unspeakable“Douglass presents a formidable amount of evidence, some old and some new, against the CIA and covert action agencies within the national security state, and does so in such a logical and persuasive way that any fair-minded reader cannot help but be taken aback; stunned, really. And he links this evidence directly to JFK’s actions on behalf of peace.

    He knows, however, that to truly convince he must break a “conspiracy of silence that would envelop our government, our media, our academic institutions, and virtually our entire society from November 22, 1963, to the present.” This “unspeakable,” this hypnotic “collective denial of the obvious,” is sustained by a mass-media whose repeated message is that the truth about such significant events is beyond our grasp, that we will have to drink the waters of uncertainty forever. As for those who don’t, they are relegated to the status of conspiracy nuts. Fear and uncertainty block a true appraisal of the assassination – that plus the thought that it no longer matters.

    It matters. For we know that no president since JFK has dared to buck the military-intelligence-industrial complex. We know a Pax Americana has spread its tentacles across the globe with U.S. military in over 130 countries on 750-plus bases. We know that the amount of blood and money spent on wars and war preparations has risen astronomically.”
    2023“Dozens of versions of the above war-game scenario have been enacted over the last few years, most recently in April by the House Select Committee on competition with China. And while the ultimate outcome in these exercises is not always clear — the U.S. does better in some than others — the cost is. In every exercise the U.S. uses up all its long-range air-to-surface missiles in a few days, with a substantial portion of its planes destroyed on the ground. In every exercise the U.S. is not engaged in an abstract push-button war from 30,000 feet up like the ones Americans have come to expect since the end of the Cold War, but a horrifically bloody one. Soldiers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army hold up shotguns. And that’s assuming the U.S.-China war doesn’t go nuclear.”
    NBC“Dr Joseph Fair appeared at least 10 times on NBC and MSNBC over the last two months to share his fight against Covid-19 with the networks’ viewers. His television appearances – including an interview from his hospital bed – fueled panic about the illness. Describing himself as a fit and healthy 42-year-old, Fair claimed in May that he had absorbed the virus through his eyes while on a flight. As it turns out, there is no reason to believe he ever contracted the virus.”
    Philip Zack“Dr. Zack left Fort Detrick in December 1991 amid allegations of unprofessional conduct. The Jewish scientist and others were accused of harassing their co-worker, Dr. Ayaad Assaad, until the Egyptian-born American scientist quit, according to an article in Connecticut’s The Hartford Courant, the country’s oldest newspaper in continuous publication. Dr. Assaad sued the Army, claiming discrimination after Zack’s badgering.

    Although Dr. Zack was let go, he returned frequently to visit friends, and used the Fort Detrick laboratories for “off-the-books” work after hours. After reports of missing biological specimens — including anthrax, ebola and the simian AIDs virus — came to light, as well as reports of unauthorized research, a review of surveillance camera tapes recorded Dr. Zack entering the lab late on the night of Jan. 23, 1992, according to The Hartford Courant report. He was let in that night by Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close friend of Zack’s, although she now says she has no memory of the evening. She did say that Zack occasionally visited and that other friends let him in.


    Soon after the 9/11 attack, a long, typed anonymous letter was sent to Quantico Marine Base accusing the long-suffering Assaad, Zack’s victim in 1991, of plotting terrorism. This letter was received before the anthrax letters or disease were reported. The timing of the note makes its author a serious suspect in the anthrax attacks. The sender also displayed considerable knowledge of Dr. Assaad, his work, his personal life and a remarkable premonition of the upcoming bioterrorism attack.

    After interviewing Assaad on Oct. 2, 2001, the FBI decided the letter was a hoax. While major newspapers noted that an anonymous letter had accused Dr. Assaad of bioterrorism, none followed up on it after his innocence was established. Zack’s name never surfaced again as one of the 30 suspects.

    When the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs asked Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, Ph.D., a biological arms control expert at the State University of New York, if the allegations regarding Dr. David Hatfill now took the heat off Lt. Col. Philip Zack, she replied, “Zack has NEVER been under suspicion as perpetrator of the anthrax attack.”

    It is hard to believe that, with his connection to Fort Detrick, Dr. Zack is not one of the 20 to 50 scientists under intense investigation.


    Another person not naming names is New York Times reporter Nicholas D. Kristof. In a series of articles published on July 2, 12, and 19, however, he called the anthrax perpetrator “Mr. Z” (not “Mr. H”). Kristof’s description of “Mr. Z” sounds very much more like Dr. Zack than Dr. Hatfill.

    The New York Times journalist reported that “Mr. Z” was caught with a girlfriend after hours in Fort Detrick. According to Kristof, “Mr. Z” talked about the importance of his field and his own status in it, and often used the B’nai B’rith attack as an example of how anthrax attacks might happen. He also “had a penchant for dropping Arab names” when he discussed the possibility of anthrax attacks.

    Is the anthrax culprit, or “Mr. Z,” actually Dr. Zack or Dr. Hatfill, or another undisclosed scientist? Is Dr. Hatfill being framed while Dr. Zack stays out of the spotlight? Will the investigation simply peter out without an arrest? Are the U.S. government and the media engaging in a shameful cover-up?”
    Agent Orange“Dr. Vernon Houk quickly comes to mind when I think of a patron of my escort service who may have fallen prey to blackmail. Houk was Director of the Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control, and also as the Assistant Surgeon General under both presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Although Houk lived in Atlanta...he was fond of holing up D.C. hotels with multiple bottles of booze and several escorts over the course of a weekend, and [likely CIA operative] Tony was also fully cognizant of the eminent doctor's bacchanal laced sprees.
    In the 1980s, Congress tasked Houk with overseeing a study on the toxic effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam veterans, who had been subjected to the carcinogenic chemical en masse. Houk, however, declared that the soldiers' records made it impossible to discern the extent of Vietnam veterans who were subjected to Agent Orange, and he put the kibosh on the study. But a former chief of Naval Operations, who was the Navy's top commander in Vietnam, told a House subcommittee that Houk "made it his mission to manipulate and prevent the true facts from being determined" in his quest to cover up the true carnage spawned by Agent Orange. If Houk had proceeded with the Agent Orange study, the Pentagon undoubtedly would've been liable for astronomical, class action lawsuits.”
    Drew Pearson“Drew Pearson was a muckraker with a Quaker conscience. In print he sounded fierce; in life he was gentle, even courtly. For thirty-eight years he did more than any man to keep the national capital honest."”
    "Safe and effective"“Drug companies never talk about the benefits and harms of their drugs but about their efficacy and safety. Words create what they describe and the preferred semantic is seductive. It makes you think it can only be good for you to take drugs, as they are both efficacious and safe. Another reason why patients and doctors generally trust their drugs as being both efficacious and safe is that they think they have been carefully tested by the drug industry and carefully scrutinised by the drug regulatory agencies using high standards before they are allowed on the market.
    It is the other way round.”
    US/Deep state“During the 1940s and 1950s, corrupt politicians championed the politics of anti-communism in order to divert attention from the growing nexus between organized crime, big business and government. At the center of this nexus stood FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (1924-1972), who cultivated mob connected businessmen in his war against communism, while refusing to cooperate with the Kefauver Committee's landmark investigation of organized crime in 1950-1951.”
    Daily Mirror“During the Bosnian War, the Daily Mirror reported that a Bosnian woman died "after being forced to give birth to a dog." Variations on this bizarre and biologically incredible story were carried also in Germany's Bild am Sonntag and Italy's La Repubblica, with lurid accounts of how fiendish Serbian gynecologists implanted canine fetuses in the woman's womb. The dog story was also embraced by an obscure West German parliamentary deputy, Stefan Schwarz, who gained instant fame by telling gruesome tales in the Bundestag about Serbian burnings, castrations, the roasting of children in ovens, and the use of poison gas.”
    American Historical Association“During the past one hundred years any theory of history or historical evidence that falls outside a pattern established by the American Historical Association and the major foundations with their grantmaking power has been attacked or rejected - not on the basis of any evidence presented, but on the basis of the acceptability of the argument to the so-called Eastern Liberal Establishment and its official historical line.”
    Committee of 300“Earlier generations, the men of the industrial boom, were able to make themselves conquistadors; in our time with the strengthening of organizations, they themselves seek to secure successors who are familiar with the methods of leadership that have been established, with the art of staffing that has become practice. They, the results of a dangerous economic experiment, of a self-actuated selection, do not want to repeat the experiment with others; they do not look at successors as such, but at successors in their vicinity, in their circle, their offspring. In the most impersonal, democratic field of work, that of economic management, where every foolish word can compromise, every failure can topple, where the sovereign audience of a shareholders' meeting decides by statute on appointment and dismissal, an oligarchy has formed in the course of an age, as closed as that of ancient Venice. Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, guide the economic destinies of the continent and seek their successors from their own milieu. The strange causes of this strange phenomenon, which throws a glimmer into the darkness of future social development, are not here for consideration. The first question to be answered here is who it is: it is the offspring of urban origin, of normal education, of middle-class status, in short, the second or third generation of earners and leaders.”
    Marie-Eve Carignan“Early findings show that there really is a rapid uptake of different conspiracy theories, particularly in the United States and France. Similar theories about other diseases that took years to establish themselves only took a few weeks to take hold, super quickly, because people are absorbing so much information! That’s what’s alarming.”
    Corporate media/Mendacity“Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.”
    Bill Gammell“Either Gammel was an extremely visionary businessman, or he had great connections, or both. One way or the other, along with Enron and Cheney's Haliburton, Gammel's Cairn was soon making a fortune off oil in India, a country not noted for its prospects in that regard.”
    Polarising perspective“Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.”
    Non-Aligned Movement“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”
    Emmanuel Macron“Emmanuel Macron? I’m the one who spotted him. I even invented him. Totally.”
    Commission for Countering Extremism“Engaging widely and openly on extremism and Britain’s values across the public sector, communities, civil society, and with legal and academic experts. We need to make the case for tackling extremism and the harms it causes, beyond terrorism, in our communities.

    Producing a strategic assessment of the threat we face from extremism, and the current response. This will consider the prevalence, concentration and range of extremism that exists in this country, identify the drivers of extremism, and review the success of current approaches in tackling it.

    Advising Ministers on the Commission’s future structures, work programme and the appointment of further commissioners. This advice will in part be informed by the Lead Commissioner’s engagement with stakeholders.”
    Whitney Webb“Epstein was involved in a lot of things, and not only with underage females. Delving into all the publicly available material on Epstein, investigative journalist Whitney Webb needed two volumes to trace Epstein’s complex and mysterious career. She meticulously reconstructs the elaborate nebula of his connections to the world not just of finance, but also of espionage and crime. Her two volumes were published last year with the title, “One Nation Under Blackmail.”

    Given all the chatter the WSJ’s articles have generated, at breakfast this morning I thought it appropriate to raise the question not so much of Epstein’s story itself, but of the way the press responds to the public’s need for information. After reminding Chad of the context, I shared these thoughts with Chad.

    “The Journal appears to confirm, though only partially and obliquely, much of what Webb has described. Because of the implications — including the inevitable embarassment for people who have carefully crafted their public image of respectability — the Journal should either release the documents or, as Wikileaks was wont to do, share them with a number of serious newspapers to ensure a minimum level of objectivity and transparency. This story and all its implications are of vital interest to the public in a democracy. What, apart from the commercial interest of owning a scoop, explains the Wall Street Journal’s reluctance to do so?””
    Joy Reid“Essentially, she made public her own vaccine deliberation, which according to trusted friends is a better way to describe vaccine hesitancy, which by the way is not the same thing as refusal. By doing, Nicki also used her social media platform and her 22 million Twitter followers to cast doubt on the vaccine to a heavily Black audience”
    Zbigniew Brzezinski“Eurasia is home to most of the world's politically assertive and dynamic states. All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia. The world's most populous aspirants to regional hegemony, China and India, are in Eurasia, as are all the potential political or economic challengers to American primacy. After the United States, the next six largest economies and military spenders are there, as are all but one of the world's overt nuclear powers, and all but one of the covert ones. Eurasia accounts for 75 percent of the world's population, 60 percent of its GNP, and 75 percent of its energy resources. Collectively, Eurasia's potential power overshadows even America's.”
    Zbigniew Brzezinski“Eurasia is the world's axial supercontinent. A power that dominated Eurasia would exercise decisive influence over two of the world's three most economically productive regions, Western Europe and East Asia. A glance at the map also suggests that a country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control the Middle East and Africa. With Eurasia now serving as the decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion one policy for Europe and another for Asia. What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian landmass will be of decisive importance to America's global primacy[…].”
    Transhumanism“Even if half the world’s species were lost [during genetic experiments], enormous diversity would still remain. When those in the distant future look back on this period of history, they will likely see it not as the era when the natural environment was impoverished, but as the age when a plethora of new forms—some biological, some technological, some a combination of the two—burst onto the scene. We best serve ourselves, as well as future generations, by focusing on the short-term consequences of our actions rather than our vague notions about the needs of the distant future.”
    Jacques Cousteau“Even if we found a way to feed this human tidal wave, it would be impossible to provide this multitude with decent living conditions, [...] Surviving like rats is not what we should bequeath to our children and grandchildren.”
    Psychopathy“Even in the face of contrary evidence, the psychopath can lie so well that listeners doubt themselves first, rather than question the psychopath.”
    Vaccine“Even injection of Freund’s adjuvant alone, especially the complete, without any sperm antigen can cause some degree of antifertility effect”
    UK/Deep state“Even though we live in what's called a democracy, a few people will always run things in this country anyway.”
    "Vaccine passport"“Eventually we will need some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested (for COVID-19) recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.”
    Bill Gates“Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person […] Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly. You don’t want to completely block off the ability for people to go there and come back and move around. So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.
    Hunter S. Thompson“Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the military-industrial complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of U.S. economic policy. If the Rich get Richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to preindustrial America, when only white male property owners could vote.”
    Robert A. Taft“Every Republican candidate for president since 1936 has been nominated by the Chase National Bank
    "Iraq/WMD"“Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.”
    Document:The Occult Technology of Power“Every compulsion is put upon writers to become safe, polite, obedient, and sterile. In protest, I declined election to the National Institute of Arts and Letters some years ago, and now I must decline the Pulitzer Prize.”
    Dwight Eisenhower“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.

    The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.

    This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. These plain and cruel truths define the peril and point the hope that come with this spring of 1953.”
    Michael Parenti“Every ruling class has wanted only this: all the rewards and none of the burdens. The operational code is: we have a lot; we can get more; we want it all.”
    Michael Ledeen“Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.”
    Bilderberg/2021“Every time I open the obituary pages of the local newspaper, I find so many people that I know have died. A whole generation is being wiped out.”
    Bilderberg/2020“Every time I open the obituary pages of the local newspaper, I find so many people that I know have died. A whole generation is being wiped out.”
    COVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg“Every time I open the obituary pages of the local newspaper, I find so many people that I know have died. A whole generation is being wiped out.”
    Ariel Sharon“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this, America will do that.... I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people control America and the Americans know it.”
    Backdoor“Every year, we learn about some issue in WhatsApp that puts everything on their users' devices at risk. Which means it's almost certain that a new security flaw already exists there. Such issues are hardly incidental – they are planted backdoors. If one backdoor is discovered and has to be removed, another one is added”
    John Magufuli“Everybody in the Covid trenches felt the shock death to be connected to Magufuli’s provocation to the global Covid industrial complex last May, when he covertly had non-human samples — from fruits, goats, sheep, and car oil — tested for Covid on the PCR test, returning positive results from a paw-paw, a quail, and a goat. With humor, cheek, and audacity, Magufuli had crossed a line—exposing the fraud and illegitimacy of the PCR testing apparatus that the WHO relied on to justify the global lockdown, the terror, and the vaccine rollouts. After the disturbing results came in, Magufuli suspended the head of Tanzania’s National Health Laboratory, Nyambura Moremi, and formed a 10-person investigative committee. The EU had given Tanzania 27 million Euros to impose strict Covid lockdown measures, but along with the Presidents of Belarus and Burundi, Magufuli kicked the WHO out of his country.”
    George Carlin“Everybody knows by now, all businessmen are completely full of shit; just the worst kind of low-life, criminal, cocksuckers you could ever wanna' run into – a fuckin' piece of shit businessman. And the proof of it, the proof of it is, they don't even trust each other. They don't trust one another. When a businessman sits down to negotiate a deal, the first thing he does is to automatically assume that the other guy is a complete lying prick who's trying to fuck him outta his money. So he's gotta do everything he can to fuck the other guy a little bit faster and a little bit harder. And he's gotta do it with a big smile on his face. You know that big, bullshit businessman smile? And if you're a customer – Whoah! – that's when you get the really big smile. The customer always gets that really big smile, as the businessman carefully positions himself directly behind the customer, and unzips his pants, and proceeds to service...the...account. I am servicing this account. This customer needs service. Now you know what they mean. Now you know what they mean when they say, "We specialize in customer service." Whoever coined the phrase "let the buyer beware" was probably bleeding from the asshole. That's business.”
    Jeffrey Epstein/"Suicide"“Everyone has compromising dossiers on one another, to be used as leverage in the right situation.”
    2022 Freedom Convoy“Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association.”
    Plausible deniability“Everyone is trying to create a disjuncture between the initial order and the operation”
    George W. Bush“Everyone must choose. You're either with the civilized world or you're with the terrorists.”
    AIVD“Everyone spies”
    Friedrich Engels“Everywhere the proletariat develops in step with the bourgeoisie. In proportion, as the bourgeoisie grows in wealth, the proletariat grows in numbers.”
    Corporate media/Deep state control“Expand the network of IfS associates and partner organisations to include e.g. DarthPutin, GlasnostGone, StopFake, European Values, Saper Vedere, and coordinate their efforts to mirror and amplify what IfS is already doing where possible.”
    Integrity Initiative/Cluster“Experience in Phase 1 has shown that, once a cluster has been established, measurable impact can be expected within 3 months and the cluster is fully effective within 6 – 9 months.”
    Mass surveillance“Extreme forms of monitoring, whether by the KGB in the Soviet Union, the Stasi in East Germany, or Big Brother in 1984, are essential elements of all tyrannies, and technology is making both monitoring and the consolidation of surveillance data easier than ever.”
    Elon Musk“Extremely big difference between died because of or died with. Also, did the person actually have C19 or did they just have C19 symptoms? It’s almost impossible to die without feeling weakness, shortness of breath or other C19 symptoms, unless you were crushed by a falling piano.”
    Federal Aviation Administration“FAA requirements in the air charter business are so minimal, one aviation executive told us, that all you need to go into business is a cell phone and a pair of sunglasses. The lack of oversight may be intentional. A surprising number of politically-powerful and well-connected Americans have been tainted through their ownership of planes caught ferrying large (in some cases multi-ton) loads of cocaine into the U. S.”
    EU/Censorship“Facts are one thing and opinions are another. Opinions are free; facts are facts.”
    ACLU“Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable, people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated, and communities of color hit hard by the disease.”
    Open Democracy“Fascism and conspiratorial thinking have seeped into the minds of millions of Americans. If we compare Mussolini’s March on Rome and Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch to Donald Trump’s Insurrection we should be reminded that the former examples were only the beginning of years of street violence. We can’t address this problem until we call it by its name: fascism.”
    Television“Fast image sequences and information overload make you passive and mentally lazy. Viewing fast image sequences puts the viewer in a kind of trance. The brain is thereby very unfavorably, since that is very one-sided, stressed. The same brain cells are activated over and over again and the remaining cells (e.g. active, creative thinking) lie idle and atrophy over time. Additional problem: In addition to the fast cuts, the diversity of the TV offering also reduces our attention span.”
    Karl-Friedrich Grau“Federal Secretary of PEU Germany until 1975, was one of the shadier figures within the CDU, acting as a bag-man for illegal election fund contributions from various foundations for both the CDU and for its Bavarian sister party, Strauss's CSU. Grau acquired a considerable reputation for the ruthless tactics he used to support the conservative cause; he ran several smear and disinformation campaigns for the CDU/CSU through a network of anti-communist propaganda groups which he controlled. The first group in this network was the Studiengesellschaft für staatspolitische Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Study Group on Political Communication), founded in Frankfurt in 1958 by Grau and CDU member Dr. Walter Hoeres. The Study Group's stated goal was to give "reliable and effective information and revelations about powers and their plans to destroy the fundaments of our Christian, free, democratic social organization" and to "strengthen and reinforce the free, democratic State and social form, and to coordinate all efforts and measures to defend it against all kinds of totalitarianism". As "the largest and most influential of the political front groups within the Federal Republic", the Frankfurt Study Group and Grau's other groups would be major German disinformation outlets throughout the 1970s and would act as German relays for the Cercle complex’s counter-subversion operations.”
    Eyewash“Federal law makes it a criminal offense when a government employee “conceals, covers up, falsifies or makes a false entry” in an official record. Legal experts said they knew of no special exemption for the CIA, nor any attempt to prosecute agency officials for alleged violations. The CIA declined to comment.”
    Petrodollar“Fiat money, if you like, is backed by men with guns.”
    Vivek Ramaswamy“Fielding a series of conspiratorial rapid-fire questions from Stein, Ramaswamy declared of the 1969 Apollo moon landing, 'I have no evidence to suggest it was fake, so I’m gonna say it was real.'”
    Francis Ghilès“Fifteen years after 9/11 we are nowhere close to the end of the War on Terror... ISIS is a long-term threat to the region and the outside world.”
    Frank Lowy“Fifty days before 9/11, Frank Lowy and Larry Silverstein bought the World Trade Centre in New York (how unlucky was that?) at a time when there was a requirement for massively expensive renovation and asbestos removal from the buildings:
    ‘To maintain the trade center as class-A office space commanding top rents, the Port Authority (previous owners) would have had to spend $800 million rebuilding the electrical, electronic communication, and cooling systems.’

    The removal of asbestos raised this figure to well in excess of $1 billion.

    Lowy and Silverstein double-insured the WTC for multiple terrorist attacks (meaning they could claim for the same damage twice if two planes or attacks were involved) and collected $4.577 billion for WTC’s 1, 2, 4 and 5 and $861 million for WTC7. Total $5,438,000,000.

    This man is obviously a business genius...or something.”
    Bilderberg/1954“Finally, in view of the desire expressed by the majority of the participants in Bilderberg, and on the invitation of the American members, it was decided that a similar conference should be convened in the U.S.A., time and place to be decided upon later.”
    "9-11/Israel did it"“Finally, we need to take a hard look at why the corporate media (MSM) have paid more attention to Sarah Palin’s wardrobe than they have to dissecting blatant falsehoods, discrepancies and inconsistencies in the US Government’s treatment of 9/11 and its aftermath.”
    Integrity Initiative/Leak/3“Find ways to remove e.g. RT/Ruptly video and infographic content from corporate media e.g. newspaper websites, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Such content is quite professionally done, entertaining and cheap (or even free) for cash-strapped corporate media outlets. But for these reasons, this kind of content gets numerous ‘clicks’ and is therefore picked up by reputable outlets that help spread Russian disinformation.”
    Robert A. Taft“First, it was the power of the New York financial interests and a large number of businessmen subject to New York influence, who selected General Eisenhower as their candidate at least a year ago. There was a strong and substantial minority of Taft supporters among business leaders, but they were a minority, particularly in the East. Second, four-fifths of the influential newspapers in the country were opposed to me continuously and vociferously and many turned themselves into propaganda sheets for my opponent.”
    Bernd Hamm“First, the process of concentration in the media has progressed rapidly, both internationally and in Germany. There are only a few corporations left that dominate the media landscape. Secondly, the owners - from Springer to Bertelsmann, Bauer, Burda or Holtzbrinck - all tend towards a politically conservative, business-friendly, socially and ecologically insensitive worldview. Take Bertelsmann, a corporation that makes its money primarily with entertainment, across all media types. At first sight, that just looks like making money - and what is actually being propagated is an extremely conservative, Christian-inspired idea of how society should be. This becomes much clearer, however, in the case of the Bertelsmann Foundation, which has been involved in the forced Americanization of our universities and the business-oriented restructuring of local administrations - rather than for the common good - with great success..That also applies to the low profile giant Holtzbrinck: It has now bought up all the important paperback series (apart from Suhrkamp) (along with numerous newspapers) and immediately discontinued critical series - such as Rororo-Aktuell or Fischer.”
    Bill Gates“First, we've got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”
    UK/Deep state“Five principal players, Cecil Rhodes, William Stead, Lord Reginald Esher, Lord Nathaniel Rothschild and Alfred Milner were the founding fathers, but the secret society developed rapidly in numbers, power and presence in the years before 1914. Influential old aristocratic families that had long dominated Westminster were more deeply involved, as was King Edward VII, who operated within the inner core of the Secret Elite. Cecil Rhodes, a mining magnate who made millions in South Africa, had long talked about setting up a Jesuit-like secret society, pledged to take any action necessary to protect and promote the power of the British Empire. He sought to "bring the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one empire." * In essence the plan was as simple as that.”
    Microsoft“Following Altman's ouster, Microsoft swooped in to hire him along with OpenAI co-founder and president Greg Brockman — who quit OpenAI in protest over Altman's termination — to lead a new advanced AI research team at Microsoft, and also offered to hire any other OpenAI employees who wanted to leave.

    Sam Altman is returning to OpenAI as CEO after his ousting last week, and three board members that participated in his termination have been removed. At that point, Microsoft, already majority owner in OpenAI, was positioned to essentially "acquire" OpenAI by absorbing its talent, after nearly all the startup's 770 or so workers signed a letter saying they would take Microsoft up on the offer unless Altman was reinstated.

    However, a deal was ultimately reached for Altman to return to OpenAI rather than allowing the $90 billion company to collapse, in what Fortune tech reporter David Meyer wrote is an outcome that "is pretty ideal for Microsoft."”
    AUKUS“For $360 billion, we're going to get eight submarines. It must be the worst deal in all history”
    Nigel Gould-Davies“For Azerbaijan, [the reconquest of Nagorno-Karabakh] is a total victory won by the cruel, hard methods of military force and economic blockade, together with training and equipment from Turkey....But the key question is how relations between the west and Azerbaijan will develop. The west's energy ties with the oil and gas-rich country are more important than ever as it weans itself off Russian supplies. Now there are new security possibilities, especially in light of the war in Ukraine. Azerbaijan is the only country that borders both Russia and Iran, two western adversaries whose ever-closer relations evoke growing alarm. Azerbaijan’s ties with Turkey, a Nato member that also provides weapons support to Ukraine, means that it is receiving military training according to the alliance's standards. All this offers the potential for a deeper relationship, if the west has the strategic imagination to grasp it.”
    Hollywood“For a hundred years, Hollywood has represented the Western imagination in its cinematographic products, and in doing so it builds it, homogenizes it, sets its standards. But from what moment can we begin to call this activity of structuring our tastes and customs, a real effort at manipulation? That is difficult to establish. However, there is evidence that in recent decades US cinema is increasingly overflowing with clearly intentional elements of mass manipulation, we can identify, recognize and describe them, and these manipulation techniques are the result of extraordinary knowledge of the exact methods for how the masses of people can be conditioned. The framework is therefore of a very polished science of sociological engineering, new things, things that is not taught even in the best universities - apart from possibly some military universities of which we know little or nothing.”
    Tim Fortescue“For anyone with any sense, who was in trouble, would come to the whips and tell them the truth, and say now, I’m in a jam, can you help? It might be debt, it might be… a scandal involving small boys, or any kind of scandal in which, erm er, a member seemed likely to be mixed up in, they’d come and ask if we could help and if we could, we did. And we would do everything we can because we would store up brownie points… and if I mean, that sounds a pretty, pretty nasty reason, but it’s one of the reasons because if we could get a chap out of trouble then, he will do as we ask forever more.”
    Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012“For example, if a CIA agent at the Washington Post is directly piping in U.S. government propaganda or a reporter is working the U.S. government to pipe in propaganda, it wouldn’t be seen as a violation of the law. Even though it could have happened before the ban, it’s under more legal protection now.”
    Le Cercle/Exposure“For instance, in the late 1970s Le Cercle supported NATO's decision to station new medium-range nuclear weapons — Cruise and Pershing II missiles — in Britain, Germany, Belgium and Holland targeted against the USSR. Le Cercle helped to discredit the European peace protest movement which emerged against the backdrop of the nuclearization of Europe through aggressive counter-intelligence, provocations and disinformation.”
    Craig Murray“For me, the death of millions of people in the Middle East, and Alastair Campbell’s role in the deliberate manufacture of a dossier of lies to cause an aggressive war that led to those deaths, were life-changing events. It led me to pursue the end of the imperialist British state.”
    Psychopathy/Psychopathy and gender“For mothers, presenting the facade of ordinary, devoted maternal care provides an invaluable subterfuge for abuse.”
    Julia Gillard“For my own generation, the defining image of America was the landing on the moon. My classmates and I were sent home from school to watch the great moment on television. I always remember thinking that day, Americans can do anything...Americans inspired the world of my own youth.”
    Agent Orange“For really almost 40 years, there has been a studious, concerted, planned effort to keep any study from being done and to discredit any study that has been done.”
    Global Virome Project“For some reason, professional journalists have shown little appetite for investigating the GVP since the pandemic began, arguing that it was still just an idea, not yet in operation, which is true outside China.”
    Harry S. Truman“For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government.... I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations.”
    Internet/Censorship“For some time to come, the delicate balance between freedom and security may have to shift”
    Imperial College London“For the core conspirators, their control of global health authorities meant the pseudopandemic progressed smoothly. The UK State, along with the rest, doffed their caps, believed everything Imperial College and the WHO told them, asked no questions, and set about destroying their own nation and the people who lived in it.”
    Walter Isaacson“For the first time in the evolution of life on this planet, a species has developed the capacity to edit its own genetic makeup. That offers the potential of wondrous benefits, including the elimination of many deadly diseases and debilitating abnormalities.”
    Tragedy and Hope“For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century.”
    Operation Gladio/B“For the past 11 years I have been emphasizing that my State Secrets Privilege & Gag Orders had to do with the FBI files (covering period 1996-2002 February) on covert-terrorist operations in Caucasus and Central Asia backed, managed and armed by US actors. These US-NATO directed operations in the region involved Bin-Laden and mainly Zawahiri ….. The FBI documents contained damning evidence (audio and written) collected between 1996-2002 tying these terror operations directly to the U.S. persons in the State Department/CIA and Pentagon. Also, how the State Department got Congress to grant huge amounts of funds to “front“ NGOs and businesses (mainly Turkish companies in US-listed/members of ATC) to funnel money to the terrorist cells in this region.”
    David Attenborough“For the past 20 years I've never had any doubt that the source of the Earth's ills is overpopulation. I can't go on saying this sort of thing and then fail to put my head above the parapet..”
    May Ayres“For those of us who seek to rise up against this monstrous evil, culture is going to be as important as the more prosaic elements of resistance such as a food tent or a medical tent or a communications tent. I saw that in revolutionary movements I covered in Latin America, and that has been true throughout history.”
    EU/Censorship“For too long, tech platforms have amplified disinformation and extremism with no accountability. The EU is poised to do something about it. I urge our transatlantic allies to push the Digital Services Act across the finish line and bolster global democracy before it's too late.”
    COVID-19“For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious leaders.”
    "COVID-19/Vaccine"“For us therefore, we're really taking that leap [to drive innovation] – us as a company, Bayer – in cell and gene therapies [...] ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate,”
    Kamala Harris“For years, R. Scott Moxley, an indefatigable alt-weekly reporter, has covered police and prosecutorial misconduct for OC Weekly, a beat that never left him short for material, and that absolutely exploded in 2014, when Harris was attorney general. As he summarized it, “Sheriff’s deputies had spent years running unconstitutional jailhouse scams against pretrial inmates to secretly secure prosecutorial victories at trials. In return, prosecutors under then–District Attorney Tony Rackauckas looked the other way when deputies hid, doctored or destroyed exculpatory evidence from defendants; repeatedly committed perjury; and disobeyed lawfully issued court orders. Tens of thousands of pages of records inside the Orange County Superior Court, as well as at the California Court of Appeal, prove beyond a reasonable doubt each element of what became known nationally as the jailhouse-informant scandal.” For example, Harris’ investigators incredibly obeyed Orange County Sheriff’s Department commands not to audio record certain statements from accused deputies. More telling, however, is the fact that the alleged investigation long ago landed in bureaucratic oblivion. Though Goethals and the California Court of Appeal officially announced disgust with OCSD perjury years ago, the AG’s office—first under Harris and now with Xavier Becerra—hasn’t held anyone accountable after a probe that so far has lasted more than 1,411 days.”
    Foreign aid“Foreign aid is neither a failure nor a panacea. It is, instead, an important tool of American policy that can serve the interests of the United States and the world if wisely administered.”
    Enrique Gomez-Hurtado“Forget about drug deaths and acquisitive crime, about addiction and AIDS. All this pales into insignificance before the prospect facing the liberal societies of the West, like a rabbit in the headlights of an oncoming car. The income of the drug barons is an annual five hundred thousand million dollars, greater than the American defence budget. With this financial muscle they can suborn all the institutions of the state and, if the state resists, with this fortune they can purchase the firepower to outgun it. We are threatened with a return to the Dark Ages of rule by the gang. If the west relishes the yoke of the tyrant and the bully, current drug policies promote that end.”
    Le Cercle“Formed in the Fifties, Cercle was intended to cement Franco-German relations, as a buffer to Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Down the years, however, it has become much more, advocating right-wing causes round the world and growing into a confidential talking shop for about 70 politicians, businessmen, polemicists and personnel from the diplomatic and security services. Members are invited to attend its meetings; they cannot ask to be admitted, and as a condition of attending they agree to keep all sessions secret. It meets twice a year, once in Washington DC in the autumn and once in the early part of the year in an "overseas" venue.”
    2023“Former V.I. Attorney General Denise George, who successfully sued the estate of Jeffrey Epstein and then was summarily fired by Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. in December, has broken her silence in an interview with Britain’s Sunday Times Magazine. In it, she hints that a run for governor may be in her future.

    The interview — published Saturday by the Sunday Times, a 600,000-plus circulation newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. — is the first time George has spoken of her efforts to bring Epstein and his alleged accomplices to account, and the fallout from that endeavor. George, who was widely lauded when she won a $105 million lawsuit against the Epstein estate in November — believed to be the largest monetary settlement in the history of the territory — subsequently filed suit for $190 million against his onetime bank, JPMorgan Chase, on Dec. 27 in Manhattan federal court, alleging violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act.

    Bryan fired George four days later, on New Year’s Eve, saying nothing at first but later admitting that he was “blindsided” by the lawsuit that has opened V.I. officials to scrutiny for their dealings with Epstein. That includes Bryan himself, who approved Epstein’s lucrative Economic Development Authority benefits when he was head of the EDA board and has been deposed by JPMorgan’s attorneys, along with a host of other territory officials.”
    Roger Golland“Formerly Director Western Europe for a government agency close to the FCO; previously Director Training for the same institution; continues to undertake work in this area. Expert in Russian methodologies; Special ability to assist in bringing together NGOs and relevant national governmental bodies (ministries, special services); security risk assessment; evaluation of hostile environments and governmental communities in countries where we will be operating. German linguist”
    François Mitterrand“France does not know it, but we are at war against America. Yes, an eternal war, a vital war, an economic war, a war without deaths … apparently. Yes, they are very predatory, the Americans, they are voracious, and they want to rule the world … Our war against America is a secret war, an eternal war, a war apparently without deaths, and yet a war unto death!”
    The Auriol massacre“François Mitterrand said: These people are still very powerful. They will try to destabilize the regime. What happened to Salvador Allende can happen to me. I know it." He tells me, without details, that he received threats after May 10. One day, during a trip to the provinces, someone slips a message into his hand to prove that he can be assassinated, when the time comes, without difficulty.”
    Article 19“Freedom of expression is the fundamental human right that enables us all to demand the highest attainable standard of health. Unlike any other year in recent history, 2020 has driven home just how vital access to accurate, reliable and timely information is, and continues to be, during a global health crisis.

    When faced with such crises, governments have a fundamental duty to be transparent about their decisions, and a legal obligation to protect people’s lives. This means ensuring that health-care professionals have access to accurate global information about the disease, educating the public about the pandemic, and ensuring that health data is accessible to everyone – no exceptions. The Global Expression Report for 2021 reveals that rather than focusing on controlling the virus, protecting public health and improving access to information, governments have used the pandemic as an excuse to:

       Suppress critical information
       Implement states of emergency without proper limits 
       Place unreasonable and unnecessary restrictions on the media 

    And by presenting a false choice between human rights and public health, governments have used a cunning tactic to shut down public discussion and any scrutiny of their decisions. In other words, they have wasted public money and valuable time using the pandemic to entrench their power.

    As a result, these actions have prolonged the pandemic and cost lives.”
    Linh Dinh“Freedom: Self-sanctioned license to ignore consequences”
    Freemasonry“Freemasonry is the mystical body of Satan. Because Satan is the entity that it adores, at its highest levels of initiation. The illumination which it promotes to his members consists in subjecting them to the cultic worship of a great architect, which shows its infernal features only when one is no longer able to turn back.”
    Philip Marshall“Friends and neighbors who knew Marshall had trouble believing he would have taken the life of his children. He was known as a good father, well-liked Little League coach, former pilot for Eastern and United Airlines and an easygoing guy with a good sense of humor.

    “The actions don’t match the person we know,” said Merita Callaway, a county supervisor who lives four doors up the street from Marshall. She considered him a good friend. “I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had conversations over a cup of coffee together.”

    “He was a wonderful man,” said Carolyn Greenwood, who is Marshall’s nextdoor neighbor and who has known him for more than 10 years. “I knew him long enough to know he was a regular guy. He was a good father, always there for his kids and a helpful neighbor.”

    “When I heard what happened, I couldn’t believe it,” Callaway said. “He loved his children.””
    Document:The Occult Technology of Power“From now on depressions will be scientifically created.”
    Afghanistan/2001 Invasion“From a strictly economic perspective, if America's goal was to provide a quality education to Afghan children, it would have achieved far better social impact, at lower cost, with no suffering if the military followed these steps; Buy a used Gulfstream IV (~$4m), pack it full of Afghan children, fly them across the world to Andover, Groton, Eton, or some Swiss boarding school, and pay for their entire education (~$4.7m for 24 students, all four years, with boarding). And after everyone is off the private jet, fill two briefcases with money - $1 million, each; $2 million, in total, in brick of $100 bills - place them on the jet while it's still on the tarmac, and proceed to blow up the jet with high explosives. This is the effective cost of building a mud and cinder block shanty school in Afghanistan.”
    Bullshit job“From roughly 1945 to 1975, there was what is sometimes referred to as a “Keynesian bargain” between workers, employers, and government — and part of the tacit understanding was that increases in worker productivity would indeed be matched by increases in worker compensation. ...this was exactly what happened. In the 1970s, the two began to part ways, with compensation remaining largely flat, and productivity taking off like a rocket”
    Anatoly Chubais“From the 7 billion that will be reached this week, the world population should drop to two and a half or even one and a half billion people by the end of the century. A three-fold reduction in the population would be simply unthinkable, although serious scientists are talking about exactly this.”
    Kate Shemirani“From what I can see it would appear a "conspiracy theorist" is actually now anyone who believes something other than what your controllers want them to believe... I find this deeply disturbing”
    2011 Attacks on Libya“Gaddafi's government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver. This gold was intended to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide Francophone Africa with an alternative to the CFA."”
    Money/Creation“Generally speaking the zero sum game promotes conflict. Conflicting parties need money to stand competition (in the extreme case: fight a war) in order to maintain their positive balance position. The only regulatory principle to limit the promotion of violence in all shapes and colors is the monetary monopoly's need to manage risk. Fatally, the risk taken by banks is distorted by the doctrine that the monetary monopoly as a whole may not fail. This so called Moral Hazard caused by public bailouts encourages investments in exploitation and war. What really trickles down is violence, not wealth.”
    George H. W. Bush“George H. W. Bush was such a pivotal deep politician because he bridged two separate worlds. He was a deep CIA insider, a lifelong intelligence operative, and he also came from an elite family and was intimately tied to the East Coast business elite. His father, Prescott, had been managing partner at the Wall Street investment bank Brown Brothers Harriman and also a US Senator. The Bush and Rockefeller families were very close. George H.W.’s grandfather Samuel had been business partners with John D. Rockefeller’s brother, and over the generation the Bush and Rockefeller clans had remained close. Empowered with these dual networks, George H. W. Bush could work within the dark nether-realms of the intelligence community, as well as, the Republican power elite.”
    Peter Zeihan“German manufacturing will be dead within a year and a half. I know that we're used to be more worried about China here, but Germany is not coming back. If the war ended tomorrow it's probably already too late.”
    Eugene Debs“Getting a living under capitalism... is so precarious, so uncertain, fraught with such pain and struggle that the wonder is not that so many people become vicious and criminal, but that so many remain in docile submission to such a tyrannous and debasing condition.”
    Stef Blok“Give me one example of a multi-ethnic or multicultural society, where the original inhabitants are still living... and where they live in coexistence. I can't think of one. Don't say Australia or the US as the natives there have been exterminated.”
    Urban Moving Systems“Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country.”
    Washington Conference on International Terrorism“Given terrorism's unique dependence on publicity and amplification, the media have a crucial role in either facilitating or obstructing the spread of terrorism against the West... manipulation of public opinion is in fact, central to the terrorist strategy. For this purpose, access to the media, indeed their domination, is indispensable.”
    "War on Terror"“Given terrorism's unique dependence on publicity and amplification, the media have a crucial role in either facilitating or obstructing the spread of terrorism against the West... manipulation of public opinion is in fact, central to the terrorist strategy. For this purpose, access to the media, indeed their domination, is indispensable.”
    Genetic Extinction Technology“Given that Darpa is a military agency, we find it surprising that the obvious and concerning dual-use aspects of this research have received so little attention,”
    Global Strategies Group“Global Risk Strategies was a two-man team until the invasion of Afghanistan. Now it has over 1,000 guards in Iraq — more than many of the countries taking part in the occupation—manning the barricades of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). Last year it also won a $27m contract to distribute Iraq's new dinar.”
    CIA/Deputy Director for Operations“Going back 50 years, the agency's practice was to publicly identify and praise most of Archibald's predecessors. Why? Paradoxically, it’s a job that requires a certain degree of public exposure. The spy chief's duties require him to visit regularly with the FBI, NSA and the dozen other branches of the U.S. intelligence community, to testify to congressional oversight committees and to meet with his foreign counterparts, either here or in some of the world’s most dangerous neighborhoods. Nearly two dozen of his predecessors have been known to the public. It’s too bad they’re going all black-cloak with Archibald, because after the bumpy tenures of the past few people in that job, the agency could benefit from letting people know that it has a "quiet professional" at the helm, as one former colleague put it, a figure of continuity at an agency that has changed CIA directors six times since 2003.”
    George Carlin“Governments don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that... that doesn't help them. That’s against their interests. They don't want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they are getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fuckin' years ago. They don't want that. You know what they want?... They want obedient workers, obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.”
    Michael Yeadon“Government’s response to emergencies is guided by the scientific group who sit together under the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies or SAGE. So they should provide scientific advice to the government about what’s appropriate to do. SAGE has got several things wrong, and that has led to advice that’s inappropriate and – uh, not only has had horrible economic effects, but has had continuing medical effects in that people are no longer being treated properly.”
    ... further results
    Showing 500 pages using this property.
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Finally, we need to take a hard look at why the [[corporate media]] (MSM) have paid more attention to [[Sarah Palin]]’s wardrobe than they have to dissecting blatant falsehoods, discrepancies and inconsistencies in the US Government’s treatment of 9/11 and its aftermath.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There were continuing moments of alarm. A panel truck with a painting of a plane flying into the World Trade Center was stopped near the temporary command post. It proved to be rented to a group of ethnic Middle Eastern people who did not speak English. Fearing that it might be a truck bomb, the NYPD immediately evacuated the area, called out the bomb squad, and detained the occupants until a thorough search was made. The vehicle was found to be an innocent delivery truck.”<sup id="cite_ref-30" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-30">[30]</a></sup>”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“American security services overnight stopped a [[car bomb]] on the George Washington Bridge. The van, packed with [[explosive]]s, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If these Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering — and the suffering we have inflicted on others — is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them. They may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own great fault.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“All democratic circles in America and of Europe, especially those of the Italian centre-left, now know that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world, to place the blame on Arab countries and to persuade the Western powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It should be clear that it is with the "Alt Right" where the term "conservative CIA" really comes into its own. As readers will quickly find out by analyzing all the entries here, there's really no point in calling the "Alt Right" the "Alt Right". It should either be called Old Right, or, more accurately, "conservative CIA". Similar to the "liberal CIA" social Democrats and the antifa, it's a completely artificial creation, meant to pervert huge anti-immigration sentiment among the population and prevent any kind of decent, honest research into conspiracies as JFK and 9/11. If you are against further Third World immigration - which easily 70-80% of whites are and 60% of minorities - or open to conspiracy, you are literally forced to take refuge in this pre-created political box and get behind one of the gurus here. Otherwise you and your opinions essentially don't exist.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In [[Slovakia]] in the [[1990s]] I used UK companies wanting to do business to engage with local businesses. We set up the [[Klub 500]] of companies with more than 500 employees. We got UK [[MP]]s via the [[NATO]] Parliamentary Assembly to teach them how business relates to, and can fund and [[lobby]], [[political parties]] legitimately in a democracy, instead of their then model of cash in brown envelopes.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is wrong to call a person who declines a shot an "[[anti-vaxxer]]". Virtually no [[physicians]] are "anti-antibiotics" or "anti-surgery", whereas all are opposed to treatments that they think are unnecessary, more likely to harm than to benefit an individual patient, or inadequately tested.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic. And the organization is strong, and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country, as you know.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The more Jewish bodies campaign against anti-Semitism the more opposition to Jewish politics is detected.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“This is not about retribution,... This matter is going forward — we are in a '''live exercise''' here to get this right.” To which president [[Trump]] retorted “'''you should have told us'''”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It begs the question why would the Russian army commit this atrocity on civilians wearing neutral white armbands after delivering large quantities of humanitarian aid?”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We don’t want to have a lot of recovered people... To be clear, we’re trying – through the [[COVID-19/Lockdown/US|shut-down in the United States]] – to not get to one percent of the population infected. We’re well below that today, but with exponentiation, you could get past that three million [people or approximately one percent of the U.S. population being infected with COVID-19 and the vast majority recovering]. Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a [[COVID-19/Vaccine|vaccinated]] person... Because you don’t want people moving around the world where you’ll have some countries that won’t have it under control, sadly. You don’t want to completely block off the ability for people to go there and come back and move around. So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“To minimize [[COVID-19]]] infection the UK is granting early release to all non-violent, non-[[Julian Assange]] prisoners.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“These products were designed to injure, maim and kill.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We need to be careful, as it's obvious [[Big Pharma|pharmaceutical companies]] wish to make a profit and would like to keep always selling [[vaccines]] for everyone. But we need to prioritise; we need to know if they're needed or not. (We need to) not be subordinated to [[Big Pharma]] dictating us: "we need a third dose", "we need a fourth", "we need to vaccinate children".”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A vaccine is at least a year away, and success is uncertain. Treatments that hold promise need to be evaluated rigorously.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“For us therefore, we're really taking that leap [to drive innovation] – us as a company, Bayer – in cell and gene therapies [...] ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate,”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“No team I was ever part of would have picked the spike protein... I believe they did it on purpose. It was [[conspiracy|collusion]] and malfeasance.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I argue that by far the most destructive force on the planet is power-driven financiers and profit-driven corporations and their cartels backed by military might; and that the global warming myth is a red herring that contributes to hiding this truth. In my opinion, activists who, using any justification, feed the global warming myth have effectively been co-opted, or at best neutralized.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“we came up with the idea that ... global warming ... and the like, would fit the bill.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">““Conspiracy belief”, “conspiracy thinking”, “conspiracy mindset”, “conspiracy predispositions”, “conspiracist ideation”, “conspiracy ideology”, “conspiracy mentality” and “conspiracy worldview” — most of these apparently serving no distinct purpose other than an attempt at elegant variation — are all terms based upon the [[psychologists]]' own delusional beliefs. For some reason, all those researching the psychology of those they have labelled conspiracy theorist imagine, without reason, that the so-named “[[conspiracists]]” don’t have any evidence to back up their arguments.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Conspiracy theories offer simple answers to complex problems by providing explanations for uncertain situations. Thus, they should be attractive to individuals who are intolerant of uncertainty and seek cognitive closure.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“a small part in motivating the endorsement of such seemingly irrational beliefs is the desire to stick out from the crowd, the need for uniqueness”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“'''German Business News''': You dedicate a whole chapter to the Bilderbergers. What influence do the [[Bilderbergers]] really exert?<br/> '''Jürgen Roth''': Compared to the "[[round tables]]" I described, their influence is rather small. What stands out among the Bilderbergers is not so much the secrecy or the strict isolation in luxury enclaves, but who the initiators are. They are US banks and US corporations, as well as the [[Deutsche Bank]]. At its core, it is a kind of [[neoliberal]] [[think tank]], whose members sometimes have a rather obscure biography. And they try, with more or less great success, to win over politicians who are well-disposed towards them and their goals. These in turn feel flattered when they are invited. And it is particularly revealing that only representatives of [[neo-liberalism]] are invited. Critics of capitalism will not be found there.<br/> '''German Business News''': Where is the line between real power and conspiracy theory? You criticize the network of the "Round Tables". What is behind it?<br/> '''Jürgen Roth''': There is no [[conspiracy theory]], only the conspiracy of a small, exclusive, European, economic and political elite against the social and democratic state. Their goal is clearly an ideological revolution, the widespread implementation of a free, untamed market economy. [[Ulisses Garrido]], the former Portuguese trade union leader and current director of the Education Department of the European Trade Union Confederation, is far from any conspiracy theory. He explained it to me like this: "What is to be achieved is a complete change in society, without the population having any say in the matter. It is undoubtedly a silent coup."<br/> [...]<br/> '''Jürgen Roth''': The purpose of this silent coup is also the [[privatization]] of all state enterprises, or state or municipal real estate. The Deutsche Bank demands this particularly strongly. Companies are sold off at a ridiculous price, often to the favoured of the ruling political system. Vital areas such as education, health and social services are privatized, as in Portugal or Greece. What is practiced here is the expropriation of national property. I don't even want to know how much criminally gained capital has been invested in Greece, Spain or Portugal.”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] I never say conspiracy theorist, but I'm incredulous and I check stuff out, and I think if people didn't have that phrase to fall back on, they could be incredulous and check stuff out [...]”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Here's the thing. There's about 150 people that run the world. Anybody who wants to go into politics, they're all fucking puppets, okay? There are 150 and they're all men that run the world - period, full stop. They control most of the important assets, they control the money flows. And these are not the tech entrepreneurs. Now they are going to get rolled over the next five to ten years by the people that are really underneath pulling the strings. And when you get behind the curtain and see how that world works, what you realize is, it is unfairly set up for them and their progeny. Now, I'm not going to say that that's something that we can rip apart. But first order of business is, I want to break through and be at that table. That's the first order of business.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“individuals who commit elite deviance face limited effective deterrents, due to lenient penalties for such actions. The narrow presentation of elite criminality in the news enables the continued perpetration of elite deviance, allowing for the power elite to maintain a hold on the presentation of deviance in society. While the accountability structures seem to be shifting, the ingrained systems of power remain, thus enabling elite deviance to continue, regardless of the potential consequences. Looking to the future, however, a change in public perception of elite deviance appears to be occurring. With unprecedented frequency, high-power individuals are facing public allegations of crimes, as well as, incarceration, rather than benefiting from the traditional veil of secrecy and protection that previously surrounded their actions.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House ... I mean the [[secret societies]]... It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of [[Europe]] — the whole of [[Italy]] and [[France]] and a great portion of [[Germany]], to say nothing of other countries — is covered with a network of these [[secret societies]], just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads. And what are their objects? They do not attempt to conceal them. They do not want constitutional government; they do not want ameliorated institutions ... they want to change the tenure of land, to drive out the present owners of the soil and to put an end to ecclesiastical establishments. Some of them may go further...”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Work in online misinformation details how alternative media intentionally fabricate conspiracy theories, spreading false allegations ranging from reptilian presidents to staged terrorist attacks”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[Conspiracy beliefs] are — almost by definition — not shared by the majority of people.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“history has repeatedly shown that corporate and political elites do conspire against public interests. Conspiracy theories play an important role in bringing their misdeeds into the light.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“they are emotional given that negative emotions and not rational deliberations cause conspiracy beliefs... One limitation... is that the field is lacking a solid theoretical framework that contextualizes previous findings, that enables novel predictions, and that suggests '''interventions to reduce the prevalence of conspiracy theories in society'''.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“a small part in motivating the endorsement of such seemingly irrational beliefs is the desire to stick out from the crowd, the need for uniqueness.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It's important that the UN and WHO remain very clear, but when they challenge governments directly, they often get into this issue of sovereignty. (...) I think it's really critical to think about [[soft power]] influence, which is other influentials, who can call up the head of state, or powerful constituencies within those countries. We've seen this in the context of mobilizing religious leaders in the context of [[polio]], or specific business leaders where you can soften perhaps a very hard line from government through less more '''stealthy entry points''', rather than trying to punish them (...)”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The current threat from [[Islamist terrorism]] is serious and sustained. It is genuinely international in scope, involving a variety of groups, networks and individuals who are driven by particular violent and extremist beliefs. It is indiscriminate – aiming to cause mass casualties, regardless of the age, nationality, or religion of their victims; and the terrorists are often prepared to commit suicide to kill others. Overall, we judge that the scale of the threat is potentially still increasing and is not likely to diminish significantly for some years.<br/>”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“the counter-disinformation space as a whole [in Georgia] is slightly less evolved than in other regions, still being largely though not exclusively focused on fact-checking, which might be termed counter-disinformation 1.0.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Another barrier to combating disinformation is the fact that certain Kremlin-backed narratives are factually true. For example, the [[Serbia]]n organisation [[European Western Balkans]] noted that one of the country's most prominent pro-Kremlin narratives relates to Russia's ongoing support for Belgrade in the Kosovo dispute which is true. Responding to inconvenient truths, as opposed to pure [[propaganda]], is naturally more problematic.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A massive and well-coordinated cyber attack on the electric grid could devastate the economy and cause a large-scale loss of life.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The United States and Britain on Monday issued a first-of-its-kind joint warning about Russian cyberattacks against government and private organizations as well as individual homes and offices in both countries, a milestone in the escalating use of cyberweaponry between major powers.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“They completely invert the meaning of words and yet claim nothing has changed. They attack reason as irrationality and tell you insanity is sense. They almost literally report 2+2=5 and call anyone who claims it’s 4 a 'five denier'.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The weirdest thing about the Biden administration tasking itself with the censorship of "[[disinformation]]" on social media is that the United States is the hub of a globe-spanning empire that is built upon a foundation of disinformation, maintained by disinformation, and facilitated by disinformation.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“On 28 September 2023, the [[US Department of State]] released a landmark report on how the [[People’s Republic of China]] seeks to reshape the global information environment to its advantage by investing billions of dollars to construct a global information ecosystem that promotes its propaganda and facilitates [[censorship]] and the spread of "[[disinformation]]".<sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a></sup><br />:[[China]] responded: "The [[US Department of State]] report is in itself disinformation as it misrepresents facts and truth. In fact, it is the [[US]] that invented the weaponizing of the global information space. The relevant center of the [[US State Department]] which concocted the report is engaged in propaganda and infiltration in the name of “global engagement”. It is a source of disinformation and the command center of “perception warfare”.<br />:"From [[Operation Mockingbird]] which bribed and manipulated news media for propaganda purposes in the [[Cold War]] era, to a vial of white powder and a staged video of the '[[White Helmets]]' cited as evidence to wage wars of aggression in [[Iraq]] and [[Syria]] earlier this century, and then to the enormous lie made up to smear [[China]]’s Xinjiang policy, facts have proven time and again that the [[US]] is an 'empire of lies' through and through. <br />:"Even some in the [[US]], such as Senator [[Rand Paul]], acknowledged that the [[US government]] is the greatest propagator of "[[disinformation]]" in the history of the world."<sup id="cite_ref-5" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-5">[5]</a></sup>”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Should these extremist views be allow [sic.] in society with the risk they could incite some to violence?”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“the distinction between “non-violent extremism” and “violent extremism” is not a valid one.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Despite widespread evidence to the contrary, including a [[PREVENT]] training presentation from the police describing anti-[[fracking]] protesters as extremists, the police argued in court that anti-fracking protesters were not viewed in this way.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In the article, the ''[Washington] Post'' blurred the lines between “fake news” – stories that are simply made up – and what was deemed “propaganda,” in effect, information that didn’t jibe with what the U.S. State Department was saying.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“CNN is the ultimate "[[fake news]]" network. There isn't a day that goes by where CNN doesn't deliberately fake a news story, distort a significant event for political purposes, or censor an important piece of news they don't want their viewers to discover.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“long before “fake news” became a major media topic, the US government was already planning its legally-backed crackdown on anything it would eventually label “fake news".”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The mainstream [[corporate media]] is desperate. They want to suppress independent and alternative online media, which it categorizes as “fake news”. Readers on social media are warned not to go onto certain sites. The intent of this initiative is to smear honest reporting and Truth in Media. Our analysis confirms that the corporate media are routinely involved in distorting the facts and turning realities upside down. They are the unspoken architects of “Fake News”.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Using the simple privileges of [[banks]], the "financial services industry" has become a gigantic predatory [[parasite]] draining the human and natural worlds of life.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] to betray secrets again .. we said we have to find a model, to generate compliance, which is a little bit "science-like", and that was this formula "flatten the curve". We talked, how is it possible to convince the people to go along? We told them -this [the model] looks like science right?- if you are disciplined, you can change the curve. There is a visualization of individual changes to one's behavior in a way that it connects to science.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I don't think a free market has existed in the [[United States]] since I was born in [[1935]]. The market is rigged by enormous subsidies that go to favoured businesses. It's rigged in a half dozen other ways but that way alone would tip the scales. We have so many businesses that actually are bankrupt. They can't compete but they seem to be able to compete because your tax money and mine get poured into them in quiet, unnoticable ways.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“OK. Here’s what we did. We [were] within their 12-mile limit, and that’s a matter that hasn’t been settled. But there have been some covert operations in that area that we have been carrying on – blowing up some bridges and things of that kind, roads, and so forth. So I imagine they wanted to put a stop to it. So they come out there and fire and we respond immediately with five-inch guns from the destroyer and with planes overhead. And we cripple them up – knock one of them out and cripple the other two. And then we go right back where we were with that destroyer [the Maddox], and with another one [the Turner Joy], plus plenty of planes standing by. And that’s where we are now.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I attempted to criticize the “hate group” concept on Wikipedia, by adding a section doing just that to its “hate group” article. The top editors over there would have none of it. Wikipedia’s editors are so left-wing, they think the SPLC is a neutral, apolitical organization, if you can believe it. Wikipedia, a supposedly unbiased and independent online encyclopedia and information source, has unfortunately become a mouthpiece for the Cultural Marxist US power class.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The further a [[society]] drifts from [[truth]] the more it will hate those who speak it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Suddenly, children in Syria matter a lot to the West, while [[Yemen]]'s child victims are rarely ever mentioned. Suddenly there’s an urgent moral issue being rushed through the court of public opinion. This has all the hallmarks of the prior propaganda campaigns we’ve seen before. Scant evidence, immediate assignment of blame, and a quick rush to military action before anybody can really properly question the train of events.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Humanitarian justification of intervention does not benignly shape hegemonic [[foreign policy]] or reduce inter-state bellicosity; rather, it inflames both.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“One of the most complicated and intrigue-filled scandals in recent decades, the Iran-contra affair dominated the news for many months. It consisted of three interconnected parts: The Reagan administration sold arms to Iran, a country desperate for materiel during its lengthy war with Iraq; in exchange for the arms, Iran was to use its influence to help gain the release of Americans held hostage in Lebanon; and the arms were purchased at high prices, with the excess profits diverted to fund the Reagan-favored "contras" fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Every [[war]] when it comes, or before it comes, is [[war/Propaganda|represented]] not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“"[[terrorism]]" in the post-[[9/11]] American vernacular has become shorthand for "[[Islamic terrorism]]."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“the phrase and meme are fast becoming the most censored words of 2021, yet still entire stadiums of fans at sports games now regularly in unison shout ''Let's go Brandon'' ...even at high school or college games.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Nor, for example, is there any reason to interpret the 'lone assassin' verdict, which emerged immediately after [[JFK/Assassination|the assassination]] as itself an indicator of the conspiracy at work. On the perspective I am suggesting, almost before Kennedy's heart stopped beating the one thing which everyone involved would have agreed upon, without discussion, never mind coercion, was that a 'lone nut' verdict had to emerge. The 'truth' was not an issue: in politics the 'truth' is simply a tool.<sup id="cite_ref-7" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-7">[7]</a></sup> The point about the 'lone nut' is that it was then, and remains (cf Hinckley) the only safe explanation for political assassination within America. 'Disney America'<sup id="cite_ref-8" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-8">[8]</a></sup>, the fantasy pluralist democracy described in the textbooks on the American political system, cannot accommodate planned political assassination.<sup id="cite_ref-9" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-9">[9]</a></sup>”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We need to insist, as we insisted at [[Nuremberg]], that no raison d'état is off-limits to public scrutiny, public criticism and public wrath.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“What possible justification can there be, 43 years on, for information about it [the trial of the [[Shrewsbury 24]]], to be withheld on national security grounds? The failure to disclose has less to do with national security and much more to do with the potential for political embarrassment.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Human nature being what it is, the [[MICC]] comprises avaricious individuals who seek to gain private benefit at public cost. But the idea that all the players knowingly conspire to mastermind so intricate a system is difficult to prove, and unnecessary. Instead corruption among defence contractors, Representatives in [[US/Congress|Congress]] and the military brass is standard operating procedure camouflaged by an incestuous labyrinthine system and the primacy of '[[national security]]'. Not only do the corrupt actors need to be held to account but, as importantly, the system needs to be untangled.<sup id="cite_ref-10" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-10">[10]</a></sup><br />To further understand this entanglement. I met [[Chuck Spinney]], a life-long [[Pentagon]] insider who experienced this labyrinth on a daily basis for over two decades. He produced a vast body of work explaining how the Pentagon really operates. His efforts culminated in the wrath of all the participants in the MICC but saw him featured on the cover of ''[[Time magazine|Time]]'' magazine.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“non-violent extremism goes unchallenged, the values that bind our society together fragment.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It can even be argued that ‘[[non-violent extremism]]’ is a contradiction in terms. While there can be non-violent and violent radicals, it makes, in my view and based on the distinction between radicalism and [[extremism]] elaborated above, less sense to distinguish between violent and non-violent extremists.”  +
    <font face="Times New Roman"><br/><br/>'''Investigatory Powers Act 2016''' '''   [[Investigatory Powers Commissioner]] (Additional Directed Oversight Functions)<br/>''' '''      (Security Service agent participation in criminality) Direction 2017''' The [[UK/Prime Minister|Prime Minister]], in exercise of the power conferred by section 230 of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 ("the Act), directs the [[Investigatory Powers Commissioner]] as follows: '''Citation and Commencement''' :1. This direction may be cited as the Investigatory Powers Commissioner (Additional Directed Oversight Functions (Security Service participation in criminality) Direction 2017 :2. This Direction comes into force on 1<sup>st</sup> September 2017. '''Additional Review Functions''' :3. The Investigatory Powers Commissioner shall keep under review the application of the [[MI5|Security Service]] guidelines on the use of agents who participate in criminality and the authorisations issued in accordance with them.       Signed:[[image:TMay_signature.png|134px]]       Date:    [[image:22-8-17-handwriting.png|134px]]  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“''Overpopulation'' and the overreliance on irrigation was a major factor in making the Maya vulnerable to failure: the trigger event of their collapse appears to have been a long ''drought'' beginning about 840 A.D. (communication of V. Scarborough, an archaelogist (sic!) from the University of Cincinnati [90]). Among many factors, such as war and ''plagues'', that contributed to many of the collapses of ancient societies, there seem to be two main causes: ''too many people and too little fresh water''. As a consequence, the civilization became vulnerable to environmental stress, for instance, a prolonged drought or a ''change in climate'' [90]. The societies themselves appear to have contributed to their own demise by encouraging ''growth of their population'' to levels that carried the seeds of their own decline through overexploitation of the land (communication of C. Scarre, an archaelogist (sic!) from the Cambridge University in England [90]). Similarly, the Akkadian empire in Mesopotamia, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the Indus Valley civilization in India, and early societies in Palestine, Greece, and Crete all collapsed in a [[Disaster|catastrophic]] drought and ''cooling of the atmosphere'' between 2300 and 2200 B.C.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Reality]] is under assault. Verbal [[confusion]] reigns. [[Truth]] and [[illusion]] have merged. Mental chaos makes it hard to fathom what is happening. We feel trapped in a hall of mirrors. Exposed lies are answered with other lies. The rational is countered with the irrational. Cognitive dissonance prevails. We endure a disquieting shame and even guilt. Tens of millions of Americans, especially [[women]], undocumented workers, [[Muslims]] and African-Americans, suffer the acute anxiety of being pursued by a predator. All this is by design. Demagogues always infect the governed with their own [[psychosis]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“making use of fictional work for reinforcing messages about Russian hybrid warfare”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Chinese authorities, bolstered by technology, arbitrarily and indefinitely detaining Turkic [[Muslims]] in Xinjiang en masse for actions and behavior that are not crimes under Chinese law. And yet Chinese authorities continue to make wildly inaccurate claims that their “sophisticated” systems are keeping Xinjiang safe by “targeting” [[terrorists]] “with precision.””  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“These days kids know well that if you want to get famous and discussed by [[corporate media|media]] for three weeks straight, then go shoot somebody and they will probably talk about you. That's the kind of stuff they train kids to think, without saying that. That's a horrible thing to say,but it's the truth. If you are a deranged kid out there, you're suicidal and want to be remembered, they are ''telling'' you, here's what to do. That's what radicalization looks like in the real world, not the fairytale they are building. [[Corporate media]], the two-party paradigm, radicalize people every day. Having information in front of you, even crazy stuff, that is not what's doing that.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“What's funny about all this is that by constantly warning of the dangers of Russian propaganda, imperial [[spinmeisters]] are admitting that they know it's possible to [[manipulate public thought]] at mass scale using [[CCM|media]]. They're just lying about who's doing it to us. In reality, they're not worried about Russian propaganda. "[[Russian propaganda]]" is just a [[spooky]] [[controlling the narrative|story we are told]] to keep us from noticing that our civilization is saturated in [[US propaganda]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Drug companies never talk about the benefits and harms of their [[drugs]] but about their efficacy and safety. Words create what they describe and the preferred semantic is seductive. It makes you think it can only be good for you to take drugs, as they are both efficacious and safe. Another reason why patients and [[doctors]] generally trust their drugs as being both efficacious and safe is that they think they have been carefully tested by the [[drug industry]] and carefully scrutinised by the [[drug regulatory agencies]] using high standards before they are allowed on the market.<br> It is the other way round.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">““city will be divided into six '''districts''', and motorists will get '''fined if they leave their neighbourhood too often'''” “150,000 residents will be allowed to use their cars as much as they like within their district and will be given free permits allowing them to drive to other districts on 100 days a year. '''If they exceed this limit, they will be fined''', possibly £70 a journey or a day.” “A maximum of three permits a household will be allowed if there are several adults with cars registered to the address.” “At the heart of the plan is a desire to reduce traffic and make city living more pleasant, creating a '''“15-minute city”''' within a small walking radius, a concept popularised during the pandemic” - Nicholas Hellen Transport Editor of The Times in the article partly hidden behind the paywall”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A '''smart city''' program aims to create “an effective urban management system, creating safe and comfortable living conditions for citizens.” Sobyanin’s “Smart City – 2030” project for Moscow provides an extreme example of what this initiative hopes to accomplish. The ambitious reimagining of the Russian capital is already being carried out by the city’s Department of Information Technologies. Among other perks, Moscow residents will be issued “genetic passports” that can be used to administer gene therapies. “Wearable and implanted medical digital devices” will collect information about an individual’s lifestyle and calculate payments to health insurance companies. By the end of the decade, [[Russia]]'s capital will harness “digital technologies” to ensure “sustainable growth in the quality of life of Muscovites,” according to the project’s official website.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“"'''Public Buses Across Country Quietly Adding Microphones to Record Passenger Conversations''' ''Transit authorities in cities across the country are quietly installing microphone-enabled surveillance systems on public buses that would give them the ability to record and store private conversations. The systems are raising a number of privacy and security concerns.'' The systems use cables or WiFi to pair audio conversations with camera images in order to produce synchronous recordings. Audio and video can be monitored in real-time, but are also stored onboard in blackbox-like devices, generally for 30 days, for later retrieval. Four to six cameras with mics are generally installed throughout a bus, including one near the driver and one on the exterior of the bus. Cities that have installed the systems or have taken steps to procure them include San Francisco, California; Eugene, Oregon; Traverse City, Michigan; Columbus, Ohio; Baltimore Maryland; Hartford, Connecticut; and Athens, Georgia. San Francisco transit authorities recently approved a $5.9 million contract to install an audio surveillance system on 357 buses and vintage trolley cars, paid for in full with a grant from DHS. The contract includes the option to expand the equipment to an additional 600 vehicles. Concord, New Hampshire also used part of a $1.2 million economic stimulus grant to install its new video/audio surveillance system on buses, according to the Daily. Transit officials say the systems will help improve the safety of passengers and drivers and resolve complaints from riders. But privacy and security expert Ashkan Soltani told the Daily that the audio could easily be coupled with facial recognition systems or audio recognition technology to identify passengers caught on the recordings."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“"A controversial bid to stop people travelling between neighbourhoods has been branded "a draconian ban on free movement" as the plan goes out to consultation. Canterbury City Council unveiled its radical vision for the district last week, with it proposing to divide the city up into five areas"”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Rights]] aren't rights if someone can take them away, They're [[privilege]]s.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The [[Strike Hard Campaign]] has shown complete disregard for the rights of Turkic [[Muslims]] to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. In [[Xinjiang]], authorities have created a system that considers individuals suspicious based on broad and dubious criteria, and then generates lists of people to be evaluated by officials for detention. Official documents state that individuals “who ought to be taken, should be taken,” suggesting the goal is to maximize the number of people they find “untrustworthy” in detention. Such people are then subjected to police interrogation without basic procedural protections. They have no right to legal counsel, and some are subjected to [[torture]] and mistreatment, for which they have no effective redress, as we have documented in our September 2018 report. The result is Chinese authorities, bolstered by technology, arbitrarily and indefinitely detaining Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang en masse for actions and behavior that are not crimes under Chinese law.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Credible estimates indicate that under this heightened repression, up to one million people are being held in “political education” camps. The government’s “Strike Hard Campaign against Violent Terrorism” ([[Strike Hard Campaign]], 严厉打击暴力恐怖活动专项行动) has turned [[Xinjiang]] into one of China’s major centers for using innovative technologies for [[social control]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Terrorism is not really an '[[-ism]]'. There's no connection between the [[Sandinistas]] who fought the [[Contras]] and [[Al Qaida]] or [[Colombia]]'s [[FARC]] and fisherman turned [[pirates]] in [[Africa]] and [[Asia]], yet they are all called "[[terrorists]]". That's just a convenient way for [[US/Deep state|your government]] to [[convince the world]] that there is another [[enemy]] '-ism' out there, like [[communism]] used to be. It diverts attention from the very real problems. Our narrow-minded attitudes and the resultant policies foment [[violence]], [[rebellion]] and [[war]]s. In the long run, almost noone benefits from attacking the people we [[label]] as "terrorists", with one, glaring exception:- the [[corporatocracy]]. Those who own and run the [[companies]] that build the ships, [[missiles]] and armoured vehicles, [[make guns]], uniforms and bulletproof vests, distribute [[food]], [[soft drinks]] and [[ammunition]], provide [[insurance]], [[medicines]] and toilet paper, constructions [[port]]s, [[airstrip]]s and [[housing]] and reconstruct devastated [[villages]], [[schools]], [[factories]] and [[hospitals]]. They, and only they, are the [[big winners]]. The rest of us are [[hoodwinked]] by that one, loaded word "[[terrorist]]". The current economic collapse has awakened us to the importance of regulating and reining in the people who control the businesses that benefit from the [[misuse of words]] like "terrorism" and who perpetrate other [[scams]]. We recognize today that white collar executives are not a special, incorruptible breed.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is critical to understand that the threat from groups historically seen as direct sponsors of terrorism such as ISIS/Daesh and the coordinated state efforts from Russia in recent years are linked.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“At long last, the government has conceded that plaintiff poses no threat to air safety or national security and should never have been placed on the no-fly list. She got there by human error within the [[FBI]]. This too is conceded. This was no minor human error but an error with palpable impact, leading to the humiliation, cuffing, and incarceration of an innocent and incapacitated air traveler. That it was human error may seem hard to accept — the FBI agent filled out the nomination form in a way exactly opposite from the instructions on the form, a bureaucratic analogy to a surgeon amputating the wrong digit — human error, yes, but of considerable consequence.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“the ambition is huge; both in terms of scale – as it applies to all EU member states – and also in the power it would grant to citizens throughout the Bloc. For the first time, citizens would be able to use a [[European Digital Identity wallet]], from their phone, that would give them access to services in any region across [[Europe]]....It gets really exciting when you realise that the wallet can host both digitalised identity and payment credentials. This could allow people, for example, to pay a deposit on a new apartment or settle an outstanding speeding fine directly from their smartphone.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“all EU citizens have a fundamental right to free movement in the EU. The EU Digital Covid Certificate, available in paper or digital format, will make it easier for Europeans to travel...”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Eventually we will need some [[digital certificate]]s to show who has recovered or been tested (for [[COVID-19]]) recently, or when we have a [[COVID-19/Vaccine|vaccine]], who has received it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">““We have no plans to introduce them” said the [[UK/Prime Minister|prime minister]] ([[Boris Johnson]]) when talking about so-called [[vaccine passports]]. “I certainly am not planning to issue any [[vaccine passports]] and I don't know anyone else in government who would”, said [[Michael Gove]] and “no one has been given or will be required to have a vaccine passport” said the man himself, the [[UK/Minister for Covid Vaccine Deployment|vaccine's minister]] [[Nadhim Zahawi]]. Now in a [[slippery slope|slope slipperier]] than the ones Eddie the Eagle used to chuck himself off, it seems the government have changed their mind. First it was talk of nightclubs or sports events, and now the government is I quote “not ruling out making students be fully vaccinated to attend lectures”.... I guarantee you this is not where it ends.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A free market for drugs would unleash a drug epidemic, while a regulated one would create a parallel criminal market.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“See, if you look at the drug war from a purely economic point of view, the role of the government is to protect the drug cartel.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Given terrorism's unique dependence on publicity and amplification, the media have a crucial role in either facilitating or obstructing the spread of terrorism against the West... manipulation of public opinion is in fact, central to the terrorist strategy. For this purpose, access to the media, indeed their domination, is indispensable.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Western governments and the financial sponsors of [[jihad]]... [W]e remain allies with those who have sponsored this terrorism for the last 30 years.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The surest defense against terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Wikipedia is not just what it appears to be. It is more than a lexicon. It is also a bogus encyclopedia, a small but effective opinion manipulation machine. In certain areas, the encyclopedia becomes a pseudo-encyclopedia and has for years been dominated by a small group consisting of approx. 200 people. The only thing remaining is something that looks like a reference book, but is in the hands of dogmatists and people who write in [[Wikipedia]] non-stop, but have no qualifications in the areas they write about.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Lord Milner had just orchestrated a [[1916 British coup|British coup in 1916]] ousting Labour’s [[Herbert Asquith]] in order to bring Milner’s [[Round Table group]] into dominance as a shaper of imperial foreign policy at a pivotal moment in history. This coup allowed this group to define the terms of the [[WWI/Legacy|Post-war world]] at Versailles”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I saw and approached the hungry and desperate mother, as if drawn by a magnet. I do not remember how I explained my presence or my camera to her, but I do remember she asked me no questions. I made five exposures, working closer and closer from the same direction. I did not ask her name or her history. She told me her age, that she was thirty-two. She said that they had been living on frozen vegetables from the surrounding fields, and birds that the children killed. She had just sold the tires from her car to buy food. There she sat in that lean- to tent with her children huddled around her, and seemed to know that my pictures might help her, and so she helped me. There was a sort of equality about it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“JIC-502 intelligence report titled “Implications of [[Soviet]] Possession of [[Atomic Weapons]]” drafted in Jan 20th 1950, turned out not to be an intelligence report at all but rather a sales pitch, claiming that a nuclear-armed [[Soviet Union]] had introduced the notion that “a tremendous military advantage would be gained by the power that struck first and succeeded in carrying through an effective surprise attack.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The oil cartel or deep state initiated in 1951 a process [to remove Mossadeq from power] that the American public state only authorised [through the CIA] two years later”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In August 1959, [[Cees Van den Heuvel|['Cees'] Van den Heuvel]] set up a foundation for research into human ecology based in the [[Hague]]. The title is indicative, if not conclusive: in 1955, the [[CIA]] had founded a [[Society for the Study of Human Ecology]] which changed name in 1961 to become the [[Human Ecology Fund]]. Both American organizations were funding conduits for the CIA's [[MK-ULTRA]] programme of research into [[mind control]] and [[brainwashing]]. Van den Heuvel's human ecology foundation would soon change titles to the [[Oost-West Stichting]] (East-West Foundation), which received funding from the [[BVD]]. According to an Italian secret service ([[SIFAR]]) report dated October [[1963]], the BVD funded a meeting in [[Barbizon]] near [[Paris]] on 5th - 8th October [[1961]] where "the participants decided to unite all efforts and initiatives of [[the struggle against Communism]] within a new organization and place these on a serious and expert footing."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A [[US Army]] operating manual from 1956 stated explicitly that biological and chemical warfare were an integral operating portion of US military strategy, were not restricted in any way, and that [[US/Congress|Congress]] had given the military “First Strike” authority on their use. In 1959, an attempt by Congress to remove this first-strike authority was defeated by the White House and bio-chemical weapons expenditures increased from $75 million to almost $350 million.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“After five decades, the mysteries behind the assassinations of [[JFK/Assassination|John F. Kennedy]], [[RFK/Assassination|Robert F. Kennedy]], [[MLK/Assassination|Martin Luther King Jr.]] and [[Malcolm X/Assassination|Malcolm X]] may finally get the scrutiny they deserve. A group consisting of relatives of the Kennedy and King families, as well as their confidantes and other prominent voices, is calling for a [[Truth and Reconciliation Committee]] to get to the bottom of these tragic murders.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[M]uch of the destabilization of British [[democracy]] in the 1970s can only be fully understood by analysing the international support given to groups like the Anglo-American “deniable propaganda” outlet, the [[Institute for the Study of Conflict]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The [[Savings and Loan crisis]] was a huge wealth transfer... According to people like ''[[Houston Post]]'s [[Pete Brewton]] It was intelligence and organized crime that essentially collaborated with major [[Wall St bank]]s at the time like [[Drexel Burnham Lambert]] and some of these other groups. This particular nexus, by [[taking like 6 billion dollars out of the savings and loan industry]] when it was deregulated basically buy what they didn't already own of corporate America. And so you have [[The Cabal|the same group]] more or less having compromised [[politicians]] through [[sex blackmail]] for decades, and by the time they own corporate America, due to the role that corporate America plays in US politics they can essentially buy everyone else out... During the same period of time, this network was also basically finding a way to [[off-the-books finance]], erm "activities" — secret wars, really — ''all over the globe'', not just in [[Nicaragua]], at the the time, but really congressional approval to finance proxy armies... and for a long time this was justified with "this is necessary to [[fight the communists]]" and of course with the fall of the Soviet Union that excuse sort of collapses. And from that point, I see that power nexus in the 80s, after the [[fall of the Soviet Union]] I see that there's two, really a split, and you see it with [[US politics]] today. You have people... hungry for a return to the [[Reagan era]] days where America is on top and use these same types of illegal activities to further [[US imperialism]], with a sort of warped idea of American [[nationalism]]. And then you have this other side that's the internationalist camp or the [[globalists]] that want [[global governance]], and you sort of have them ''competing'' but... both factions go back to [[Iran contra]] and these intelligence, [[organized crime]] [[criminal gang|group]]s.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The political stability of Eastern Europe will continue into the [[1990s|nineties]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In one sense [[MI6]] and [[MI5]] have got it right, are, in fact, a brilliant success. Faced with their biggest crisis of the post-war period, the end of the Red Menace which justified the budgets, the careers and the gongs, they have emerged with budgets renewed, new agendas approved; untouched by the politicians, unsupervised by anyone, still - we are not supposed to laugh - still accountable to the Crown not Parliament ( i.e. to no-one). Both MI6 and MI5 have reacted to the new conditions post [[Cold War]] in thoroughly competent, even creative ways. Needing something something to justify the budget, MI6 picked the international drug trade. Far as I know, since MI6 joined the '[[war against drugs]]' the price of [[cocaine]] and [[heroin]] in the UK at street level has halved: it is now cheaper to get off your face, as they say in Hull, on smack than it is on [[alcohol]]. And didn't I read a few months ago that MI6 had persuaded [[Clare Short]] to task them to provide her with early warning of [[coups]] in the developing world? An honest-to-goodness license to do anything, anywhere. Only a Labour government, timid and ignorant, would fall for a proposal as preposterous as that one. MI5 hardly paused for breath after losing the KGB 'threat' contained in the Soviet Embassy and its Trade Mission, before acquiring the [[domestic terrorism]] franchise from the [[Met Special Branch]] and beginning the process of hyping up the animal rights and green activists as a new terrorist threat. (And they are getting a new definition of [[terrorism]] run through the Houses of Parliament to support it.) Of course, only the politicians and some of the media - the handful who are paying any attention at all - take the talk of the war on drugs seriously. MI6 don't, I am sure; any more than they seriously intend to provide Clare Short with an early warning of coups in the Third World. At the higher levels of MI6, MI5 and all the rest they must be chortling in the senior dining rooms at the incredible gullibility of the British political class - and this present lot in particular.”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is widely believed by the general public that a retrovirus called [[HIV]] causes a group of diseases called [[AIDS]]. Many biomedical scientists now question this hypothesis. We propose a thorough reappraisal of the existing evidence for and against this hypothesis, to be conducted by a suitable independent group. We further propose that the critical epidemiological studies be devised and undertaken.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The 1993 WTC bombing created the necessary pretext for a massive engineering upgrade of the WTC complex. The purpose of the 1993 WTC bombing was not to bring down the WTC. A truck bomb could not bring down a structure as large as the WTC. The purpose of the 1993 WTC bombing was to create a rationale for a “security upgrade” of the WTC complex. And for this purpose, the 1993 WTC bombing succeeded perfectly. According to [[Alan Reiss]], the [[PANYNJ]]’s World Trade Center Director, “After the 1993 bombing, we implemented a ten-year redevelopment program. We were spending a half a billion dollars on upgrades. It was an engineer’s dream”. After the 1993 bombing, the [[PANYNJ]] brought in [[Kroll Associates]] to do a “complete security analysis”. The executive director of the Port Authority emphasized the importance of Kroll’s work at the WTC by saying, “We have such confidence in [Kroll] that I have followed every one of their recommendations. The person who led Kroll’s work on the WTC was [[Brian Michael Jenkins]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The initial point of impact was 810 feet above mean sea level and about 500 metres east of the lighthouse, but the bulk of the aircraft remained airborne for a further 187 metres horizontally north and 90 feet vertically before coming to rest in pieces. Fire broke out immediately. All those on board sustained injuries from which they must have died almost instantaneously. The points of impact were shrouded in local cloud with visibility reduced to a few metres, which prevented those witnesses who had heard the aircraft from seeing it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“After seventeen years of blaming the two pilots of the RAF Chinook which crashed in 1994, killing all 29 people (senior police and secret police), the MOD changed its mind and announced that it wasn’t their fault at all: it was the helicopter. Even to a casual reader like me this was obvious almost immediately after the official lies were issued. But the RAF as an institution went along with the lie. Why? Because they did not want to blame the helicopter. Criticising Sikorsky, its maker, is criticising America.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In Turkey we have a marriage of Islam and democracy. (...) The child of this marriage is secularism. Now this child gets sick from time to time. The Turkish Armed Forces is the doctor which saves the child. Depending on how sick the kid is, we administer the necessary medicine to make sure the child recuperates.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If [Bruce Ivins] is the one who sent the letter, I do not believe in any way, shape or manner that he is the only person involved in this attack on Congress and the American people. I do not believe that at all. I believe there are others involved, either as accessories before or accessories after the fact. I believe that there are others out there, I believe there are others who could be charged with [[murder]]. I just want you to know how I feel about it, as one of the people who was aimed at in the attack."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“'''Procuraduria General de la Republica de Mexico<br/> México, D.F., a 12 de octubre de 2001<br/> Boletín No. 697/01''' :LA PGR INFORMA SOBRE LA SITUACIÓN DE LOS SUJETOS DETENIDOS EN LA CÁMARA DE DIPUTADOS Respecto a la situación de los 2 sujetos detenidos el pasado miércoles en las inmediaciones del Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro, la Procuraduría General de la República informa que el ciudadano israelí Saer Ben-Zvi o [[Saar Noam Ben Zvi]] fue puesto a disposición del Juzgado Primero de Distrito “A” de Procesos Penales Federales en el Distrito Federal, en tanto que al mexicano [[Salvador Gersson Smeck]] se le dictó auto de libertad con las reservas de la ley, debido a que no se encontraron elementos para su consignación. En virtud de que cuando fue detenido [[Gersson Smeck]] portaba un arma calibre 9 milímetros, quedó en libertad con reservas de la ley y se dio vista a la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional en relación al permiso de portación de arma de fuego con que cuenta. El israelí [[Ben Zvi]] fue internado en el Reclusorio Varonil Norte, pendiente de que se le resuelva su situación jurídica, como probable responsable de la comisión de delitos de violación de la Ley General de Población, previstos y sancionados por los artículos 123 y 143 de la Ley General de Población, todos en concordancia con el 6º. Y 7º., fracción 1º, 8º. 9º y 13º, Fracción II del Código Penal Federal, con lo que se da inicio al proceso penal correspondiente.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Los Angeles, Alta California - October 12, 2001 - (ACN) We were alerted this morning by a subscriber from [[Mexico]] that two [[Israelis]] were arrested Wednesday inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lбzaro (Mexican Congress) in [[Mexico City]]. Both were armed with 9 mm automatics and one was carrying a military hand grenade, electrical wiring and other bomb related materials. The Israeli Embassy at Sierra Madre 2155, colonia Lomas de Chapultepec has close its doors to the Mexican Press and are refusing to talk. The incident has been independently verified by [[La Voz de Aztlan]] through Mexican diplomatic, press and other sources in [[Mexico City]]. The Chief of Legislative Security, [[Salvador Alarcуn]], has also confirmed the arrest of the two Israeli [[terrorists]]. One of them [[Saur Ben Zvi]] is a confirmed citizen of Israel and the other, [[Salvador Guersson]], recently immigrated to Mexico from Israel. It is has been determined by the Procuradurнa General de la Repъblica (Mexican Department of Justice) that Guersson is a retired Colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces and that he may now be operating as a [[MOSSAD]] agent. It is not known how they were able to penetrate the extensive security system of the Mexican Legislative Palace. This is a very grave incident with many serious international implications. Many have questioned who may be really behind many of the recent terrorist acts around the world including the ones against the WTC and the Pentagon. The Mexican public and congress has been reticent about declaring war against Islam along with the U.S. It is possible that an act of "terrorism" against the Mexican Congress was planned in order to "terrorize" Mexico into towing the line against Islam. La Voz de Aztlan will be on top of this developing story to report any additional developments.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“You know better than I that we cannot deal with these people (the Guantanamo detainees). I can't detain them. If I take their passports, they will sue to get them back. I can talk to you into next week about building a rehabilitation center, but it won't happen. We are not Saudi Arabia; we cannot isolate these people in desert camps or somewhere on an island. We cannot compel them to stay. If they are rotten, they are rotten and the best thing to do is get rid of them. You picked them up in Afghanistan; you should drop them off in Afghanistan, in the middle of the war zone.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Gaddafi's government holds 143 tons of [[gold]], and a similar amount in silver. This gold was intended to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide Francophone Africa with an alternative to the CFA."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I suspect this entire Ukraine Crisis had been war-gamed and war planned quite some time ago at the highest levels of US/NATO. '''Notice DOD slipped 2 US warships into the Black Sea just before the Olympics under a patently absurd pretext. In other words, what we are seeing unfold here is a US/NATO War Plan.''' They instigated the fascist coup against Yanukovich. They anticipated that Putin would then respond by taking over Crimea. I suspect the US/NATO/EU response will be to introduce military forces into Western Ukraine and Kiev and thus make Ukraine a de facto member of [[NATO]], which has been their objective all along. They have already anticipated what Putin’s next move after that will be. '''Notice also the massive anti-Russian campaign by the Western News Media working in lock-step with each other. Another sign that all this has been planned well in advance.''' '''I suspect that US/NATO/EU figure that Putin knows they have this offensive, first-strike strategic nuclear capability with a rudimentary ABM/BMD capability so that at the end of the day he will be forced to stand down—or else.''' ''Compellence'' as opposed to ''Deterrence''. Just like during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That is where this US/NATO/EU War Plan is heading on the assumptions that they can keep their deliberate Escalation Dominance under their control and that at the end of the day Putin will be forced to stand down just like Khrushchev did and for the same reasons. That would leave US/NATO/EU in control of at least half of Ukraine as a de facto NATO member state.”  +
    <font face="Times New Roman">'''Investigatory Powers Act 2016''' '''   [[Investigatory Powers Commissioner]] (Additional Directed Oversight Functions)<br/>''' '''      (Security Service agent participation in criminality) Direction 2017''' The [[UK/Prime Minister|Prime Minister]], in exercise of the power conferred by section 230 of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 ("the Act), directs the [[Investigatory Powers Commissioner]] as follows: '''Citation and Commencement''' :1. This direction may be cited as the Investigatory Powers Commissioner (Additional Directed Oversight Functions (Security Service participation in criminality) Direction 2017 :2. This Direction comes into force on 1<sup>st</sup> September 2017. '''Additional Review Functions''' :3. The Investigatory Powers Commissioner shall keep under review the application of the [[MI5|Security Service]] guidelines on the use of agents who participate in criminality and the authorisations issued in accordance with them.       Signed:[[image:TMay_signature.png|134px]]       Date:    [[image:22-8-17-handwriting.png|134px]]  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The terrorist attack staged by [[Khalid Masood]] on 22 March 2017, in which he attempted to enter Parliament, raised some questions. Most interesting, to my mind, was the matter of how he managed to arrive with such precision at the moment when the Carriage Gate to the South of the parliamentary estate was not only wide open but with just its regular unarmed, and low-key, uniformed police presence as a guard. In fact, were it not for the fortuitous presence at the scene of the armed bodyguard of [[Defence Secretary]] [[Michael Fallon]], Masood would undoubtedly have got further with his attack than he did. It was widely reported Masood had been using the popular encrypted instant messaging application WhatsApp on his mobile in the immediate lead up to the attack. Since it seems improbable that he was chatting casually about nothing in particular as he drove to his certain death, the presence of irretrievable messages suggests some kind of coordination. From that arises almost automatically the hypothesis that Masood had a source in the parliamentary estate, steering him towards the right place and time to penetrate Parliament’s defences.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“As [[the Establishment]] feels its grip slipping, as people wake up to the appalling economic exploitation by the few that underlies the very foundations of modern western society, expect the methods used by the security services to become even dirtier. You can bank on continued ramping up of [[Russophobia]] to supply “the enemy”. As both [[Scottish Independence]] and [[Jeremy Corbyn]] are viewed as real threats by the British Establishment, you can anticipate every possible kind of dirty trick in the next couple of years, with increasing frequency and audacity.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I once asked the question: is this [[COVID-19/Pandemic|pandemic]], this [[coronavirus]], a man-made phenomenon? I don’t know the answer yet, but I have my suspicions. Are politicians and others using this situation for their own purposes? You and I both know the answer to that question. You already see how it is used today... Doesn’t it seem to you that the powerful forces of the world would like to remake the world, without a ‘war’ ([[Emmanuel Macron]] has already called it a war), through this so-called ‘[[COVID-19/Panic|corona-psychosis]]’, or ‘info-demic’? Many people are asking: ‘what will happen after the pandemic?’”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In a blunt opening statement before the talks in private, Mr [[Anthony Blinken]] said the US would "discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, [[cyber attacks]] on the United States, economic coercion of our allies". "Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability," he said. In response, Mr [[Yang Jiechi]] accused Washington of using its military might and financial supremacy to suppress other countries. "It abuses so-called notions of national security to obstruct normal trade exchanges, and incite some countries to attack China," he added. Mr Yang said human rights in the US were at a low point, with black Americans being "slaughtered".”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Children report having online sexual interactions at high rates — both with their peers and people they believe to adults: 25 percent of kids 9-17 reported having had a sexually explicit interaction with someone they thought was 18 or older, compared to 23 percent of participants that had a similar experience with someone they believed to be a minor. (...) The majority of children who block or report other users say those same users quickly find them again online: More than half of children who blocked someone said they were contacted again by the same person again, either through a new account or a different platform. This was true both for people children knew in real life (54 percent) and people they had only met online (51 percent).”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The Biden administration is revving up for a war against an enemy which [[FBI|the feds]] have chosen to never explicitly define.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Speaking of shorting stock did they ever find out who shorted those airlines stocks just before 9/11? Just Asking. You Wallstreet fucks are worried about GameStop but there are deep questions that get brought up. Enjoy.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If powerful males having sex with underage girls is not a problem—if there’s no need to identify & prosecute them—then why hold #GhislaineMaxwell responsible for trafficking? If her actions were reprehensible, then what’s the excuse for not punishing the other criminals involved?”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Wall Street]] and [[Central banks]] are trying to take ownership of nature and the global commons why we are being pushed into a virtual world, the "metaverse." These aren't isolated events, put the pieces together. "You'll own nothing and be happy" is the beginning, not the end.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“After his visit to Washington, TIME followed the President and his team back to Kyiv, hoping to understand how they would react to the signals they had received, especially the insistent calls for Zelensky to fight corruption inside his own government, and the fading enthusiasm for a war with no end in sight. On my first day in Kyiv, I asked one member of his circle how the President was feeling. The response came without a second’s hesitation: “Angry.” The usual sparkle of his optimism, his sense of humor, his tendency to liven up a meeting in the war room with a bit of banter or a bawdy joke, none of that has survived into the second year of all-out war. “Now he walks in, gets the updates, gives the orders, and walks out,” says one longtime member of his team. Another tells me that, most of all, Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They have left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it. But his convictions haven’t changed. Despite the recent setbacks on the battlefield, he does not intend to give up fighting or to sue for any kind of peace. On the contrary, his belief in Ukraine’s ultimate victory over Russia has hardened into a form that worries some of his advisers. It is immovable, verging on the messianic. “He deludes himself,” one of his closest aides tells me in frustration. “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.” Zelensky’s stubbornness, some of his aides say, has hurt their team’s efforts to come up with a new strategy, a new message. As they have debated the future of the war, one issue has remained taboo: the possibility of negotiating a peace deal with the Russians”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I asked them – are you with us?” Zelensky said. “They answered that they are with us, but they don’t want to take us into the alliance. I’ve asked 27 leaders of Europe, if Ukraine will be in NATO, I’ve asked them directly — all are afraid and did not respond We were left by ourselves. Who is ready to go to war for us? Honestly, I don’t see anybody. Who is ready to give [[Ukraine]] guarantees of [[NATO]] membership? Honestly, everybody is afraid”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] as I have stated since the outbreak of the war, in my opinion, the Ukraine war is a U.S. proxy war not against Russia, but against Europe. It is the launchpad for a continent-wide destabilisation project that will create conflict zone conditions across Europe. It will divide the EU against itself, it will de-industrialize the continent and turn it into another laboratory for the imposition of severe, neoliberal austerity policies that will wipe out all, except the largest private sector players and basically re-feudalise Europe.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The bitter truth is that Washington's foreign policy establishment never actually considered Zelensky - or his predecessor Poroshenko - to be allies or partners of the United States. Overflowing with a toxic mix of ignorance, arrogance, and extreme cynicism, Washington's elites have always viewed Ukraine as a tool to "regime-change" a Russia that, after its post-Yeltsin recovery, would no longer take its direction from them. The false gods of American exceptionalism are jealous ones indeed.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It’s public now, directors of the U.S. CIA and Russian SVR recently discussed how to resolve the Ukraine. The Ukraine war ends soon enough, because the U.S. and its hegemonic bloc STRAIGHT UP RUN OUT OF AMMO by the first months of next year, IN THE VERY “BEST” CASE (for them.) That is, they’ll be able to supply the Ukraine minimally after that, but, NOT REMOTELY enough to keep Russia at bay.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The Kremlin has at least six possible military options: 1. Redeploy some of its ground forces away from the Ukrainian border—at least temporarily—if negotiations are successful but continue to aid pro-Russian rebels in Eastern Ukraine. 2. Send conventional Russian troops into the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as unilateral “peacekeepers” and refuse to withdraw them until peace talks end successfully and Kiev agrees to implement the Minsk Accords. 3. Seize Ukrainian territory as far west as the Dnepr River to use as a bargaining chip or incorporate this new territory fully into the Russian Federation. This option is represented in Figure 2a. 4. Seize Ukrainian territory up to the Dnepr River and seize an additional belt of land (to include Odessa) that connects Russian territory with the breakaway Transdniestria Republic and separates Ukraine from any access to the Black Sea. The Kremlin would incorporate these new lands into Russia and ensure that the rump Ukrainian statelet remains economically unviable. 5. Seize only a belt of land between Russia and Transdniestria (including Mariupol, Kherson, and Odessa) to secure freshwater supplies for Crimea and block Ukraine’s access to the sea, while avoiding major combat over [[Kiev]] and Kharkiv. This option is represented in Figure 2b. 6. Seize all of Ukraine and, with Belarus, announce the formation of a new tripartite Slavic union of Great, Little, and White Russians (Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians). This option would involve operations represented in Figure 2a as “phase one,” with Figure 2c representing “phase two” of this option.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Russia behind the Headlines has published an interview with Gorbachev, who was Soviet president during the discussions and treaty negotiations concerning German reunification. The interviewer asked why Gorbachev did not “insist that the promises made to you [Gorbachev]—particularly U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s promise that NATO would not expand into the East—be legally encoded?” Gorbachev replied: “The topic of ‘NATO expansion’ was not discussed at all, and it wasn’t brought up in those years. … Another issue we brought up was discussed: making sure that NATO’s military structures would not advance and that additional armed forces would not be deployed on the territory of the then-GDR after German reunification. Baker’s statement was made in that context… Everything that could have been and needed to be done to solidify that political obligation was done. And fulfilled.” Gorbachev continued that “The agreement on a final settlement with Germany said that no new military structures would be created in the eastern part of the country; no additional troops would be deployed; no weapons of mass destruction would be placed there. It has been obeyed all these years.” To be sure, the former Soviet president criticized NATO enlargement and called it a violation of the spirit of the assurances given Moscow in 1990, but he made clear there was no promise regarding broader enlargement.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“''The New York Post'': Any comments on the alleged allegation of your connection with [[Jeffrey Epstein]]? <br> ''Bill Clinton'': I think the evidence is clear.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Western countries have been saying for centuries that they bring freedom and democracy to other nations. Nothing could be further from the truth. Instead of bringing [[democracy]] they suppressed and exploited, and instead of giving [[freedom]] they enslaved and oppressed. The unipolar [[world]] is inherently anti-democratic and unfree; it is false and hypocritical through and through. The [[United States]] is the only [[country]] in the world that has used [[nuclear weapons]] twice, destroying the cities of [[Hiroshima]] and [[Nagasaki]] in [[Japan]]. And they created a precedent. Recall that during [[WWII]] the [[United States]] and [[Britain]] reduced [[Dresden]], [[Hamburg]], [[Cologne]] and many other [[German]] [[cities]] to rubble, without the least [[military]] necessity. It was done ostentatiously and, to repeat, without any military necessity. They had only one goal, as with the nuclear bombing of [[Japanese]] cities: to intimidate our country and the rest of the [[world]]. The United States left a deep scar in the memory of the people of [[Korea]] and [[Vietnam]] with their carpet bombings and use of [[napalm]] and [[chemical weapons]]. It actually continues to occupy Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea and other countries, which they cynically refer to as equals and allies. Look now, what kind of alliance is that? The whole world knows that the top officials in these countries are being spied on and that their offices and homes are bugged. It is a disgrace, a disgrace for those who do this and for those who, like slaves, silently and meekly swallow this arrogant behaviour. They call the orders and threats they make to their vassals [[Euro]]-Atlantic solidarity, and the creation of [[biological weapons]] and the use of human test subjects, including in [[Ukraine]], noble [[medical research]]. It is their destructive policies, [[war]]s and plunder that have unleashed today’s massive wave of migrants. Millions of people endure hardships and humiliation or die by the thousands trying to reach [[Europe]].”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Dozens of versions of the above war-game scenario have been enacted over the last few years, most recently in April by the House Select Committee on competition with China. And while the ultimate outcome in these exercises is not always clear — the U.S. does better in some than others — the cost is. In every exercise the U.S. uses up all its long-range air-to-surface missiles in a few days, with a substantial portion of its planes destroyed on the ground. In every exercise the U.S. is not engaged in an abstract push-button war from 30,000 feet up like the ones Americans have come to expect since the end of the Cold War, but a horrifically bloody one. Soldiers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army hold up shotguns. And that’s assuming the U.S.-China war doesn’t go nuclear.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Last week’s indictment of McGonigal is a classic case of raising more questions than were answered. The evidence presented by prosecutors suggests the FBI counterintelligence expert wasn’t introduced to Deripaska until his waning days with the bureau in 2018, aided by a pair of Russian diplomats. In 2019, after he’d retired, the indictment says McGonigal went to work for the oligarch to help him evade U.S. sanctions and to investigate a rival. But the Times also reported that U.S. counterintelligence — in which McGonigal had been a key player — had tried unsuccessfully to recruit Deripaska as an asset in the years around the 2016 election. Like the Woody Allen character Zelig, Deripaska — a 55-year-old aluminum magnate who at one time was the richest man in Putin’s Russia — is turning up in the background everywhere in the ongoing corruption of American democracy. The oligarch’s history of multimillion-dollar business dealings with Paul Manafort — Trump’s campaign manager in the summer of 2016 — is central to the theory of Russian interference, after it was confirmed that Manafort shared key campaign data with a suspected Russian intelligence agent also connected to Deripaska. In 2019, Deripaska did manage to get those U.S. sanctions lifted, in a controversial deal backed not only by Team Trump but critically by then-Senate Majority Leader [[Mitch McConnell]]. That same year, a Deripaska-linked [[aluminium]] company announced it would build a large plant in Kentucky, where McConnell was running for re-election. (It eventually wasn’t built.) This is the same McConnell who, during that critical fall period in [[2016]], refused to sign a bipartisan statement warning about Russian election interference.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A majority of U.S. intelligence agencies has so far concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic mostly likely started when SARS-CoV-2 jumped from an infected animal host into people; a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, has received intense attention from researchers as the potential source. But the Department of Energy and FBI so far have favored the so-called lab-leak hypothesis, even though none of the agencies has expressed high confidence in their conclusions on COVID-19’s origin. CIA, for example, had reportedly said it was “unable to determine” whether SARS-CoV-2 made a direct jump from animals to humans—or came from a lab. Now, Representative [[Brad Wenstrup]] (R–OH), who chairs the [[House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic]], says his panel and the [[House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence]] have heard testimony from a [[whistleblower]] “who presents as a highly credible senior-level [[CIA]] officer.” According to the press release, the whistleblower testified that only the most senior analyst of a seven-member [[CIA]] team investigating the origin of [[COVID-19]] supported the zoonotic transmission theory. The [[whistleblower]] alleged the other six team members supporting the lab origin then received “a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” wrote Wenstrup and Representative [[Mike Turner]] (R–OH), who chairs the intelligence panel.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Former V.I. Attorney General Denise George, who successfully sued the estate of Jeffrey Epstein and then was summarily fired by Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. in December, has broken her silence in an interview with Britain’s Sunday Times Magazine. In it, she hints that a run for governor may be in her future. The interview — published Saturday by the Sunday Times, a 600,000-plus circulation newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. — is the first time George has spoken of her efforts to bring Epstein and his alleged accomplices to account, and the fallout from that endeavor. George, who was widely lauded when she won a $105 million lawsuit against the Epstein estate in November — believed to be the largest monetary settlement in the history of the territory — subsequently filed suit for $190 million against his onetime bank, JPMorgan Chase, on Dec. 27 in Manhattan federal court, alleging violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Bryan fired George four days later, on New Year’s Eve, saying nothing at first but later admitting that he was “blindsided” by the lawsuit that has opened V.I. officials to scrutiny for their dealings with Epstein. That includes Bryan himself, who approved Epstein’s lucrative Economic Development Authority benefits when he was head of the EDA board and has been deposed by JPMorgan’s attorneys, along with a host of other territory officials.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There had already been a significant increase in violence by Israeli settlers this year, even before the Hamas attack, according to UN data, with more than 100 incidents reported each month and about 400 people driven from their land between January and August. Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem told the BBC that since the attack, it had documented "a concerted and organised effort by settlers to use the fact that the entire international and local attention is focused on Gaza and the north of Israel to try to seize land in the West Bank". Partial data compiled by B'Tselem, covering the first six days after the Hamas attack, recorded at least 46 separate incidents in which it said settlers threatened, physically attacked or damaged the property of Palestinians in the West Bank. "A lot of shepherding families and communities have fled because they were threatened in the past week by settlers," said Roy Yellin, a spokesman for B'Tselem. "Settlers have been giving residents a deadline to leave and telling them if they don't they will be harmed. And some villages have been totally emptied out."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“When I was first asked to work there [at Shifa], I was told there was a part of the hospital I was not to go near, and if I did, I’d be in danger of being shot. No, but implicit was that it was being used for non-medical purposes. I stayed away, but I saw a few dodgy-looking non-medical characters going in and out all the time. It was a ward leading to a basement. As I said, I didn’t go there; so I behaved myself. I was welcome everywhere else, and as I say the doctors and nurses there were very welcoming and very kind and the hushed tones under which this was said was very consistent with all the other hushed tones with which Hamas was discussed. You know people were genuinely fearful. I cannot emphasise too much, the air of collective paranoia that existed there. If hospital staff were 10 per cent frightened of possible Israeli airstrikes, they were 90 per cent frightened of being persecuted by Hamas.’”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said after a key Hamas operations center was discovered right beneath his headquarters that he had no idea. That's absurd. There was a very advanced tunnel with electrical cables, which supplied a Hamas server center with power. That came directly from UNRWA's electricity grid. Moreover, a few years ago, UNRWA staff noticed that an entire parking lot above it was starting to subside. So what do you mean, we couldn't have known anything?”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Last year, after Israel obtained the Jericho Wall document, the military’s Gaza division drafted its own intelligence assessment of this latest invasion plan. Hamas had "decided to plan a new raid, unprecedented in its scope," analysts wrote in the assessment reviewed by The Times. It said that Hamas intended to carry out a deception operation followed by a “large-scale maneuver” with the aim of overwhelming the division. But the Gaza division referred to the plan as a “compass.” In other words, the division determined that Hamas knew where it wanted to go but had not arrived there yet. On July 6, 2023, the veteran Unit 8200 analyst wrote to a group of other intelligence experts that dozens of Hamas commandos had recently conducted training exercises, with senior Hamas commanders observing. The training included a dry run of shooting down Israeli aircraft and taking over a kibbutz and a military training base, killing all the cadets. During the exercise, Hamas fighters used the same phrase from the Quran that appeared at the top of the Jericho Wall attack plan, she wrote in the email exchanges viewed by The Times. The analyst warned that the drill closely followed the Jericho Wall plan, and that Hamas was building the capacity to carry it out. The colonel in the Gaza division applauded the analysis but said the exercise was part of a “totally imaginative” scenario, not an indication of Hamas’s ability to pull it off. “In short, let’s wait patiently,” the colonel wrote.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Under no circumstances and at no stage was Prime Minister Netanyahu warned of war intentions on the part of Hamas. On the contrary, the assessment of the entire security echelon, including the head of military intelligence and the head of Shin Bet, was that Hamas was deterred and was seeking an arrangement".”  +
    5G +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is the conclusion of this legal opinion that establishing and activating a 5G-network, as it is currently described, would be in contravention of current human and environmental laws enshrined in the [[European Convention on Human Rights]], the [[UN Convention on the Rights of the Child]], [[EU]] regulations, and the Bern- and Bonn-conventions. The reason is the very significant body of scientific documentation available, showing that radio frequent electromagnetic radiation is harmful and dangerous to the health of humans (particularly children), animals and plants.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“immediately after the attacks on the World Trade Center, the entire area in lower Manhattan was sealed off to the public and to the news media. All cameras were prohibited inside the secured perimeter and any “unauthorized” cameras were immediately confiscated.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“According to mainstream information, QRA intercepts happened at a rate of almost 400 times per year in the early 1990s. After the reduction to 7 sites, each with two jets, in the late [[1990s]], they still occurred roughly twice per week right up to [[9/11]]. What are the details of these intercepts with regard to protocol/chain of command and reaction time? Who exactly was responsible for the failure to redirect QRA jets, normally aimed at planes coming in from overseas, toward threats emerging from over the mainland? Why were no QRA jets available at Andrews Air Force Base, right next to the nation's capital, a primary target for every terrorist in the world? Terrorists of various convictions have tried to target the White House and other buildings with airliners and small airplanes since at least 1974. What message does it send to world when the world's greatest superpower leaves its capital without air cover? [[NORAD]]'s Langley interceptors accidentally flew east over the ocean while they should have been heading to the north-west, towards Washington, D.C. This was standard operating procedure when pilots were scrambled but not provided with a target. How could this mistake happen, as any commander at any level should be aware of this basic procedure? Who is responsible? Why weren't the pilots of the Langley jets provided with information on their target? Who is responsible for that?”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The attacks against the twin towers started at 8:45 a.m. and four flights are diverted from their assigned air space and no air traffic controller sounds the alarm. And no Air Force jets scramble until 10 a.m. That also smacks of a small scale Air Force rebellion, a coup against the Pentagon perhaps? Radars are jammed, transponders fail. No IFF — friend or foe identification — challenge.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The victims fund was not created in a spirit of compassion. Rather, it was a tacit acknowledgement by [[Congress]] that it tampered with our civil justice system in an unprecedented way. Lawmakers capped the liability of the airlines at the behest of lobbyists who descended on [[Washington DC|Washington]] while the Sept. 11 fires still smouldered. And this liability cap protects not just the airlines, but also World Trade Center builders, safety engineers and other defendants. The caps on liability have consequences for those who want to sue to shed light on the mistakes of [[9/11]]. It means the playing field is tilted steeply in favor of those who need to be held accountable. With the financial consequences other than insurance proceeds removed, there is no incentive for those whose negligence contributed to the death toll to acknowledge their failings or implement reforms. They can afford to deny culpability and play a waiting game.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“we had all of the information we needed as an intelligence community, as a classified sector, as the national defense of the United States to detect [[9-11|this plot]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives were discovered around the George Washington Bridge. That bridge links New York to New Jersey over the Hudson River. Whether the discovery of those explosives had anything to do with other events today is unclear, but the FBI, has two suspects in hand, said the truckload of explosives, enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge...”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Highly publicized allegations of insider trading in advance of [[9/11]] generally rest on reports of unusual pre-9/11 trading activity in companies whose stock plummeted after the attacks. Some unusual trading did in fact occur, but each such trade proved to have an innocuous explanation. For example, the volume of put options- investments that pay off only when a stock drops in price-surged in the parent companies of United Airlines on September 6 and American Airlines on September 10-highly suspicious trading on its face. Yet, further investigation has revealed that the trading had no connection with 9/11. A single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to [[al Qaeda]] purchased 95 percent of the UAL puts on September 6 as part of a trading strategy that also included buying 115,000 shares of American on September 10. Similarly, much of the seemingly suspicious trading in American on September 10 was traced to a specific U.S.-based options trading newsletter, faxed to its subscribers on Sunday, September 9, which recommended these trades. These examples typify the evidence examined by the investigation. The [[SEC]] and the [[FBI]], aided by other agencies and the securities industry, devoted enormous resources to investigating this issue, including securing the cooperation of many foreign governments. These investigators have found that the apparently suspicious consistently proved innocuous. Joseph Cella interview (Sept. 16, 2003; May 7, 2004; May 10-11, 2004); FBI briefing (Aug. 15, 2003); SEC memo, Division of Enforcement to SEC Chair and Commissioners, “Pre-September 11, 2001 Trading Review,” May 15, 2002; Ken Breen interview (Apr. 23, 2004); Ed G. interview (Feb. 3, 2004).”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The widely held belief that the [[Twin Towers collapsed]] as a result of the [[airplane]] impacts and the resulting fires is, unbeknownst to most people, a [[revisionist]] theory. Among individuals who witnessed the event firsthand, the more prevalent hypothesis was that the Twin Towers had been brought down by massive [[explosion]]s.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center ... CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of disinformation by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into a trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Anywhere from about $500,000 to $550,000.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It turns out, 45 years later, that those who truly hate us for our [[freedoms]] are not the array of [[dehumanised enemies]] cooked up by the [[war machine]] — the [[Vietnamese]], [[Cambodia]]ns, [[Afghan]]s, [[Iraqis]], [[Iranian]]s, even the [[Taliban]], [[Al-Qaeda]] or [[ISIS]]. They are the [[financiers]], [[bankers]], [[politicians]], public intellectuals and [[pundits]], [[lawyers]], [[journalists]] and [[business people]], cultivated in the [[elite universities]] and [[business school]]s who sold us the [[Utopia]]n dream of [[neoliberalism]]. We are entering the [[twilight phase of capitalism]]. Capitalists unable to generate profits by expanding markets have, as [[Karl Marx]] predicted, begun to cannibalise the state like ravenous parasites.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“the hijackers were tremendously well-disciplined, gave off no warning signs as to this particular type of attack, the timing of attack, the methods that would be utilized or the fact that they individually were involved in some sort of attack. So, there were not those warning signs out there, in my mind, that would have enabled us to prevent what happened on September 11th.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“At some time between 10:10 and 10:15, a military aide told the [[Dick Cheney|Vice President]] and others that the aircraft was 80 miles out. Vice President Cheney was asked for authority to engage the aircraft. His reaction was described by [[Scooter Libby]] as quick and decisive, “in about the time it takes a batter to decide to swing.” The Vice President authorized fighter aircraft to engage the inbound plane. He told us he based this authorization on his earlier conversation with the President. The military aide returned a few minutes later, probably between 10:12 and 10:18, and said the aircraft was 60 miles out. He again asked for authorization to engage. The Vice President again said yes.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] a lot of symptoms that were consistent with neurotoxic poisoning. Those were just the physical symptoms and in some cases people reported, that their hair fell out and even their dental work fell out. And to me they were consistent with signs of radiation poisoning. But however, the toxic cocktail that had been burning there, I think a [[California]] group went and analyzed and pretty much came out with the determination that there are about 900 contaminants, 200 different kind of dioxins, we had the particulate matter, the asbestos, the concrete.” [...] “What is interesting is that, we were, anytime we were ill or not feeling right, the September eleven help services and the red cross would try to get us into counseling and, to me at the end of all of this, it seemed that we experienced the same thing that the gulf war, or other civilians who were exposed to local [[superfund site]] disasters, we were all told it was in our head. That's exactly what went on down at 911.” ... “It wasn't until I went to a detox program. We got together with everyone else and compared symptoms, that we realized that this was an epidemic.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Nanoenergetic thermite materials release energy much faster than conventional energetic materials and have various potential military applications, such as rocket propellants, aircraft fuel and explosives. They are likely to become the next-generation explosive materials, as they enable flexibility in energy density and power release through control of particle size distribution, stoichiometry and choice of fuel and oxidizer. The reduction of the reactant powders from micro- to nano-size generates a more intimate contact between the particles. This, in turn, increases the reaction front propagation velocity in some systems by two to three orders of magnitude.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“we were setting up different kind of stations, IV stations, cardiac stations, just .., wound stations, burn stations, just trying to have an organized space. What happened with that particluar triage site is that, pretty soon after noon, after mid-day on 911, we had to evacuate that because they told us that building 7 was coming down. If you had been there, not being able to see very much, just flames everywhere and dark smoke, it is entirely possible, I do believe that they brought building 7 down because I heard they were going to bring it down, because it was unstable, because of the colleteral damage. That I don't know, I can't attest to the validity of that, all I can attest to is that by noon or one o 'clock they told us we had to move from that triage site up to [[Pace University]], a little further away, because building 7 was gonna come down, or being brought down. [...] The fire department, the fire department and they did use the word(s) 'we're gonna have to bring it down'”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying other things-- that they did it in a controlled fashion.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Far from compromising them, [[vaccine mandate]]s actually further [[civil liberties]]. They protect the most vulnerable, people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated, and communities of color hit hard by the disease.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The hold of the Israel lobby over Australian politicians is based on two facts: first, donations to the political parties from the Jewish community leadership; second, paid trips to Israel extended to every member of parliament and journalists. From the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) over 700 trips alone. This political influence is particularly noticeable with the [[Victorian]] [[Australian Labor Party|ALP]] Right and deserves some examination by journalistic sleuths, who seem reluctant to touch the subject. No other community, in my experience, treats politicians as their poodles, even when making a political case...”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Our exchange on strategic issues soon demonstrated a whole range of areas where our military forces [ [[IDF]] and the [[Australian military]] ] could learn from one another. These ranged from [[armaments industry|defence industry]] co-operation (our army has purchased an Israeli battle management system) to [[counter-insurgency]], [[urban intelligence gathering]], coalition warfighting, countering [[improvised explosive devices]], military education, the use of reservists, airpower developments (both countries are acquiring [[F-35 joint strike fighters]]), [[military procurement]] processes and maritime security (Israel is developing [[offshore gas fields]]). Issues related to [[counter-terrorism]] and [[social resilience]] were highlighted as common interests of both states.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Everyone spies”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The military psychologists’ claims of offering quality care to detainees is false. A few years ago, I received documents via [[Freedom of Information Act]] that showed that at least one detainee who died ostensibly of suicide at Guantanamo, [[Mohamed Al Hanashi]], killed himself in large part because of a negative encounter with a military psychologist.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“For $360 billion, we're going to get eight submarines. It must be the worst deal in all history”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If nothing is eventually found, I – as a supporter of [[Iraq War|the war]] – will never believe another thing that I am told by our government, or that of the US ever again. And, more to the point, neither will anyone else. Those weapons had better be there somewhere.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In an [[AIJAC]] function in 2013. Abbot was asked what his position was on some aspect or other of the conflict between [[Israel]] and the [[Palestinians]]. "Oh, my position is whatever [[Mark Leibler|Mark [Leibler] ]] and [[Colin Rubenstein|Colin [Rubenstein] ]] is", he answered.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Iran's going to be finished and every single Arab regime that's like this will be finished. Because there is no room for us capitalists and multinationalists in the world to operate with regimes like this. Its all about [[money]]. And power. And wealth... and [[democracy]] has to be spread around the world. Those who want to espouse [[globalization]] are going to make a lot of money, be happy, their families will be happy. And those who aren't going to play this game are going to be crushed, whether they like it or not! This is how we rule. And this is how it's going to be as long as you have people who think like me.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Iran? We will not let Iran become a nuclear power. We'll find a way, we'll find an excuse- to get rid of Iran. And I don't care what the excuse is. There is no room for [[rogue state]]s in the world. Whether we lie about it, or invent something, or we don't... I don't care. The end justifies the means. What's right? Might is right, might is right. That's it. Might is right...”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The Lebanese cannot have their cake and eat it, too...Let’s get rid of this cancer [<span/>[[Hezbollah]]<span/>]... Let’s finish the job.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The end justifies the means. I don't care about how it's done. The important thing is that it is done. I don't rule out force. I'm not against force. If it's an option, it will be an option... I have — we have — absolutely no problem with heavy US involvement in [[Lebanon]]. On an economic level, military level, political level, security level... whatever it is. [[Israel]] is the 51<sup>st</sup> state of the [[United States]]. Let [[Lebanon]] be the 52<sup>nd</sup> state. And if the Arabs don't like it, tough luck.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I do not know what you are saying that we have done wrong, but the legal statement we have put forward is absolutely correct because I am the Prime Minister.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I think the definition of what constitutes 'aggression' has yet to be established in academia or in the international community. Things that happened between nations will look different depending on which side you view them from.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If the LDP paid attention to public opinion polls or party members, Ishiba would be a serious contender. However, the key issue is that among the party elite he is unpopular. Abe – who, like mob bosses everywhere, maintains power by rewarding loyalty and punishing dissent – dislikes Ishiba with a passion. This seems to leave the path to the premiership open to Chief Cabinet Secretary [[Yoshihide Suga]], 71, who has been Abe’s right hand man since he took office. Indications are that Suga had been secretly anointed successor prior to Abe’s resignation as he made a whirlwind of [[TV]] appearances over the summer while Abe appeared to be convalescing from his illness or hiding from the press. From July, Abe, Suga and LDP Secretary General Toshihiro Nikai, 81, were reportedly meeting to figure out how to insert Suga into the top spot. Nikai is considered the king-maker within the party, with a goal of ensuring that nothing really changes. Curiously, Suga got into some trouble last year when it emerged that [[Yakuza]] had attended an annual cherry blossom-viewing party hosted by Abe. And certainly, the LDP, like all Yakuza, have problems with [[police]] and [[prosecutors]]. It’s not clear who authorised the payments. Kawai allegedly said that the vote-buying yen was from Abe, the LDP’s head at the time. A possible misuse of public funds to hold cherry blossom viewing parties for Abe supporters is another potential scandal that involves more than just Abe. [[Jin Igarashi]], a political science professor emeritus at [[Hosei University]] in [[Tokyo]], theorised on the real reason for Suga’s rise in evening tabloid, Nikkan Gendai. “The purpose of having Suga run in the election is to put a lid on all the scandals the Abe administration has accumulated,” Igarashi wrote. “If anyone other than Suga becomes PM, all of this could be investigated, and that’s dangerous. That’s why Nikai and Suga rigged the whole thing.””  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I'm sorry, but [[John Lennon]] was not that important a figure in our times. Why is his death getting more attention than [[Elvis Presley]]'s? Because Lennon is perceived as a left-wing figure politically, anti-[[establishment]], a man of social [[conscience]] with concern for the poor. And, therefore, he is being made into a great figure. Too much has been made of his life. It does not deserve a full day's television and radio coverage. I'm sick of it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Debating about it, ummm ... Some of the worst things that happened you don't know about, okay? Videos, um, there are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at Abu Ghraib ... The women were passing messages out saying 'Please come and kill me, because of what's happened' and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It's going to come out.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In academic institutions, [[freedom]] of thought and expression is in retreat in many areas. Administrators of [[universities]] have become top-down representatives of government, rather than defenders of the independence of their institutions. Funding is sought from corporations as well as governments: "[[market forces]]" is a [[euphemism]] for conformity to corporate demands.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Accountability remains something that is assumed in the [[United States]] as well as the [[nation]]s of the [[European Union]]. In [[Japan]] it is not. Accountability, everyone will agree, is good and necessary for [[democratic]] [[transparency]] and related platitudes. But there is a less immediately obvious but an actual primary reason why you want structures enforcing it in a political system. Its less visible function is that it protects powerholders against [[madness]]. When officials and [[politicians]] are held to account they are not only kept on their toes, but they themselves are forcefully reminded of what precisely it is that they are doing. If they do not accustom themselves to making a convincing case for their policies to outsiders, they tend to lose the habit of explaining it all to themselves.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I don't think there has ever been any serious danger of an all out Soviet armed attack west of the East German-West German frontier. The danger has been, and still is, that the Russians can resort to the same tactics they were using after the war, subversion and political blackmail backed by the threat of force--intimidating European Governments with the fear of Soviet force.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“'''Maybrit Illner''': Mr. Ackermann, you are also head of the International Banking Federation. Couldn't you just have made such a demand to all your colleagues who came out of this crisis really clean?<br/><br> '''Josef Ackermann''': I think the same would have happened to me as it did to Mr [[Herrhausen]]. [...]”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I was told [[Epstein]] ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The message is clear - ‘don’t worry, don’t delay, just act’ by: :reporting suspicious activity to the police by calling confidentially on 0800 789 321 or at :reporting online terrorist and [[violent extremist]] material online :remaining alert at home, work and when out and about, so we can all play our part in defeating terrorism and keeping everyone safe... [[Mark Rowley]], [[National Counter Terrorism]] Policing lead, said: "Since 2014, the threat of terrorism has been severe, which means that an attack is highly likely..." [[Minister of State for Security|Security Minister]] [[Ben Wallace]] repeated: "The horror of recent [[terrorist]] attacks in [[Europe]] and beyond is a shocking reminder of the threat we all face. We know that we are not immune as the threat to the UK is currently assessed as severe, meaning an attack is highly likely... advances in technology make it more complex and challenging for us to spot would-be terrorists because it’s easier for them to be in contact with others and be [[radicalised]] in a relatively short space of time."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“When asked to address [[Duesberg]]’s announcements about the HIV/[[AIDS]] hypothesis, Gallo often dismissed Duesberg’s objections because, [[Gallo]] suggested, Duesberg was gay and/or mentally disturbed (Duesberg is straight, and sane): “[Duesberg] comes to meetings with guys with leather jackets and the hair and so on in the middle. I mean, that’s a little bit odd. Doesn’t it speak of something funny?””  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“What is there to negotiate about? What I would say is: listen, you see that desert out there? (...) So you pick up your cellphone and call someone is Nebraska and say OK, let one go and it doesn't hurt a soul, maybe a couple of rattlesnakes and scorpions or whatever and say: See? The next one is in the middle of [[Tehran]]”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“From a strictly economic perspective, if America's goal was to provide a quality [[education]] to Afghan children, it would have achieved far better social impact, at lower cost, with no suffering if the military followed these steps; Buy a used Gulfstream IV (~$4m), pack it full of Afghan children, fly them across the world to [[Andover]], [[Groton]], [[Eton]], or some [[Le Rosey|Swiss boarding school]], and pay for their entire education (~$4.7m for 24 students, all four years, with boarding). And after everyone is off the private jet, fill two briefcases with [[money]] - $1 million, each; $2 million, in total, in brick of $100 bills - place them on the jet while it's still on the tarmac, and proceed to blow up the jet with [[high explosives]]. This is the effective cost of building a mud and cinder block shanty school in Afghanistan.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“What I want to assure people is that our political and diplomatic efforts to find a solution for Afghanistan, working with the Taliban, of course if necessary, will go on.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I have believed for some time—only underscored by our extraordinarily rapid and ill-conceived evacuation of Afghanistan, leaving behind not only Bagram but enough U.S. weaponry to make the Taliban’s army nearly equivalent to Italy’s, not to mention putting our advanced military technology in the hands of the Chinese and the Russians—that a large percentage of our Democratic Party leadership, as well as a tragically significant percentage of the GOP, have long believed the Chinese regime is winning the battle between China and America for global hegemony.<br> They are, therefore, overtly or covertly, consciously or subconsciously, throwing in with the Chinese side for their own economic advantage, and, to a lesser extent, their survival, though the two intersect.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Of the 53 armed forces in Africa, 41 (or 77 percent) received U.S. military training.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Do you realize what a powerful force is gathered here between these four walls?..Show me a greater power in [[Africa]]. Show me a greater power anywhere, even in your so-called civilized world."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[CIA] operations help sustain favorable operating conditions for U.S.-based [[multinational corporation|multi-national corporations]]. These conditions, together with political hegemony, were our real goals. So-called [[liberal democracy]] and [[pluralism]] were only means to those ends. "[[Free elections]]" really meant freedom for ''our'' candidates. "[[trade union|Free trade unions]]" meant freedom for us to establish ''our'' unions. "[[Freedom of the press]]" mean freedom for us to pay [[journalists]] to publish ''our'' material as if it were the journalists' own. When an elected government threatened U.S. economic and political interests, it had to go. Social and economic justice were fine concepts for public relations, but only for that.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Reforms of the [[FBI]] and the [[CIA]], even removal of the President from office, cannot remove the problem. American [[capitalism]], based as it is on exploitation of the poor, with its fundamental motivation in personal greed, simply cannot survive without force – without a [[secret police force]]. The argument is with capitalism and it is capitalism that must be opposed, with its CIA, FBI and other security agencies understood as logical, necessary manifestations of a [[ruling class]]’s determination to retain power and privilege.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Their agenda outlines sound harmless enough, as most [[propaganda]] and [[social programs]] do, always ignoring the actual short and long term harms while depending on [[corrupt science]] and [[rigged systems]] that always serve the wealthy. The [[Agenda 21]] of [[1992]] was rebranded in [[2015]] to become ''Agenda 2030'', aka ''Sustainable Development Goals'', intending to strip humanity of all our freedoms and herd us all into crowded cities trapped [see: [[smart cities]]] there dependent on [[universal basic income]] and a rigged [[social credit system]] in disposable consumerist rental lifestyles, leaving the rest of the planets resources and wealth to the control and whims of the [[ruling class]] [[technocracy]]. Rather than reforming this [[authoritarian]] agenda, [[billionaires]] pay millionaires to tell the middle class the poor are the problem and their corporate media claim humanity, our [[overpopulation|population]] numbers, and our [[pollution]] are problematic yet the [[hypocrit]]ical [[corporatocracy]] is never criticized for their [[pollution]], [[corruption]], [[deception]], [[manipulation]], [[exploitation]], [[perpetual wars]], or how they steer us into their [[debt-slave]] [[consumerist]] lifestyles. It may initially sound like a sustainable green techno-[[utopia]] but it will undoubtedly evolve into a [[capitalist]]-[[communist]]-[[totalitarian]] slumlord's inescapable ghetto.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“UN’s “sustainable development” policies, the SDGs, do not promote “sustainability” as most conceive of it and instead utilise the same debt imperialism long used by the Anglo-American Empire (see: [[The Anglo-American Establishment]]) to entrap nations in a new, equally predatory system of global financial governance.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“For really almost 40 years, there has been a studious, concerted, planned effort to keep any study from being done and to discredit any study that has been done.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Dr. [[Vernon Houk]] quickly comes to mind when I think of a patron of my escort service who may have fallen prey to [[blackmail]]. Houk was Director of the Center for Environmental Health at the [[Centers for Disease Control]], and also as the [[Assistant Surgeon General]] under both presidents [[Ronald Reagan|Reagan]] and [[George H.W. Bush]]. Although Houk lived in [[Atlanta]]...he was fond of holing up D.C. hotels with multiple bottles of booze and several escorts over the course of a weekend, and [likely CIA operative] Tony was also fully cognizant of the eminent doctor's bacchanal laced sprees.<br> In the [[1980s]], Congress tasked Houk with overseeing a study on the toxic effects of Agent Orange on [[Vietnam War|Vietnam veterans]], who had been subjected to the [[carcinogenic]] chemical en masse. Houk, however, declared that the soldiers' records made it impossible to discern the extent of Vietnam veterans who were subjected to Agent Orange, and he put the kibosh on the study. But a former chief of Naval Operations, who was the Navy's top commander in Vietnam, told a House subcommittee that Houk "made it his mission to manipulate and prevent the true facts from being determined" in his quest to cover up the true carnage spawned by Agent Orange. If Houk had proceeded with the Agent Orange study, [[the Pentagon]] undoubtedly would've been liable for astronomical, [[class action lawsuits]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Marcel van Dam had the for many plausible opinion that the Prince of the Netherlands should be handled by the Dutch State as every other citizen. So to be brought before trial. I, as Minister of Justice didn't think that was completely unreasonable.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In that first week there was a window and the UK Government went in a totally different direction to the rest of the world. It was about buying time for the NHS and a [[COVID-19/Vaccine|vaccine]] and they didn’t take it. Other countries were warning us and we didn’t listen. And we will pay the penalty with lives. I don’t want the public to be scared but a dose of reality is their best protection.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Aktis Strategy, a major contractor for the [[United Kingdom's Foreign and Commonwealth Office]] of the United Kingdom (FCO) went into bankruptcy on March 14 leaving behind a trail of unfinished projects in Somaliland and around the world. British media’s extensive coverage of Aktis Strategy’s spectacular implosion included gross financial mismanagement and £100,000 lavish parties complete with ladies swinging from poles. Aktis Strategy has been established by two former British Diplomats, Dr [[Andrew Rathmell]] and [[Alex Martin]], who knew their way around the Foreign Office and how and where it spent the money.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“'''Lesley Stahl''': We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it? <br/> '''Madeleine Albright''': I think this is a very hard choice, but the price – we think the price is worth it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We intentionally set the bar too high for the Serbs to comply. They need some bombing, and that’s what they are going to get”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“President Clinton and I first met [[Putin]] before that when he was kind of acting president at, this was an [[APEC]] meeting in [[New Zealand]], and at that stage Putin was trying to be very ingratiating and trying to make new friends - he was still cold - and the issue about him is he is very smart and in these meetings. He did not have talking points and he took notes himself. He also is somebody I have to describe this because, they actually did kind of a jazz concert for President Clinton and President Clinton's driving around and Putin was sitting there like rhythm whatsoever.. and and (sic), but the thing that is interesting is how smart he really is and directed he was. The thing that I speak to more is something that happened before, that in 91 when the Soviet Union had fallen apart I was running a think-tank and I was asked to participate in a big survey of all of Europe after the end of the Cold War, and we had questionnaires and focus groups and things like that, and the focus group I'll never forget, is one outside of Moscow where this man stands up and says "I'm so embarrassed we used to be a superpower and now we're Bangladesh with missiles". And what I think happened I write it not so easy not so difficult to really deduce this, is Putin identified himself with that person who felt that the dignity and the grandeur of [[Russia]] had been lost and he has is bound and determined to restore that in every single way.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“On the same day that TV-2 sold its first self-produced program on the international market, the editorial board who created this flagship program for Norway's most important commercial television station, is in reality decided dissolved and defunct... some ''Dokument 2'' journalists are considering leaving the station. The head of the editorial board has called the decision "stupid and cynical", and many journalists will certainly agree with it, but the decision is first and foremost "strange".. Then the question remains: if the justifications given externally and internally should prove not to hold water, then what are the underlying motives? I feel like a fool for asking, because I'm pretty sure no one will answer.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“An insurrectionary power has established itself in Algeria by a military ''[[pronunciamento]]''... This power has an appearance: a quartet of retired generals. It has a reality: a group of officers, partisan, ambitious and fanatical. This group and this quartet possess an expedient and limited knowledge of things. But they only see and understand the Nation and the world distorted by their delirium. Their enterprise leads directly towards a national disaster ... I forbid any Frenchman, and first of all any soldier, to execute a single one of their orders ... In the face of the misfortune which hangs over the country and the threat to the Republic, having taken advice from the [[Constitutional Council of France|Constitutional Council]], the Prime Minister, the president of the Senate, the president of the [[French National Assembly|National Assembly]], I have decided to invoke article 16 of the Constitution [on the state of emergency and full special powers given to the head of state in case of a crisis]. Starting from this day, I will take, directly if the need arises, the measures which seem to me demanded by circumstances ... Frenchwomen, Frenchmen! Assist me!”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I find it interesting who does and does not get considered for the Nobel - the committee always has one eye on the need of the establishment. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, for example, no [[Russian]] has gotten the [[Nobel Prize for Literature]]”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“and then the [[NGOs]] bought off many of the best people with the tacit understanding that they could not engage directly in politics if they wanted to receive funding or assistance. Unfortunately the NGOs have helped remove secular intellectuals from politics - their impact on intellectual life in the [[Muslim]] world needs to be tabulated,\.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“How do you assess what happened to Mr [[Assange]]? Is it a reflection of [[Freedom of the press|free media]] in [[UK|your country]]?”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We are faced with forces that operate in the shadows, without a flag, with powerful weapons, positioned in the most varied places of influence....The aggression of the large capitalist companies aims to prevent the emancipation of the people. It represents a direct attack against the economic interests of the workers....We are facing a true frontal conflict between large corporations and states. Their fundamental decisions - political, economic and military - seem to be interfered with by global organizations that do not depend on any state and that, in the sum of their activities, do not respond to or are supervised by any Parliament, by any institution representing the collective interest. In a word, it is the entire political structure of the world that is being undermined.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Create a real-time feed into the Sponsor with daily analysis on Russian disinformation, providing a constantly-updated narrative that could then be shared with [[Embassies]], either via [[email]] or in another ready-made format they could then disseminate locally. [Note: it would be essential to ensure that this work did not duplicate that already done by e.g. Alliance for Securing Democracy).”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Both publicly and internally, leaders at [[Microsoft]] are cheering OpenAI's apparent return to normalcy following days of chaos. The ChatGPT creator, in which Microsoft has reportedly invested some $13 billion, has been on a roller-coaster ride that began Friday when its board abruptly fired Sam Altman as CEO and ended with his return and the appointment of a new board early Wednesday. Following Altman's ouster, Microsoft swooped in to hire him along with OpenAI co-founder and president Greg Brockman — who quit OpenAI in protest over Altman's termination — to lead a new advanced AI research team at Microsoft, and also offered to hire any other OpenAI employees who wanted to leave. Sam Altman is returning to OpenAI as CEO after his ousting last week, and three board members that participated in his termination have been removed. At that point, Microsoft, already majority owner in OpenAI, was positioned to essentially "acquire" OpenAI by absorbing its talent, after nearly all the startup's 770 or so workers signed a letter saying they would take Microsoft up on the offer unless Altman was reinstated. However, a deal was ultimately reached for Altman to return to OpenAI rather than allowing the $90 billion company to collapse, in what Fortune tech reporter David Meyer wrote is an outcome that "is pretty ideal for Microsoft."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“During the past one hundred years any theory of history or historical evidence that falls outside a pattern established by the [[American Historical Association]] and the major foundations with their [[grant]]making power has been attacked or rejected - not on the basis of any evidence presented, but on the basis of the acceptability of the argument to the [[so-called]] [[Eastern Liberal Establishment]] and its [[official historical line]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States. There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful. Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends. They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There is freedom of speech, but I cannot guarantee freedom after speech.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Commodus, like a number of other late Roman emperors and like [[Donald Trump]] was incompetent and consumed by his own vanity. He commissioned innumerable statues of himself as Hercules and had little interest in governance. He used his position as head of state to make himself the star of his own ongoing public show. He fought, victoriously, as a gladiator in the arena in fixed bouts. Power for Commodus, as it is for Trump, was primarily about catering to his bottomless narcissism, hedonism and lust for wealth. He sold public offices to the ancient equivalents of [[Betsy DeVos]] and [[Steve Mnuchin]]. He orchestrated a vast [[kleptocracy]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“No one knows the total amount provided by [[Big Pharma|drug companies]] to physicians, but I estimate from the annual reports of the top 9 U.S.-based drug companies that it comes to tens of billions of dollars a year in North America alone.By such means, the pharmaceutical industry has gained enormous control over how doctors evaluate and use its own products. Its extensive ties to physicians, particularly senior faculty at prestigious [[medical schools]], affect the results of research, the way [[medicine]] is practiced, and even the definition of what constitutes a disease.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“When I was called into court I was with an intern of my lawyer. The lawyer was the son of the minister of justice [[Giuliano Vassalli]]. So I knew in advance that the earlier verdict (no rendition) would get cancelled. It was made clear to me that it was better to take a "vacation".”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Russia’s disinformation campaigns have enabled the [[Kremlin]] to sow divisions in Europe’s societies. Countering these actions requires the development of effective, multi-layered strategies, tactics and capabilities. HCSS organizes a conference on 22 June 2017 to bring together and expand upon a network of stakeholders involved in countering Russian societal interference in European countries. Through the exchange of governmental responses used at the military and foreign policy level, and the experiences of societal bottom-up initiatives and [[fact-checking]] collaborative initiatives, we can begin to build an increasingly coherent response to [[Russia]]’s strategic narratives. The explicit goal is to foster a self-sustaining network that can act as a dissemination point in countering [[Russian disinformation]] and other kinds of malign interference. Through the stimulation of debate, participants will produce a concise overview that will take stock of best practices and perspectives for action.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In a period spanning from 1968 to 1972, NASA claims to have landed 6 manned-missions on Earth's closest celestial object, the Moon. Due to irremediable safety hazards with even 21st century technology such a mission would be impossible without casualties to all crew members due to the solar wind which lies outside of Earth's magnetic field. The solar wind and by extension the Van Allen belts formed by the Earth's magnetic field lines are full of high speed energised particles including electrons, protons and neutrons and is analogous to a particle accelerator. Anatoli Bugorsky is the only known person to stand in the way of a particle accelerator and had a hole vaporised through the side of his head which destroyed his brain tissue and paralysed the left half of his face. Miraculously he survived and is proof of the danger of fast moving, high energy subatomic particles. Given this is a very precise beam and in space these kinds of particles would be flying in all directions at all times one could not hope to pass beyond the Van Allen belts and survive. Because such particles are ionised they pass freely through matter, even lead shielding. The distance of Earth's 40,000 miles of electromagnetic shielding is only just enough to protect Earth from the harmful solar winds and Space Shuttle pilots who traveled to an altitude of 600KM began noticing intense effects of these ionised particles which presented itself as flickers in their retinas. This is known as 'astronauts eye' and is the result of energised particles exciting the nerve endings at the back of the eye. The Space Shuttle crew immediately lowered their orbit as it was feared prolonged exposure to this radiation, or traversing any further into the radiation could have dire consequences for the crew. In 2016 the Orion space probe was sent into the Van Allen belts to gather radiation data for future space flight missions. When film-maker Bart Sibrel contacted NASA for the information from this mission they refused to release citing that it was classified. Bart Sibrel rebuked this as ridiculous, stating that "the temperature of the Sun or the composition of Jupiter's atmosphere are not classified but the radiation in Earth's magnetic field is?", and recieved no further comment from NASA. In many scientific circles this irrevocable problem facing space flight is known as the 'cosmic showstopper' and without solving it no manned-spaceflight mission beyond the Earth's magnetic field where the crew survives will ever occur. It is believed scientists at the time of the Apollo program realised this hard and fast fact and so early on decided along with the CIA that the manned-missions to the Moon would never happen and would simply be faked, so as not to embarrass themselves and disappoint the entire American public. The Moon landing hoax is one of the greatest, most widespread and longest lasting hoaxes perpetrated on the American public in recent history and if unveiled in massive scale would have dire complications for the continuation of NASA, the CIA and the American deep state. A masterclass in film-making The Apollo Lunar Landings were faked using a variety of film-making methods which were perhaps no better showcased than by Stanley Kubrick in his movie 2001 a Space Odyssey. These methods included but are not limited to: * Rear screen projection * Scaled miniatures * Remote control vehicles * Stop motion animation * To-scale indoor sets * Artificial lighting * Exact recreations of the Lunar surface created according to photos by the Lunar Reconnaissance orbiter The 'talk' video Perhaps the most damning evidence to fakery of the Apollo missions is a video sent to Bart Sibrel by NASA employees when he was making his film 'A funny thing happened on the way to the Moon'. They assumed he was looking for evidence of the moon landing missions being faked and did not know it existed up until he received it. He was flabbergasted when witnessing the footage for the first time and it was exactly when he realised the moon landing hoax was not a a possibility but a certainty. In it the crew of the Apollo 11 mission are speaking to NASA as if they are half way to the moon. At the start of the video is a message saying 'Not for the public'. Because the distance is so great the time for a radio signal to travel from the Earth to the Apollo module and back again would take over 4 seconds. If the crew responded more quickly than this it would call into question their real location. The damning and incriminating evidence comes in this video when a third party is heard over the intercom. The voice comes after a 2 second delay after NASA speaks to Apollo 11 and simply says one word 'talk'. This third party is an entirely different voice to the one coming from NASA, and is obviously the CIA, ensuring the Apollo 11 do not respond too quickly, waiting for proper amount of time to elapse. This voice is in a separate channel to the one between Apollo and NASA and is not heard in any of the official video or on the live broadcast. In this same video the Apollo 11 is faking a shot of the Earth with a circular port hole window. Instead of being half way to the moon the Apollo 11 module is simply circling the Earth in low Earth orbit. The view of the Earth at this distance would fill up ones entire periphery. By turning off the lights and using a circular cut out of a piece of cardboard to simulated Earth's meridian line (where day becomes night) they can create a reasonably convincing image of the Earth upon a blacked-out starless sky. They repeat this again with the camera at the back of the craft before removing the objects blocking the light in the two other module windows revealing that the whole scene was indeed being shot with the camera in the middle and back of the craft instead of being pressed against the window like Neil Armstrong states and how it would had to have been had they were really filming the Earth half-way to the moon. Fooling Houston For the CIA to pull off the Apollo moon landing hoaxes, as few as possible people would have to have been in the know of the real plan. This included the astronauts, the film crew and a limited number of CIA personnel themselves. This meant that they would have to fake every possible part of the mission that they could not achieve and complete every part that they could in reality. The Saturn V rocket (which in actuality was a modified Saturn 1B) did go up and did take three astronauts for the Apollo 11 mission for all the world to see. At this point the Apollo module separated from the Saturn V and begun its 7 day orbit around the Earth. Here the Apollo 11 crew and all previous and subsequent crews would fake radio comms and footage of the Earth. The location of the Apollo module was simulated with a satellite which was already previously orbiting the Moon. The CIA and Apollo crew broadcasted all of their communications to this satellite which then relayed them back to Earth. Certain staff of the Australian satellite dish at Honeysuckle creek were not convinced that the signals were really coming from the Moon and in fact filed complaints that they were being duped. Houston themselves were presented with flight data that was produced by computer simulation and staff there admit they could not tell the difference between a training simulation and the real thing. 'Reflectors' Many of those who fall for the moon landing hoax present the idea of reflectors being present on the lunar surface which reflect a laser light back to Earth as proof of the moon landings. One only needs to look at the Moon at night to realise that it has a highly-reflective surface on its own. The Grand Prix video The other was the lunar rover which is 1/8 model RV and 1/8 model astronaut shot in a studio slowed down with rear screen projection. The reason a 1/8 model was used was for both costs and because the Moon's gravity is 1/6th of the Earth's and would shoot the lunar regolith much higher and in a 'rooster-tail' like fashion which is achieved simply with a smaller vehicle. The colour of the Moon Contrary to popular belief the Moon is not grey but actually slightly brown. And the true colour of the soil is a caramel colour as opposed to a bluish grey as seen in the Apollo photos. One can observe the colour of the Moon by desaturating a colour photograph of it and noticing the contrast before and after. This is not due to the atmosphere of Earth as the different Lunar minerals have different colours and the colours range from greyish brown, to brown, red, purple and even green. Astronauts on wires Astronauts were attached to harnesses with wires for the live television broadcast on the same cranes. Astronauts can be observed spinning on the spot and levitating on the ground with no other object holding them up. Micro-meteorites and the radioactive Lunar surface Werner von Braun stated that the possibility of surviving on the Lunar surface was next to zero for the astronauts and even if they overcome all other challenges would have to hide in caves on the moon to protect themselves from micro-meteorites, which due to the Moon having no atmosphere or magnetic field would be travelling at extremely high speeds and pierce through the astronaut's space suits and immediately depressurise them, being instantly fatal. The Lunar surface is also extremely radioactive, comparable to Chernobyl's elephants foot, due to billions of years of unshielded exposure to the cosmic and solar radiation of space. NASA astronauts admission Three astronauts including Dr. Kelly Smith talking about the Orion Mission and Col. Terry Virts amd Dr. Kathleen Rubin have talked on one occasion or another about going to the Moon and beyond low Earth orbit in a future tense. "We must solve these challenges (the radiation) before we send humans through this region of space (the Van Allen belts)." -Dr. Kelly Smith "To destinations beyond low-Earth orbit. Right now we can't go beyond low Earth orbit. That's the furthest we can go right now." -Col. Terry Virts "This is really the beginning of human beings leaving low-Earth-orbit." -Dr. Kathleen Rubin China 2020 landing China landed an unmanned lunar roving module and erected a chinese flag in 2020. This is the first national flag that has ever been placed on an extra-terrestrial object. In the photo of the flag you can clearly see the brown lunar surface as opposed to the grey-blue one in the Apollo missions.”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“when i google chemtrails everything that comes up is "debunking chemtrails" and "i spent a week with chemtrails conspiracy theorists" by twenty something "journalists" so i think its safe to say its probably all real”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I’m not a great fan of the concept of the [[great reset]]. We don’t have anything against what’s in it […] but what’s not there — the concept of [[freedom]] and [[democracy]]”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The competitor is our friend and the customer is our enemy....There isn't one grain of anything in the world that is sold in a [[free market]]. Not one! The only place you see a free market is in the speeches of [[politicians]]. People who are not in the [[Midwest]] do not understand that this is a [[socialist]] country."”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Evil]] comes from a failure to think. It defies [[thought]] for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Will the [[covid vaccine]] affect my fertility? There is absolutely no evidence that [[Covid-19/Vaccine]]s can affect the fertility of a woman or a man there is very strong data that shows that men and women have gone on to fall pregnant after having both doses of the vaccine there's no need to avoid pregnancy after vaccination as the vaccine cannot give your baby [[COVID-19]]. The [[British Fertility Society]] and the [[World Health Organization]] and the [[JCVI]] have all looked at the latest data and research and they say that the vaccines are safe and encourage everyone to please take the vaccine when you are offered.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“the signature style of Arkin and his [[Pentagon]] handlers [is] a sort of [[Orwellian]] [[double-speak]] where one can rest assured whatever bold statement is made, the [[truth is the exact opposite]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The lie rules”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Corporate media|The media]] talk glibly of "arms dealers" as if private individuals and companies conduct business secretly and illegally. This is total nonsense. There are [[arms manufacturers]] and some middlemen or sales companies which are closely monitored by government. Occasionally there is news of some scandal which invariably involves some middleman or company disowned by his or its particular sponsor government due to embarrassment over policies and sales becoming public knowledge. It is true, however, that sometimes even elected Ministers do not know what is going on as the deals and policies are made by unelected unaccountable senior civil servants and intelligence and security officers. A typical case is the £2bn [[Pergau Dam]] related [[Malaysia]]n defence deal. [[Secrecy]] is the road to [[corruption]] and the two are never far apart.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Libya]] is the principal sponsor of terrorism. It finances terrorist acts, it trains terrorist groups, it supplies [[arms]], [[ammunition]], [[passports]] and other documents to terrorists, and it uses its [[embassies]], so-called peoples' bureaus, as weapons store-houses and sanctuaries for terrorists. Recently, Libya has been escalating its involvement in [[terrorism]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Freedom of expression is the fundamental human right that enables us all to demand the highest attainable standard of health. Unlike any other year in recent history, 2020 has driven home just how vital access to accurate, reliable and timely information is, and continues to be, during a global health crisis. When faced with such crises, governments have a fundamental duty to be transparent about their decisions, and a legal obligation to protect people’s lives. This means ensuring that health-care professionals have access to accurate global information about the disease, educating the public about the pandemic, and ensuring that health data is accessible to everyone – no exceptions. The Global Expression Report for 2021 reveals that rather than focusing on controlling the virus, protecting public health and improving access to information, governments have used the pandemic as an excuse to: Suppress critical information Implement states of emergency without proper limits Place unreasonable and unnecessary restrictions on the media And by presenting a false choice between human rights and public health, governments have used a cunning tactic to shut down public discussion and any scrutiny of their decisions. In other words, they have wasted public money and valuable time using the pandemic to entrench their power. As a result, these actions have prolonged the pandemic and cost lives.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The New Voices Fellowship at the Aspen Institute uses communications, advocacy, and storytelling training to equip experts and advocates from countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America with skills to change public opinion and shift public policy.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“New Voices is the catalyst that propels Fellows into positions of power and places of recognition. Following the modest yearlong investment, Fellows go on to scale their organizations and ideas, often reaching millions of people through governmental policy and direct service care innovations.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“'''About the New Voices Fellowship''' The Fellowship offers development experts from [[Africa]], [[Asia]], and [[Latin America]] a year-long program of media support, advocacy lessons, training, and writing under the guidance of experienced mentors and trainers. On average, Fellows devote 10% of their working time towards the Fellowship over the course of the year. The program helps Fellows sharpen their messages, elevate their stories, focus their media targets, and communicate their insights across a variety of media platforms – illuminating crucial perspectives for a broad worldwide audience in order to champion policy change. Fellows come from a variety of disciplines, ranging from public health to education to poverty alleviation, agriculture, and community activism. All Fellows are experts in their field with a deep understanding of broad development challenges and a passion for communicating their views.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by [[false conspiracies]] such as [[9-11| 9/11]], when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for [[war]] or mass [[financial fraud]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] the most lucid man I know is now not capable of having a rational conversation is extremely alarming.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Posts continue to circulate online falsely claiming that [[COVID-19]] survivors don’t need [[vaccines]] because of [[natural immunity]]. In fact, that protection is variable and not long-lasting, so vaccines are still recommended.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“At some point, I realised something that I at first found to be a coincidence, then amusing, then slightly uncomfortable, and later on worrying. No matter where I worked, whether [[NGO]], consultant, or international organisation, I was paid by one global health donor...I'm not saying that there is no independence in the global health sector...What I’m saying is that my own experience was that I realised at some point (naively, and very late) that I was not one of these people. If there’s one thing I’d like to tell my 20-year old self, it’s this: ask who pays for your job. And then keep your eye on this throughout your career. At least be aware of this. Twenty years later, I’m tired of being an astroturfer. I’m tired of calling myself an independent consultant or claim that I’m working for an independent NGO or organisation when I now know that’s neither true, and increasingly also not the direction I think global health should take.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The real bourgeoisie running the world is about 1,000 people. They are running capitalism." He reconsiders: "Well, one might say it's 10,000, but no more than that. In a world population of 6.5 billion, that is not very many people”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A major [[pandemic]] would raise awareness of the need for altruism, at least self-interested. History teaches us that humanity only evolves significantly when it is truly afraid: then it first sets up defense mechanisms; sometimes intolerable (scapegoats and totalitarianisms); sometimes futile (distraction); sometimes effective (therapeutic, if necessary setting aside all previous moral principles). Then, once the crisis has passed, it transforms these mechanisms to make them compatible with individual freedom and to include them in a democratic health policy. The beginning of the [[pandemic]] could trigger one of these structuring fears.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We now know the disasters that continue to inflict the natural world have one element that connects them all… The unprecedented increase in the number of humans beings on the planet...It needs actions by governments. In my view, all countries should develop a population policy”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“For the past 20 years I've never had any doubt that the source of the Earth's ills is [[overpopulation]]. I can't go on saying this sort of thing and then fail to put my head above the parapet..”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people and harder - and ultimately impossible to solve - with ever more people.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I have no doubt that the fundamental source of all our problems, particularly our environmental problems, is population growth. I can’t think of a single problem that would be easier to solve if there were less people”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It’s not unusual for the attorney general to intervene in cases in order to represent the public interest. He has sought to intervene in this case because it raises important issues about the scope of the criminal law.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We should understand, Australia is part of the United States. It is part of this English-speaking empire, the center of gravity of which is the [[United States]], the second center of which is the [[United Kingdom]]”...“[[Australia]] is a suburb in that arrangement. Our capital is Washington. The capital of Australia is DC. That’s the reality...That’s where the decisions are made.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There were a number of points of tension between Whitlam's government and the United States intelligence apparatus. Whitlam had close ties with the United States, in [[1964]] receiving a "Leader" travel grant from the [[U.S. Department of State]] to spend three months studying under U.S. government and military officials. After coming to power, Whitlam quickly removed the last Australian troops from [[Vietnam]]. Whitlam government ministers criticised the US bombing of [[North Vietnam]] at the end of [[1972]]. The US complained diplomatically about the criticism. In March [[1973]], US secretary of State [[William Rogers]] told [[Richard Nixon]] that "the leftists [within the Labor Party would] try to throw overboard all military alliances and eject our highly classified US defence space installations from Australia". In 1973, Whitlam ordered the Australian security organisation [[ASIS]] to close its operation in [[Chile]], where it was working as a proxy for the CIA in opposition to Chile's president [[Salvador Allende]]. Whitlam's Attorney-General Lionel Murphy used the Australian Federal Police to conduct a raid on the headquarters of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) in March [[1973]]. CIA Chief of Counter-Intelligence, [[James Angleton]], later said Murphy had "barged in and tried to destroy the delicate mechanism of internal security". Australian journalist Brian Toohey said that Angleton considered then Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam a "serious threat" to the US and was concerned after the 1973 raid on ASIO headquarters. In 1974, Angleton sought to instigate the removal of Whitlam from office by having CIA station chief in Canberra, John Walker, ask the director general of ASIO, Peter Barbour, to make a false declaration that Whitlam had lied about the raid in Parliament. Barbour refused to make the statement. In 1974, Whitlam ordered the head of ASIO, Peter Barbour, to sever all ties with the CIA. Barbour ignored Whitlam's order and contact between Australian and US security agencies was driven underground. Whitlam later established a royal commission into intelligence and security. Jim Cairns became Deputy Prime Minister after the [[1974]] election. He was viewed by US secretary of state [[Henry Kissinger]] and defence secretary [[James Schlesinger]] as "a radical with strong anti-American and pro-Chinese sympathies". The US administration was concerned that he would have access to classified United States intelligence. Whitlam instantly dismissed ASIS chief WT Robinson in 1975 after discovering ASIS had assisted the Timorese Democratic Union in an attempted coup against the [[Portuguese]] administration in Timor, without informing Whitlam's government. Whitlam threatened to reveal the identities of CIA agents working in Australia. He also threatened not to renew the lease of the US [[spy]] base at Pine Gap, which was due to expire on 10 December [[1975]]. The US was also concerned about Whitlam's intentions towards its spy base at Nurrungar.”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Nobody who is not part of those discussions and is not part of the decision-making process can ever know - and frankly nor should they know - the detail and the depth of the considerations that governments go into. These have to be done in a confidential way.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The Australian Broadcasting Corporation shamed the [[BBC]] by putting out a ''Four Corners'' documentary on [[the Panama leak]] that had real balls. In stark contrast to the BBC, the Australians named and shamed Australia’s biggest company and Australia’s biggest foreign investor. ''[[BBC Panorama]]'' by contrast found a guy who sold one house in Islington. The Australians also, unlike the BBC who deliberately and knowing hid it, pointed out that the [[corruption]] centred on the [[British Virgin Islands]], and even went there. All in all an excellent job.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“ASPI has played a leading role – some would say, the leading role – in driving Australia’s mendacious and self-destructive and often absurd China-bashing campaign. The current Coalition government, perhaps the most right-wing and incompetent in Australia’s recent history, has relied upon the ASPI to disseminate Washington’s desperate strategic policies, into which much of the Australian political class, along with its intelligence and military structures, has been integrated.””  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) rates around the world are skyrocketing for unknown reasons. Parents have fingered [[vaccines]] but studies have failed to confirm a link. Concurrently, [[aluminum]], from vaccine adjuvants, has been found actively transported to the brains of animals inciting inflammation. Fluoride has been implicated in children’s brain dysfunction, and, fluoride has been shown to potentiate aluminum toxicity. No vaccine study to date has controlled for a practice widespread around the world – [[water fluoridation]]. Autism is more prevalent in United States cities that fluoridate their water supplies, and less prevalent in rural non-fluoridated areas even with high vaccination rates.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It's easy to put a [[truck bomb]], as we did, er, as [[7 July 2005 London bombings|happened in London]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“To govern I only need Bild, BamS (Bild on Sunday) and television.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“For those of us who seek to rise up against this monstrous evil, culture is going to be as important as the more prosaic elements of resistance such as a food tent or a medical tent or a communications tent. I saw that in revolutionary movements I covered in [[Latin America]], and that has been true throughout history.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The reason why only one drug has been made available — AZT — is because it’s the only drug that has been shown in scientifically controlled trials to be [[safe and effective]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In 2014, when the volunteer squads were defending the country, many of their appeals were quite radical against the Russian Federation. They were volunteers and it was their personal point of view. The Azov battalion are not volunteers, but are part of the National Guard. They are the official army of our state. Those who wanted to engage in politics - they were engaged in politics. Those who decided to be in the AFU, they became part of the AFU,”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Ernst Zundel]] does not deserve the privilege of Canadian citizenship. Not only would this be an affront to minority communities throughout Canada, but it would send a message to hatemongers the world over that Canada is a haven for racism.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The BBC began in 1922, just before the corporate press began in America. Its founder was Lord [[John Reith]], who believed that impartiality and objectivity were the essence of professionalism. In the same year the British establishment was under siege. The unions had called a general strike and the Tories were terrified that a revolution was on the way. The new BBC came to their rescue. In high secrecy, Lord Reith wrote anti-union speeches for the [[Tory]] [[Prime Minister]] [[Stanley Baldwin]] and broadcast them to the nation, while refusing to allow the labor leaders to put their side until the strike was over. So, a pattern was set. Impartiality was a principle certainly: a principle to be suspended whenever the [[establishment]] was under threat. And that principle has been upheld ever since.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We must report acts of terror quickly, accurately, fully and responsibly. Our credibility is undermined by the careless use of words which carry emotional or value judgements. The word "terrorist" itself can be a barrier rather than an aid to understanding. We should try to avoid the term, without attribution. We should let other people characterise while we report the facts as we know them.<p>We should not adopt other people's language as our own. It is also usually inappropriate to use words like "liberate", "court martial" or "execute" in the absence of a clear judicial process. We should convey to our audience the full consequences of the act by describing what happened. We should use words which specifically describe the perpetrator such as "bomber", "attacker", "gunman", "kidnapper", "insurgent, and "militant". Our responsibility is to remain objective and report in ways that enable our audiences to make their own assessments about who is doing what to whom.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The Bank is completely removed from any governmental or political control.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“1. The buildings or parts of buildings and surrounding land which, whoever may be the owner thereof, are used for the purposes of the Bank shall be inviolable. No agent of the Swiss public authorities may enter therein without the express consent of the Bank. Only the [[BIS/President|President]], 2 the [[BIS/General Manager|General Manager]] of the Bank, or their duly authorised representative shall be competent to waive such inviolability. 2. The archives of the Bank and, in general, all documents and any data media belonging to the Bank or in its possession, shall be inviolable at all times and in all places. 3. The Bank shall exercise supervision of and police power over its premises.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Every year, we learn about some issue in WhatsApp that puts everything on their users' devices at risk. Which means it's almost certain that a new security flaw already exists there. Such issues are hardly incidental – they are planted backdoors. If one backdoor is discovered and has to be removed, another one is added”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“As [[European]] [[democracies]] and part of a [[transatlantic]] democratic alliance, we are also in systemic competition with an authoritarian regime like [[China]]”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“According to the Prison Policy Initiative, less than 25 percent of people held in local jails right now have actually been convicted of a crime. By their reporting, over 460,000 "presumed innocent" people are in jail on any given day. Like so many other aspects of the criminal justice system, cash bail punishes minorities and the poor far more harshly. In 2015, 18-year-old Allen Bullock smashed a traffic cone into a cop car at a Baltimore protest after Freddie Gray died while in Baltimore police custody. When he turned himself in afterward, a judge set his bail at $500,000, double the amount for some of the officers who were being charged for Gray's death. In San Francisco, Kenneth Humphrey spent a year in jail awaiting trial after his bail was set at $350,000 for allegedly stealing $5 and a bottle of cologne in 2017.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The economic lifeline of the industrial world runs from the gulf, and we can not permit a dictator such as this to sit astride that economic lifeline," [...] To bring it down to the level of the American citizen, let me say that means jobs. If you want to sum it up in one word, it's 'jobs'. Because an economic recession worldwide, caused by the control by one nation - one dictator if you will- of the West's economic lifeline, will result in the loss of jobs for American citizens.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Of course, even if we ever determine that Volkert van der Graaf was an agent, wittingly or unwittingly, of a "liberal [[CIA]]", that does not mean that the Fortuyn case is automatically closed. In this article plenty of evidence has been presented that indicates Fortuyn and close allies as Theo van Gogh, Oscar Hammerstein, Gerard Spong and Tomas Ross, like Volkert van der Graaf and "liberal CIA" [[NGO]] network and Friends of the Earth, are part of a parallel security state-controlled network of (neo)conservatives and related right-wingers, which we could well term "conservative CIA". At a higher level, this (neo)conservative network actually got its way with the [[2004]] murder of Theo van Gogh by an Islamic radical.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I don't get why you are so annoying and negative about this. Let's be happy together! Let's say: The Dutch are finally able to do this again, that '''VOC-mentality''', looking beyond borders, dynamic! Right?!”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“When I first saw the furin cleavage site <sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup> in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. (...) These features make a powerful '''challenge to the idea of a natural origin''' for SARS2.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama's ideology," - "The White House protects their own. That's why they stalled on the investigation into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and ObamaCare. He's intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In spite of the promise of “Change you can believe in,” it looks like things are basically UNchanged”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There's been a major change in thinking. Ten years ago, public was good, and private was bad,'' he added. ''The attitude has changed. Today all the talk is of privatization. Sure, much of it is just talk, but it was talk that was unheard of 10 years ago”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“CIDOB currently works with the Institute for Statecraft, but they are not comfortable outlining the details of this relationship until they know more about this project.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The [[economy]] of the future is based on relationships rather than possessions.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The entity I envision would be small, highly networked, and generally visible. It would be open to information from all available sources and would classify only information that arrived classified. It would rely heavily on the Internet, public media, the academic press, and an informal worldwide network of volunteers--a kind of global [[Neighborhood Watch]]--that would submit on-the-ground reports. It would use off-the-shelf technology, and use it less for gathering data than for collating and communicating them. Being off-the-shelf, it could deploy tools while they were still state-of-the-art. I imagine this entity staffed initially with [[librarians]], [[journalists]], [[linguists]], [[scientists]], [[technologists]], [[philosophers]], [[sociologists]], cultural historians, [[theologians]], [[economists]], philosophers, and artists-a lot like the original [[CIA]], the [[OSS]], under [["Wild Bill" Donovan]]. Its budget would be under the direct authority of the President, acting through the National Security Adviser. Congressional oversight would reside in the committees on science and technology (and not under the congressional [[Joint Committee on Intelligence]]).”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“As I sat down, [[Craig Spence|Spence]] seated himself on the chocolate sofa next to a man in his late fifties, who had balding black hair and brown, round-framed glasses. He wore a blue, pinstripe suit, white shirt and a red tie. A miniature U.S. flag was pinned on his lapel. Spence introduced the man to me by name and also disclosed his title. He was in the administration of [[George H.W. Bush]]. I feel that [[George H. W. Bush/Presidency|the Bush administration]] had decided to pull out a big gun to eradicate any traces of Gregg's affinity for gay escorts, because Gregg had been so instrumental in [[Iran Contra]] and because he was en route to becoming the [[United States Ambassador to South Korea]].<br> Spence had dropped the name name of the cabinet member months earlier, when he revealed that he routinely provided him with adolescent boys.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Thank you, Mr. President. The [European] Commission have recently replied to my written question confirming that Commissioners [Joaquin] Almunia and [Neelie] Kroes attended [[Bilderberg/2011|the Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz in June]]. The Commission cannot tell me details of what was discussed, but that surely the [[Bilderberg meetings]] do not take decisions. If [[Bilderberg meetings]] are just talking shops, why do the most powerful figures from around the world, including [[George Osborne]], the [[Chancellor of the Exchequer]], bother to attend? What other summit of world leaders in politics, finance and business would go completely unreported in the [[mainstream media]] such as the [[BBC]]? It’s impossible not to reach the conclusion that the non-reporting of these events is anything other than a conspiracy between the [Bilderberg] organisers and the media. It merely confirms the belief of many that the hidden agenda and purpose of the [[Bilderberg Group]] is to bring about undemocratic world government. It’s a disgrace that the [[European Commission]] is colluding in that.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In the event of a war between the United States and China, Australia would have absolutely no alternative but to line up militarily beside the US. Otherwise the alliance would be effectively dead and buried, something that Australia could never afford to see happen.””  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The gargantuan apparatus of mind bending and controlling is being put into hyper drive by the ruling elite. We are inundated with [[propaganda]] that challenges our sense of reality but only after being “tenderized” by the fear factor. Fear of “[[terror]]”, fear of [[war]], fear of financial insecurity, fear of gun violence, fear of our own shadow. Once we are suitably quaking in our boots, in comes the rendition of reality that relieves our anxiety. If we challenge this version of events we are labelled a [[conspiracy theorist]], a threat to [[security]]. We are hounded, [[discredited]], slandered and ridiculed. We are isolated and <i>threatened</i>.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Very powerful [[psy-ops]] came into play. The familiar slogan “stay home, protect the NHS, save lives” is familiar now to all of us. And that was the creation of the [[behavioral insights team]] in Number 10 Downing Street. Remarkable psychology behind that. I think the team were even very surprised by how well we behaved.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In April 1885,only six weeks after [[Berlin Conference|his diplomatic triumph at Berlin]], the king was named in a British courtroom as one of the clients of a high-class "disorderly house" prosecuted at the urging of the [[London Committee for the Suppression of the Continental Traffic in English Girls]]. Leopold had paid £800 a month, a former servant of the house testified, for a steady supply of young women, some of whom were ten to fifteen years old and guaranteed to be virgins. A [[Paris]] newspaper reported rumors that Leopold had secretly crossed to England in his [[yacht]] and paid a royal sum to the house’s madam to be sure his name was not mentioned again. More likely, what made the case close with unusual speed was that the [[Edward VII|Prince of Wales]] was said to be another of the establishment’s customers. The British home secretary sent a special observer to the court, apparently a veiled message to all concerned that the less said, the better. After pleading guilty, the madam of the house got off with a remarkably light fine.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“No-one is safe until all of us are safe”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Bellingcat was somewhat discredited, both by spreading disinformation itself, and by being willing to produce reports for anyone willing to pay”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Among [Bellingcat]'s current personnel we have a former [[British Army]] officer, a former employee of [[GCHQ]], former members of the [[US Department of Defense]], the [[US Secret Service]], the [[US Army]] and the UK’s [[Foreign and Commonwealth Office]] .”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Scheduled Air Transportation is one of the main targets of national and international terrorist organizations. Since safety and security are the bases of the very existence of scheduled aviation as a worldwide international air transport system, it is only natural that [[International Air Transport Association]] (IATA), the association of scheduled airlines, has been and is presently in the forefront of initiating, coordinating and executing actions on an international basis in the field of airline security, with a view to safeguarding the very existence of its members — individually as well as a group. The regrettable fact is that despite IATA’s efforts air [[terrorism]] continues to develop both in scope, viciousness and intensity. Furthermore, it is increasing its technical sophistication through cooperation between various terrorist and anarchistic organizations on an international scale.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country... In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The program we designed [the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program], which we're funding to the tune of $300 million — the largest single grant in the history of the foundation — is just wrapping up its first year. Over the next ten years, it will support about thirty-five hundered people around the world for up to three years of graduate study. And we hope they will not only take advantage of this opportunity — paid in full, anywhere in the world — but that they will return to their home countries and begin to function effectively as leaders. Eventually, we think that out of this group will emerge some extraordinary world leaders — at least we hope so. We do need to be thinking consciously about where the next generation of world leaders is going to come from.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I admired the Israelis more than any people in the world. ... The greatest spirits were Jews, I adored them ... And now they are doing this. The people who have fled from this country [Germany], where the evil one [Hitler] was, have turned their own country into something [[Israeli–Palestinian conflict|even worse]]. It's unbelievable. There is no people who study better than them, but they have learned and implemented evil. And that's why Israel is now living hell.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“But there's a big difference between mistakes and malevolence. The record of the [[Waco massacre|Waco incident]] documents mistakes, mistakes in gathering intelligence; mistakes in planning and executing operational plans. And law enforcement should and must be held accountable for such mistakes. What the record from Waco does not evidence, however, is any improper motive or intent on the part of law enforcement. I believe this is a very important point to make to the American public, because there are a growing number of people across the country who are seizing on the incident at Waco, as well as [[Ruby Ridge]], to suggest that law enforcement is our enemy...[...]..[[David Koresh]] and the Davidians set fire to themselves and committed [[suicide]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be Vice President of the United States of America. Let's get that straight. She's a truly close personal friend. She is qualified to be President of the United States of America. She's easily qualified to be Vice President of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me. But she's first rate”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Biden gives zero indications he has the ability to guide our country through this right now, that's a Full Stop moment. Listen in case anyone doubts me remember when his cue cards got caught on camera? That gave the exact instructions where to go and where to sit. Let me just say before I go on, that's not unusual, I'm not knocking him. I work these details as a secret service agent, they tell the president exactly what to do. This cue card thing is the problem, they tell him what to do and he still doesn't know what to do. That's the problem. His incompetence inspires no confidence at all the world can see this. I'm not sure America can withstand two more years of this leadership or whatever you want to call what he's doing right now.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did [[John Kennedy]]. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate," Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the [[Middle East]] and [[Russia]] as possibilities. And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you - not financially to help him - we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Poor kids are just as bright as white kids!”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun. The kids used to come up and reach in the pool & rub my leg down so it was straight & watch the hair come back up again. So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I've loved kids jumping on my lap.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Our allies in the region were our largest problem in Syria. The Turks were great friends, and I have a great relationship with Erdogan, [who] I just spent a lot of time with, [and] the Saudis, the Emirates, etcetera. What were they doing? They were so determined to take down Assad, and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war, what did they do? They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad – except that the people who were being supplied, [they] were al-Nusra, and al-Qaeda, and the extremist elements of jihadis who were coming from other parts of the world. Now, you think I'm exaggerating? Take a look. Where did all of this go? So now that's happening, all of a sudden, everybody is awakened because this outfit called ISIL, which was al-Qaeda in Iraq, when they were essentially thrown out of Iraq, found open space and territory in [eastern] Syria, [and they] work with al-Nusra, who we declared a terrorist group early on. And we could not convince our colleagues to stop supplying them. So what happened? Now, all of a sudden – I don't want to be too facetious – but they have seen the lord. Now we have ... been able to put together a coalition of our Sunni neighbors, because America can't once again go into a Muslim nation and be the aggressor. It has to be led by Sunnis. To go and attack a Sunni organization. And so what do we have for the first time? President Erdoğan told me, he is an old friend, said you were right, we let too many people through, now we are trying to seal the border.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Some will think “Oh, they are protecting Biden — they don’t want the public to see how he acts.” Who knows? I just know that what he is doing is wrong and signifies a crude, animalistic expression of male dominance. He is seeing how far he can go without being stopped. How far can he dominate these Senators? Watching the whole 12 minutes of these swearing-in ceremonies where you can see Biden “doing his thing” and the reactions of family members was difficult, but very instructive. By the end I thought, “These people won’t even lift a finger to stop him from touching their own innocent children. Why in the hell would anyone think they’d lift a finger to do a thing to help a stranger? Or strangers?”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I hate to say that big oil is bigger than the United States Government; but its favored treatment at the hands of our government certainly leads to that conclusion.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“So one of the things that these five companies have done kind of masterfully is create these platforms that startups have to use to get to customers. So they all own these cloud-storage services. So Amazon is an example. If you want to store your media online - so, for example, all the movies that you watch on Netflix are actually stored on Amazon servers - so every time you use Netflix, Netflix is kind of paying Amazon for that kind of storage. Yeah. It's surprising, first of all, because they're such different companies. You wouldn't really know - you wouldn't really think that they would have that kind of connection. And then they're also competitors. Netflix makes original TV shows and so does Amazon. And so, you know, in this way, Netflix has this dependence on one of its competitors. There are lots of different examples of this though. There - you know, all app makers have to put their apps in the Apple app store or the Google app store. And when they sell in those apps, 30 percent of that money goes to Apple or Google. They all have to advertise on Facebook or Google to get customers because that's become the way to advertise on digital platforms. And so any new app - Uber, Airbnb, Netflix, all the other sort of smaller companies online - have to go through these five to get to their customers. And what ends up happening is that other companies succeed, but always these five benefit off of that success.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It's the pesticide merchants and GMO companies....they are the real decision makers. They use lobbyist to shape national policy by almost buying politicians. It's this corruption that subverts the EPA. I am not a prophet, but I can see a very dark future if we fail to ban glyphosate and all other neurotoxins and carcinogens in or food and natural world.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We are convinced there are more than ample science to raise serious concerns over rising [[herbicide]] use and exposure, yet not nearly enough is being done to either dismiss such concerns or study them in a meaningful way. People think [[global warming]] is the biggest threat, but it's not. This is.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the [[New England Journal of Medicine]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant [[conflicts of interest]], together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“When the time is ripe our present concepts of world affairs should be extended to the whole world.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The Bilderberg Conference was prepared by a group of men of good-will from twelve Western European countries and from the United States of America. Its general purpose was to study the relationship between America and Western Europe in order, by means of a free and frank exchange of views, to lay the foundations for improving mutual understanding between Europeans and Americans on problems of common concern.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Americans saw that firm Western action in [[1953 Iranian coup|Persia]], [[Berlin airlift|Berlin]], and [[Korean War|Korea]] had produced successful results and they therefore believed in continuing a firm policy.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Finally, in view of the desire expressed by the majority of the participants in Bilderberg, and on the invitation of the American members, it was decided that a similar conference should be convened in the U.S.A., time and place to be decided upon later.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“One of the most blatant of these agencies, despite its adoption of a [[secret society]] technique, is the [[Bilderberg Group]], which seems to have been inspired by an important event. In the year [[1910 Jekyll Island meeting|1908]] (sic.), secret agents of the New York Money Power and their Washington fuglemen had themselves transported in the dead of night to [[Jekyll Island]] off the coast of [[Georgia (US State)|Georgia]]. As the result of their plotting there was created, four years later, the means whereby the [[Money Trust]] was enabled to seize control of the entire American economy through the mechanism of the [[Federal Reserve Board]]. In February 1957, a similarly hush-hush conference took place at St. Simons Island in the same region. A "summary" of the proceedings was entered by [[Senator Wiley]], champion of the Left-wing, in the appendix of the Congressional Record. It referred to "the preservation of peace" under the auspices of [[Nato]], which revealed nothing.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The observed increase in global mean temperature has been neither monotonic with time nor uniform over the globe as has been the increase of greenhouse gases. This situation calls into question the validity of isolating the [[greenhouse effect]] as the only cause of the recent temperature increase. A second uncertainty stems from the knowledge that the Earth has gone through major perturbations in temperature and [[climate]] in the past and continues to go through seasonal and cyclical changes (Figures 8, 9). How much if any of the recent changes then are just part of a long term trend is not known.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Bilderberg is concerned about [[fake news]]? The world’s most secretive conference, which is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars keeping the press away from its sacred discussions, which has spent decades lying and obfuscating about itself, wants to ensure the spread of [[truth]]?”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“People act like they have a choice. You don't have a choice. Normalcy only returns when we've largely [[vaccinated]] the entire global population [against [[COVID-19]]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Already some employers are demanding that their employees have [[COVID-19/Vaccine|vaccines]]. Leading a normal working life as part of society will become impossible without proof you’ve had a vaccine. Government shouldn’t stand in the way of that — it should facilitate it. As our real [[passports]] already say on the first page, Covid passports will “allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance”. Bring them on.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Every time I open the [[obituary]] pages of the local [[newspaper]], I find so many people that I know have died. A whole generation is being wiped out.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“China has taken the strongest measures to contain the spread of the virus compared to the rest of the world, with a mixture of distinctive solutions, from the world’s most severe lockdown in Wuhan to the generalized use of digital tools. It has paid off.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Scientists have achieved miracles with the [[COVID-19/Vaccines|vaccines]]. Now the world’s leaders have just to show elementary common sense. They must do “whatever it takes” to finance accelerated production and distribution of vaccines – and, if necessary, reformulated vaccines – globally. This is the only way for us to regain any sort of normality. Nothing should be allowed to get in the way. This is a global war and our species is not yet winning. That has to change, from tomorrow.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is by coming together on vaccine research, mass production and distribution, that we will deliver safe and fair access to vaccines to all that need it, leaving no one behind.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“COVID-19 does not respect borders. No country will be safe until the people of every country have access to the vaccine.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There will be no recovery. There will be social unrest. There will be violence.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[COVID-19/Vaccine|These [COVID-19] vaccines]] are unlikely to completely [[sterilize]] a population. They're very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage. Say, 60% or 70%.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There will be no recovery. There will be social unrest. There will be violence.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Scientists have achieved miracles with the [[COVID-19/Vaccines|vaccines]]. Now the world’s leaders have just to show elementary common sense. They must do “whatever it takes” to finance accelerated production and distribution of vaccines – and, if necessary, reformulated vaccines – globally. This is the only way for us to regain any sort of normality. Nothing should be allowed to get in the way. This is a global war and our species is not yet winning. That has to change, from tomorrow.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Already some employers are demanding that their employees have [[COVID-19/Vaccine|vaccines]]. Leading a normal working life as part of society will become impossible without proof you’ve had a vaccine. Government shouldn’t stand in the way of that — it should facilitate it. As our real [[passports]] already say on the first page, Covid passports will “allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance”. Bring them on.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is by coming together on vaccine research, mass production and distribution, that we will deliver safe and fair access to vaccines to all that need it, leaving no one behind.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“COVID-19 does not respect borders. No country will be safe until the people of every country have access to the vaccine.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“People act like they have a choice. You don't have a choice. Normalcy only returns when we've largely [[vaccinated]] the entire global population [against [[COVID-19]]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Every time I open the [[obituary]] pages of the local [[newspaper]], I find so many people that I know have died. A whole generation is being wiped out.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“China has taken the strongest measures to contain the spread of the virus compared to the rest of the world, with a mixture of distinctive solutions, from the world’s most severe lockdown in Wuhan to the generalized use of digital tools. It has paid off.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[COVID-19/Vaccine|These [COVID-19] vaccines]] are unlikely to completely [[sterilize]] a population. They're very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage. Say, 60% or 70%.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] it's a military, political lobby. What they are doing is essentially, and they've been going ever since the 1950's remember, and I think they've now reached a stage were they do control all of our politicians really. So they make sure that there is no politician that is going to get into power in any of the NATO countries, or countries that are coming into NATO, that's not one of their puppets. And they've been extremely successful, Bilderberg, in doing that with their toxic mix of the biggest, most powerful banksters, corporations, royalty of course as well, the mass media people, the owners, not necessarily the day-to-day editors, people that actually own the media mostly are there. And what they are really doing is, they are just making sure that anybody that comes along as a potential leader, they're just checking them over -this person will do as we say- they are completely wedded to being controlled by money and blackmail -yes, they are able to speak- and it is a way of introducing them to the secret rulers of the western world if you want [...]”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“When Donald Trump refuses to take questions on a given subject, it’s an outrage. And rightly. Bilderberg gave its last press conference in the mid-1970s. They’ve been fighting the war on information for far too long. It’s time for them to lay down their arms, enter the 21st century, and start talking.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] since February, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, it's been a battle, this entry of Biletsky has been rewritten, so to speak, to ultra-conservative, courageous special-operations warrior, who was always a prominent leader figure. That is the US compatible version of the neo-Nazi Biletsky, or the Nazi Biletsky and this error is in both the German Wikipedia, and the English Wikipedia. There they are not able to find it. You remember with other people they search through everything to find one single thing, they leave out 95 percent of the sources to find one that they can use to smash someone, and here they miss the worst things. These are two of the central pamphlets of Biletsky, two of his programmatic political writings that he wrote. A manifesto, so to speak, and that doesn't come up, instead he's white-washed.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded two models to “predict” the spread of COVID-19. The [[Imperial College London]] and the [[University of Washington]]’s [[Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation]] in Seattle predicted that 2.2-million Americans would die unless drastic lockdown measures were followed. Both colleges quickly reduced their predictions, but the world is still in lockdown as a result of it. In 2005, the Imperial College of London predicted that 200-million people worldwide would be killed by [[bird flu]]. When the “crisis’ was over, the virus had killed 78 people worldwide. In 2009, the College predicted that the [[swine flu]] would kill 65,000 people in the UK, but the final number was 457. From [[2006]] through [[2018]], the [[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation|Gates Foundation]] donated $185-million to the College to continue their good work.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“When Melinda and I first started our giving, in the late 1990s, our focus was on reproductive health rather than childhood deaths. We felt that giving mothers the tools to limit their family size to what they wanted would have a catalytic effect by reducing population growth and making it easier to feed, educate, and provide jobs for the children who were born.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“my full-time work at the foundation is mostly about vaccines and [[GM|seeds]]”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Vaccines]] are a miracle — with just a few doses, they can prevent deadly diseases for a lifetime. We’ve made vaccines our number-one priority at the Gates Foundation because we’ve seen first hand their incredible impact on children’s lives.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Yes, I would love to get vaccinated too, we just have to see that we follow the legal basics. We will have to produce over 1.3 billion doses of vaccine in the next six months, it is important that there are no staff absences and accordingly we are thinking about finding ways that legally allow us to protect our staff as well. But we have, that is still in the clarification at the moment.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A year ago today, not everyone was aware that we were going to live in a pandemic. But some already knew or suspected it; and that included Mr. Şahin, the head of BioNTech, who told me that on January 24 he made the decision to overturn the entire BioNTech research program and develop an mRNA vaccine for this virus.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“When you start documenting the history of bioethics, you discover that this is exactly what this field of study is meant to do: To frame the debate about hot button issues so that eugenicist ideals and values can be mainstreamed in society and enacted in law. From [[abortion]] to [[euthanasia]], there isn’t a debate in the medical field that wasn’t preceded by some bioethicist or bioethics institute preparing the public for a massive change in mores, morays, values and laws.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus features a so-called ''furin cleavage site'' (FCS), which makes the virus more infectious and virulent than it would otherwise be. Such an FCS is not known in any other SARS-like coronavirus, but it is often inserted as part of gain-of-function studies in virus research. However, similar FCS are known to occur in non-SARS-like coronaviruses, hence a natural origin cannot be excluded based on this. The furin cleavage site found in SARS-CoV-2 uses an arginine (amino acid) double codon, which is rather rare in natural coronaviruses, but quite common in engineered viruses used in lab experiments (...)”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I think that's why the criteria that you can see the [[Gates Foundation|Gates]] that err, that the federal government has recommended are ...”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“White people are a genetic defect of blackness”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“This country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution, what's our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“More than seven years ago a group of Americans traveled to Siberia to buy a pair of Russian Mi-17 helicopters for the CIA's post-9/11 clandestine operations in Afghanistan. As with many "black" programs, the contract had elements of craziness: Contracting officials paid the multimillion-dollar contract on a credit card at a local El Paso bar and then used the credit card rebate to redecorate their office; the team traveled under the guise of being private contractors; and the charter crew transporting the group abandoned the team in Russia in the middle of the night. Ultimately, a five-year investigation into the mission led to the conviction of the Army official in charge and the contractor who bought the helicopters on charges of corruption. The two men, currently in federal prison, are appealing their convictions. At first glance, it's a simple case: A few days after returning from Russia, the contractor paid off the second mortgage of the Army official in charge of the mission. Prosecutors argued that the contractor, Maverick Aviation, was unprepared for the mission, and the Army official helped cover up the problems in exchange for a payoff. The defendants at trial were barred from mentioning the CIA, Afghanistan or even 9/11. In an article for The New York Post, this author looks at what really happened in Siberia based on over two dozen interviews with people involved in the mission and trial. It's a story, that in some respects, is very different than the portrait painted by the government at trial. One interesting comparison not mentioned in the article is worth noting in light of recent purchases of Russian helicopters: In 2001, Maverick Aviation was paid $5 million for two freshly overhauled Mi-17s and spare parts, as well as travel and logistics for team of Army/CIA personnel, and got the helicopters out of Russia in under 30 days. In 2008, ARINC, a major U.S. defense contractor, was paid $322 million dollars to buy 22 Russian helicopters under a U.S. foreign military sales contract. Guess how many helicopters ARINC has delivered to Iraq after 18 months? Zero.”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“They would have had to all three tie their hands and feet together, shove rags down their throats, put a mask over their face, made a noose, hung it from the ceiling on the side of the cellblock, jumped into the noose, and hung themselves simultaneously. In a cellblock where guards are ordered to check on detainees every four minutes. They had a policy that if a detainee is hunger-striking, he cannot be interrogated, I believe the number-one mission in JTF-GTMO (Joint Task Force Guantanamo) at the time was, stop the hunger strikes at all costs. I think you get rid of the people that provoked the hunger strikes and you get rid of the problem. After the deaths, there were no hunger strikes for a long period of time.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A small group of people in Johnston County NC are investigating their state’s role in the CIA's torture and rendition program. Last fall, they had a series of public hearings on the subject and on May 7th they're planning to meet with their commissioners in an effort to compel their county's very conservative board of commissioners to issue a ban on the use of public resources for rendition or torture, and to publicly acknowledge what they found: that a CIA contractor called Aero operating out of the local county airport, handled some 80% of rendition flights between September 2001 and March 2004.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The European Parliament denounces the lack of co-operation of many member states and of the Council of the European Union with the investigation; Regrets that European countries have been relinquishing control over their airspace and airports by turning a blind eye or admitting flights operated by the CIA which, on some occasions, were being used for illegal transportation of detainees; Calls for the closure of [the US military detention mission in] Guantanamo and for European countries immediately to seek the return of their citizens and residents who are being held illegally by the US authorities; Considers that all European countries should initiate independent investigations into all stopovers by civilian aircraft [hired by] the CIA; Urges that a ban or system of inspections be introduced for all CIA-operated aircraft known to have been involved in extraordinary rendition”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“They always followed the same procedure. We were always told to keep away. The planes would stay at the end of the runway, often with their engines running. A couple of [[military]] vans from the nearby intelligence base would go up to them, stay a while and then drive off, out of the airport. "I saw several of these flights but never saw inside the vans because they had tinted windows and they never stopped at the terminal building”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The US does not torture. I have not authorized it and I will not”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The did not want to appoint any federal judges to the bench... if ... candidates didn't have enough skeletons. Meaning they have to be rapists, pedophiles, despicable characters, and that information is collected during the background check, then they are used against these judges. So the judges rules per government instruction... They were ''all'' blackmailed. Blackmailed by whom? Blackmailed by the [[deep state]]... If you're squeaky clean and if you start running for a major position, the chances are you're not going to get there because you will be disqualified. They don't want you there.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Thatcher]] deliberately and cruelly wrecked the social democratic society in which I grew up, with the aim of destroying any ability for [[working people]] to be protected against the whims of the wealthy. But Thatcher never introduced privatisation into the NHS or state schools – that was her acolyte [[Blair]]. She maintained free university education in England and Wales. That was destroyed by Blair too.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Sources have told me that Blee has frequently been divisive and ineffective in previous positions.… His reputation and relationship with the military, especially the special-ops community, is very bad, based on substantive issues that arose during his time (in [[Afghanistan]] and [[Pakistan]]) post-9/11.… Another former official called Blee a ‘smart guy‘... but described him as a terrible manager.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Similar to PoS, this trend of the largest being best-placed to receive the most rewards means that the network will trend towards an oligarchy inclined to collude, rather than compete. The largest actors will become richer and strengthen their position as delegates over time. As they earn more rewards, they will hold more tokens. As they hold more tokens, they will have a proportionally higher share of the vote. This means they will then be more likely to be elected, and the cycle repeats, consolidating supply in hands of a narrower and narrower minority.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Give me one example of a multi-ethnic or multicultural society, where the original inhabitants are still living... and where they live in coexistence. I can't think of one. Don't say [[Australia]] or the [[US]] as the natives there have been exterminated.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I don't think you'll ever be able to centrally organize the [[EU]] countries accepting [[refugees]] in equal amounts. [[Eastern-Europe]]ans would never agree to that. Even if we would force them, hands on their back and they'd say "yes", even then, walk a week through [[Warsaw]] or [[Prague]]. There are no colored people there. They would be gone within a week. They would be literally beaten up. They don't have a life there.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Surinam]] is a failed state. And that has a severe connection with ethnic division. You quickly discover what the limits are of what a [[society]] can handle.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“All parties involved in the conflict are committing crimes. The Netherlands knows that the opposition is committing [[war crimes]]. We already wrote that starting in 2013. In fact [[Karel van Oostrom]] knew precisely what was written in the reports. He even knew all the details. The Dutch have enough people and info from intelligence agencies. And especially the Dutch and all the other EU countries, because they share all that info. They knew exactly what was happening. (...) Throughout investigation is needed. Not only the Dutch but other [[nation states]] supported the Syrian war. Therefore they could be complicit in committing war crimes.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Singapore]] is indeed a small mini-country, extremely selective in their migration.... they don't allow poor [[migrants]] in. Yes, maybe for cleaning.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“You want to know what this was really all about. The Nixon campaign in [[1968]], and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying. We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with [[marijuana]] and blacks with [[heroin]], and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their [[meetings]], and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the [[drugs]]? Of course we did.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The [[White Helmets]] are known around the world for rescuing civilians in [[Syria]]. But the recent death of its founder, [[James Le Mesurier]], and an unfolding cover-up at the [[OPCW]] of an [[Douma attack|apparently staged chemical weapons incident]], has shed new light on the group’s shadowy role in the Syria proxy war. We speak to ''[[The Grayzone]]''’s Max Blumenthal, whose reporting has exposed the [[White Helmets]]’ ties to jihadists groups and its use as a PR tool for Western military intervention in Syria. Blumenthal explains that the [[White Helmets]] group (originally known as ARK<sup id="cite_ref-5" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-5">[5]</a></sup>) was founded and trained in [[Turkey]] and financed by [[UK]], [[US]], [[Qatar]] and [[Saudi Arabia]]. In Operation [[Timber Sycamore]], and in conjunction with [[Al-Qaeda]] and [[ISIS]], the [[White Helmets]] were tasked with carrying out regime change ("transition") in [[Syria]] and then occupying the country ("stabilisation"). Many slick videos of the work of the [[White Helmets]] were produced and in one they are described by British journalist [[John Cantlie]] as the [[Islamic State Fire Brigade]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“According to Yossef Bodansky, then Director of the US Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, Washington was actively involved in "yet another anti-Russian jihad, seeking to support and empower the most virulent anti-Western [[Islamist]] forces." Bodansky revealed the entire [[CIA]] Caucasus strategy in detail in his report, stating that US Government officials participated in "a formal meeting in [[Azerbaijan]] in December [[1999]] in which specific programs for the training and equipping of [[Mujahideen]] from the Caucasus, Central/South Asia and the Arab world were discussed and agreed upon, culminating in Washington's tacit encouragement of both Muslim allies (mainly [[Turkey]], [[Jordan]] and [[Saudi Arabia]]) and US "private security companies'. . . to assist the Chechens and their Islamist allies to surge in the spring of [[2000]] and sustain the ensuing [[Jihad]] for a long time…Islamist Jihad in the Caucasus as a way to deprive Russia of a viable [[pipeline]] route through spiraling violence and terrorism".”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Clearly Boeing and certain agencies have the capacity to take over ‘uninterruptible control’ of commercial airliners of which MH370 B777 is one. Someone is hiding something, it is not fair that… Malaysia should take the blame. For some reason, the media will not print anything that involves Boeing or the CIA"”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Edgar Hoover|[Edgar] Hoover]] lied his eyes out to the [Warren] Commission – on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the gun, you name it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“This is somewhat like the position the Warren Commission took when Richard Russell, Hale Boggs and John Sherman Cooper refused to sign the draft of the Warren Report until a qualifying statement was inserted. The statement read, ‘Because of the difficulty of proving negatives to a certainty the possibility of others being involved with either [[Oswald]] or [[Jack Ruby|Ruby]] cannot be established categorically but if there is any such evidence it has been beyond the reach of all the investigative agencies and resources of the United States and has not come to the attention of this Commission.’”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Whoever you are, why don’t we hear you speaking up? The silence is deafening. Let me give you the reason why: Last year, about three or four months into this pandemic, I got a message from somebody. I’m not going to name who it was or where it came from. I got offered money to put out a public service announcement for you everyday plebs to [[COVID-19/Lockdown|stay home]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A second and third priest then recall to memory deceased friends who loved the Bohemian Grove, and the high priest makes yet another effusive speech, the gist of it being that "Great Nature" is a "refuge for the weary heart" and a "balm for breasts that have been bruised." A brief song is sung by the chorus and suddenly the high priest proclaims: "Our funeral pyre awaits the corpse of Care!" A horn is sounded at the boat landing. Anon, the Ferry of Care, with its beautifully ornamented frontispiece, begins its brief passage to the foot of the shrine. Its trip is accompanied by the music of a barcarole—a barcarole being the song of Venetian gondoliers as they pole you through the canals of Venice. As one listens to the barcarole, it becomes even clearer that many little extra touches have been added by the Bohemians who have lovingly developed this ritual over its ninety four-year history. The bier arrives at the steps of the altar. The high priest inveighs against Dull Care, the archenemy of Beauty. He shouts, "Bring fire," and the torchbearers (eighteen strong) enter. Then the acolytes quickly seize the coffin, lift it high above their heads, and carry it triumphantly to the pyre in front of the mighty Owl. It seems that Care is about to be consumed by flames.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The upper class of San Francisco is that way.. It's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time — it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd.I don’t even want to shake hands with anybody from San Francisco. Decorators. They’ve got to do something ... but goddamn it we don’t have to glorify it”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The constant denunciation will come back. The constant lying will come back. All these investigations, the in-depth research into the [[Stasi]] structures, the methods with which they worked and still work, all this will fall into the wrong hands. These structures will be studied in detail - and then they will be taken over. They will be adapted a little in the [[Germany|Federal Republic]] so that they fit in with a free Western society. They won't necessarily arrest the troublemakers either. There are more subtle ways of rendering someone useless. But the secret bans, the surveillance, the suspicion, the fear, the isolation and exclusion, the branding and muzzling of those who do not conform - that will come back, believe me. Institutions will be created that will work much more effectively, much more finely than the Stasi. The constant lying will also come back, the disinformation, the fog in which everything loses its contour.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If you accept this [[vaccination passport]], soon there will be another requirement, and another one... and you know where it will stop then... [[Population control]]!"”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Neville is one of the world’s leading experts in [[strategic communications]], and currently holds the position of Director of the [[King's Centre for Strategic Communications]] (KCSC) in London. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of [[NATO]]’s peer reviewed academic journal ''[[Defence Strategic Communications]]'', and an Associate Fellow of [[International Centre for Counter Terrorism]] (ICCT), The Hague.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Trump spoke with Xi Jinping by phone on June 18, ahead of 2019's Osaka G20 summit, when they would next meet. Trump began by telling Xi he missed him and then said that the most popular thing he had ever been involved with was making a trade deal with China, which would be a big plus politically. They agreed their economic teams could continue meeting. The G20 bilateral arrived, and during the usual media mayhem at the start, Trump said, "we've become friends. My trip to Beijing with my family was one of the most incredible of my life." With the press gone, Xi said this is the most important bilateral relationship in the world. He said that some (unnamed) political figures in the United States were making erroneous judgments by calling for a new cold war, this time between China and the United States. Whether Xi meant to finger the Democrats, or some of us sitting on the US side of the table, I don't know, but Trump immediately assumed Xi meant the Democrats. Trump said approvingly that there was great hostility among the Democrats. He then, stunningly, turned the conversation to the coming US presidential election, alluding to China's economic capability to affect the ongoing campaigns, pleading with Xi to ensure he'd win. He stressed the importance of farmers, and increased Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome. I would print Trump's exact words, but the government's prepublication review process has decided otherwise.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Gaddafi]] was a great leader, a true revolutionary who should not be confused with the new [[Libyan]] leadership [[Coup d'état|swept into power]] by [[NATO]]'s bayonets and by [[Big Oil|oil multinationals]]”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Speer was very often in the headquarters because his ministry was very important for the war. Only Bormann was always in the headquarters, where there was the only direct contact to Hitler.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Bormann as the secretary was the most powerful man, more powerful, I think, than Hitler. Because when the power was divided all those men who were in power had to go via him to Hitler. Except me, I had the direct access to Hitler.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] what for others would have been discussions of weeks and weeks, for him was a decision of just a fraction of a minute. Of course, there was a change too, one can never say that a man is always the same person and Hitler changed a lot from 42 to 43. In 43 he was more and more convinced that doesn't need no more the advice of anybody and he made the decisions by himself without listening.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“This war will be won on the battlefield. Additional €500 million from the #EPF are underway. Weapon deliveries will be tailored to Ukrainian needs.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Disinformation in times of the [[coronavirus]] can kill. We have a duty to protect our citizens by making them aware of false information, and expose the actors responsible for engaging in such practices. In today's technology-driven world, where warriors wield keyboards rather than swords and targeted influence operations and [[disinformation]] campaigns are a recognised weapon of state and non-state actors, the [[European Union]] is increasing its activities and capacities in this fight.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“These are the facts: Vaccines don’t cause [[autism]]. Measles can kill. And lying to vulnerable people about the health and safety of their children ought to be a hanging offense.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Bill Clinton, look, the bimbo eruptions—it was fucking monstrous. That would not have flown today. A piece of shit. Entitled, rapey, gropey, grabby, disgusting, and the way that he—and she—destroyed these women and the way that everyone went along, and, and are blind to this! Screamingly apparent hypocrisy and venality. How you can on the one hand howl at the moon about all these other predators. And not at least look back. OK, let's say, well, it was all consensual: powerful men, starstruck women, okay fine, let's accept it at its most charitable interpretation. Fine. He is a very charming man, I met him, he's fucking magnetic. As is (Hillary). When you're in the room, you think wow, she's really warm and nice and funny. But the way they efficiently dismantled, destroyed, and shamelessly discredited these women for speaking their truth.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“'''Frederick Kempe''': There was some fake news during this period of time about the vaccines, you know, all sorts of conspiracy theories. How did you deal with that and how did you navigate that and where do you feel the primary source of this sort of fake news was? How damaging was this to us? '''Albert Bourla''': I’m afraid it [caused] quite a lot of damage and particularly with us, we were targeted by a lot of, let’s say, dark organizations that you don’t really know [who owns them]. You suspect that there are some countries behind. We were getting a lot of briefings from [[CIA]], from [[FBI]], about cyberattacks that may happen to us, but also about the spread of misinformation. You know, there are two groups of people: There are the people that they are vaccinated. There are people that are skeptical about the vaccination, and both of them are afraid. Those that are getting the vaccine, they are afraid of the disease, and they believe that because people are not getting vaccinated, they are increasing the risk to them. They are increasing the exposure. So they are mad with them that they don’t get the vaccine. Those that don’t get the vaccine, they’re afraid of the vaccine and they are mad with the people that are pressing them to get it. Those I understand. They are very good people. They are decent people. But they had a fear, and I understand it, and they don’t want to take chances. But there is a very small part of professionals [who] circulate, on purpose, misinformation so that they will mislead those that they have concerns [with the vaccine]. Those people are criminals. They’re not bad people. They are criminals because they literally cost millions of lives.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The dynamics in the COVID more and more indicate a potential that we will have a clearly repeated business… Now we still don’t have data about the immunity of our vaccine because it is early. But we do see that the people that have the disease, more and more publications indicate that after several months, the immune response goes down. So there is a need to boost.””  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“What happens is that you get an email through or you get a calendar invite through which is a calling notice that says there’s gonna be a [[Sage]] at a particular time you’re invited to attend, and here’s the agenda.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There’s an immense amount of interest outside from people who would love to get inside, and change what Sage is saying, and that must never ever be allowed to happen. Otherwise, the trust in the whole process will just evaporate. I think it is not ideal. In an ideal world you’d have complete transparency, but it’s not an ideal world. There’s a lot of what I would call dark forces who are trying to undermine the validity of the way that science works and as a result of that [[Sage]] has to be conducted in a way that makes sure that they don’t have that opportunity. And it’s difficult, and I don’t think anybody who sits on Sage or [[chairs Sage]] really wants it that way. But on the other hand, there is no real option other than to do it that way.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I’m really, really adamant about that – one cannot have a public debate about what the science is saying and what it’s not saying.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I have absolute proof from a Pentagon document that the [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]] (CDC) was doing bio-warfare work for the [[Pentagon]] in [[Sierra Leone]], the heart of the outbreak, as early as 1988. Why would they do that? As I suggested to try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention to which the US government is a party. So, always bio-warriors do use offensive and defensive bio-warfare work, violating the Biological Weapons Convention. So effectively they try to offshore it into [[West Africa]] where [[Liberia]] is not a party and [[Guinea]] is not a party. Sierra Leone is a party. But in Sierra Leone and [[Liberia]] there were disturbances which kept the world from really paying attention of what was going on in these labs.<sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-4">[4]</a></sup>”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Currently runs the [[IfS]] “[[Integrity Initiative]]” network communications and network development process; deep experience in democratic election campaign processes in UK and especially in USA, viz: Regional Campaign Organiser: [[John Wisniewski]] for [[Governor of New Jersey]], USA. January - May 2017; Statewide Campaign Organiser: [[Bernie Sanders]] for [[US President|President]] 2016, USA. Sept 2015 – May 2016; special study of Russian interference in the US electoral process.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If identified as [[training program]]s, it is clear that the goals of such programs are to reshape behavior and that they are organized around issues of [[social control]] important to the organizations that operate the programs. Their objectives then appear to be [[Soft_power#Soft_power_techniques_against_individuals| behavioral training]] of the target, which result in an ability to present self, values, aspirations, and past history in a style appropriate to the [[ideology]] of the controlling organization; to train an ability to reason in terms of the ideology; and to train a willingness to [[obedience|accept direction]] from those in authority with minimum apparent resistance.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“All big [[entrepreneur]]s have the stink of unpopularity around them. Whether it is through envy or sincere distaste, [[Donald Trump]], [[James Goldsmith]], [[Rupert Murdoch]], [[Robert Maxwell]] and [[Richard Branson]] have all become popular figures of hate.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The EU should now invest boldly in its military capabilities, [[cyber-defences]], energy independence, and economic resilience...The implementation of the resulting measures should be collaborative and should not merely address national capability gaps...European sovereignty requires joint efforts to safeguard access to critical [[raw materials]] and global supply chains. ...These investments need to happen quickly. This would also send a signal to rivals such as [[China]] that the EU is not only an economic power – it is also a geopolitical actor that knows how to use its strengths to assert its values and interests.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“How prog-guru [[John Podesta]] isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If these guys don’t learn how to play the media ... we’re going to probably get a celebrity candidate”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The true purpose of the Occupy movement appears to be further economic and governmental destabilization, at a time when the world is already facing major financial and political challenges. By embracing the Occupy movement, President Barack Obama, the Democrat Party, and their union allies may be supporting an effort to harm both the domestic and global economies; to create social unrest throughout the democratic world; and to embrace other radical causes, including the anti-Israel movement.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[Elon Musk] is in the process of reducing a certain number of moderators, but he will have to increase them in Europe...He will have to open his algorithms. We will have control, we will have access, people will no longer be able to say rubbish.<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a></sup>”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We often hear that the [[political spectrum|left-right opposition]] is outdated or no longer makes sense. But the problem is worse: on many issues, the left-right opposition has reversed itself, the left adopting positions that were those of the right or the far-right in the past and part of the right doing the opposite. Let's start with the question of peace and war. Since the wars have become "humanitarian", it is the left, including the bulk of the "radical" left, which supports them. When [[Maidan|a perfectly orchestrated coup]] takes place in [[Ukraine]], we celebrate the victory of [[democracy]]. In [[Syria]], until recently, support, at least verbal, for the "rebels" was not debated in the left. During the bombings on [[Libya]], [[Jean-Luc Mélenchon|Mélenchon]] argued that it was necessary to prevent the "tyrant" [[Gaddafi]] from killing the revolution. We realized a little late that the opponents of the said tyrant, like the bulk of the rebels in [[Syria]], were also our opponents, that is to say fanatical [[Islamists]]. But the classical left, at least in its radical part, but sometimes also in a certain part of [[social democracy]], was opposed to imperial policies, interference and [[American hegemony]], especially during the [[Vietnam War]]. Today, the simple fact of defending the principle of [[national sovereignty]] passes for being far-right.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“But this is because these COVID-19 vaccines have reached the public rollout phase by, and I’ll say it in quotes, “cutting corners”. And by cutting corners, I’m not implying that people were skipping key steps, although honestly, there could be some potential questions around that.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“None of us were expecting, I don’t think, that the vaccines would be rolled out very early on in the phase three clinical trials. So the phase three trials are not done. So in essence, what this means is the public rollout right now is an extension of the phase three clinical trial. So those being vaccinated now are, whether they realize it or not, part of the phase three experiment.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now... We thought the [[spike protein]] was a great target [[antigen]]... So by [[vaccinating]] people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.... We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a [[pathogenic]] [[protein]]. It is a [[toxin]]. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation... Now, we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccines that make the cells in our deltoid muscles manufacture this protein — that the vaccine itself, plus the protein — gets into blood circulation.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Graham Brookie joined the Council in May 2017 as managing editor of the [[Digital Forensic Research Lab]]. Before, he was in various positions at the White House and [[National Security Council]]. His most recent role was as an adviser for strategic communications with a focus on digital strategy, and audience engagement. Previously he served as the adviser to the assistant to the president for homeland security and [[counterterrorism]], the president’s top aide for cybersecurity, counterterrorism, intelligence, and homeland security issues. He also worked in the East Asia, Middle East, and North Africa directorates at the National Security Council.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“But we are sitting here in an audience of international investors. Everyone sitting here watching all of this and wondering, is Russia a good place or a bad place to invest? And Mr Ryzhkov, I believe you when you say there's freedom of the press. Because I used the press in all sorts of corporate governance fights, attacking all sorts of people, including government officials and there's never been any recourse coming back to me. And I also believe that Russia has a democratic process that is not going to go away.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Boys Club de Amstel ... ran by a certain Mr. Kroner [Kreuner]. A business partner of him was liquidated in the 90's, an acquaintance of de Dominee [Klaas Bruinsma], who regularly visited there. ... Getting back to Piet van Haut: This fantasy-filled caricature also brought along a certain Marc [Dutroux], later known as the Monster of Belgium. This Marc had contacts with Duscedo, of the imperium of the gentlemen Tukkers and consorts. [Incorrect, unclear sentence follows, so loosely translated:] With Charles Geerts pulling the strings.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Who is to say that Abbas, Bruinsma and "the Hakkelaar" weren't used as pawns in a game much larger than they were, much as Mink Kok seems to have been used time and again? They are allowed to flourish a little bit, receive a little protection, a little legal aid, and when their time is up some rival gang takes them out and that one gets the protection when necessary. It's entirely possible. But where would the manipulation of these mafia groups come from? Most likely CIA Gladio/"stay behind" networks, which, during the Cold War, revolved around Prince Bernhard and individuals as Bib van Lanschot and Cees van den Heuvel.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Is Bruinsma's early connection with Mabel a coincidence? Maybe. But there are an awful lot of coincidences here. Mafia bosses Klaas Bruinsma, Etienne Urka and John Engelsma all seem to have had close direct or, through Oscar Hammerstein and Frits Salomonson, very close indirect ties to the Dutch royal family. Rutger Schimmelpenninck, partner in Boekel de Neree and curator of Text Lite, also has very close ties to the royal family.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“This sampling reveals that Maxwell, “GM,” took messages at the residence, including from underage girls who were calling to schedule a time to come over to see Epstein. This demonstrates that Maxwell was at Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion in 2004 and 2005, incidentally a time period she has denied being around the house in her deposition. See supra GIUFFRE001412; 001435; 001449. The messages also reveal that multiple “girls” were leaving messages that were being taken and memorialized and left out in the open for anyone to see. Certain messages also make clear that a number of these “girls” were in school. In addition to taking messages herself (and the staff working under her direction taking these relevant messages), staff employees were taking and leaving messages for Defendant. This is evidence that Maxwell was in the house at relevant times, including times that she has now testified under oath that she was not there. Other messages demonstrate Epstein and Maxwell’s friends, including Jean Luc Brunel, leaving messages relating to underage females. The following is a small sampling of such messages.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If we haven’t reached a vaccination level of between 80% and 90%, we will pass a law to impose the Covid-19 vaccine on all people who are against it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In the modern world internal and external security are indivisible. So a vital aspect of improving security cooperation [[counterterrorism]] is a [[sharing of information]]. We have been working hard in the U.S. to develop effective procedures to that end and we are fully committed to this. But it is essential to take into account the particular concerns of Europe on fundamental rights and [[privacy]] that is lesson of the recent vote by the [[European Parliament]] on the so-called [[SWIFT]] agreement.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Some of us think of [[José Manuel Barroso]] as a former scholar at [[Georgetown University]] in Washington.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The ultimate soft power instrument in the world is the Brussels Forum”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“BRUSSELS – The 13th German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum took place on 8-10 March. As in the previous years, it gathered leaders from government, business, journalism, and academia for discussions of pressing global issues. One of the key panels of the first day was with [[Polish Prime Minister]] [[Mateusz Morawiecki]], who addressed policymakers from across Europe and the United States. Despite recent controversies between [[Brussels]] and the [[EU]], the prime minister struck a conciliatory tone. “We try to find a common language with our Western European partners, because I truly believe in Europe,” Prime Minister Morawiecki told the BBC’s [[Katya Adler]] in a conversation that addressed the controversies between Poland and Brussels. The conversation came at a time when the trust in the transatlantic relationship has increasingly come into question, with the Trump administration’s recent announcement of tariffs on steel and aluminum calling trading relationships within the United States and Europe. “We believe in trade with the United States. We believe in reciprocity and this is why I say, in case needed, we will protect our interests, but this is not our attitude. Our attitude is to invest in free and fair trade and we see this as beneficial for the European economy and for the US economy,” said [[Federica Mogherini]], High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission. The theme of GMF’s 2018 Brussels Forum, Revise, Reboot, Rebuild: Strategies for a Time of Distrust, reflects a time where common ground often feels increasingly difficult to find. The conference, which started on International Women’s Day, featured four all woman panels and 38 percent female participation. “GMF has always been committed to issues of diversity and gender balance,” said [[Karen Donfried]], GMF President. “Women have been making big impact on policy for a long time. If you look at just our agenda today, we have Federica Mogherini, [[Rose Gottemoeller]], [[Manisha Singh]], [[Ana Gomes]], [[Susan Ness]], [[Michèle Flournoy]], just to name some of those headliners. Women are leading today. I don’t know if she’s in the room now, but a trailblazer has been [[Madeleine Albright]], and she will be with us over these next couple of days.” [[NATO Deputy Secretary General]] Rose Gottemoeller addressed NATO’s transatlantic partnership. The Deputy Secretary General stressed the importance of the transatlantic bond, noting that troops from North America and Europe currently serve together in NATO’s four battlegroups in the eastern part of the Alliance, helping to deter aggression. “In the field, on the ground, we see the essence of transatlantic trust,” she said. She underscored that NATO is focused on transatlantic burden-sharing, and many European Allies have stopped cutting their defence spending, and are stepping up their contributions to Alliance security. On European defence, she stressed the need for complementarity between [[NATO]] and EU efforts. Conversations throughout the day emphasized that despite tensions, there is a need to build trust. Trade was at the top of the agenda on the second day of GMF’s Brussels Forum. Against the backdrop of a rapidly developing story of potential U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, the day’s first conversation featured [[Cecilia Malmström]], [[European Commissioner for Trade]], and [[Robert Zoellick]], chairman of West Alliance and former [[World Bank president]]. Despite concerns that potential tariffs on steel and aluminum could drive a wedge between Europe and the United States, Malmström highlighted common ground on the issue of overproduction in the steel sector. Tying trade to the conference theme of trust, Malmström said: “We want to increase the possibilities for us to trade, for our people to meet to harness and shape globalization. To make sure that we get proper jobs, that we get fair trade, sustainable trade, and also because of the title of this meeting is today, how can we regain trust?” Former Secretary of State [[Madeleine Albright]] also spoke on an entirely different force shaping the world: the refugee crisis. Secretary Albright pointed out the connections between the refugee crisis and other global challenges, saying “Most people don’t want to leave the home where they were born, where they speak the language and have their family. The people who are leaving [[Africa]] are being pushed out because of desertification,” said Albright. “We need to recognize [[the earth is not flat]] and there is a scientific basis to [[climate change]]. I think we need to have short-, medium-, and long-term action plans, because this is the [[new normal]].” The day’s most spirited conversation came in the form of an Oxford Style debate on the motion “Humanitarian Intervention Does More Harm than Good.” Arguing for the motion were [[Frank Ledwidge]], senior fellow at the Royal Air Force College and Dr. [[Rajan Menon]], senior research scholar at [[Columbia University]]. Arguing against the motion were Dr. [[Kori Schake]], deputy director general of the [[International Institute for Strategic Studies]] and [[Bernard Kouchner]], co-founder of [[Doctors Without Borders]] and former [[French foreign minister]]. The debate, hosted in partnership with Intelligence Squared U.S., explored many facets of humanitarian and military intervention. While both sides won audience members to their position, as recorded through the conference voting app BFconnect, the team arguing against the motion won a greater proportion of the audience to their side and prevailed. Other notable speakers on Friday included members of the [[U.S. Congress]] and the European Parliament, CEO of The World Bank [[Kristalina Georgieva]], and [[U.S. Ambassador to NATO]] [[Kay Bailey Hutchison]]. [[Laura Rosenberger]] and [[Jamie Fly]], of GMF’s Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), presented Hamilton 68’s methodology, the dashboard that tracks Russian disinformation. The conference will conclude Saturday with sessions featuring [[Georgian President]] [[Giorgi Margvelashvili]], a discussion on resolving the [[North Korea]]n threat, and a conversation with U.S. Senator [[Chris Murphy]]. Senator Chris Murphy and [[Norbert Röttgen]], head of the German Bundestag’s Foreign Affairs Committee, kicked off the final day of GMF’s Brussels Forum. In a conversation that touched on hot button issues from gun control in the United States to the threat posed by North Korea to rapid social change on both sides of the Atlantic, both Murphy and Röttgen expressed commitment to partnership between the United States and Europe. “We have to broaden the conversation. We have to build a kind of political approach among parliamentarians and businesspeople for this rational, liberal approach to foreign policy,” said Röttgen. Murphy expressed a hope that that collaboration between Europe and the United States will continue, even on difficult issues such as trade and climate change. “I think we can do some work, behind the scenes, in an inter-parliamentary manner,” said Murphy. “There are solutions that can still be there.””  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Eurasia is home to most of the world's politically assertive and dynamic states. All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia. The world's most populous aspirants to regional hegemony, China and India, are in Eurasia, as are all the potential political or economic challengers to American primacy. After the United States, the next six largest economies and military spenders are there, as are all but one of the world's overt nuclear powers, and all but one of the covert ones. Eurasia accounts for 75 percent of the world's population, 60 percent of its GNP, and 75 percent of its energy resources. Collectively, Eurasia's potential power overshadows even America's.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Eurasia is the world's axial supercontinent. A power that dominated Eurasia would exercise decisive influence over two of the world's three most economically productive regions, Western Europe and East Asia. A glance at the map also suggests that a country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control the Middle East and Africa. With Eurasia now serving as the decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion one policy for Europe and another for Asia. What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian landmass will be of decisive importance to America's global primacy[…].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In the pharmaceutical world of economic durable competitive advantages, having a patent on a best-selling [[drug]] is about as good as it gets. The next best thing is having a monopoly on selling a country’s [[national health program]] the vaccines it needs for its childhood inoculation programs. Both of these businesses are hugely profitable and GSK ([[GlaxoSmithKline]]) excels in both these categories. The vaccine business is particularly attractive because an individual shot (or jab) costs GSK approximately $1.50 to manufacture and it sells to national vaccine programs for approximately $9 a shot. That gives GSK a net profit of approximately $7.50 a shot. This markup gives GSK a very healthy [[profit margin]] that improves with each and every new disease that the company develops a vaccine for. Consider this: GSK's profits rose 10% with the 2009 [[Swine Flu]] outbreak—a disease for which the company had a state-of-the-art vaccine ready to inoculate the masses. In addition to its patents and the durable competitive advantage GSK has with the vaccines, it also established the relationships with the world's governments, and it has the financial capital to create, manufacture, and sell vaccines on a world scale. If you were in charge of the health of a nation's 30 million-plus children, who would you buy your vaccines from? Every year? Year after year? You’d pick the biggest and the best. There are only four pharmaceutical giants that control most of the vaccine production in the world and GSK is one of them. There is another component to the vaccine equation that also spells BIG MONEY: Every year, women all over the world give birth to approximately 133 million new babies, 4.3 million babies in the U.S. alone. With the [[United States Centers for Disease Control]] (CDC) recommending that children aged birth through six receive 34 individual vaccine shots/jabs, that means the market for those 34 vaccine shots/jabs increases every year by 4.3 million in just the [[U.S.]] alone. This in turn means that the vaccine manufacturers selling in the U.S. have the potential to earn a profit of $1.09 billion every year (4.3 million x 34 x $7.50 = $1.09 billion). Consider the number of yearly vaccines worldwide and the numbers are staggering—approximately $34 billion a year (133 million x 34 x $7.50 = $33.9 billion). After ten years, in the U.S. alone, vaccine manufacturers will see more than $10 billion in net profit. On a world scale, the number jumps to a potential $340 billion in profits. And wait, it gets even better. With the invention of each new vaccine comes a patent that is good for twenty years and guarantees that no one else can make the vaccine. In other words, the company has a [[monopoly]]. Even when the [[patents]] expire, other companies rarely step into the market because the major manufacturers have a permanent relationship with the government health departments of the world. This enables manufacturers to continue making the same vaccines year after year while maintaining their large profit margins even after their patents have expired. And last but not least, vaccine manufacturers in the US are completely immune from [[lawsuits]]. Back in the [[1980s]] several bad batches of vaccines injured so many children that the resulting successful lawsuits threatened to bankrupt the manufacturers, so the manufacturers lobbied a bill through [[Congress]] making them a protected class.”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There's [[class warfare]], all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“'''Boss''': How come you’re not working? '''Worker''': There’s nothing to do. '''Boss''': Well, you’re supposed to pretend like you’re working. '''Worker''': Hey, I got a better idea. Why don’t ''you'' pretend like I’m working? You get paid more than me.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“One might imagine that leaving millions of well-educated young men and women without any real work responsibilities but with access to the internet — which is, potentially, at least, a repository of almost all human knowledge and cultural achievement — might spark some sort of Renaissance. Nothing remotely along these lines has taken place. Instead, the situation has sparked an efflorescence of [[social media]] ([[Facebook]], [[YouTube]], [[Instagram]], [[Twitter]]): basically, of forms of electronic media that lend themselves to being produced and consumed while pretending to do something else. I am convinced this is the primary reason for the rise of social media, especially when one considers it in the light not just of the rise of [[bullshit jobs]] but also of the increasing bullshitization of real jobs.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“No doubt bullshit jobs have long been with us; but recent years have seen an enormous proliferation of such pointless forms of employment, accompanied by an ever-increasing bullshitization of real jobs — and despite a popular misconception that all this is somehow tied to the rise of the service sector, this proliferation appears to have everything to do with the growing importance of finance.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“From roughly 1945 to 1975, there was what is sometimes referred to as a “Keynesian bargain” between [[workers]], [[employers]], and [[government]] — and part of the tacit understanding was that increases in [[worker productivity]] would indeed be matched by increases in [[worker compensation]]. ...this was exactly what happened. In the [[1970s]], the two began to part ways, with compensation remaining largely flat, and productivity taking off like a rocket”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“are not themselves forms of stupidity so much as they are ways of organizing stupidity — of managing relationships that are already characterized by extremely unequal structures of imagination, which exist because of the existence of structural violence. This is why even if a [[bureaucracy]] is created for entirely benevolent reasons, it will still produce absurdities.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Having worked briefly in the Canadian bureaucracy, I have observed that bureaucratic debate where power is involved tends to favor paranoid or worst-case analyses, especially those that justify budget and bureaucratic growth. Today's bureaucratic [[paranoia]] has indeed been institutionalized by what has been popularized as Vice President [[Cheney]]'s 1% doctrine:- Even if there is just a 1% of the unimaginable coming due, act as if it is a certainty. It's not about our analysis, as Cheney said, it's about our response. Justified or not, fact based or not, our response is what matters. As to evidence, the bar was set so low that the word itself almost didn't apply. If there was even a 1% chance of [[terrorists]] getting a [[weapon of mass destruction]], the United States must act now as if it were a certainty. This doctrine is a license for untrammeled expansion of the secret deep state.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In point of fact, fluoride causes more human [[cancer]] deaths than any other chemical. When you have power you don’t have to tell the truth. That’s a rule that’s been working in this world for generations. There are a great many people who don’t tell the truth when they are in power in administrative positions. Fluoride amounts to public murder on a grand scale. It is some of the most conclusive scientific and biological evidence that I have come across in my 50 years in the field of cancer research.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is critically important that third-party [[genetic]] experts, including respected authorities with no specific background in radiofrequency, be identified to speak on the following issues: • Problems with the Lai-Singh and Sarkar studies [on an increase in single-strand DNA breaks in the [[brain]] cells of [[rats]] after a single two-hour exposure to 2.45 GHz microwaves, at power levels officially considered safe] • The health implications of DNA single-strand breaks. We do not believe that [[Motorola]] should put anyone on camera. We must limit our corporate visibility and defer complex scientific issues to credible, qualified scientific [[experts]]. We have developed a list of [[independent]] experts in this field and are in the process of recruiting individuals willing and able to reassure the public on these matters.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I have seen no evidence directly linking George H.W. (Poppy) Bush directly to the 9/11 attacks, but just as [[physicist]]s can detect the presence of a black hole by the actions of other bodies around it, so the massive force of George H. W. Bush in the 9/11 op can be inferred. Many people extremely close to Poppy Bush were actively involved in the 9/11 op, including: his son oldest son, [[George W. Bush]]; his youngest son, [[Marvin Bush]]; [[Dick Cheney]], [[Donald Rumsfeld]], [[Prince Bandar]], the [[Iran Contra]] network, and the [[BCCI]] network.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The Enterprise was a massive 5000 person large hierarchical criminal organization with George H. W. Bush as its CEO. The Enterprise was a multifaceted criminal conglomerate that ran a large number of criminal activities including: [[drug trafficking]], [[arms trafficking]], [[savings and loan fraud]], [[securities fraud]], [[oil and gas fraud]], [[insurance fraud]], and [[real estate fraud]]. Embedded within the national security infrastructure and protected from prosecution by corrupted enforcement agencies like the [[SEC]], [[FBI]], [[DEA]], [[ATF]], etc., The Enterprise embarked on a massive criminal romp.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“the decision of one man to launch a [[wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq]]. I mean [[Russian invasion of Ukraine|of Ukraine]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Everyone must choose. You're either with the civilized world or you're with the terrorists.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“George H. W. Bush was such a pivotal [[deep politician]] because he bridged two separate worlds. He was a deep [[CIA]] insider, a lifelong [[intelligence operative]], and he also came from an elite family and was intimately tied to the East Coast business elite. His father, [[Prescott Bush|Prescott]], had been managing partner at the [[Wall Street]] investment bank [[Brown Brothers Harriman]] and also a [[US Senator]]. The Bush and Rockefeller families were very close. George H.W.’s grandfather [[Samuel Bush|Samuel]] had been business partners with [[John D. Rockefeller]]’s brother, and over the generation the Bush and Rockefeller clans had remained close. Empowered with these dual networks, George H. W. Bush could work within the dark nether-realms of the intelligence community, as well as, the Republican power elite.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, ''and neither do we''.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Whatever his views are this morning, they might change this afternoon, and they were different than they were last night, and they'll be different tomorrow. ... They seem to be ever, ever-changing, depending on what crowd he's in front of. Sounds like a typical politician, by the way, where you get in front of one crowd and say one thing, and then say something else to another crowd that may want to hear a different view. All the things that Donald Trump railed against, he seems to be morphing into — it's kind of disturbing. ... He doesn't believe in things, this is all a game.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If I had to choose between the [[atom bomb]] and [[Gene Sharp|Dr. Sharp]]’s book, I would choose this book.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“published the results of a long-running and in-depth investigation in 2017 in which it claimed that there are 14 cases of Russians, or people involved with Russia, who have been murdered in Britain by the Russian state, but which the British authorities have covered up (see ). The evidence is compelling.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“We intend to establish the equivalence with cash and there is a huge difference there, for example '''in cash we don’t know who is using a 100 dollar bill today''' ... the key difference with the CBDC is that '''the [[central bank]] will have absolute control''' on the rules and regulations that will determine the use regarding that expression of central bank liability and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] you know the digital euro is going to have a limited amount of control. There will be control, you're right, you're completely right. We are considering whether for very small amounts, you know, anything that is around 300, 400 Euros, we could have a mechanism where there is zero control. But that could be dangerous, the terrorist attacks on France, uh back, uh 10 years ago, were entirely financed by those very small anonymous credit cards that you can recharge in total anonymity.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“CBDC can allow government agencies and private sector players to program, to create smart contracts, to allow targeted policy functions, e.g. welfare payments, e.g. [[consumption coupons]], e.g. food stamps. By programming CBDC, those monies can be precisely targeted, for what kind of people can own and for what uses these monies can be utilized, e.g. for [[food]]. So this potential programmability can help government agencies to precisely target their support to those people who need support.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Two suspects are in [[FBI]] custody after a truckload of [[explosives]] were discovered around the [[George Washington Bridge]]. That bridge links [[New York]] to [[New Jersey]] over the Hudson River. Whether the discovery of those explosives has anything to do with [[9-11|other events today]] is unclear, but the FBI, has two suspects in hand, said the truckload of explosives, enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The CIA is set up like a military organization with a sacred chain of command. Somebody tells you what to do and you salute and do it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A majority of U.S. intelligence agencies has so far concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic mostly likely started when SARS-CoV-2 jumped from an infected animal host into people; a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, has received intense attention from researchers as the potential source. But the Department of Energy and FBI so far have favored the so-called lab-leak hypothesis, even though none of the agencies has expressed high confidence in their conclusions on COVID-19’s origin. CIA, for example, had reportedly said it was “unable to determine” whether SARS-CoV-2 made a direct jump from animals to humans—or came from a lab. Now, Representative Brad Wenstrup (R–OH), who chairs the [[House of Representatives Select Subcommittee]] on the Coronavirus Pandemic, says his panel and the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have heard testimony from a [[whistleblower]] “who presents as a highly credible senior-level [[CIA]] officer.” According to the press release, the whistleblower testified that only the most senior analyst of a seven-member CIA team investigating the origin of COVID-19 supported the zoonotic transmission theory. The whistleblower alleged the other six team members supporting the lab origin then received “a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” wrote Wenstrup and Representative Mike Turner (R–OH), who chairs the intelligence panel.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[George H. W. Bush|[Bush]]] wielded this heightened power on behalf of the [[military industrial complex]] that [[president Eisenhower]] had so famously warned against. Politicising the process of intelligence analysis, he imposed a systematic bias that took a new, harder line towards the communist block. This was a direct reversal of the [[Nixon]]-[[Kissinger]] policy of [[detente]]. Under the guidance of [[Rumsfeld]], [[Dick Cheney|Cheney]], a young [[Paul Wolfowitz]] and others who had ascended in the [[Halloween massacre]], Poppy began finding ways to get around the analysts who did not sufficiently hype the Soviet [[threat]]. To that end, he created a second analytical team which produced alarming estimates of Soviet military capabilities. The concept was known as Team A - [[Team B]]. In this way, Poppy was the father of the analytical gamesmanship [[George W. Bush|his son]] would use to justify [[2003 Iraq War|war with Iraq]] nearly three decades later, under the guidance of the same Rumseld, Cheney and Wolfowitz.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Going back 50 years, the agency's practice was to publicly identify and praise most of [[Frank Archibald|Archibald]]'s predecessors. Why? Paradoxically, it’s a job that requires a certain degree of public exposure. The spy chief's duties require him to visit regularly with the [[FBI]], [[NSA]] and the dozen other branches of the [[U.S. intelligence community]], to testify to congressional oversight committees and to meet with his foreign counterparts, either here or in some of the world’s most dangerous neighborhoods. Nearly two dozen of his predecessors have been known to the public. It’s too bad they’re going all black-cloak with Archibald, because after the bumpy tenures of the past few people in that job, the agency could benefit from letting people know that it has a "quiet professional" at the helm, as one former colleague put it, a figure of continuity at an agency that has changed CIA directors six times since [[2003]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[T]he CIA inspector general’s office recently admitted to ‘mistakenly’ destroying their only copy of the classified report. Although [[CIA Director]] [[John Brennan]] possesses another copy of the torture report, he refuses to send a replacement to the internal watchdog’s office.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I think people tend to dismiss the FBI in this period as just being easy to spot, rigid, in sync with [[J. Edgar Hoover]]’s organizational culture. We discovered there was that, but there was also a high degree of sophistication at the top levels...I think Cointelpro is mysticized and fetishized. It was extreme, and it did do some awful things....Cointelpro was serious, but it’s only part of the picture. It seems that what worked best for the FBI was the tried-and-true methods. It was a matter of putting informants in, getting information, infiltrating early on to get informants at the peak of the organization’s leadership pyramid. Trying to split people from each other, spreading rumors in the press. These are things that still happen today, albeit in different forms and probably by different agencies.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I hear criticism but I absolutely don't accept it. [[CONTEST/Prevent|Prevent]] is not about [[spying]] on communities. It's about safeguarding.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“For two years now we have been witnessing a global [[coup d’état]], in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious leaders.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Tedros_Adhanom_Ghebreyesus|Dr. Tedros]], [[WHO/Director-General|DG]] of [[WHO]], said a few days ago, we must move towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“He [[Craig Kelly]] needs to decide what is the appropriate thing for a [[Australia/MP|member of Parliament]] to be commenting on.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There’s no heroism in any of this. This is merely a matter of honesty. The only possible way to fight the plague is honesty.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“If one of the first thoughts that goes through the head of a [[Shi Zhengli|lab director]] at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is that the [[COVID-19|new coronavirus]] could have come from her lab, then we are obliged to entertain the scientific possibility that it could indeed have come from her lab. Right then, there should have been a comprehensive, pockets-inside-out, fully public investigation of the Virology Institute, along with the other important virus labs in [[Wuhan]], including the one close by the seafood market, headquarters of the Wuhan CDC. There should have been interviews with scientists, interviews with biosafety teams, close parsings of laboratory notebooks, freezer and plumbing and decontamination systems checks — everything. It didn’t happen. The Wuhan Institute of Virology closed down its databases of viral genomes, and the Chinese Ministry of Education sent out a directive: “Any paper that traces the origin of the virus must be strictly and tightly managed.””  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I am not a fan of the vaccinated, the unvaccinated going separately to the mall. The malls were open last year when we didn’t have a vaccine. It would be hilarious and absurd to close them now, when we have this solution: the vaccine.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There’s no heroism in any of this. This is merely a matter of honesty. The only possible way to fight the plague is honesty.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Tedros_Adhanom_Ghebreyesus|Dr. Tedros]], [[WHO/Director-General|DG]] of [[WHO]], said a few days ago, we must move towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The IMF is explicit. In one of its lending windows, the [[Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust]], which applies to [[pandemic]]s, generously, ''"provides grants for debt relief to our poorest and most vulnerable members."'' Nonsensical statement: it is there to replenish the coffers of the creditors, the money is allocated to debt servicing.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Anywhere you see the phrase, "the [[New Normal]]" – you should reject it. It's based on fraudulent premise that #COVID19 is somehow fundamentally much greater threat than other infectious diseases, when it's not. Anyone pushing this should be confronted and publicly admonished.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Journalists should stop asking about an ‘exit strategy.’ There is only one way we can ‘exit’ full lockdown and that is when we have a [[COVID-19/Vaccine|vaccine]]. Until then, we need to find ways we can adapt society and strike a balance between the health of the nation and our economy”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is unclear if SARS2 is 100 percent natural or emerged due to lab/research activities. If we walk away from this, demonstrating that we cannot effectively investigate its origins, it will pave the way for future COVIDS.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Patients, mostly otherwise healthy and in their late teens and 20s, are showing up with severe shortness of breath, often after suffering for several days with vomiting, fever and fatigue. Some have wound up in the intensive care unit or on a ventilator for weeks. Treatment has been complicated by patients’ lack of knowledge — and sometimes outright denial — about the actual substances they might have used or inhaled.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“A majority of U.S. intelligence agencies has so far concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic mostly likely started when SARS-CoV-2 jumped from an infected animal host into people; a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, has received intense attention from researchers as the potential source. But the Department of Energy and FBI so far have favored the so-called lab-leak hypothesis, even though none of the agencies has expressed high confidence in their conclusions on COVID-19’s origin. CIA, for example, had reportedly said it was “unable to determine” whether SARS-CoV-2 made a direct jump from animals to humans—or came from a lab. Now, Representative [[Brad Wenstrup]] (R–OH), who chairs the [[House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic]], says his panel and the [[House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence]] have heard testimony from a [[whistleblower]] “who presents as a highly credible senior-level [[CIA]] officer.” According to the press release, the whistleblower testified that only the most senior analyst of a seven-member [[CIA]] team investigating the origin of [[COVID-19]] supported the zoonotic transmission theory. The [[whistleblower]] alleged the other six team members supporting the lab origin then received “a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” wrote Wenstrup and Representative [[Mike Turner]] (R–OH), who chairs the intelligence panel.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[T]here is a process, being fed by [[mainstream media]] accounts and genuine [[panic]] in populations unclear what the real dangers are, that has alarming implications for the post-pandemic future.... A relevant question is whether certain [[deep politician|bad actors]], and there are some in this world, are opportunistically '''using the widespread fears around the COVID-19 to advance an agenda of “[[lock step]]” top down [[social control]], one that would include stark [[freedom of movement|limits on travel]], perhaps replacing of [[cash]] by “sanitary” electronic cash, mandatory [[vaccination]]''' even though the long term side effects are not proven safe, [[unlimited surveillance]] and the curtailing of [[personal freedoms]] such as political protests on the excuse it will allow “identification of people who refuse to be tested or vaccinated,” and countless other restrictions. Much of the [[Rockefeller 2010 scenario]] is already evident. [[Fear]] is never a good guide to sound reason.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“People in the UK widely believed that the pseudopandemic was real, not because the scientific or statistical evidence was clear but because '''<u>[ the government spent billions with PR firms]</u>''' to run “hard-hitting” media campaigns designed to convince them of it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There are now 50-some high-quality zero prevalence studies, says it has a 95% survival rate for people who are 70 and older. For people under 70, it's 99.95% survival. It's much less deadly for people who are under 70, 99.95. And for children, it's frankly, the flu is worse. We've had more flu deaths among children this year than COVID deaths, just in terms of mortality.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“People act like they have a choice. You don't have a choice. Normalcy only returns when we've largely [[vaccinated]] the entire global population [against [[COVID-19]]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[COVID-19/Vaccine|These [COVID-19] vaccines]] are unlikely to completely [[sterilize]] a population. They're very likely to have an effect which works in a percentage. Say, 60% or 70%.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There will be no recovery. There will be social unrest. There will be violence.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Already some employers are demanding that their employees have [[COVID-19/Vaccine|vaccines]]. Leading a normal working life as part of society will become impossible without proof you’ve had a vaccine. Government shouldn’t stand in the way of that — it should facilitate it. As our real [[passports]] already say on the first page, Covid passports will “allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance”. Bring them on.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Scientists have achieved miracles with the [[COVID-19/Vaccines|vaccines]]. Now the world’s leaders have just to show elementary common sense. They must do “whatever it takes” to finance accelerated production and distribution of vaccines – and, if necessary, reformulated vaccines – globally. This is the only way for us to regain any sort of normality. Nothing should be allowed to get in the way. This is a global war and our species is not yet winning. That has to change, from tomorrow.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It is by coming together on vaccine research, mass production and distribution, that we will deliver safe and fair access to vaccines to all that need it, leaving no one behind.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“COVID-19 does not respect borders. No country will be safe until the people of every country have access to the vaccine.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Every time I open the [[obituary]] pages of the local [[newspaper]], I find so many people that I know have died. A whole generation is being wiped out.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“China has taken the strongest measures to contain the spread of the virus compared to the rest of the world, with a mixture of distinctive solutions, from the world’s most severe lockdown in Wuhan to the generalized use of digital tools. It has paid off.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“In the end, everyone will have to be vaccinated; even the [[anti-vaxxers]] will realize that they will either get vaccinated or die. So, I urge everyone to take this opportunity"”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Some argue [[COVID-19 vaccine mandates]] are human rights violations. Not really, say experts on actual [[human rights]] violations. In fact, some point to the more fundamental right of everyone to be protected from COVID-19...”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“People act like they have a choice. You don't have a choice. Normalcy only returns when we've largely [[vaccinated]] the entire global population [against [[COVID-19]]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“You have the option to not get [[vaccinated]] if you want, but then you can't go out in public.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The MOTIVE is to default on all government debts and to hide their failure, Schwab is presenting this as you will own nothing and be happy because governments will erase all debt. Pension will be replaced by Guaranteed Basic Income.<br>So while everyone argues over COVID, vaccines, COVID passports, and lockdowns, the real plot is never discussed. This is what 2032 is all about. It is the '''end of an era''' that began with Keynesian Economics and the Great Depression. Part of Schwab’s 2030 agenda is to end democracy they call “populism” for we are too stupid to know what is best for us, when it is all about them retaining power.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Coronavirus has its own beneficiaries, billionaires all over the world—this is already a fact—they have significantly increased their fortunes, the gap between the very rich and the rest of the population has noticeably increased. The rich have become even richer, and the poor have become even poorer.<br>Is this mafia going to give up trillions of its profits? Therefore, they continue to whip up panic, and vaccines become elements of big politics. Real vaccine wars have unfolded in the West. They do not recognize Sputnik V, they treat Sinopharm with caution, at the same time imposing their own product like Pfizer. But in fact, they divide the markets and sort people.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism. Every time you comply the demands will get greater and greater.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I have done my bit and been [[vaccinated]] because we were told that was the route to protect others and regain our [[freedoms]]. Neither was correct. I will not allow my perfectly healthy body to become a cash cow for [[Pfizer]].”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Were it not for the test data that you get from the TV all the time, you would rightly conclude that the pandemic was over, as nothing much has happened.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“I want to say it again: we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus. [. . .] We may well have a doubling of world poverty by early next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents and poor families are not able to afford it.<br><br>This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other. But remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.<br>”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“as part of that transition, we are seeing high prices for some of the things that people have to buy [...] the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“the next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus . . . or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu. [...] Whether it occurs by a quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year. And they say there is a reasonable probability the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10-15 years.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“All city residents aged six years or older were eligible and 9,899,828 (92.9%) participated... There were no positive tests amongst 1,174 close contacts of asymptomatic cases... there was no evidence that the identified asymptomatic positive cases were infectious.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[...] It's because [[big pharma]] is losing money. Year, over year, over year - go look at the data. 30 percent they spent more and more and more, in RD (research & development), and you would think if you spent more RD, you should be getting more allowances. Well, they are getting 30 percent less, and less allowances. Why? Because even the FDA is recognising that their products are toxic. So their new business model is vaccines - why? Because pharmaceutical drugs you can sue the manufacturer, you can take them to [[court]], they spend five billion dollars, 13 - 14 years, very expensive, high risk, low reward, you can get sued. Vaccines? No risk. You know why - because they do not go through the same regulatory framework, they call them biologics. Alright? Number two, you can't sue vaccine manufacturers, [ thank you Ed Kennedy] and the politicians who protected big pharma. You can't sue them. And if you can, you have to go through a [[vaccine court]] run by the US government, which means tax payers pay for it... 30 million people in the United States now do yoga. Think about that. So you have this trend were people are saying, I'm gonna take care of my body, I'm gonna find out the right foods for my kids, I'm gonna start understanding vitamins and herbs. This did not occur ten years ago. And so therefore big pharma sees their entire business model tanking. If you want we can do a whole analysis, you can bring all the economists in the world and we will show you the data, that their business model is tanking, it's burning to the ground, literally. So they need a new business model. And that business model is vaccines - why? Or cell therapies, they are called biologics. They don't need to go through the same stringent testing and they avoid all the litigation. That is what pharma is looking at, their [[drugs]] are failing - they do not work, more and more people want healthy life styles - they need to mandate vaccines, that is what this is about.”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“So, really understanding the safety at gigantic scale across all age ranges, pregnant, male, female, undernourished, existing co-morbidities, it's very, very hard and that actual decision of OK, let's go and give this vaccine to the entire world, governments will have to be involved because there will be some risks and indemnification needed before that can be decided on.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“knowing [[COVID-19|the virus]], knowing [[COVID-19/Vaccine|these vaccines]], knowing these two areas of science, I am quite confident that it’s just a matter of time before we will have a number of [[COVID-19/Varians|variants]] that can readily bypass this narrowly focused immunity that these vaccines confer.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Nearly three years into the pandemic, China is sticking with a strict COVID-19 containment policy that has caused mounting economic damage and widespread frustration, while keeping its borders shut for most international travel. China has yet to describe when or how it will begin to exit from an approach that it calls "dynamic zero". China says it recognises domestic outbreaks are inevitable, and its policies are not geared towards having zero cases at all times but instead, are about "dynamically" taking action when cases surface. Dynamic-zero is two-pronged - prevention and containment. This year has seen the intensification of both aspects as the highly transmissible Omicron variant spread across China. Prevention focuses on early detection through regular PCR tests, especially in cities, where a recent negative result can be a requirement to enter a business or public facility. Potential or suspected cases are isolated at home or placed under quarantine at a government-supervised facility. Those deemed close contacts of infected people must quarantine, and even distant or potential contact can result in an order to stay home. Control tactics, aimed at swiftly cutting off transmission chains to forestall outbreaks, involve quarantining cases at government-supervised facilities and locking down buildings, communities or even entire cities. Since March 2020, China's borders have remained shut to most visitors. Arrivals of all nationalities are subject to seven days of quarantine at a facility and three days of home isolation. Each person's PCR test result is electronically logged on government databases, as well as one's travel history, which is tracked by mobile phone signals. People must keep a "normal" COVID profile with continual negative test results, no contact with infected people and no visits to risky places. Profiles are maintained on mobile phone "health kits". An abnormal profile bars access to public venues and mass transit, and can even require home quarantine for days with electronic seals attached to doors to enforce isolation. Profiles can without warning turn abnormal - indicated by a change in colour or the dreaded appearance of a pop-up window - if one was at a mall visited by an infected person or if one was a contact of a close contact. Sometimes profiles become abnormal even if all the requirements are met. Visits to other cities or provinces may require quarantine on arrival. Lockdowns, which can be at the building level or much wider, can be sudden. A single case can trigger the lockdown of a building or residential compound, which means people cannot leave. Some lockdowns have lasted for months. Entire cities can be locked down with only hours of notice. Big cities that have been shut, sometimes more than once, include Shanghai, Xian, Chengdu, Tianjin, Shenzhen and even entire provinces and regions such as Xinjiang, Tibet and Jilin. China argues that its policy saves lives. The authorities acknowledge Omicron is far less likely to cause serious health issues but say its high transmissibility means large outbreaks would lead to a run on medical resources and expose vulnerable groups, including hundreds of millions of elderly people. China's official death toll had stayed near just 4,600 since 2020 until more than 560 fatalities struck Shanghai in April and May, spurring other cities to further enhance their COVID defences. Chinese health authorities predicted last month that for every 100,000 infections there would be at least 100 deaths. China has yet to approve any foreign vaccines or any domestically made shots based on mRNA technology. Authorities have also not pushed for a quicker pace of vaccination this year, compared with a big vaccination campaign in 2021. As of Tuesday, 3.44 billion doses had been administered, with over 90% of China's population fully vaccinated. But only around 60% of the general population has received booster shots. About 80% of those aged 60 and above have had additional doses.”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Anyone who’s over 70 who gets one of these mRNA vaccines will probably sadly die within about two to three years.    And I would say anyone who gets the mRNA injection, no matter what age you are, your life expectancy will be reduced to, you know, die if you’re in your thirties within five to ten years, and you probably will have allergy, neuro-cognitive issues, inflammation, and of course [[infertility]] is the major one”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“The Civil Service is there to advise on, but not to determine policy. A minister is there to see that government policy is carried out within his department… That said, had I been returned to office in [[1965]], there would have been some major changes made. It became obvious as soon as we were out of office in 1963 that there were quite a number of senior people in the public service, about whom I had not known, who had simply been underground, quietly working against my government and waiting for the Liberals to return to power.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“You may have heard the term “[[deep state]]” in recent months, especially out of the [[United States]]. It is a powerful term, but in Canada its meaning is getting stripped. Up here, “deep state” is in danger of becoming just another term for [[bureaucratic]] inertia and a resistant [[civil service]]. That distorts the concept, so let’s take a look at this term, and an example of a deep state in Canada. Democracy depends on a wide range of institutions: [[political parties]]; [[courts]], [[police]], and [[CCM|media]]; non-partisan civil servants and arms-length [[regulator]]s; and [[universities]] with experts who pursue truth wherever evidence may lead. A key feature of democracy is that these institutions are genuinely independent. They are not beholden to any private interest, and are instead loyal to the public interest and obedient to the rule of law. But what happens when public institutions lose their independence? Even more, what happens when a whole series of democratic institutions falls under the sway of one private interest? This would occur, for example, when the governing party, the opposition party, the civil service, universities and regulators all follow the lead of the same private interest. When several key democratic institutions are captured and held by the same private interest, a “deep state” forms. A deep state is an unofficial system of government that arises separately from, but is closely connected to, the official system. It is a public-private hybrid that operates outside public view. In a modern [[democracy]] like [[Canada]], a deep state typically comprises leading owners and executives of major private interests and their allies, together with a selection of politicians and bureaucrats tied to the success of those private interests. A successful deep state captures and harnesses the institutions of democracy for its own use. Very few private interests have the resources to establish a deep state. In Canada, one that does is the [[oil industry]].”  
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“This American system of ours ... call it Americanism, call it [[capitalism]], call it what you like, gives to each and every one of us a great opportunity if we only seize it with both hands and make the most of it.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Early findings show that there really is a rapid uptake of different [[conspiracy theories]], particularly in the [[United States]] and [[France]]. Similar theories about other diseases that took years to establish themselves only took a few weeks to take hold, super quickly, because people are absorbing so much information! That’s what’s alarming.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“It's the old American Double Standard, ya know: Say one thing, do something' different. And of course, this country is founded on the double standard, that's our history! We were founded on a very basic double standard: This country was founded by slave owners who wanted to be free. Am I right? A group of slave owners who wanted to be free! So they killed a lot of white English people, in order to continue owning their black African people, so they could wipe out of the rest of the red Indian people, so they move west and steal the rest of the land from the brown [[Mexican]] people, giving them a place to take off and drop their nuclear weapons on the yellow Japanese people. You know what the motto of this country ought to be? "You give us a color, we'll wipe it out!"”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“Now listen, long as we’re discussing minorities, I’d like to mention something about language. There are a couple of terms being used a lot these days by guilty white [[liberals]]. First one is “happens to be”… “He happens to be black. I have a friend who happens to be black.” Like it’s a fucking accident you know? Happens to be black? “Yes, he happens to be black.” Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he had two black parents? “Oh yes, yes he did. Yes, that’s right.” Right, and they fucked? “Oh indeed they did… indeed they did.” So where does the surprise part come in? I should think it would be more unusual if he just happened to be Scandinavian! And the other term is “openly.” “Openly gay.” They say “he’s openly gay.” But that’s the only minority they use that for. You know, you wouldn’t say someone was “openly black.” … well maybe James Brown… or Louis Farrakhan; Louis Farrakhan is openly black. [[Colin Powell]] is not openly black, Colin Powell is openly white; he just happens to be black.”  +
    <font face="{{{font}}}">“[[Drug dealers]] aren’t afraid to die. They’re already killing each other every day on the streets by the hundreds. Drive-bys, gang shootings, they’re not afraid to die. The death penalty doesn’t mean anything unless you use it on people who are afraid to die. Like… the [[bankers]] who launder the drug money! The bankers. Who launder. The drug money! Forget the dealers, you want to slow down that drug traffic, you got to start executing a few of these fucking bankers.”  +